Queen Elizabeth II | 1926-2022 | Rest in Peace

May you be the Queen or an ordinary person, your box is still the same size..
I just said to oates it would be great if the Queen had hung on just to make sure Boris missed out. He's missed the chance to play John Bull, he'll be seething.
Maybe they'll have an open mic segment at the end where he can make his presence known?!
Be glad when this nonsense is all over and we can get back to normal, though I am grateful for the day off. All this fake eulogising and crying over someone you've never met and would probably step over you in the street is just shameless.
is it going to go on for 70 years? we’d already burnt my nanna to feck by now and headed off to the pub.
Thought they were going to play some star wars themes there.
I'm reliably informed there's another funeral for her madge at 4.00pm at Windsor.

Can you make it @Sassy Colin
Be glad when this nonsense is all over and we can get back to normal, though I am grateful for the day off. All this fake eulogising and crying over someone you've never met and would probably step over you in the street is just shameless.

You sound like your enjoying your day off.
Just got in, how we played?

players have been wandering around, ina very static and predictable pattern. no great sense of urgency. crowd subdued and the new black kit looks shit.
Looks like a giant chess match with the king and queen with a black and white tiled floor.
quite rude of the dude with the eye patch to be wearing it on the eye closest to the queen.