Pogue Mahone
Closet Gooner.
Yeah, the demographics least affected by the virus itself are those who are generally most affected by the measures taken to prevent its spread.
Exactly. Asking someone in their late teens early 20s to basically kill their usual social life stone dead - indefinitely - is a massive sacrifice. And I don’t think antisocial old gits like me should be sneering at them for finding that sacrifice too much to bear, especially when they have so little to fear, personally, from the virus.
Obviously they put others at risk but I think there’s something about being that age which fundamentally change the way we see risk, to ourselves and to others. Which you can see by the fact we all drive slower as we get older. Driving faster than you need to is an objectively selfish and stupid thing to do - putting yourself and others at risk - but I don’t know anyone who didn’t go through that phase. At least temporarily. Even though we all grow out of it eventually.