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2017-18 Performances

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6.2 Season Average Rating
Yellow cards
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Think we need to stop looking at the individuals and look at the bigger picture here. Didnt see Matic as especially shit compared to anyone else. Hope we arent heading for that period where Mourinho loses the dressing room and the house of cards fall in.
Herrera getting injured means we cant even rest him.
Thought dont think he would have been rested even if that wasnt the case.
I bet if you counted up the word 'rest' across the rest (sorry) of the entire forum, it wouldn't appear as much as it has in this thread so far. Like, this isn't down to fatigue - unless fatigue lasts months.
Matic...what can I say?

Seriously underwhelming performances lately.
I bet if you counted up the word 'rest' across the rest (sorry) of the entire forum, it wouldn't appear as much as it has in this thread so far. Like, this isn't down to fatigue - unless fatigue lasts months.

I cant be bothered to defend Matic but he doesnt need rest now, he needs to be dropped. Facts are that he didnt have preseason, that he gets drained faster in midfield two and at end it catches him. This movie we watching right now, it could be watched in Chelsea. Best part of all it was same story under same manager in Chelsea, only difference, in Chelsea there was a period as midfield 3, until JM changed it and then pushed whole squad into the ground not only Matic just so he can cross a line and win a title.
He needs to be dropped but there's nobody else. He looks knackered.
Wouldn't mind dropping him, now that Carrick is back. Call it a rest if you prefer that.

Probably not going to happen against Chelsea though, let's be honest. Not sure if it should, either.
His main CM partners during his time in England have been Cesc and Pogba, leaving him to do defensive work for 2 men, im not the Serb's biggest fan but even Kante's level would eventually fall from a cliff under the same circumstances.
Been bang average for months now. Looks tired and like the Matic of Chelsea last season and season before
Was defensively very good tonight, but made some really sloppy mistakes. Some that could have cost us big time too.

Think he's better in a pivot then he is as a holder, in terms of when he's on the ball. His passing isn't the worst in the world, but he can be sloppy, at times.

If we're going to go with a three, then we could definitely do with a Carrick type player at the base of a three. Jorginho would be ideal.
Not the player he was at the start of the season. I was wondering why he lingers so much and fails to release it quickly enough many, many, many times. Turns out no one moves around him. Sometimes he also does not pass when he should.
His form has dropped lately. Not sure what it's down to, playing too much or just not getting much help from his midfield partner. Hopefully he clicks into some form again, we are going to need him if have any hope of winning a cup.
Very good defensively, very not good otherwise.

Has a strange ability to look composed even as he repeatedly gives the ball straight to opposition players.
Well, that's exactly the point all chelsea fans were raising. He tends to go off in second half of season. Not his problem as we cant afford to rest him. Need Carrick back in form so that we can give him much needed rest.
Was amazing to start the season - I think.

Needs a rest or needs to be dropped. Carrick continues to be overlooked - great career that should have been used more from start to finish.
I bet if you counted up the word 'rest' across the rest (sorry) of the entire forum, it wouldn't appear as much as it has in this thread so far. Like, this isn't down to fatigue - unless fatigue lasts months.
Exactly. This isn't just fatigue. He shouldn't be fatigued in mid-February. I'm starting to believe he's done at the highest level. What's the point if you only turn up for 10 games every season and then gradually get worse as the season moves on? This is 2 months of consistently poor performances. He constantly misplaces easy passes and always dawdles on the ball. Just too slow.
Played some suicide passes in bad areas tonight. He is not moving at all well, yes he has been overplayed, especially difficult for a guy of his size, but it is an area we need to be looking to improve. Doubt we will get extra than one more high level season out of Matic.
I like Matic but when you play DM you have to be incredibly consistent. Maybe if we'd have got him three to four years ago we'd get more out of him. It might be worth bringing Fabinho in in the summer like people wanted last summer. If we bring him in then he can go a way to replace Valencia and Matic. Both will have points in the coming seasons when age catches up with them, so to have a really technical and physical player to come in for them would be brilliant.
He had the most interceptions and most tackles of all our players today. Don't know what people are talking about.
He had the most interceptions and most tackles of all our players today. Don't know what people are talking about.

Yeh I thought he was good today, he misplaced 1 or 2 passes but was very good at stopping Sevilla through the middle. He seemed to be at the right place most of the time, which is what you want from him.
Holds the midfield together. It’s a shame we are so reliant on him to do so.

Imagine we hadn’t signed him this year. Our midfield would of been a disaster.
He had the most interceptions and most tackles of all our players today. Don't know what people are talking about.
That IS his job though. He was playing CDM, you'd expect that.

He also let people run passed him quite often which was worrying, and his passing was just absolutely shocking. So many times he just passes to the opposition or to nobody. It's worrying as we do rely on him, but he's been rubbish IMO the last few months.
That IS his job though. He was playing CDM, you'd expect that.

He also let people run passed him quite often which was worrying, and his passing was just absolutely shocking. So many times he just passes to the opposition or to nobody. It's worrying as we do rely on him, but he's been rubbish IMO the last few months.

If it's his job and he did it fine, intercepting and tackling, then what are the complaints about ? Evaluate him according to the job he was given then.
Why did he start tiring 4 months into the season? He's not that old.
Really could do with Matic finding form going into these last few months of the season. He’s been pretty average of late and his passing and sharpness in particular has taken a nosedive.
As soon as Herrera is fit, he should take over from Matic as the main defensive mid. Matic has been fecking awful for months, looked about 40 years old out there
I think Herrera should be our starting DM (& have done since last season even with Matic's arrival) with Matic as a box to box player, and Pogba as the advanced playmaker. Been wanting to see this since the beginning of the season.
He doesn't get enough stick for his performances. Awful at times, misplacing simple passes and letting people run by him. It would be a good time to up his game, he's been in bad form in recent months.
If it's his job and he did it fine, intercepting and tackling, then what are the complaints about ? Evaluate him according to the job he was given then.
There's more to it than just tackling and intercepting. We were on the back foot most of the game limiting the space, it's no wonder he got the "most". The fact is it was a poor performance, he contributed to why we couldn't hold onto the ball more than anybody.
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