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2023-24 Performances

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4.3 Season Average Rating
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There was a time there when one min injury time was gone when a Luton player did a 360 around him outside the box and he did nothing. Stunning even by his nonchalant not give a fook approach.
A ghost... sell him in the summer
This. His lack of effort and not wanting to know is a serious problem. I'm in the camp of sell him if an appropriate offer comes in.
Thought he looked better in the second half than the first. The issue we have is that we have a lack of good rotation options for his position, or at least something that will improve us. Guess the only real way forward is to hope that he plays himself out of form. I'm semi-hopeful he'll score and go on a little run to the end of the season to finish on a high.
If he's in form ATM then we're fudged.
I actually thought he was pretty good second half, abysmal in the first though.
Was a passenger for large parts of the game. had 3 semi decent moments but for the most part a non entity. Even the odd occasion when he decides to try and challenge someone it’s like he is not really challenging but just doing enough to make it look like he is trying to. When he does looks like he jumps in a manner more so to protect himself that trying to win the ball.
If we look at his average performance this season, today was better than that. Hopefully he's moving into right direction. He's the weakest link in our attacking trio atm.
I thought this was his best performance in a while. Unlucky not to score today but was actually really dangerous when he got the ball.

For those of you hammering his work rate, isn't it time to ask whether Ten Hag is asking him not to just run around like a headless chicken, but actually stay on the last man and be available for the counter? Laziness isn't the only explanation for a lack of running.
I think he was a fair bit better today than many have commented. He was a threat in attack, although as always he should have done better with some chances. But I thought he also worked hard and put the effort in.
One good pass at garnacho and one good individual effort with his left foot.

A game like today, where the opponents had big gaps in defense, and still couldn't do anything special.

First half was abysmal.
For those of you hammering his work rate, isn't it time to ask whether Ten Hag is asking him not to just run around like a headless chicken, but actually stay on the last man and be available for the counter? Laziness isn't the only explanation for a lack of running.

Maybe, but the way he let Barkley walk past him 35 yards from goal in the centre of the pitch with 5 minutes to go when we were holding on suggests otherwise.
Anyone even remotely thinking that was an ok performance is showing how far our standards as a fanbase have fallen. I thought he was terrible.
Anyone even remotely thinking that was an ok performance is showing how far our standards as a fanbase have fallen. I thought he was terrible.

He didnt have a single good moment.

For some people two shots straight at the goalkeeper from the edge of the box are enough to make a performance reasonable.
He didnt have a single good moment.

For some people two shots straight at the goalkeeper from the edge of the box are enough to make a performance reasonable.

He made an absolute bollox of that early cutback in the first half that he launched straight at the keeper.
Being "pressed" by Rashford surely one of the nicest experiences on a football pitch.
He didnt have a single good moment.

For some people two shots straight at the goalkeeper from the edge of the box are enough to make a performance reasonable.
Bollocks. He made a wonderful pass to Garnacho which he fluffed. Good dribble past two players forcing a save from Kaminski. Also another nice through ball to Garnacho which he failed to convert into anything dangerous right at the end.
He didnt have a single good moment.

For some people two shots straight at the goalkeeper from the edge of the box are enough to make a performance reasonable.

You’re really racking up an impressive tally of straight up nonsensical posts about football. Definitely closing in on some of the very worst football posters on the caf.

And I’m saying this as someone who found Rashford very frustrating today (and for basically this whole season)

Even Barkley seemed surprised.

He does this every game. There's no real desire to get the ball. Just a half jog to make it look like he's pressing.

It happens week in week out and nothing happens. An example of standards being eroded at the club that he gets away with it and continues to play. Such a lack of effort off the ball wouldn't have been accepted in the past.
You’re really racking up an impressive tally of straight up nonsensical posts about football. Definitely closing in on some of the very worst football posters on the caf.

And I’m saying this as someone who found Rashford very frustrating today (and for basically this whole season)

Must be doing something right then by those standards.

Truly nonsensical for anyone to suggest that Rashford didnt have any good moments today. Baffling, off the wall, moon landing conspiracy level stuff.

Mixed bag, but definitely some pretty good moments in there. Could easily have had a goal with a bit more luck.
He must also have a head made of glass. Any opposition player who even strokes his face and Rashford goes down like he's been beaten with a baseball bat

Even Barkley seemed surprised.

This sadly has now become normal with Rashford. He did fine in the game but if we carry on indulging players who can't be bothered, then we shouldn't be surprised at a lack of system/style developing. Because in the present day where there's so much emphasis placed on closing down players collectively, you can't carry someone who refuses to do the bare minimum out of possession.
I thought this was his best performance in a while. Unlucky not to score today but was actually really dangerous when he got the ball.

For those of you hammering his work rate, isn't it time to ask whether Ten Hag is asking him not to just run around like a headless chicken, but actually stay on the last man and be available for the counter? Laziness isn't the only explanation for a lack of running.
Its not just his defensive positioning; you might be right about that. But he still doesn't actually make any effort to make an actual challenge when he gets a chance. His body language is awful, his effort terrible.
I praised him for tonight's performance but there's no defending this.

How does he keep getting away with stuff like this? Why doesn't our manager sit him down and tell him that either he shows a bare minimum of hunger or he's out of the team?
Because the manager has allowed him to get away with it before. Why would now be any different? For all the talk of standards, it's clear ETH indulges favourites like any of our previous managers have.
He's waiting for that PSG phonecall. You can't watch him play and think he has any interest in being here. Shocking today and shocking all season.
Standard performance from him again, occasional bit of effort but mostly it was shit.

Has to be the worst player I've seen at competing for the ball in the air, there was one at the edge of the box in the first half where he jumped and turned in mid air and nearly arsed it away.
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