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2021-22 Performances

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4.2 Season Average Rating
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Is he that talented though? Outside of speed what is he good at?

Pace is huge though but along with pace he has incredible shot power, on his good days and he's a more than decent goal scorer.

I think he's pretty talented but not some massive raw talent waiting to explode. This is why his most affective role would be as a support player or squad player of the bench. Almost a bit like Walcott for Arsenal who has good spells but could never really make it.
Interesting retweet by Mike Phelan. He's also liked the tweet.

Probably just mad because what would they use him for. Trainer/coach annoyed that a player wants to train outside of the season without them". You can easily spin it that way. I have nothing against players wanting to train in the off-season with their own trainers, every elite athlete does it. Also Marcus has been off for awhile because of his illness and he didn't play in the nations league. He definitely needs to stay in shape, I'd be more worried if he was still on vacation.
Probably just mad because what would they use him for. Trainer/coach annoyed that a player wants to train outside of the season without them". You can easily spin it that way. I have nothing against players wanting to train in the off-season with their own trainers, every elite athlete does it. Also Marcus has been off for awhile because of his illness and he didn't play in the nations league. He definitely needs to stay in shape, I'd be more worried if he was still on vacation.

This. If he wouldn't post Training Videos on Instagram, while a lot of his teammates do:

I bet there would be comments in here such as--> not interested in football anymore.
---> doesnt want to work hard

or something similar. Guy can't do right at the moment.
He can do right by shutting up and playing better. He gives the impression of someone who thinks he’s been wronged and what’s shit about his game must be someone else’s fault.

Being played ‘out of position’ being ‘attacked’ because it was suggested he ‘concrete on his football’ , having to ‘overcome his natural shyness’ to talk to the manager. Now it’s that he lacked ‘guidance’

I doubt he’ll ever turn things around because it doesn’t appear as if he thinks he’s doing anything wrong
Those who say that Rashford is just pace probably don't understand what it means to be a professional footballer. Regardless of how you have felt regarding his performances last season, his talent is certainly there. Let me list down his positive and negative attributes.

Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker.
  • Ball Control - He has a pretty good first touch based on some of his goals, especially those from long passes. His general ball control while dribbling or with possession is also quite good.
  • Strength - Not sure if people have noticed but he can be quite strong. I remember him holding off Kante during our 2-0 win against Chelsea in 16/17 season.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes.
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker.
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season).
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries.

He is a bit similar to Ronaldo in his Real Madrid years, minus the mentality. A lot of people and even footballing professionals underestimate what mentality can do to a player's performance. If ETH and his coaching staff can keep him in shape and motivated, he will be a deadly weapon. Probably his best position is a left or right forward in a 4-3-3 shape or a winger cutting into the final third.
Those who say that Rashford is just pace probably don't understand what it means to be a professional footballer. Regardless of how you have felt regarding his performances last season, his talent is certainly there. Let me list down his positive and negative attributes.

Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker.
  • Ball Control - He has a pretty good first touch based on some of his goals, especially those from long passes. His general ball control while dribbling or with possession is also quite good.
  • Strength - Not sure if people have noticed but he can be quite strong. I remember him holding off Kante during our 2-0 win against Chelsea in 16/17 season.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes.
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker.
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season).
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries.

He is a bit similar to Ronaldo in his Real Madrid years, minus the mentality. A lot of people and even footballing professionals underestimate what mentality can do to a player's performance. If ETH and his coaching staff can keep him in shape and motivated, he will be a deadly weapon. Probably his best position is a left or right forward in a 4-3-3 shape or a winger cutting into the final third.

Dribbles into blind alleys.

Never looks like he is fully in control of his actions on the ball.

Gets bullied and outfought by many players.

Would have to make a run into the box to get a header off.

Hasn't worked hard off the ball in about 3 years offensively or defensively.

In attack his lack of intelligent movement of the ball is a massive part of why this Utd team struggled to break down deep defensive lines.

His shooting is wayward, erratic and his cut in and shot/cross from the left is basically his go to trick.

Haven't seen much in 3 years to suggest he's got much stamina left.

Even when he was scoring, those goals were masking what were some truly horrific performances.

And as for comparing him to Ronaldo...........
Dribbles into blind alleys.

Never looks like he is fully in control of his actions on the ball.

Gets bullied and outfought by many players.

Would have to make a run into the box to get a header off.

Hasn't worked hard off the ball in about 3 years offensively or defensively.

In attack his lack of intelligent movement of the ball is a massive part of why this Utd team struggled to break down deep defensive lines.

His shooting is wayward, erratic and his cut in and shot/cross from the left is basically his go to trick.

Haven't seen much in 3 years to suggest he's got much stamina left.

Even when he was scoring, those goals were masking what were some truly horrific performances.

And as for comparing him to Ronaldo...........

Looks like a judgment based on what you have seen last season. Like I said, mentality can make a big difference. Let the manager judge the player rather than us fans, who have no idea what can happen behind the scenes.
Looks like a judgment based on what you have seen last season. Like I said, mentality can make a big difference. Let the manager judge the player rather than us fans, who have no idea what can happen behind the scenes.

My biggest problem with him has always been how poor his off the ball runs and movements are. He's a player who is fine when he has 40 or 50 yards of space to gallop into. But, put a defence in front of him and he doesn't know what to do. Which is why he will stand still, run into blind alleys with the ball or try and break through with 100mph 1-2s. Because, he is not a very intelligent player, he has very little composure and doesn't play with his head up.

And it's not just last season, in terms of overall displays, he's been very poor for at least 3 seasons. For 2 of those he was scoring goals and those goals were masking over some absolutely pathetic displays.
Rashford is talented, capable of the spectacular with his pace, shooting and off the ball movement. But he never learned to play to his strength that's why his lows are so low. This days he doesn't try at all but before now he tends to try to hard on the things he isn't good at, partially because he has never had a manager who coaches what players should do with the ball when they have it aside aside from LVG for 3 months.
I'll like to see how he'll adapt to ETH football, if he can manage to improve his basic decision making and know when to go for the kill then he'll be a good player for us.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.

Hard to believe the entire post isn't a wum but this one point especially is funny.

Rashford has scored 2 headers in the last 4 seasons.
It’s really make or break for him this year.

He still has some good will amongst some, but unless he delivers this year he’ll be moved on next summer and he’ll just be another Welbeck, Cleverly etc.
Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker. - His dribbling is atrocious! It's rinse / repeat stuff, head down running into a channel. Zero intelligence.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes. Not so much last year, he was a right lazy sod!
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes. His positioning for a goal scorer is poor, some wide play positioning is OK though.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal. Good power as you say but his accuracy is really poor.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing. Ties into the sentiment above, work rate has been dreadful.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker. Agreed
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season). Agreed - His football intelligence is lacking, his decision making awful. Never seems to learn, he very much seems to always want the glory himself.
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes. His passing has been terrible for a long time, loses possession so frequently.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track. Seems to have a bad attitude of late, the off field antics have taken over completely, zero chance a top coach puts up with it, he'd be sold instantly.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries. Serious concern for a player his age.

I agree with a lot of your sentiments but I do think you're being very kind to him too.

If were perfectly honest he's hit his limit, he hasn't improved much from his debut, its pretty much the same player. If anything he has regressed due to the injuries, a weak mentality and his focus completely elsewhere with his own off field interests taking over.

Ultimately it all adds up to a player that should probably be sold next summer.
Hard to believe the entire post isn't a wum but this one point especially is funny.

Rashford has scored 2 headers in the last 4 seasons.

4 actually. But you can't decide heading capability based on number of headers scored, but how many headers scored from aerial crosses aimed at his heading height and the overall difficulty of the headers.

If you look at his 4 headers, 3 of them are not easy to score.
  • The 1st against Arsenal in 2015/16 required him to head at either side of Petr Cech while holding off the defender's challenge. There was not much speed on the cross, so he still had to put in a lot of power and direction.
  • The 2nd one against Huddersfield in 17/18 was free for him to head, but challenging as the cross was coming at a higher height where he had to direct it down and at the side of the keeper.
  • The 3rd one against Valencia in 18/19 was the easiest one though he still had to place it on either side of the keeper which he did it with power.
  • The 4th one against Newcastle in 19/20 was another difficult cross, coming at a higher height with a defender challenging for the ball, yet he managed to direct it in the shortest gap between the keeper and the post.

Basically his heading power and his placement is very good. Unfortunately, Rashford has been used as a winger who cuts in or a inside forward where he is normally on the left or right side, where he does the crossing for the main strikers (Lukaku, Martial and Cavani/Ronaldo). Based on United's style of play during Mourinho and Ole's time, he typically receives final balls at his feet where he either is on a one-on-one situation with the keeper or low crosses. This is why he doesn't have much crosses to head from, resulting in a low number of headers.
I agree with a lot of your sentiments but I do think you're being very kind to him too.

If were perfectly honest he's hit his limit, he hasn't improved much from his debut, its pretty much the same player. If anything he has regressed due to the injuries, a weak mentality and his focus completely elsewhere with his own off field interests taking over.

Ultimately it all adds up to a player that should probably be sold next summer.

Agree that it is make or break for him. Talent is there but without mentality, it is pretty useless. Let's see how he responds this season.
It’s really make or break for him this year.

He still has some good will amongst some, but unless he delivers this year he’ll be moved on next summer and he’ll just be another Welbeck, Cleverly etc.

Agreed on first part, disagree on last line of the 2nd in terms of the comparison.

I don't know much about ETH's track record of reviving players' careers, but if he is strong in this area then Rashford can certainly benefit so long as he commits 100% throughout the season.
He can do right by shutting up and playing better. He gives the impression of someone who thinks he’s been wronged and what’s shit about his game must be someone else’s fault.

Being played ‘out of position’ being ‘attacked’ because it was suggested he ‘concrete on his football’ , having to ‘overcome his natural shyness’ to talk to the manager. Now it’s that he lacked ‘guidance’

I doubt he’ll ever turn things around because it doesn’t appear as if he thinks he’s doing anything wrong

Wouldn't be surprised if he plays well the start of the season, but may down tools again if he misses out on the England World Cup squad and United have had a patchy start.
Those who say that Rashford is just pace probably don't understand what it means to be a professional footballer. Regardless of how you have felt regarding his performances last season, his talent is certainly there. Let me list down his positive and negative attributes.

Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker.
  • Ball Control - He has a pretty good first touch based on some of his goals, especially those from long passes. His general ball control while dribbling or with possession is also quite good.
  • Strength - Not sure if people have noticed but he can be quite strong. I remember him holding off Kante during our 2-0 win against Chelsea in 16/17 season.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes.
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker.
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season).
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries.

He is a bit similar to Ronaldo in his Real Madrid years, minus the mentality. A lot of people and even footballing professionals underestimate what mentality can do to a player's performance. If ETH and his coaching staff can keep him in shape and motivated, he will be a deadly weapon. Probably his best position is a left or right forward in a 4-3-3 shape or a winger cutting into the final third.

MR/PR has finally opened an account on here I see.
Wouldn't be surprised if he plays well the start of the season, but may down tools again if he misses out on the England World Cup squad and United have had a patchy start.

You wonder what’s next.
“Rashford is ready to make an impact this season if fans give him the respect he deserves”
It’s really make or break for him this year.

He still has some good will amongst some, but unless he delivers this year he’ll be moved on next summer and he’ll just be another Welbeck, Cleverly etc.

People forget that he'll have a year left on his current contract next summer. Can anyone guarantee he won't just decide to do what Pogba did and sit out the contract?

That's the gamble of not selling him this year, if he had three years left I'd be more willing to give him another season.
Agree that it is make or break for him. Talent is there but without mentality, it is pretty useless. Let's see how he responds this season.

Yep, I'd give him a final roll at the dice most likely playing from outwide.

We badly need a proper CF for cover for Ronaldo. If we don't get one in then I'd say ETH will probably try a different formation, false 9 perhaps with Bruno.
Well it’s convenient for us if he can get his act together. Why wouldn’t we want players to improve? Otherwise you’re saying that you want new ones all the time?

Untill we are successful again no player should be guaranteed an infinite amount of time to improve or find themselves. We shouldn’t be constrained by PR or by giving players terrible contracts. It should always be the best player for the job at that given moment and certainly if you’re not doing it for years you should be replaced, you would in any other business. It’s been far too easy around here for too long. Players like Rashford and Martial are coasting, if you can even call it that, on some of the biggest money in the league for years now. If you were aggressively looking to trim the fat you could cut both and replace with one much harder working and resilient starter and a much cheaper youth player and get much more value to the team overall.
During peak rashford years I came on here to say his dribbling isn't anything special and got massacred for it.

Was told he purposefully plays away from his body so he can bait the defenders. Tbf that might have been true since his problem is more running into dead ends.
Untill we are successful again no player should be guaranteed an infinite amount of time to improve or find themselves. We shouldn’t be constrained by PR or by giving players terrible contracts. It should always be the best player for the job at that given moment and certainly if you’re not doing it for years you should be replaced, you would in any other business. It’s been far too easy around here for too long. Players like Rashford and Martial are coasting, if you can even call it that, on some of the biggest money in the league for years now. If you were aggressively looking to trim the fat you could cut both and replace with one much harder working and resilient starter and a much cheaper youth player and get much more value to the team overall.
Im not sure what I wrote there that inspired a rant.

we obviously aren’t in a position to replace all in one window

so giving a chance to a young player who’s putting the hard work in that’s been missing is not exactly hard. It’s not as if we are guaranteeing anyone game time. Rashford has to prove not only fans wrong but also the likes of mcclaren so he’s got a lot to do to get back to the lad that was scoring 20 goals a season.

so I personally wouldn’t write him off yet. Especially when we can’t afford too
Those who say that Rashford is just pace probably don't understand what it means to be a professional footballer. Regardless of how you have felt regarding his performances last season, his talent is certainly there. Let me list down his positive and negative attributes.

Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker.
  • Ball Control - He has a pretty good first touch based on some of his goals, especially those from long passes. His general ball control while dribbling or with possession is also quite good.
  • Strength - Not sure if people have noticed but he can be quite strong. I remember him holding off Kante during our 2-0 win against Chelsea in 16/17 season.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes.
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker.
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season).
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries.

He is a bit similar to Ronaldo in his Real Madrid years, minus the mentality. A lot of people and even footballing professionals underestimate what mentality can do to a player's performance. If ETH and his coaching staff can keep him in shape and motivated, he will be a deadly weapon. Probably his best position is a left or right forward in a 4-3-3 shape or a winger cutting into the final third.
Samuel Luckhurst burner account for sure
Those who say that Rashford is just pace probably don't understand what it means to be a professional footballer. Regardless of how you have felt regarding his performances last season, his talent is certainly there. Let me list down his positive and negative attributes.

Positives (besides pace)
  • Dribbling - He mainly dribbles using pace with a few tricks in his locker.
  • Ball Control - He has a pretty good first touch based on some of his goals, especially those from long passes. His general ball control while dribbling or with possession is also quite good.
  • Strength - Not sure if people have noticed but he can be quite strong. I remember him holding off Kante during our 2-0 win against Chelsea in 16/17 season.
  • Heading - His heading is good, especially if you look at his goals from the 19/20 season.
  • Off the Ball - He is capable of tracking back to defend, pressing and getting into spaces for key offensive passes.
  • Positioning (Offensive) - Overlaps with the off the ball attribute, where he is capable of positioning himself for crosses or passes.
  • Shooting - He has a powerful shooting technique which is best when it is further away from the goal.
  • Stamina - His stamina is quite good for a forward, which is evident from his pressing.

  • Finishing - He tends to rely on shooting power rather than placement, which is why he cannot be the main striker.
  • Decision-Making/Intelligence - He tends to be individualistic when he has possession in the final third, where he can make bad decisions (e.g. should have passed to Cavani during the 0-0 draw at Anfield in the 20/21 season).
  • Passing - His link-up play is good in the final third, but overall he tends to pull off badly timed passes.
  • Mentality - His biggest issue. When things don't go right for him, he will lose focus on the field and he is not able to get back on track.
  • Injuries - Tends to get into serious injuries.

He is a bit similar to Ronaldo in his Real Madrid years, minus the mentality. A lot of people and even footballing professionals underestimate what mentality can do to a player's performance. If ETH and his coaching staff can keep him in shape and motivated, he will be a deadly weapon. Probably his best position is a left or right forward in a 4-3-3 shape or a winger cutting into the final third.

Maybe you should concentrate on your football and spend less time posting on RedCafe Marcus.
Still I see post after post people accurately writing about all Rashford's failing then saying " he should probably be sold NEXT summer"
If your TV or microwave blows up do you wait 12m before buying a new one in the hope it will magically start working again.
Rashford will never be the player we need him to be. Absolutely no chance.
Still I see post after post people accurately writing about all Rashford's failing then saying " he should probably be sold NEXT summer"
If your TV or microwave blows up do you wait 12m before buying a new one in the hope it will magically start working again.
Rashford will never be the player we need him to be. Absolutely no chance.
Yes because football players are electronic appliances and bad form over a year is like them being “broken” or something :rolleyes:
Yes because football players are electronic appliances and bad form over a year is like them being “broken” or something :rolleyes:
My analogy as Im sure you are aware of was to stress the stupidity of waiting another year on a lost cause.
I absolutely stick by the 3rd line of my post. If Im wrong feel free to come on and roast me for it. I wont hold my breath.
My analogy as Im sure you are aware of was to stress the stupidity of waiting another year on a lost cause.
I absolutely stick by the 3rd line of my post. If Im wrong feel free to come on and roast me for it. I wont hold my breath.

We’re struggling to buy players, already lost some attacking players, and have one striker in the squad who is what, 38 now?

We can’t afford to sell him. Cross your fingers he has a good season which will be a good thing for everyone.
My analogy as Im sure you are aware of was to stress the stupidity of waiting another year on a lost cause.
I absolutely stick by the 3rd line of my post. If Im wrong feel free to come on and roast me for it. I wont hold my breath.
Out of interest what do we need Rashford to be?
Out of interest what do we need Rashford to be?
At £200k pw we should be expecting close to world class however that's the club stupidity.
I would expect any Utd starter to be among the best in the PL in his position. Otherwise how can we hope to get anywhere near City or liverpool because lets be honest, their players fit that criteria. 2022 Rashford would struggle in a championship team
The fact that you are asking just shows how low our standards and fan expectations have fallen. Sad times
At £200k pw we should be expecting close to world class however that's the club stupidity.
I would expect any Utd starter to be among the best in the PL in his position. Otherwise how can we hope to get anywhere near City or liverpool because lets be honest, their players fit that criteria. 2022 Rashford would struggle in a championship team
The fact that you are asking just shows how low our standards and fan expectations have fallen. Sad times
True, same could be said for nearly every player in the team as well. Would say though season before last and the one prior to that Rashford arguably did fit your criteria did he not?
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