Pogba on the differences between Ole & Mourinho

The bold part is just unforgivable. It goes beyond being a fan of a manager or even of a club, it's just poor human standard.

The toxicity in the fan base happened with Mourinho imo and i don't know if we always had disgusting fans or if this was the "import" that came along with Jose. One need only to read the Pogba and Ole threads (all 4 billion of them) to see the level of nonsense that never exited to this degree before.

The damage this manager has done to United is incredible but that is in the past. Let him rot in his mid table mediocrity while we keep building and become the true Manchester United again.
True, everything changed when the Mourinho cult attacked.
As much as I like an honest interview and an unfiltered expression of thought from footballers, I can't see how the club will be too thrilled with this.
His virus was so contagious it reached this forum or revealed the mentality of people in this forum. When Mourinho was insensitive about Martial and his wives birth he had supporters in this forum. When his man management in regards to Martial, Rashford and Shaw was questioned everyone agreed with the Mourinho soldier, the hypocrite Lukaku about manning up. Everything about treating people write was thrown out the window.


When Mourinho says “I couldn’t care less what he says” in that tone, without a laugh or even mentioning Pogba’s name, you know full well he’s absolutely pissed off that Pogba called him out. It’s telling that he doesn’t address any of Pogba’s points like he normally does with other accusations too.
Looking at some of the reactions here, no wonder footballers give such bland interviews and cliche statements. And the same people then complain that they are just saying some generic things.

If you watch the interview, it wasn't even some bold claim. Just that different managers have different styles and some suit particular players (like him and Shaw) more than others.
I think this interview was unhelpful and unnecessary. It hasn't brought any new information of great substance to light and I don't think that criticising a manager of another club in the same league while you're still playing is a good idea. We already knew that Mourinho is a master of deflection and lacks man management skills and this criticism is better coming from journalists and pundits rather than current players.

Pogba may well have to go out and face a Mourinho side again in the future and would be better served doing his talking on the pitch.
I think this interview was unhelpful and unnecessary. It hasn't brought any new information of great substance to light and I don't think that criticising a manager of another club in the same league while you're still playing is a good idea. We already knew that Mourinho is a master of deflection and lacks man management skills and this criticism is better coming from journalists and pundits rather than current players.

Pogba may well have to go out and face a Mourinho side again in the future and would be better served doing his talking on the pitch.
Yes it did, we now know Mourinho did cold shoulder our players who needed help. That is piss poor management.

You can't just look after the ones that you like and forget the rest. He then wonders why he struggled to get the best out of our squad?
I think this interview was unhelpful and unnecessary. It hasn't brought any new information of great substance to light and I don't think that criticising a manager of another club in the same league while you're still playing is a good idea. We already knew that Mourinho is a master of deflection and lacks man management skills and this criticism is better coming from journalists and pundits rather than current players.

Pogba may well have to go out and face a Mourinho side again in the future and would be better served doing his talking on the pitch.
Pogba answered the questions in an honest, respectful, lighthearted manner without deflecting. No shots were fired at Mourinho, but he suggested Luke Shaw and himself prefer a different approach to management. Hardly controversial...

Not supporting his teammate (Shaw) would be far more "unhelpful and unnecessary". If anything, I think the whole footballing world has been far too lenient with Mourinho. The disgusting characterisation he did of Luke in that infamous post match interview made me realize he's not fit to manage in any way. That's not a "method", that's bullying and narcissism at its worst. Makes me question anyone who thinks he's still got it. You know he'll shit on whoever he can to absolve himself.

So yeah, good responses from Paul all over. Maybe finally he senses some real love from the club. Let's make use of that to the best interest for both him and the club.
We didn’t need Pogba’s comments to know this, it’s pretty obvious. I am positively surprised he didn’t strike back with some cheap shots, but..... I think he will use some days until the next press conference to gear up. Pathetic old man
The interview is fine. Pogba actually comes out of it quite well when you watch the video.

Mourinho has spent years digging out players and questioning their professionalism. Giving him a little bit back is fair game at this point.
Looking at some of the reactions here, no wonder footballers give such bland interviews and cliche statements. And the same people then complain that they are just saying some generic things.

If you watch the interview, it wasn't even some bold claim. Just that different managers have different styles and some suit particular players (like him and Shaw) more than others.

Ive not gone through the thread, but am sure I wouldn’t be surprised by the posts!

you are right, the over analysis and focus in player interviews is exactly why they are so bland, and 99% of the time pointless.

ive no issue with what Pogba said, it wasn’t outrageous and was what we all knew anyway.
It's not uncommon for managers to treat fringe players (who have become such for whatever reason) rather shabbily.

Back in the day, Big Ron was known for this - he had a core croup he considered "his" lads, and didn't care too much about those who weren't part of this group.

Short-term, this approach may work - as it can strengthen the unity within the core group which the manager considers essential.

Long-term, it's obviously a shite strategy. It's pretty much designed to cause division - which is, in itself, a very bad idea.

Fergie - by contrast - preferred to get rid of players he didn't fancy for one reason or another. He didn't exclude or ignore them - as that would be...just silly from a long-term perspective (which is the perspective he always operated with).
That’s really interesting about Big Ron, and was a particularly bonkers way of going about things when so many of “his” lads were so desperately injury-prone. I’d have thought you could only get away with that approach if your core players were always available; as indeed seemed to be the case with Jose in his first spell at Chelsea.
"Never wrestle with a pig. You will both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

- George Bernard Shaw
As much as I like an honest interview and an unfiltered expression of thought from footballers, I can't see how the club will be too thrilled with this.
The club sanctioned the interview. They would have known the questions beforehand. The club doesn't care cause the interview isn't a big deal.
The interview is fine. Pogba actually comes out of it quite well when you watch the video.

Mourinho has spent years digging out players and questioning their professionalism. Giving him a little bit back is fair game at this point.
My thoughts as well.

What could Pogba say? It would have been even stranger to pretend that he had no issue with Mourinho.

As you say, Mourinho has spent his entire career calling out players, so Pogba is within his rights I think. Given that Pogba and Shaw are our two most important players under Ole, he's justified too.
I am not a Jose fan because I do not like the way he treats his players in public and the way his teams play but to be fair with what he has achieved in the game would he really be bothered with what Pogba has to say about him?
In my eyes he should brush it off because with the amount of players he has managed I am sure some have liked him and some have not but it just seems in Jose’s nature we have not heard the last of this.
Seems like the story of the dinner plate is true then. Pogba was eating sprouts, and Mouriho grabbed his plate and smashed it for it for reason in an attempt to fire him up.

Rumours were going round at the time but apparently this was common in Carrington
Although these are things we already knew, there’s a distilled quality to Pogba’s nonchalant summation - that it was a known issue at the club, an elephant in the room.

Probably the hierarchy appraised Mourinho’s methods quite a few months before he was sacked and decided they didn’t like it. Makes you wonder if bringing Ole in was actually pre-meditated and the caretaker arrangement was always a trial with the intention of permanent appointment.

I imagine after Mourinho’s stint here, personality/how well they can create a cohesive atmosphere will be near the top of the list of things the club would look for in prospective managers. Mourinho was inciting a civil war with a different player every week. For that reason I can’t really see us ever hiring one of those managers with a history of being combative, which for me isn’t a bad thing. I had enough of that for a lifetime from Jose.
Seems like the story of the dinner plate is true then. Pogba was eating sprouts, and Mouriho grabbed his plate and smashed it for it for reason in an attempt to fire him up.

Rumours were going round at the time but apparently this was common in Carrington

What? :lol: This sounds outright psychotic:lol:
The interview is fine. Pogba actually comes out of it quite well when you watch the video.

Mourinho has spent years digging out players and questioning their professionalism. Giving him a little bit back is fair game at this point.

Yes this exactly.

Mourinho has called out many players for their inability to be a winner like he is. I don't have any problems with a player calling him out for his failures for once. And those failures are starting to mount on Jose Mourinho.
I think this interview was unhelpful and unnecessary. It hasn't brought any new information of great substance to light and I don't think that criticising a manager of another club in the same league while you're still playing is a good idea. We already knew that Mourinho is a master of deflection and lacks man management skills and this criticism is better coming from journalists and pundits rather than current players.

Pogba may well have to go out and face a Mourinho side again in the future and would be better served doing his talking on the pitch.
This seems a strange take on a pretty innocuous interview from somebody naming themselves after Eric Cantona. What we loved about Eric was his character, no? His absolute insistence on being himself, on the pitch and off it. Pogba spoke his mind, said nothing disrespectful I don't think but gave an opinion. God help us all if every utterance by our players has to go through a PR filter before being released into the wild.
This seems a strange take on a pretty innocuous interview from somebody naming themselves after Eric Cantona. What we loved about Eric was his character, no? His absolute insistence on being himself, on the pitch and off it. Pogba spoke his mind, said nothing disrespectful I don't think but gave an opinion. God help us all if every utterance by our players has to go through a PR filter before being released into the wild.
It's far from an innocuous interview. It invited journalists to stir the pot by going back to Mourinho to ask about his response to the Pogba comments. Footballers give innocuous interviews literally all the time and for good reason.

Anyway, I don't have a strong opinion of this and actually I quite enjoyed the interview! I just said it was unhelpful and unnecessary to make the comments he did. I'd say the same if Cantona made the same comments in the same situation. Liking a player doesn't mean I have some blind loyalty to them and accept everything they do without criticism.
It's far from an innocuous interview. It invited journalists to stir the pot by going back to Mourinho to ask about his response to the Pogba comments. Footballers give innocuous interviews literally all the time and for good reason.

Anyway, I don't have a strong opinion of this and actually I quite enjoyed the interview! I just said it was unhelpful and unnecessary to make the comments he did. I'd say the same if Cantona made the same comments in the same situation. Liking a player doesn't mean I have some blind loyalty to them and accept everything they do without criticism.

Honestly I think managers shouldn't really have a camera thrust into their faces after every game anyways. We're all there to watch the players, talk to them post game. Anything to remotely rectify that lack of balance between players and managers is good with me. I don't get why Jose can talk shit about Pogba "should have been sent off", but when Pogba says the most banal and obvious things like "he was deflecting cos he lost" and "he doesn't talk to people who're not playing" everyone loses their minds.

Interesting way to depict him seeing as he was completely calm in the interview...

Interesting way to depict him seeing as he was completely calm in the interview...

What kind of disgusting and misleading shit is this???

And the comments are just the cherry on the top... :wenger: Twitter is by far the worst social media, ever.
Seems like the story of the dinner plate is true then. Pogba was eating sprouts, and Mouriho grabbed his plate and smashed it for it for reason in an attempt to fire him up.

Rumours were going round at the time but apparently this was common in Carrington

Sprouts, crisps, chips....?

hangchester united

don’t mess with a mans food! :lol:
It’s not a racist cartoon lads. If it was Jose doing the shouting and Pogba looking all cool would it still be racist. No because It’s not a racist cartoon.
Thanks for clearing that up. Definitely not racist, no. Can't possibly be.

In other news, they have now deleted the tweet.
It’s not a racist cartoon lads. If it was Jose doing the shouting and Pogba looking all cool would it still be racist. No because It’s not a racist cartoon.
I would also love to live in a bubble of ignorance