Paulo Dybala

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Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
Lingard is commited. But I would still rather have a mercenary Dybala than a committed Lingard in the team. All the best players in the world follow the money, do you think Ronaldo’s dream of playing for Madrid had nothing to do with money??
I'm sure we can still find players of quality who are willing to join United. Right now it's not important to find the best players but players who can take us to a top 4 place, then we can build on from there and get some of our reputation back.

By spending a lot of money on Dybala, we would risk him downing is tools of the chips go down, essentially wasting that money. I'm fine with us not getting Dybala if he never showed an intention to join.


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
None of this makes any sense. He is not wanted by Juve. They want to replace him with Lukaku of all people. Before that they replaced him with Ronaldo. How stupid is he to see the club have no love for him. Secondly no other top teams are in for him. Or he would just say I chose X club. Thirdly he is getting sht load more at Utd. Why be greedy. Fourthly he is not in a position of strength for bargaining coming off a shtty season. Same as Lukaku.
And last why make out that he doesn't want to come to us. Why negotiate in the first place? Just for shts and giggles? He just wanted to see if we would pay a 500 a week.
If all thats true then he is a idiot.


Full Member
Jul 14, 2016
Dybala news is such a downer after all the hype that was build up over the past week. I don't think the deal is as dead in the water as some suggested. If he does not want to accept our deal, which is more than fair enough, then we would have dodged a bullet. If he turns around and accepts it, then it will also look good on us, and him, as it shows he wants to come here for more than just money. I can understand why he wants to stay at Juve to fight for his place, but with Messi getting on in age, the Argentina team will need a younger player to step up soon and Dybala won't be that if he continues being a bit-part player in Juve.

Dybala was always the "luxury signing" to me anyway, compared to Bruno or someone else to help us create and dictate in the middle of the park.

Let's hope for better news in this thread than the previous one! Let's celebrate Slabheaday!


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
None of this makes any sense. He is not wanted by Juve. They want to replace him with Lukaku of all people. Before that they replaced him with Ronaldo. How stupid is he to see the club have no love for him. Secondly no other top teams are in for him. Or he would just say I chose X club. Thirdly he is getting sht load more at Utd. Why be greedy. Fourthly he is not in a position of strength for bargaining coming off a shtty season. Same as Lukaku.
And last why make out that he doesn't want to come to us. Why negotiate in the first place? Just for shts and giggles? He just wanted to see if we would pay a 500 a week.
If all thats true then he is a idiot.
If he has no appetite to play for a team in the Europa League and in a league he has never had any desire to play in, he’s going to want to be compensated handsomely.

If he wants to be compensated handsomely, citing the fact he has no desire to play for us, in the Europa League or in the Premier League then we are absolutely right to pull the plug rather than take him for a season on exorbitant figures before he agitates for a cut price move to Barcelona or Real Madrid next summer.


Full Member
Nov 2, 2014
Our income is now larger than Juve's, we have a world-class stadium and training centre, a much sought-after manager and don't play in a one-horse inferior league. Moreover, last season, en-route to the CL final, we knocked out the team that had knocked out Juve.

You might wish to see Juve as a currently bigger club, that's up to you, but to describe Spurs as "tiny" in comparison is beyond ridiculous. You're letting Dybala's apparent rejection of United get to you.

It's far from impossible that Dybala would choose to come to Spurs, even if I'd still reckon that such a deal is unlikely: he'd be playing in the CL, playing in the Prem, based in one of the world's great capital cities, playing for an Argentinian manager and joining three other Argentinian players.
I think you guys have been great for a few seasons now but saying you're "bigger" than Juventus? Can't even compare to that magnitude. It's about so much more than revenue or a new stadium. They can attract any player in the world.


45k posts to finally achieve this tagline
Apr 25, 2007
Djibouti (La terre des braves)
None of this makes any sense. He is not wanted by Juve. They want to replace him with Lukaku of all people. Before that they replaced him with Ronaldo. How stupid is he to see the club have no love for him. Secondly no other top teams are in for him. Or he would just say I chose X club. Thirdly he is getting sht load more at Utd. Why be greedy. Fourthly he is not in a position of strength for bargaining coming off a shtty season. Same as Lukaku.
And last why make out that he doesn't want to come to us. Why negotiate in the first place? Just for shts and giggles? He just wanted to see if we would pay a 500 a week.
If all thats true then he is a idiot.
He isn't an idiot at all. He's looking for his best interest.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2016
None of this makes any sense. He is not wanted by Juve. They want to replace him with Lukaku of all people. Before that they replaced him with Ronaldo. How stupid is he to see the club have no love for him. Secondly no other top teams are in for him. Or he would just say I chose X club. Thirdly he is getting sht load more at Utd. Why be greedy. Fourthly he is not in a position of strength for bargaining coming off a shtty season. Same as Lukaku.
And last why make out that he doesn't want to come to us. Why negotiate in the first place? Just for shts and giggles? He just wanted to see if we would pay a 500 a week.
If all thats true then he is a idiot.
He is taking a huge risk with his career if his plan is to stay at Juventus. Another bad season then its no longer a blip and big clubs will see him as a huge gamble. Its easy to go from almost playing for United to then going to China next year.


New Member
Jul 27, 2019
None of this makes any sense. He is not wanted by Juve. They want to replace him with Lukaku of all people. Before that they replaced him with Ronaldo. How stupid is he to see the club have no love for him. Secondly no other top teams are in for him. Or he would just say I chose X club. Thirdly he is getting sht load more at Utd. Why be greedy. Fourthly he is not in a position of strength for bargaining coming off a shtty season. Same as Lukaku.
And last why make out that he doesn't want to come to us. Why negotiate in the first place? Just for shts and giggles? He just wanted to see if we would pay a 500 a week.
If all thats true then he is a idiot.
It makes perfect business sense. The world's press have been fixated for days on this 'story' - all good 'free 'advertising for club sponsors. Good news is we need a top striker and Lukaku (far from burning any bridges, as some have suggested) is under contract. He needs to be in and around the 6 yard box and he'll score a hatful this term. Saul Goodman


Full Member
Feb 12, 2016
He isn't an idiot at all. He's looking for his best interest.
Do you think another season like 18/19 is in his best interests? Not producing enough goals, being benched for the big games and played out of position? If he is planing to join an inter or Spurs fair play to him but if he stays put at Juve then that would be a worse than coming to united


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
I don't know how some people come to their way of logic. Lukakus general play isn't really good enough. He's often bullied, he's clumsy and who is he going to put on the bench if he wasn't good enough last season - bearing in mind his first season was pretty good. This is a mess.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2014
Wrong choice of word maybe, but asking that kind of money after the season he’s just had doesn’t make him seem bright or serious about football.

If he got his shit together and scored 25 goals at United for next couple of seasons, he’d become one of the best paid players in the world. Instead he’ll risk sitting on the Juve bench for a season and waste one of his prime footballing year. I don’t know what the right word is for that type of player.
Loyal? Determined? Ambitious?


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
Loyal? Determined? Ambitious?
He would have to be intoxicated never mind ambition - if the club and coach want him out.....It's not like Juventus don't know the player. They KNOW the player and what he can do and they've shown him the door. They choose a 34/35 year old Ronaldo over him. If he wants to stay so much? Why don't he ask Juve to lower his know? To make him more financially manageable.

The fact is if a player negotiates with someone else, they would consider a move. The issue seems to be he's greedy. The balls in his and his agents court.

In our situation Lukaku, has accepted it because he knows he does not have the quality or ability to prove Ole wrong. His technical game/movement etc are not dynamic enough


Full Member
Mar 20, 2018
Seems like our lack of CL football might have a bigger impact then i thought. Sancho, Dybala and potentially De Ligt we missed out on because of it.

In fairness, it's up to us to prove people wrong and get top 4 with good football and go back in the market next summer to add the missing pieces.


Full Member
Dec 16, 2013
Seems like our lack of CL football might have a bigger impact then i thought. Sancho, Dybala and potentially De Ligt we missed out on because of it.

In fairness, it's up to us to prove people wrong and get top 4 with good football and go back in the market next summer to add the missing pieces.
If we don't get a couple more missing pieces this window, we won't be in top 4. Midfield needs addressing now, mate.

Macedonian Red

New Member
Jan 3, 2019
I cant believe we have a chance to sign world class player like Dybala and we just move away.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2014
Seems strange to me people are being snide towards Dybala for wanting to stay at the club he loves and fight for his place rather than move to another club for more money and be a starter. After all we all love Ole for doing the same with Spurs.

Seems like sour grapes to me. Dybala would have been great for us and improves us greatly but if he doesnt want to come, thats too bad I guess.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2014
He would have to be intoxicated never mind ambition - if the club and coach want him out.....It's not like Juventus don't know the player. They KNOW the player and what he can do and they've shown him the door. They choose a 34/35 year old Ronaldo over him. If he wants to stay so much? Why don't he ask Juve to lower his know? To make him more financially manageable.

The fact is if a player negotiates with someone else, they would consider a move. The issue seems to be he's greedy. The balls in his and his agents court.

In our situation Lukaku, has accepted it because he knows he does not have the quality or ability to prove Ole wrong. His technical game/movement etc are not dynamic enough
Let's not pretend we're some sort of step up from Juventus. If Lukaku has an offer from a top team of course he's going to go. Dybala choosing to not come to a club who have shown little sign of getting anywhere near the top again is absolutely fair enough. He's got a contract, he can do what he wants. If he chooses to stay he'll get plenty of game time.


Foootball hinders the adrenaline of transfers.
Jul 11, 2015
Loyal? Determined? Ambitious?
He is not in Manager's plans
He is not wanted by his employer
He will be benched for big games

If he is ambitious, he would sought out a move where he will be playing week in week out.

Determination has nothing to do with this case.

Juventus people don't want him. How is this loyalty?


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Do you think another season like 18/19 is in his best interests? Not producing enough goals, being benched for the big games and played out of position? If he is planing to join an inter or Spurs fair play to him but if he stays put at Juve then that would be a worse than coming to united
Exactly. If he has better options then fair enough. But it doesnt look like he has. Playing Europa at Utd on double your salary has to be better than being benched at a club that doesnt want you. If he really doesnt want to play at Utd then he could quite easily stay quiet, put in the performances and once he has proven himself move on on 2/3 years. Its not like hes going to Watford. Does he think Real/Barca will be knocking on his door if he scores 5 goals again next year? This says more about Dybala than it does about our current status. I think hes one of those scardy boo players that is afraid of challenging himself in another league or moving to another country.


Nostrodamus of football
Jan 8, 2002
Seems strange to me people are being snide towards Dybala for wanting to stay at the club he loves and fight for his place rather than move to another club for more money and be a starter. After all we all love Ole for doing the same with Spurs.

Seems like sour grapes to me. Dybala would have been great for us and improves us greatly but if he doesnt want to come, thats too bad I guess.
They are frustrated that things didn't go as they wanted and are therefore throwing toys out of their prams.

Zed 101

Full Member
Jun 27, 2014
18m salary or wanting to stay in Turin... very different stories coming out, not sure this one is quite dead in the water yet, just hope if it isn't going anywhere that we move on and get SMS/Bruno ASAP


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Sep 19, 2006
Long season ahead for Dybala, sitting on the bench. When he checks his bank balance, he can dream about what might have been if he had been more enthusiastic about the enormous contract United were offering. I’m sure he’ll be fine though.

I’m especially happy for his agent who misses out on the huge commission cheque.

While disappointed it didn’t happen and our squad is so shite, this deal always seemed wrong and ultimately doomed. Better that it hit the rails before it happened than three months down the road.


New Member
Oct 23, 2016
So who ever doesnt want to join us is a mercenary. Right. Maybe they would rather join a better team than us? Play in the Champions league maybe even win it? join a team that is challenging for the title? That has a proven manager? Nah. Merceneries.
Yeah these are some pretty childish and bitter comments tbh. They could also be considered mercenaries if they joined us just for the sole purpose of money. :lol:

SilverPaper on the Breeze

New Member
Jul 31, 2019
Dybala or not, there’s no way Lukaku is with us come 1st September. Might end up being Inter on their deadline day for £65m ish, but his United career is, quite rightly, finished.


Full Member
Aug 4, 2010
Long season ahead for Dybala, sitting on the bench. When he checks his bank balance, he can dream about what might have been if he had been more enthusiastic about the enormous contract United were offering. I’m sure he’ll be fine though.

I’m especially happy for his agent who misses out on the huge commission cheque.

While disappointed it didn’t happen and our squad is so shite, this deal always seemed wrong and ultimately doomed. Better that it hit the rails before it happened than three months down the road.
He is hardly going to be scraping his overdraft is he? His bank balance is probably so large he wouldn't have noticed much of a difference.


"Ronaldo and trophies > Manchester United football
Sep 21, 2004
Let's not pretend we're some sort of step up from Juventus. If Lukaku has an offer from a top team of course he's going to go. Dybala choosing to not come to a club who have shown little sign of getting anywhere near the top again is absolutely fair enough. He's got a contract, he can do what he wants. If he chooses to stay he'll get plenty of game time.
In Europe/Historically we are. We're in a funk now but that's mostly due to the owners. Lukaku may have wanted to play in Italy all his life, but this stems from him being put on the bench. What's funny to me is that people pretend to know what's going on. We're in the dark. Todays a big day, you'd think his agent might come out and say he's going to stay and fight because Dybala has social media to state i'm loyal to Juventus. I want to stay publicly, but he hasn't. Yet.

He has said nothing openly because he seemingly doesn't want to burn bridges either way. You had his agent not knowing what was going on. Where is his confirmation? This is incomplete as it stands. Where is the statements from Dybala saying he has zero intention of leaving? It's no before we start patting him on the back, let's let it play out.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2014
Can’t blame him for not wanting to come here, we’ve got a real struggle to finish in top 4 next season. Might try and force his way back into team at Juve and if that doesn’t work then leave in January, no hurry to leave if we are his best offer.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
So our main attackers will be Martial and Rashford and considering Lukaku is on his way out, where are we getting the goals from? I cannot see Martial and Rashford scoring more than 20 each in all comps. Very worrying IMO.


The alright "V", B-Boy cypher cat
Jul 13, 2018
Somewhere in the middle
So our main attackers will be Martial and Rashford and considering Lukaku is on his way out, where are we getting the goals from? I cannot see Martial and Rashford scoring more than 20 each in all comps. Very worrying IMO.
I’m expecting Mandzukic to arrive. I’m also expecting him to quickly become our starting striker.


New Member
May 13, 2019
The worst outcome here is that we agreed a deal with Mandzukic for £15m

Might as well just kept Fellaini...


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Thankfully, we've avoided another Angel Di Maria debacle! *raised hands*


Full Member
Jul 23, 2013
He is a player that we simply have to sign if available. As things stands, he is making himself unavailable, so I can't blame the club on this. If he thinks staying at a club that has expressed their intention to do their utmost best to get him out of there is a good move, then fair play to him. Another season of him sitting on the bench or playing out of position and performing poorly and his stocks will be way down.

We do absolutely need a creative midfielder though, and with Stone saying that we are not in for Bruno I am getting worried that we might actually head into the new season with our current midfield options. There is no way we are finishing in top 4 with them.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
So our main attackers will be Martial and Rashford and considering Lukaku is on his way out, where are we getting the goals from? I cannot see Martial and Rashford scoring more than 20 each in all comps. Very worrying IMO.
Stop pushing the anti-Rashfrd narrative.


Full Member
May 9, 2013
I knew this wouldn’t work the moment it was being reported that he’d requested a meeting with Sarri.

Juventus had made it clear publicly that they wanted him out, without consulting him, and yet he still felt the need to try and plead with the new manager to stay.

On one hand I think we have to be realistic given our current position (Finishing outside the top 4, Europa League and a squad going through a rebuild of sorts) and understated that not every player is going to be falling over themselves to sign for us. Part of that will see players push their luck in terms of their wages demands and so on so forth.

From the sounds of things though Dybala must really have taken the piss with his wage demands, in which case it probably wouldn’t have worked out as his heart probably wouldn’t have been in it.

I just hope with the little time left in the market we can bring in someone with a similar skill set.
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