Omari Forson | 2023/24 Performances

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Well far more than he's shown on the wing so far. I struggle to see how he will have any sort of impact on the wing based on his current qualities and the opposition. He has actually looked like some threat / impact player in central positions. Even in the youth, he has started playing centrally more and more.

Roaming, dragging players out of position, linking up with players.

Fair enough.

Just find the criticism towards EtH because he played a young player in the position he’s most experienced in so over the top.
Well far more than he's shown on the wing so far. I struggle to see how he will have any sort of impact on the wing based on his current qualities and the opposition. He has actually looked like some threat / impact player in central positions. Even in the youth, he has started playing centrally more and more.

Roaming, dragging players out of position, linking up with players.
But that's as what, a #10, not a #9? Behind players like Hugill, McNeill, Wheatley...

Better and more senior creative players can't get game time in that role ahead of Bruno. And if he was going to move Bruno, then you could bring in Eriksen or Amad, or McTominay as a more goalscoring #10 (or Mount if he was ever fit).

Forson hasn't got enough about him to come in as United's #10. He's lucky to get any time in the first team - he's not going to be the one to displace Bruno from that role. He's often played out wide, ETH likes inverted wingers, so starting him where he did was a perfectly valid call (starting him at all a much bigger one).
Forson was average in the U18s and U23s, let alone first team. Is his appearances due to his contract situation? Amad is so much more talented on either wing.
He doesn't look comfortable out there
Sadly we are being put in a position to criticize this young man. He has no business in the first team. Not sure what ETH has seen
Amad is better equipped to come on with first team football at a decent level under his belt.
Forson tackled Bruno when we had a good transitional moment. That sums up his game today. This year's Elanga: Premier League level but not upper echelon.
An investigation needs to be done on how he’s found himself fast tracked to the first team. As far back as preseason he was getting minutes and no one other than Ten Hag understands why.
Needs much more development before stepping onto the pitch against a PL opponent again.
His contribution was to tackle Bruno in a promising position. It’s too much too soon for him and I’ve no idea why ETH keeps bringing him on instead of Amad, but that’s for another thread…
I really don’t see anything with this guy. At least with Elanga you could see his strengths even if overall he didn’t look good enough. I know it’s early days with Forson, but seems his agent mouthing off has somehow fast tracked him into the team somehow.
Forson tackled Bruno when we had a good transitional moment. That sums up his game today. This year's Elanga: Premier League level but not upper echelon.
Nothing I’ve seen says to me he is Premier League level. In fact he screams Championship so far.
I really don’t see anything with this guy. At least with Elanga you could see his strengths even if overall he didn’t look good enough. I know it’s early days with Forson, but seems his agent mouthing off has somehow fast tracked him into the team somehow.

It's quite something how he's getting on the pitch ahead of Amad when he's shown absolutely nothing of note in any of his minutes so far. Very strange.
Maybe let the kid have a few games before we all start moaning and putting a young academy player under pressure/writing them off?
I was fine with Amad not coming on today, but it's still bizarre that this chap was brought on ahead of him. I don't think either should've been chucked into the frying pan today. The way ten Hag had us set up made it pointless to put them in that position.
Maybe let the kid have a few games before we all start moaning and putting a young academy player under pressure/writing them off?

Most of the people are bemoaning Ten Hags decision to play him not the player himself.

We have another “kid” we paid handsomely for thats ready to help right now but something we don't know is happening in the background and stopping him playing.
He is quite athletic at his age. He still needs to learn how to use that and how to get into the rhythm of a game.
Feel like the extent of the criticism Forson has received is quite unfair. The kid's 19 years old and is yet to play 90 minutes of Premier League football. I don't know what people were expecting of him in nine minutes against a team that had a higher number of shots than our possession percentage...
Needs much more development before stepping onto the pitch against a PL opponent again.

Exactly. Lads been set up to fail, surely it can't just be because his contract is up in the summer?
He tries, but his current level is nowhere near premiership level. I just cannot understand the logic of giving him minutes instead of Amad.
I wish Forson well, and he may surprise us if he stays and United, but at the moment he's way off.
Feel like the extent of the criticism Forson has received is quite unfair. The kid's 19 years old and is yet to play 90 minutes of Premier League football. I don't know what people were expecting of him in nine minutes against a team that had a higher number of shots than our possession percentage...
That he should have a higher number of shots than their possession percentage, of course.
He looks very very average, and much worse than Elanga and Chong before him.

Chong didnt look any good other than one preseason game where his pace caused IIRC Inter's starting rightback problems. He has done okay in the championship an has been mostly a sub for a team in the relegation places this season.

Elanga had a decent start getting goals and assists within a few appearances for us but then last season when he played he didnt have that final ball or finish. He might have made it if he was consistent with the end product he had a bit of when he first came through. At Forest he's refound that end product and if he plays poorly he's still likely to get another chance soon or at least come off the bench and use his pace. So being at a smaller club helps in that way

Forson has had 1 start and a few sub appearances including 8 minutes and 6 touches against City. Other than a touch to Mainoo and a run in front of him so that Mainoo could score his wonder goal he hasnt done anything in the first team yet but he's barely had a chance so far and was never going to do anything against City at the end of the match. But there is a chance he can score a nice goal from outside the box or something like he has done in the u21s. We wont know if he can brings those goals from u21 level to first team level until he plays more than the 65 mins he's got so far in the premier league. He was never going to be a goal a game player. Theres a handful of those.
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