Name a better footballer than Phil Jones - Twitter UK


Full Member
Mar 2, 2012
Thoughts on the below tweet from the official Twitter UK account? Out of order if you ask me.

How is that abuse? Abuse would be personal attacks, not whether he is a very good footballer. He would be delusional if he thought he was actually good.
From the platform that allowed Wiley to post bile for hours
I’m sure Phil Jones feels absolutely fantastic about this, I’m sure United are also absolutely delighted that one of their commodities they are hoping to shift is being shat on from a great height by Twitter.
How is that abuse? Abuse would be personal attacks, not whether he is a very good footballer. He would be delusional if he thought he was actually good.

It's inviting loads of pathetic weiners to post "my nan" and suchlike abuse.
It's totally inviting abusive comments to mock someone.
Where did this even come from? He hasn't played for ages.
That isn't on, they know what they're doing before anyone says it's an innocuous comment.
This is so unnecessary. That Spartak Moscow tweet was distasteful too.

Phil Jones accidentally makes weird facial expressions and scores pitiful own goals too.

The banter and memes from football fans in understandable (and already overdone at this point) but this kind of mocking from official accounts of Clubs and Companies?????
what happened to #bekind?
How is that abuse? Abuse would be personal attacks, not whether he is a very good footballer. He would be delusional if he thought he was actually good.

You’ve just argued against yourself as to why it is abuse and personal.

They could have chosen any footballer out of the thousands that there are but decided on Phil.


Why is the official twitter account posting that anyway?
How is that abuse? Abuse would be personal attacks, not whether he is a very good footballer. He would be delusional if he thought he was actually good.
Because its taking advantage of the fact that he has become a 'meme', youd think the official Twitter handle would be above this.
Weird thing for the official account to post, unless its a hack. Harsh on Phil who has been ridiculed to no end throughout his career, mostly for his unusual face. He is a good footballer anyway. He's just always injured.
I wonder if he actually cares about stuff like this. I’m sure he’s aware of it; however, would he really give a feck? I mean, he might not be Manchester United quality but he’s still an England international and extremely successful in his chosen sport. Not to mention a multi millionaire at 28 years old. It’s entirely possible he doesn’t give any credence to nonsense like this and nor should he.
You’ve just argued against yourself as to why it is abuse and personal.

They could have chosen any footballer out of the thousands that there are but decided on Phil.


Why is the official twitter account posting that anyway?
Looking through the tweets they obviously like to have a banter style, but this just encourages harassment and abuse. Pretty stupid stuff.
How is that abuse? Abuse would be personal attacks, not whether he is a very good footballer. He would be delusional if he thought he was actually good.

I think you're missing the point pal, i am fairly sure he is aware of what the media and united fans think of him at this point, now he's being used as a target to poke more fun at by one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, it's unnecessary and damaging to someone's mental health regardless of their wealth or privileged lifestyle/job.
I fecking hate these stupid little jibes official accounts make solely for the need to get some retweets and likes from ‘Football Twitter’. The Bundesliga clubs are the absolute worst at it. Leverkusen one, especially. I think KFC have done it a few times too. There’s a couple more.
I just saw that on twitter. Absolutely ridiculous. Shows how big we are though when fringe players who haven’t played for months are being used by companies totally unrelated to football to generate clicks. Obsessed.
I wonder if he actually cares about stuff like this. I’m sure he’s aware of it; however, would he really give a feck? I mean, he might not be Manchester United quality but he’s still an England international and extremely successful in his chosen sport. Not to mention a multi millionaire at 28 years old. It’s entirely possible he doesn’t give any credence to nonsense like this and nor should he.
He turned down a testimonial with us in fear that nobody would turn up.
Im sure he cares.
I think you're missing the point pal, i am fairly sure he is aware of what the media and united fans think of him at this point, now he's being used as a target to poke more fun at by one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, it's unnecessary and damaging to someone's mental health regardless of their wealth or privileged lifestyle/job.
Reportedly doesn't want a testimonial because he doesn't think anyone would come.

Says a lot, I hope he turns it around, but I think he needs a move.
Pathetic really. Footballers are people too. Jones really needs a good move somewhere to get regular football and try to offset this image people have of him.

I fecking hate these stupid little jibes official accounts make solely for the need to get some retweets and likes from ‘Football Twitter’. The Bundesliga clubs are the absolute worst at it. Leverkusen one, especially. I think KFC have done it a few times too. There’s a couple more.
God yes. Football twitter is an absolute cesspit. Full of kids hiding behind pictures of footballers with twitter handles such as "MajesticMartial" or "OzilSZN" or other such bollocks, making shitty tweets and replies solely to get likes and retweets.

And the "top lad epic banter" from football clubs (or brands in general) is cringe and all.
The only tweet that doesn't allow replies eh?

They knew what they were/are doing

And if it's for banter, they are about 5 years late no?
He used to be able to fight off the bad and comeback with good performances after injuries. Now with all the abuse and stuff I am not sure he will for us.
It is a bit the same with Stones for City.
I think you're missing the point pal, i am fairly sure he is aware of what the media and united fans think of him at this point, now he's being used as a target to poke more fun at by one of the biggest social media platforms in the world, it's unnecessary and damaging to someone's mental health regardless of their wealth or privileged lifestyle/job.

I would question why you would even be going on social media as a footballer, anyway. With or without this tweet, those type of people will always be posting their personal attacks. You are inviting people like that to personally attack you. The only thing they can do is stay off it.

It seems strange, though, considering what fans say at football matches is probably worse than those comments. Yet, that seems to be accepted. There is no escaping that environment as a footballer.
I'm confused. Is this something Twitter has done in the past? Why Phil Jones? How very very unprofessional and a little pathetic.
He turned down a testimonial with us in fear that nobody would turn up.
Im sure he cares.

Wasn’t that delivered in a light hearted and jovial manner? Listen, I don’t know the guy. You could be entirely right and he could care about this kind of thing. What I will say though is that it takes incredible drive, determination and mental fortitude to get to where he has gotten to in football. I’d wager he isn’t quite as rattled as some would suggest. It doesn’t make the Tweet ‘right’, mind you.
I wonder if he actually cares about stuff like this. I’m sure he’s aware of it; however, would he really give a feck? I mean, he might not be Manchester United quality but he’s still an England international and extremely successful in his chosen sport. Not to mention a multi millionaire at 28 years old. It’s entirely possible he doesn’t give any credence to nonsense like this and nor should he.
Slightly naive and idealistic. Of course repeated personal attacks will impact people personally. It doesn't matter if you're Billy the shelf-stacker or a multimillionaire footballer, these things affect us. This doggy-piling stemmed from his facial expressions becoming a meme. There have been far, far worse footballers out there than Phil Jones, but it's his appearance which has led to this, which is really fecking depressing.
I wonder if he actually cares about stuff like this. I’m sure he’s aware of it; however, would he really give a feck? I mean, he might not be Manchester United quality but he’s still an England international and extremely successful in his chosen sport. Not to mention a multi millionaire at 28 years old. It’s entirely possible he doesn’t give any credence to nonsense like this and nor should he.
Far easier said than done. Personal attacks are still personal attacks.