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2023-24 Performances

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Rashford is very overhyped and overrated player.
Extremely useful on the counter, but... He has literally zero skills on the ball when it comes down to 1vs1 play. He just pushes it forward and hopes to outrun or to get better position than the defender.
That's a little harsh. Then again, maybe it's not anymore.

He's always been a kick and rush type when moving at speed and couldn't really manipulate the ball well, but he used to be quite skilful when moving at slow speeds or at a standing start. It's what actually made him so effective when he was playing well (most notably in 19/20 before he injured his back). He'd stand up a defender or two, use tricks and skill to get beyond them then they wouldn't be able to catch him as he accelerated. I remember some player for the English national team saying that Rashford was the most skilful in the team, and another new player (I think it was for England but may have been Utd) saying that Rashford was the one who most surprised him with how good he was in training.

We've seen it a lot less over the last few years unfortunately. I'm not sure if it's a physical decline (a loss of agility from that back injury perhaps), a lack of confidence or a lack of hunger.
I can't think of anyone that have prove us wrong in the last 10 years. Darmian, Depay, Smalling, Blind have had nice careers after being sold but nothing to cry/regret about.

All the others have actually gone way worse, their careers practically spiraled down after leaving.

And the guys most fans saw as absolute problems - what came of them. Pogba, injured and banned for doping. Lingard - clubless for months then gone to Korea with his Instagram. Sancho currently stinking out the Bundesliga. Rashford won't prove anybody wrong if we sell him - he'll cause over reactions every time he scores or has a decent game, but we wouldn't miss him in the slightest.
I can't think of anyone that have prove us wrong in the last 10 years. Darmian, Depay, Smalling, Blind have had nice careers after being sold but nothing to cry/regret about.

All the others have actually gone way worse, their careers practically spiraled down after leaving.
Di Maria.
Fully agree. He is both a victim and the culmination of the culture and state of this club for the last decade in one package. A perfect representation. Pushed too hard, too fast. Vastly overpaid, largely average, indolent, disinterested, mired in sentimentality. A marketing vessel first and foremost, and everything else second. He is one of the people I most want to see leave the club.

I believe it would be beneficial to him as well, at least if he is looking for something else other than financials out of the sport. He could go somewhere where he can be his own player without the additional expectations as the "Manc born and bred" poster boy of the club, which was thrust upon him from the beginning. And I hope the club learns its lesson about putting spotlights and offering fat contracts to players too early. Becoming the talisman of a team is not something you are born into, but something you earn over many years of good service.
Well said. Rashford offers nothing if he doesn't score. Even when he has a good 3/4 months last season. He can't dribble, cross, pass, read the game. Needs a lot of chances to score also. An overpaid, petulant, spoiled brat who's the stereotype of everything wrong with United. Get rid of this clown. An awful pro.
And the guys most fans saw as absolute problems - what came of them. Pogba, injured and banned for doping. Lingard - clubless for months then gone to Korea with his Instagram. Sancho currently stinking out the Bundesliga. Rashford won't prove anybody wrong if we sell him - he'll cause over reactions every time he scores or has a decent game, but we wouldn't miss him in the slightest.
Exactly, and even if he makes it big at another club there's no sense in keeping a player that doesn't perform just out of fear que could perform at another club.
Exactly, and even if he makes it big at another club there's no sense in keeping a player that doesn't perform just out of fear que could perform at another club.

we've done this for far too long. sunk cost fallacy with martial, believing every year that this is the one he'll come good. I liked hearing the new guy saying that you've 2 seasons to perform. or you're out
Have you got a link to those numbers somewhere? I think it’s also worth noting that Rashford is rarely injured and tends to play a high volume of matches every season (albeit not quite Bruno levels!).

Didn’t see the match this weekend sadly but not unexpected if he struggled. The only circumstances where he should play CF are either (i) when we have good control of midfield and can get players around him for him to play off or (ii) if we are set up to hit on the break. I’m guessing neither of those scenarios arose at the weekend.
Distance numbers are not available in any of the free data sources I know. I saw them on Sky before our previous game. In the post game studio I think.

I agree and we didn't control midfield as defence line couldn't play with the ball. And Rashford never found space in behind. I also think he's more effective finding space between the fullback and center half. Not as n9.
I dislike him beyond words at this point, embarrassing is the word used but this just hits hard because his connection with the club. Born and raised or something.
Funny how it always seem to the case with Rashford and our managers.
Rashford vs incumbent United manager round 5, fight.
It's hard to put all the blame on Rashy when the manager has fallen out with...
Ronaldo, Sancho, Martial, Rashy and no doubt a few others I'm forgetting.

But it is disturbing how many poor seasons Rashy has put in now.
I don’t know if people remember this, Ole was forced to apologies after he openly told Rashford that he should spend more time on the pitch instead of his PR campaign, subsequently Ole back-tracked what he said and apologise to people that what he said wasn’t what he meant to say at a press conference with Rashford sat right next to him.
I remember, Ole said: "Let's get this elephant out of the room..." Rashford smiled. That was only time I saw him smiling that Ole/Ralf season. He knew that moment he can do what he wants.

Not to be lazy, I found on YT
It's hard to put all the blame on Rashy when the manager has fallen out with...
Ronaldo, Sancho, Martial, Rashy and no doubt a few others I'm forgetting.

But it is disturbing how many poor seasons Rashy has put in now.

Since when did he fall out with Martial?

He fell out with 2 players who were both acting like jackasses in different ways, and now this might make 3. And given how much of a little feckless undermining twerp Rashford is, with every manager he's ever played for, it's long overdue.

ETH is an incompetent fraud of a coach. But the way he's dealt with these 3 petulant, conceited, arrogant, whiny brats he was saddled with has been exemplary for the most part.
That was different as the player clearly wanted to leave, he talked shit about the club and the city after he left. So no regrets, his peak was Madrid anyway.

It was mainly a clash with Louis, certainly far from the type of coach for a player of the "characteristics (old vintage style loose and sometimes ball hogger classic wingman)" of Di Maria.
Maybe I'm wrong, but did he asked for him? if it's true, weird as fvck, it was like mixing oil with water. A mix like the one of Louis's Riquelme saga in Barca, where at least he was pretty clear since day one he didn't want him there.
Worse in the mix there she was: Angel's wife :D , she is quite a lot to handle with her constant no filter Press declarations and influence on his husband. Valverde's one, Wanda with Iccardi and CR7 sister comes to mind with similar attitude, she pushed the whole thing further to the shit hole.
A pity because as offensive, relentless and chaotic the EPL can be in many ocassions, a settle Fideo in Man Utd would have been fun.
I crave 11 Dennis Irwin’s. Get in. Do your job consistently well. Get home. Honest. Humble. No drama. No sulking. No extortion
Or any players managed by Ferguson really. Even Beckham remained hard working and professional despite the fame and attention.

Players can have their interests outside of football. They can engage on social media. But their priority should always be remaining professional and working their bollocks off in training and during matches.

The problem we've had is we attract numerous immature knob heads who become more interested in the fame and money and the football takes a backseat
It's hard to put all the blame on Rashy when the manager has fallen out with...
Ronaldo, Sancho, Martial, Rashy and no doubt a few others I'm forgetting.

But it is disturbing how many poor seasons Rashy has put in now.
ETH made Rashford his main guy, constantly defended him and played him while in shite form. Rashford threw it in his face, the guy is a law unto himself and uncoachable

Not too sure on the source, but apparently Ten Hag and Rashfords relationship is bad

Sounds highly unlikely. ETH dropped a top form Rashford for being slightly late to training. We’re expected to believe that he’d immediately recall him in circumstances where he directly lied to him?
It's hard to put all the blame on Rashy when the manager has fallen out with...
Ronaldo, Sancho, Martial, Rashy and no doubt a few others I'm forgetting.

But it is disturbing how many poor seasons Rashy has put in now.
if you were in Ten Hags shoes would you fancy working with any of them when you try to build a team? All of them either lazy or toxic or both.
if you were in Ten Hags shoes would you fancy working with any of them when you try to build a team? All of them either lazy or toxic or both.

This is very fair, we've had a decade of poor culture and player power. EtH probably isn't going to make it here but i'll always view his contribution to the reset of the club fondly.
This is very fair, we've had a decade of poor culture and player power. EtH probably isn't going to make it here but i'll always view his contribution to the reset of the club fondly.
One big problem to me it seems is overpaying players who are way to young and unproven. I get it for someone like Ronaldo but Sancho for example? We instantly trippled his salary just for coming here (don't quote me on this I can't remember exact numbers - but i think you get my point). I bet he would have come for half of that..give them better contracts after they actually earned them. Player power today stems from the fact that they are worth way too much and also much more than any manager... multiplied by the situation that you might have to sort out several players. And because of this a lot of decisions seems to be out of the managers hand and the ultimate decision is on the owners remember pogba/mourinho.
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One big problem to me it seems is overpaying players who are way to young and unproven. I get it for someone like Ronaldo but Sancho for example? We instantly trippled his salary just for coming here (don't quote me on this I can't remember exact numbers - but i think you get my point). I bet he would have come for half of that..give them better contracts after they actually earned them. Player power today stems from the fact that they are worth way too much and also much more than any manager... multiplied by the situation that you might have to sort out several players. And because of this a lot of decisions seems to be out of the managers hand and the ultimate decision is on the owners remember pogba/mourinho.

Totally, we're Manchester United, we shouldn't need to be paying our players vastly more than they could get elsewhere. It's like we're now so unattractive a destination that we need to pay a premium. Thinking back, I don't think there was any other major clubs in for Sancho at the time, we folded and paid a fortune with no competition.

We've refused to learn the lesson and given Rashford a ridiculous salary at his last renewal which will make moving him on nearly impossible. He's apparently on the same as Salah at Liverpool and they're not remotely comparable players.
Totally, we're Manchester United, we shouldn't need to be paying our players vastly more than they could get elsewhere. It's like we're now so unattractive a destination that we need to pay a premium. Thinking back, I don't think there was any other major clubs in for Sancho at the time, we folded and paid a fortune with no competition.

We've refused to learn the lesson and given Rashford a ridiculous salary at his last renewal which will make moving him on nearly impossible. He's apparently on the same as Salah at Liverpool and they're not remotely comparable players.

Really? I thought it was a given that huge wages was literally the only thing we could offer to entice players to come. It's no secret that every "big name" we've managed to sign over the past 10 years was done so with a massive pay day. I don't even think your original 4 words even hold any weight anymore. Let's hope SJR turns it around.
Totally, we're Manchester United, we shouldn't need to be paying our players vastly more than they could get elsewhere. It's like we're now so unattractive a destination that we need to pay a premium. Thinking back, I don't think there was any other major clubs in for Sancho at the time, we folded and paid a fortune with no competition.

We've refused to learn the lesson and given Rashford a ridiculous salary at his last renewal which will make moving him on nearly impossible. He's apparently on the same as Salah at Liverpool and they're not remotely comparable players.

At least Rashford has had a few good seasons.
The Sancho wages were apparently higher than Salah before his last contract renewal.
That was sickening.
Apparently the only member of the first team who doesn't say hello to the academy players. Nice guy Rashy
Where did you see that?
One of the guys who run Norway's official Manchester United webpage ( have contacts within our academy. It was one of the parents of an anonymous academy player who reported this.
One of the guys who run Norway's official Manchester United webpage ( have contacts within our academy. It was one of the parents of an anonymous academy player who reported this.
i see. I was watching a fancam yesterday with the Adam Matic guy who gets some club access, and says Rashford doesnt give anyone the time of day
Apparently the only member of the first team who doesn't say hello to the academy players. Nice guy Rashy
i see. I was watching a fancam yesterday with the Adam Matic guy who gets some club access, and says Rashford doesnt give anyone the time of day

No surprise, even just from watching how he conducts himself on the pitch with his supposed team mates.
Did very little, and the performances around him were generally better. I think if he isn’t going to play on the left, Mctominay would work better as a 9, gives us a bit more maybe.
It's an outlier when he has a good game these days, shite and should be moved on in the summer
Looks almost like his way of categorical refusal, being main attacker this season.

What is actually happening, Marcus.
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