Playstation 3


Full Member
May 18, 2009
I picked a 160GB up, with an extra controller and four games (SSFIV, Mafia II, GoW III and Simpsons the game) for €250. So far I'm very happy and I've been mashing my thumbs silly in SSFIV!

Two question: Is it worth going for an arcade stick? Does a SSFIV arcade stick from Mad Catz respond better than a controller?

How do I set up my laptop as a media server to stream the content over to the PS3?


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
For games like Street Fighter, a proper arcade stick is always worth it, but it depends on how much time you want to put into the game. Same thing with wheels for driving games, depends on how much space you've got and how serious you are.


Full Member
May 18, 2009
Wow, thanks for the media server advice. Works like a charm. I feel slow as a slough for jumping on the console bandwagon but this is great stuff!

Anything else that's nifty to have?

Lance Uppercut

You can watch movies on your PS3 by streaming them from your PC via wifi. All you need to do is download PS3 Media Server to your PC.

Nick is a stooge.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Streams video content from your laptop to your PS3 via wifi
You shouldn't be streaming anything from a laptop in your house. Any respectable house will have a proper PC. If anything your latop should be receiving content rather than trying to stream it, because in terms of processing power, your laptop is a pile of shite.

Lance Uppercut

I just copy all of my movies, TV shows and music to an external which I keep plugged into my PS3.


Full Member
Aug 1, 2006
Hope, We Lose
I picked a 160GB up, with an extra controller and four games (SSFIV, Mafia II, GoW III and Simpsons the game) for €250. So far I'm very happy and I've been mashing my thumbs silly in SSFIV!

Two question: Is it worth going for an arcade stick? Does a SSFIV arcade stick from Mad Catz respond better than a controller?

How do I set up my laptop as a media server to stream the content over to the PS3?
If you're going to put a fair bit of time into Street Fighter and the next great fighting games coming out like Street Fighter X Tekken, then you probably do want an arcade stick. I converted to using one a few months ago and execution for specials and ultras became a lot easier.

However some of the best players in the world are using pad. So it can be done, in the past people would scoff at players using pad because they didnt believe they could be as good using it. Now a lot of people are saying both are just as good.

I bought a SFIV standard edition stick at first for about £50. Before long I decided to get the Tournament Edition stick which has some of the best arcade stick parts on it but is a lot more expensive at over £200. As I use it a lot I would say its worth it, but if its not exactly going to be the main game you play and if you arent interested in putting lots of hours into the next big fighting games, you might prefer to just see what you can do on pad and save the money.


Full Member
May 18, 2009
You shouldn't be streaming anything from a laptop in your house. Any respectable house will have a proper PC. If anything your latop should be receiving content rather than trying to stream it, because in terms of processing power, your laptop is a pile of shite.
I shall pass these words on. Fingers crossed she'll listen to Weasty from RedCafe :angel:

If you're going to put a fair bit of time into Street Fighter and the next great fighting games coming out like Street Fighter X Tekken, then you probably do want an arcade stick. I converted to using one a few months ago and execution for specials and ultras became a lot easier.

However some of the best players in the world are using pad. So it can be done, in the past people would scoff at players using pad because they didnt believe they could be as good using it. Now a lot of people are saying both are just as good.

I bought a SFIV standard edition stick at first for about £50. Before long I decided to get the Tournament Edition stick which has some of the best arcade stick parts on it but is a lot more expensive at over £200. As I use it a lot I would say its worth it, but if its not exactly going to be the main game you play and if you arent interested in putting lots of hours into the next big fighting games, you might prefer to just see what you can do on pad and save the money.
I love the game and I've spent most of my days with it - I'm also anticipating SFXT. Playing with a pad is fine but it truly grinds your thumb down. If having a stick makes weaving punch/kick combos with specials and ultras easier I would not hesitate to grab one.


Hairy big footed Swede
Oct 19, 2001
Get a real quality stick then. I got one of those £25-£30 bucks sticks and it's impossible to play with.


Somewhere down the lane, a licky boom boom down
Jul 10, 2007
Lousy Smarch weather
I use both PS3 media server and TVersity, as one does certain things better than the other in my experience.
Does PS3 media server stream mkv or 1080p? That's really the only thing TVersity doesn't do.

As for your laptop comment, mine is better than my PC. I've used it to stream NFL live games in HD no problem. Then again, I spent money on my laptop.


Hairy big footed Swede
Oct 19, 2001
Does PS3 media server stream mkv or 1080p? That's really the only thing TVersity doesn't do.

As for your laptop comment, mine is better than my PC. I've used it to stream NFL live games in HD no problem. Then again, I spent money on my laptop.
I stream 1080p mkv movies just fine with ps3 media server. I use a wired cable though to the router, with wireless it just about handles 720p at times.

Lance Uppercut

Recently, when I turn on my PS3, occasionally there is no sound. On the cross menu, when you hit icons, and even in game. I have a dynamic wallpaper that changed the standard cross menu noises. Could this be the problem?

I reset the console and it's fine, but it is somewhat irksome.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2010
Now featuring Dr. Dwayne.
Lance, I'm cleaning up on Sacred 2 now. For kicks I started a new character the other night, played for two hours and made level 8 but I deleted him for now. I wish I knew that when I first started playing, getting bogged down in sidequests, while fun is useless on bronze level because you don't get enough exp for killing monsters. On silver it's much better, although by then you're needing 1 million exp and up to move levels.

I have characters in all five classes ranging from level 12-68. I think I'm obsessed.


You're only young once, you can be immature f'ever
Apr 28, 2007
Head of the naval division of lolibfascon
Sony: "Cross game chat impossible due to RAM"

Cross-game voice chat is not possible on the PlayStation 3 because of memory restrictions, Sony has revealed.

"Once a game gets RAM we never give it back," he said. "It's not possible to retrofit something like that after the fact."

"The game has to use its own memory to do [in-game voice chat]. There's always voice chat in the game. But it's a part of a game feature. It's not a part of an OS feature. That's the reason in terms of the ability to have voice chat across different games."
Why the PS3 can't do cross-game chat News - PlayStation 3 - Page 1 |

Now I was under the impression that the PS3 was a superior machine to the 360, so why is it that the 360 can do cross game chat but the PS3 can't?

I've seen people mention (Weaste was one iirc) that one or two deficiencies of the PS3 has really held it back from reaching anything like its full potential, given that Sony had already spent so much on it, why didn't they just go all out and put in more RAM etc?


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
I think this has been known as being an issue for some time. With XB360 I think that they designed the OS software, hardware, and network infrastructure at the same time, it was a system designed to have features such as cross-game chat from the start, Sony simply didn't do that with the PS3. Without getting into the split RAM pool, as they reduced the OS footprint, they simply gave it to developers rather than reserving it for features such as this. The PS3 can do it no problem, it's simply not mandatory. There is a load of stuff in the PS3 GAMEOS such as playing your own music in-game, directly uploading replays to YouTube, using the web browser in-game, etc. it's up to developers to decide whether they want to lose RAM to do any of those things. GT5 for example has custom soundtracks, but it was also supposed to have the YouTube upload stuff but it was taken out because there was in the end not enough RAM to support it.

RAM was their biggest mistake, they should have gone with 512 XDR and 256 of the VRAM but they were bleeding money on the machine at the time, and adding more 256MB of XDR RAM would simply have made it worse. Cheap as chips to do now of course, and if a new model had that then those models could do it, but what's the point at this stage of the game? Yeah, you'd be able to pull the web browser up and post on RedCafe whilst playing a game, but why bother? You still couldn't do cross game chat with people playing on the 50m machines already out there. BTW, the cost increase isn't simply down to the cost of the RAM, it can cause all sorts of other problems from board complexity, power use, latency, heat and cooling solutions, etc.

Why did Microsoft use a standard DVD drive instead of HD-DVD which they were trying to push? Same thing - cost, but now you're seeing games over 2, 3 or 4 discs. BTW Microsoft were originally going to release XB360 with only 256MB of RAM. Now that would have been a disaster.


Full Member
May 13, 2004
The City of Salford.
I think this has been known as being an issue for some time. With XB360 I think that they designed the OS software, hardware, and network infrastructure at the same time, it was a system designed to have features such as cross-game chat from the start, Sony simply didn't do that with the PS3. Without getting into the split RAM pool, as they reduced the OS footprint, they simply gave it to developers rather than reserving it for features such as this. The PS3 can do it no problem, it's simply not mandatory. There is a load of stuff in the PS3 GAMEOS such as playing your own music in-game, directly uploading replays to YouTube, using the web browser in-game, etc. it's up to developers to decide whether they want to lose RAM to do any of those things. GT5 for example has custom soundtracks, but it was also supposed to have the YouTube upload stuff but it was taken out because there was in the end not enough RAM to support it.

RAM was their biggest mistake, they should have gone with 512 XDR and 256 of the VRAM but they were bleeding money on the machine at the time, and adding more 256MB of XDR RAM would simply have made it worse. Cheap as chips to do now of course, and if a new model had that then those models could do it, but what's the point at this stage of the game? Yeah, you'd be able to pull the web browser up and post on RedCafe whilst playing a game, but why bother? You still couldn't do cross game chat with people playing on the 50m machines already out there. BTW, the cost increase isn't simply down to the cost of the RAM, it can cause all sorts of other problems from board complexity, power use, latency, heat and cooling solutions, etc.

Why did Microsoft use a standard DVD drive instead of HD-DVD which they were trying to push? Same thing - cost, but now you're seeing games over 2, 3 or 4 discs. BTW Microsoft were originally going to release XB360 with only 256MB of RAM. Now that would have been a disaster.
I won't bother talking specs etc, I have nowhere near enough knowledge for that, but the fact that the HD-DVD was an add-on for the 360 was pretty much what won the day for Blu-Ray. Top games machine with the player included? No brainer. Typical Microsoft greed.

Lance Uppercut

My console is connected to the tv via HDMI cable. Is that what you mean? I am a technotard, as you know.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Interesting, so the audio isn't going through a DAC. Check your settings are all ok. If the problem still continues, use the A/V cable that came with the PS3 to output audio over that as see what happens.

Lance Uppercut

No problem. So you don't think it could have anything to do with the dynamic theme? Because it was fine up until I started using that.

Lance Uppercut

The whole shebang. No sound at all. Until I reset, and all is fine again.


New Member
Jun 21, 2001
Salford in Castellón de la Plana
Well, that's odd and makes no sense, unless this dynamic theme is fecking up the volume output is some way, but then games to my knowledge don't pay attention to the XMB set volume level. Sound out of the HDMI port is simply a digital stream, it's not going through a DAC or anything like that. Try to get your audio coming out of the A/V MUlti port and let's see (here it is coming through a DAC). PS3 isn't like XB360, it has no dedicated audio hardware, it's all done in software on the Cell.

Lance Uppercut

I have to borrow cables. I will update you as soon as I get them. Moved house recently and mislaid my own.