Gaming Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC, PS4, Xbox One, Stadia)

Chapter 4

I'm fecking hating the Saint Denis chapter. The thing I loved the most about RDR is the open western countryside, it feels claustrophobic being around a city in this game.
Arthur constantly makes this point himself, tbf. Read his journal if you haven’t, he has a great line. The game does a great job of showing how ill equipped Arthur and his gang are for the modernity the world is bursting into.

In general though, I think the overarching plot gets shaky late chapter 4, early chapter 5. The game begins to meander into a series of banal, linear missions. Strangely followed by implementation of new characters/arcs, at the cost of sidelining or failing to resolve plots for the likeable characters already there.
Finally got myself an Arabian horse after many failed attempts. Bit of a pain in the arse, but worth it in the end.
I seen to be the only one in this thread who hasn’t come across the KKK. :(
Since the initial "ooh, this game sounds so detailed" I'm starting to see alot of the same stories that make me think "oh, this game has some detail but not nearly as much as I thought". But then I just found out today that if you pet dogs they remember who you are when you come back days later and bark and wag their tails at you.
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This story should really be about the behaiour of annonymous people on the Internet. In a game
If you are doing spoiler tags can you give at least some sort of description of what is within - like what chapter, for instance.

Reasonable! Although let's take a second to appreciate those ploughing ahead in the game and not ruining it for the rest of us. Hats off to you gentlemen!
Casual encounter from chapter 3. Just some random side quest
Casually riding through the Bayou and a guy falls off his horse in front of me and begs me to take him to the doctor. I stick him on my horse and ride like the wind towards Saint Denis, I get him there and take him in to the operating theatre and the doc tells the guy he has to amputate and then knocks him out and advises me to leave for the next part.

Instead I moved in to a good viewing position and watched the Doc cut through this guy’s arm with a bone saw.

I have video but it’s pretty damn graphic.
Casual encounter from chapter 3. Just some random side quest
Casually riding through the Bayou and a guy falls off his horse in front of me and begs me to take him to the doctor. I stick him on my horse and ride like the wind towards Saint Denis, I get him there and take him in to the operating theatre and the doc tells the guy he has to amputate and then knocks him out and advises me to leave for the next part.

Instead I moved in to a good viewing position and watched the Doc cut through this guy’s arm with a bone saw.

I have video but it’s pretty damn graphic.

Did that one. Gave me A cool $12 before doctor did his thing.
So I'm working y way through the satchels, go to find some bison. I go to an area I've seen them before and come across a tree I've noticed before, I thought it was one of those dreamcatcher trees so I walked up to it, but it had bottles hanging off it in weird directions.

Never thought anything of it at first.

Now that I returned, I heard that annoying 'woowoohoo' noise near me, it's pissing me off that I can;t locate it so I use eagle eye to see if I can see it. But the only thing I see is one of the bottles lit up with scent coming off it. Go up to it, can't do anything. Shoot it and a golden nugget falls down at my feet.

Just a wee tip I found out, probably old hat by now.

Nice way to thank me for saving their carriage.

Is your hair fully grey?

I read in the general store catalogue that hair tonic stops greying and didn't know if that actually happened in the game (I've been smashing them too so wouldn't know).
I came across a brother and sister last night who led me into their cabin. Eventually it ended up alright, but there was a period where i thought i had been done! I won't say much more 'cause i don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't come across it yet.

I met these degenerates myself last night. Returned after grabbing the pump action from my horse, ended them both and torched the house. Nobody in camp must ever know about this.
there's a great stranger mission in Claude Van Dam or whatever that place is north of St. Denis. I'm still in chapter 3 so i'm not sure if i should even be remotely near that part of the map yet, but i just love exploring and finding this shit. Maybe I should actually do some missions because i feel like by the time i'm done with this chapter all i'll have left to do is missions at this rate.
So as part of my order I had DLC codes for 2 horses - one was a Throughbred and the other was the War Horse.

Now I have been to the stable to collect the Thoroughbred, but no sign of the War Horse - any idea where I can get it?

Also, I wonder how good these two horses are compared to the Arabian horse?
So as part of my order I had DLC codes for 2 horses - one was a Throughbred and the other was the War Horse.

Now I have been to the stable to collect the Thoroughbred, but no sign of the War Horse - any idea where I can get it?

Also, I wonder how good these two horses are compared to the Arabian horse?
You know now that you mention it I should have the same thing and no sign of it.

Edit: After a bit of research the war horse is just called Adennas which I do have. I got it when I went to the stable in Valentine to trade that horse.

Seemingly there are 3 super rare horse.

The white Arabian.
Mustang - Tiger bay stripe

Then some horse called the Splashed White American Paint which just randomly spawns at camp sites of hostiles.
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Got to play a couple of hours of Chapter 2 last night. Not doing spoilers as I'm guessing no one is behind me at all...

Went hunting with Hosea up in the mountains. We were going to look for the legendary bear! I had no volume on the TV as my daughter was sleeping beside me so had my headphones in at a decent level. After shooting the bear and it runs off, I then tracked it. When I get to the point it jumps out to attack me, I absolutely shat my fecking togs. Christ almighty it was loud and scary :lol:
I’m not really a fan of the hunting either. Would prefer if they did away with the star system completely tbh. Feels frustrating spending so much time seeking out a particular animal only to end up with a naff pelt.
I’m not really a fan of the hunting either. Would prefer if they did away with the star system completely tbh. Feels frustrating spending so much time seeking out a particular animal only to end up with a naff pelt.
If you have studied that particular animal before, when you aim at them it shows you the quality of their pelt before you kill them. Obviously you still have to kill them cleanly.
This game should really let you buy a carriage to stow animals on when you're out hunting. If you go too far away from it then you run the risk of NPCs stealing either it or some of your kills. It doesn't feel worthwhile going out into the wilderness when you have can only take three things back with you.
now i feel guilty after being cheat shamed on here

Is your hair fully grey?

I read in the general store catalogue that hair tonic stops greying and didn't know if that actually happened in the game (I've been smashing them too so wouldn't know).

Nah brown afaik, I'd just been swampin'.
I met these degenerates myself last night. Returned after grabbing the pump action from my horse, ended them both and torched the house. Nobody in camp must ever know about this.

I did the exact same thing :lol: Shooting fatty and watching his body roll down the stairs was very satisfying.
I met these degenerates myself last night. Returned after grabbing the pump action from my horse, ended them both and torched the house. Nobody in camp must ever know about this.
I visited them, too. After re-entering I hogtied the sister and tried to hogtie the brother, unfortunately he was too fat to be hogtied (I spent 2 minutes repeatedly trying before realising). Killed him, picked her up and placed her next to her brother, at which point she started crying over his death. I then took her to the hole I woke up in after being drugged, she started crying and kept repeating “I’m sorry momma”, which I thought was a fantastic touch by rockstar with the additional dialogue and awareness of the hole.

For anyone who hasn’t done it yet, can you try to hogtie the brother and confirm that it was because he was too fat. Also, take her to the hole you wake up in, well worth it.
I visited them, too. After re-entering I hogtied the sister and tried to hogtie the brother, unfortunately he was too fat to be hogtied (I spent 2 minutes repeatedly trying before realising). Killed him, picked her up and placed her next to her brother, at which point she started crying over his death. I then took her to the hole I woke up in after being drugged, she started crying and kept repeating “I’m sorry momma”, which I thought was a fantastic touch by rockstar with the additional dialogue and awareness of the hole.

For anyone who hasn’t done it yet, can you try to hogtie the brother and confirm that it was because he was too fat. Also, take her to the hole you wake up in, well worth it.

Dammit! See I'm too hasty and go in guns blazing and then miss all the cool extra stuff like that. I need to remember to hogtie and threaten people more.
I visited them, too. After re-entering I hogtied the sister and tried to hogtie the brother, unfortunately he was too fat to be hogtied (I spent 2 minutes repeatedly trying before realising). Killed him, picked her up and placed her next to her brother, at which point she started crying over his death. I then took her to the hole I woke up in after being drugged, she started crying and kept repeating “I’m sorry momma”, which I thought was a fantastic touch by rockstar with the additional dialogue and awareness of the hole.

For anyone who hasn’t done it yet, can you try to hogtie the brother and confirm that it was because he was too fat. Also, take her to the hole you wake up in, well worth it.

I can confirm he is too big to hog tie but worse than that you can’t shoot the gun out of his hand so you can switch to close combat and give him a good stabbing.
Well as we're openly talking about this particular side activity, i went back and burst through the door. The woman was cooking something and immediately shit herself (metaphorically speaking, of course) upon seeing me and charged me down. I used dead eye to blow her head off with a sawn off shotgun. Then the fat bloke ran off, so i went in the other room to chase him and he actually ran at me and rugby tackled me to the ground. Then he went mad and started laying into me. Thankfully i got him off, with little health to spare, and condemned him to the same fate as his sister.
Well as we're openly talking about this particular side activity, i went back and burst through the door. The woman was cooking something and immediately shit herself (metaphorically speaking, of course) upon seeing me and charged me down. I used dead eye to blow her head off with a sawn off shotgun. Then the fat bloke ran off, so i went in the other room to chase him and he actually ran at me and rugby tackled me to the ground. Then he went mad and started laying into me. Thankfully i got him off, with little health to spare, and condemned him to the same fate as his sister.

Imagine how fuming you'd be if he'd pummelled you to death and got away :lol:
I kept trying to sneak in a side door and kept ending up in weird shed rooms :lol: Eventually came through the back.
I like how pretty much everyone in here (me included) continued to drink :lol: obviously it was going to result in something terrible but it's impossible to resist doing it and see what happens.
Arthur constantly makes this point himself, tbf. Read his journal if you haven’t, he has a great line. The game does a great job of showing how ill equipped Arthur and his gang are for the modernity the world is bursting into.

In general though, I think the overarching plot gets shaky late chapter 4, early chapter 5. The game begins to meander into a series of banal, linear missions. Strangely followed by implementation of new characters/arcs, at the cost of sidelining or failing to resolve plots for the likeable characters already there.

I can agree with this

The start of that chapter at least feels like another installment of the uncharted series, everything about it, the setting, the shooting segments, even the cannon to the ship

Someone mentioned the graphics weren't as good as earlier games this gen? Wtf? Graphics are unreal. One of the best looking games I've played for sure.
Someone mentioned the graphics weren't as good as earlier games this gen? Wtf? Graphics are unreal. One of the best looking games I've played for sure.
HZD and GoW are both better looking imo but they have the benefit of being made for one console. It still looks great, though, better than I expected. The lighting is fantastic.
HZD and GoW are both better looking imo but they have the benefit of being made for one console. It still looks great, though, better than I expected. The lighting is fantastic.

I think this looks better than HZD personally. Playing on original PS4 mind so HZD might utilise the pro better?

Mind, I don't think I took time during HZD to look at stuff in sheer fear something was about to smash me up. Faces/expressions in HZD looked quite bad to me.

Need to pick of GOW when I actually have some free time! Looks immense.
I really REALLY want to love Rockstar games. I buy all of them when they're released, but always get bored with them after a few hours. Sadly RDR2 is no different. It just can't hold my attention. I appreciate how beautiful and immersive the game is, but to me, it's just not fun. Which sucks, because it looks amazing.

I really REALLY want to love Rockstar games. I buy all of them when they're released, but always get bored with them after a few hours. Sadly RDR2 is no different. It just can't hold my attention. I appreciate how beautiful and immersive the game is, but to me, it's just not fun. Which sucks, because it looks amazing.


You're not fun!

Jokes, yeah sometimes some of the bigger popular titles don't really hold my interest. Each to their own. Rdr2 you can probably just pick up every once in a while and explore without really going into the storyline.