Militant Vegans

Classical Mechanic

Full Member
Aug 25, 2014
xG Zombie Nation
Haven't heard that specific term used before but makes sense - a lot of people often see it as an either/or choice between eating lots of meat and going veggie/vegan - but when you consider the bad environmental effects even cutting down a fair bit if you acknowledge you're not going to be able to do so completely is a good idea.
Not just the environmental benefits but also the health benefits. The idea is also that you would only eat ethically farmed meat on the occasions you do indulge. I think the difficulty would be maintaining these ideals with social eating in restaurants etc.


Feb 4, 2013
The Mathews Bridge
What's all this about then?

Seems like of late there's been more and more protests from vegan groups about, well, just normal people going about their meat-eating business.

Do they have a point? If so, is storming steak houses and the like, trying to make people feel guilty, the best way to go about it? Is it right to cause such a public fuss just because they don't like something and therefore no-one else should?

Definitely seems like they've ramped things up a notch anyway.
The 3rd example is fine to me. Just 3 guys spreading awareness in a public place from what it looks like, and they're inviting people to approach them rather than imposing themselves onto people, from what the article is suggesting anyway. I don't really have a problem with that. We had some Flat Earth lunatics doing it in Bath a few weeks back. I disagree entirely with what they're attempting to do, but they weren't shouting the loudest and trying to brainwash people, they were friendly and not trying to coerce people, but waiting to be approached. I respect that, even if what they're spreading awareness on is a bit mental.

The first two are a bit more intrusive. Whilst I think they do have a point, and we should all consume more responsibly than we do especially from an environmental point of view, disrupting the peace to send a message isn't the right way to do things, and not a good way to get people on your side. It would be like an advert for a charity coming on your TV and being all like "What? You don't donate to us? You piece of shit. Have a word with yourself" and guilting you into making a change. Making changes because you've been shamed doesn't sit right with me.

Like with a lot of things, the issue is deep rooted in capitalism. Cheap convenience food is generally meat-centric, and when people are living within their means with a family to support, they gravitate towards those chicken nuggets and frozen burgers. There's a lot more options on the market now than there was 10 years ago, but there still needs to be major changes in the way we buy and consume food and other products before before veganism becomes truly accessible to all people. Until then, protesting that invades the privacy and the peace of the public is a little bit shitty. Well, it's always shitty, but shaming people into making changes that may well not be feasible for them is super shitty.

However, the worst kind of vegans aren't the ones invading steakhouses. It's the ones forcing their cats to be vegan. Those vegans need to be catapulted into the sun.


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
Only thing worse than 'militant' vegans is people being obnoxious about the meat they do eat.
Nah, that's militant vegans who chastise you for not caring about animals, while Tweeting out on their iPhone and wearing their Converse trainers made with child labour and shocking human rights. Because you know, it's okay for them to be selective about who they care about when it comes to moral stances but it's not okay for you to do the same if the one you happen not to champion is the one they happen to care about.


Aug 30, 2009
I've honestly never come across this mythical self-righteous militant vegan character that everyone seems to know of, and I've a number of friends and family who are vegan and have been for over a decade. My sister and her fella are vegan, I 2 vegan housemates for 3 years when I was in my early 20s. 1 of whom loved the smell of bacon. He just didn't wanna eat it.

I know way more precious omnivores who seem outraged by veganism, your Piers Morgan types pissing the bed over a sausage roll, and whenever anything about veganism crops up on social media they start punching their keyboards with some rudimentary guff about "bUt wE hAvE cAnInE tEeTh". They seem to all have a story about preachy vegans, which I'm sure the majority of are made up.
Maybe im wrongly labeling some of these people I know as 'militant'. I know 6 vegans, four are friends and people ive kept up with from HS and college, and 2 are relatives. Of these, four are what i'd say on the militant side when it comes to their lifestyle. Ive known them so long that its not something that bothers me but they can rub off new people they meet the wrong way when they get super preachy. Two of these friends are a married couple, and they live in an artsy community in Portland surrounded by mostly other vegans and vegetarians. I've seen the FB vegan group that they members if and a lot of their neighbors are members as well, and they're some real nutters out there.

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
Does anyone actually know people like this? I know plenty of vegetarian/vegan people but I've genuinely never encountered a militant vegan before.
Yep there is a woman at work that blockades slaughterhouses and Butchers at least once a month. Says that by eating meat or drinking milk we're condoning rape and so on. Everybody just ignores her.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Yep there is a woman at work that blockades slaughterhouses and Butchers at least once a month. Says that by eating meat or drinking milk we're condoning rape and so on. Everybody just ignores her.
But they're, like, incredibly rare, are they not? It's not a particularly huge demographic. Most vegans/veggies are fairly normal. Plenty I know acknowledge how difficult it can be to stay off meat.

Fully Fledged

Full Member
May 23, 2013
Midlands UK
But they're, like, incredibly rare, are they not? It's not a particularly huge demographic. Most vegans/veggies are fairly normal. Plenty I know acknowledge how difficult it can be to stay off meat.
I bet they are. I've only knowingly ever met two vegans and they both preached and one of those two does protests.


incontinent sexual deviant & German sausage lover
Dec 16, 2015
Are they getting millitant now? Good thing they are malnourished and got low test levels.


Full Member
May 23, 2014
Issue is they aren't wrong in their agenda, but its not the way to convince people. if they just shut up about it and stop turning it into a meme, the movement will organically grow by itself. I eat a metric shit ton of animal products and its something of late i have definitely been reconsidering, but not because some NEET vocal vegan shouts at me.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
These people are participating in legitimate forms of protest. They're not killing anyone, they're not even maiming anyone. The three examples posted here are of jeering, smoke bombs and a bunch of people standing in a town centre wearing Guy Fawkes mask.
Protest is fine. Accosting people who are eating at a restaurant or trying to interfere with small businesses is not.

Go protest outside of McDonald's. Oh you won't because you know that they can afford security and lawyers that will feck you off from their premises? Ok, put a small business owner under because your moral compass says that everyone should share your world view. Militant veegs can feck off.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
Protest is fine. Accosting people who are eating at a restaurant or trying to interfere with small businesses is not.

Go protest outside of McDonald's. Oh you won't because you know that they can afford security and lawyers that will feck you off from their premises? Ok, put a small business owner under because your moral compass says that everyone should share your world view. Militant veegs can feck off.
That one's a franchise too, it might not be as big as macs but it's the same deal. They're going to be causing business problems for the person paying the licence fee not the franchise owners no matter where they went. And stopping trade is a legitimate protest. It's one of the few successful options unless you plan on rising up and killing everyone who disagrees.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
That one's a franchise too, it might not be as big as macs but it's the same deal. They're going to be causing business problems for the person paying the licence fee not the franchise owners no matter where they went. And stopping trade is a legitimate protest.
Do you know how much money one needs to open a McDonald's franchise and what kind of corporate support they have versus a chef opening his own small restaurant?


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
Do you know how much money one needs to open a McDonald's franchise and what kind of corporate support they have versus a chef opening his own small restaurant?
nope. That really doesn't matter when you're talking about the legitimacy of protests though, the point of vegan protests is to stop a trade and business model they think is morally reprehensible, and the way to do is to make said trade impossible or exceedingly difficult. If they manage to drive participating chefs, butchers and abattoirs to bankruptcy and financial ruin then their protest has succeeded. Protests aren't about making everyone happy, they're about the protestors reaching their goals. And if they can do that without killing people then they've done better than most.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
nope. That really doesn't matter when you're talking about the legitimacy of protests though, the point of vegan protests is to stop a trade and business model they think is morally reprehensible, and the way to do is to make said trade impossible or exceedingly difficult. If they manage to drive participating chefs, butchers and abattoirs to bankruptcy and financial ruin then their protest has succeeded. Protests aren't about making everyone happy, they're about the protestors reaching their goals. And if they can do that without killing people then they've done better than most.
The scale of McDonald's operations means it's a far better target than a small business. They're only choosing these targets because they can bully them.

FYI opening a new McD's franchise costs between $1.2-2.4 million, $750k in liquid captial and a $45k annual franchise fee. Protesting outside any McDonald's will get more exposure and have a greater impact than a small, niche restaurant but these dicks know they won't last outside of a McDonald's so they pick on people who they know don't have the resources to fight back. I'm surprised that you'd support such fascist tactics.


Full Member
Apr 2, 2010
Smoke crack like Isaac Asimov
The scale of McDonald's operations means it's afar better rather than a small business. They're only choosing these targets because they are bullying them.

FYI opening a new McD's franchise costs between $1.2-2.4 million, $750k in liquid captial and a $45k annual franchise fee. Protesting outside any McDonald's will get more exposure and have a greater impact than a small, niche restaurant but these dicks know they won't last outside of a McDonald's so they pick on people who they know don't have the resources to fight back. I'm surprised that you'd support such fascist tactics.
I'd rather they went to massive chain instead of small restaurant, or a supermarket instead of local butcher or major industrial abattoir as well. But that's a preference we have, not what counts as legitimate protest or not. Activist vegans get to make that choice, and they'll frequently make the wrong one because most people are just really thick.

Dr. Dwayne

Self proclaimed tagline king.
May 9, 2006
Nearer my Cas, to thee
I'd rather they went to massive chain instead of small restaurant, or a supermarket instead of local butcher or major industrial abattoir as well. But that's a preference we have, not what counts as legitimate protest or not. Activist vegans get to make that choice, and they'll frequently make the wrong one because most people are just really thick.
Fair enough, mate. ;)


Unimaginative FC
Aug 23, 2007
They should look their teeth in the mirror and tell me if some of those things are not made to rip meat. Nature is right. Lunatic ideology is wrong.

Paranthropus and Homo both emerged in South Africa roughly 1.8 million years ago and lived side by side for several hundred thousand years. Differences in their diet have been used to explain why the Homo lineage succeeded while Paranthropus died out. Now, new chemical analyses of fossil teeth further confirm that the two hominids dined on different foods, with Homo eating more meat than Paranthropus.
How long before vegan humans go extinct ?


Full Member
Oct 3, 2009
Bay Area
For purely environmental reasons, I've gone mostly vegetarian (with a few patches of veganism thrown in) the past few years and as such have met a few of the militant variety of vegans. They're just as insufferable as those who push religion on you. One of my good friends has actually become that type over the past year or so, and I've tried to explain to him that his methods are more likely to turn people off to veganism than convert anyone, but he won't have it. Oh well.

For what it's worth, though, my body rarely feels better than it does when I've eaten vegan for extended periods. I just occasionally want a burger and I fecking love cheese and ice cream.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2008
Reichenbach Falls
For purely environmental reasons, I've gone mostly vegetarian (with a few patches of veganism thrown in) the past few years and as such have met a few of the militant variety of vegans. They're just as insufferable as those who push religion on you. One of my good friends has actually become that type over the past year or so, and I've tried to explain to him that his methods are more likely to turn people off to veganism than convert anyone, but he won't have it. Oh well.

For what it's worth, though, my body rarely feels better than it does when I've eaten vegan for extended periods. I just occasionally want a burger and I fecking love cheese and ice cream.
Me too. Everything in moderation mate.


Renaissance Man
Oct 22, 2010
They should look their teeth in the mirror and tell me if some of those things are not made to rip meat. Nature is right. Lunatic ideology is wrong.

Paranthropus and Homo both emerged in South Africa roughly 1.8 million years ago and lived side by side for several hundred thousand years. Differences in their diet have been used to explain why the Homo lineage succeeded while Paranthropus died out. Now, new chemical analyses of fossil teeth further confirm that the two hominids dined on different foods, with Homo eating more meat than Paranthropus.
We literally have the teeth of omnivores. We have the digestive system of omnivores.
We can survive on most diets.

It's amazing you see these 3 and somehow decide that we are more similar to the top set than the bottom.
We don't have the sharp canines of dogs, we do have the "grindy" molars of horses. Our temporalis muscle attachment isn't as big as a dog's (it takes up an entire side of their skull); our masseter muscle attachment isn't as big as a horse's.


my face causes global warming
Apr 30, 2010
Truth like rain don't give a feck who it falls on.
We literally have the teeth of omnivores. We have the digestive system of omnivores.
We can survive on most diets.

It's amazing you see these 3 and somehow decide that we are more similar to the top set than the bottom.
We don't have the sharp canines of dogs, we do have the "grindy" molars of horses. Our temporalis muscle attachment isn't as big as a dog's (it takes up an entire side of their skull); our masseter muscle attachment isn't as big as a horse's.
This argument is used by vegans usually to tell us that we're made for eating plants, when an omnivore is someone that eats both meat and plants. So the argument is that we are literally made for eating meat, alongside plants if we want to. We literally have incisors and canines for tearing/ripping as well as molars for chewing. 72% of female horses for example do not have canines so your example is poor right off the bat.
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2 man midfield

Last Man Standing finalist 2021/22
Sep 4, 2012
Who cares what your bone structure is when bacon tastes like it does?

Charles Miller

Full Member
Oct 4, 2017
We literally have the teeth of omnivores. We have the digestive system of omnivores.
We can survive on most diets.

It's amazing you see these 3 and somehow decide that we are more similar to the top set than the bottom.
We don't have the sharp canines of dogs, we do have the "grindy" molars of horses. Our temporalis muscle attachment isn't as big as a dog's (it takes up an entire side of their skull); our masseter muscle attachment isn't as big as a horse's.
You missed my point. Of course we are omnivores. But as i said some of those things are made to cut meat. In other words, nature has spoken.


Historiographer, and obtainer of rare antiquities
Mar 19, 2008
Dunno if she’s vegan, but she reminds me of one I know so...



Full Member
Aug 4, 2010
Meat eating doesn't have to stop and nor should it be expected to.

Change should come with treatment of animals in and around slaughterhouses.

There is plenty of loving farms that raise animals properly and give them a wonderful life before they are killed for their meat.

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Meat eating doesn't have to stop and nor should it be expected to.

Change should come with treatment of animals in and around slaughterhouses.

There is plenty of loving farms that raise animals properly and give them a wonderful life before they are killed for their meat.
I think the whole killing bit is still a big part of what a lot of vegetarians/vegans have a problem with tbf.