Film Solo: A Star Wars Story


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
It genuinely beggars belief that - in 2018 - anyone could push back against the idea that blockbuster movies viewed by millions of kids should at least make an effort to include a few decent roles for female actors (that doesn't involve wearing a skimpy gold bikini and a chain around their neck) and people of colour. Never mind grown men freaking the feck out on the basis that these casting decisions are "ruining their childhood" because they didn't enjoy said movie as much as they hoped they would.
Right from the off (the very first trailer for TFA) sure there was a large backlash from white men online about there being a black (main) character. 'Diversity Wars' I believe was one of the phrases they used.

You like to think the worlds beyond that nonsense (especially in the West) but it's clearly not.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Fecking hell, not this shite again, it's not the message itself, it's the fact they're shoving cotemporary, polarizing identity politics into the movie, the fans would be just as unhappy if the message the film was pushing was far right, i.e. building a space wall around the galaxy or some shite.
It's amusing the same type of fans follow the Marvel movies where they have strong women characters and have little to no problem with it. Clear difference in apporach between the films. Me thinks.

Similarly the same fans could watch a Jango film and have no problem, literally none about an "upperty" blackman be a hero and gun down a bunch of white poeple, cheer the dude on and love the film, similarly a woman in the Kill Bill films for instance.

Also the media's attack on Star Wars fans and the clowns that buy into it are also extremely polarizing. Anyway not going to bother saying much more because this board's politics section (Minus a few like Raoul) reads like some type of bitter bolshevik congregation


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Also the Tran thing, jesus, first off, she didn't even give a reason why she left instagram or whatever social media platform it was. Second, the attack on all Star Wars fans over it again, when its about 0.1% asshats who were the cause. not the other 99%, also lets be reminded these same type of "fans" hounded Jake Loyd, the kid who played Anakin similarly and ruinned his life, despite the fact he was white and male.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
Fecking hell, not this shite again, it's not the message itself, it's the fact they're shoving cotemporary, polarizing identity politics into the movie, the fans would be just as unhappy if the message the film was pushing was far right, i.e. building a space wall around the galaxy or some shite.
It's amusing the same type of fans follow the Marvel movies where they have strong women characters and have little to no problem with it. Clear difference in apporach between the films. Me thinks.

Similarly the same fans could watch a Jango film and have no problem, literally none about an "upperty" blackman be a hero and gun down a bunch of white poeple, cheer the dude on and love the film, similarly a woman in the Kill Bill films for instance.

Also the media's attack on Star Wars fans and the clowns that buy into it are also extremely polarizing. Anyway not going to bother saying much more because this board's politics section (Minus a few like Raoul) reads like some type of bitter bolshevik congregation
Like what? :lol:

Such fecking drivel. Explain what you mean (I might have to strap myself in for this shit).


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Also the Tran thing, jesus, first off, she didn't even give a reason why she left instagram or whatever social media platform it was. Second, the attack on all Star Wars fans over it again, when its about 0.1% asshats who were the cause. not the other 99%, also lets be reminded these same type of "fans" hounded Jake Loyd, the kid who played Anakin similarly and ruinned his life, despite the fact he was white and male.
Ah come on. It's been well reported over the last few months that she's been receiving torrents of specifically racist and sexist abuse and her director responded to it with:

"You know the difference between not liking a movie and hatefully harassing a woman so bad she has to get off social media. And you know which of those two we’re talking about here."

It's immensely disingenuous to suggest it's unclear why she left.

As for introducing identity politics to Star Wars, what did they do beyond including some women and minority characters (at a level where they still remain massively underrepresented when compared to actual real life)? As I said in a previous post, the only cause for taking issue with that is if their view on what a fair representation of women and minorities should look like is very distorted to begin with.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
I actually can't even predict what characters they have an issue with. I'm assuming Laura Dern and her storyline with Poe is one of them though (maybe they think it's a feminist thing making men look hot-headed and stupid).


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Ah come on. It's been well reported over the last few months that she's been receiving torrents of specifically racist and sexist abuse and her director responded to it with:

"You know the difference between not liking a movie and hatefully harassing a woman so bad she has to get off social media. And you know which of those two we’re talking about here."

It's immensely disingenuous to suggest it's unclear why she left.

As for introducing identity politics to Star Wars, what did they do beyond including some women and minority characters (at a level where they still remain massively underrepresented when compared to actual real life)? As I said in a previous post, the only reason I can see people taking issue with that is if their view on what a fair representation of women and minorities should look like is very distorted.
Listen, I'm not defending what those type of "fans" do, okay, they're scumbags, but she actually hasn't given a reason why she left whatever social media platform she was using, my problem is the media again using it as a weapon to attack the larger swathe of Star Wars fans and particuarly push their anti-white male rhetoric. Despite the fact these same type of fans attacked Jake Lloyd and Hayden in the previous batch of films, my point being, it's far less a "Star Wars fans have a problem with women or miniorities" issue (that the press are trying to push) but tha there's a small section of the fanbase that take their lazer sword movies too serious that are true, aboslute scumbags.

Anyway, I don't want to get into the problems, myself and a lot of others have with the latest round of Star Wars films, If anyone is actually interested, this video I believe explains it quite well, it's long though and contains bad language but he summarises it rather well, the difference between: A) Fans having an issue with women/minorities or B) Fans having an issue with identity politics preached down to them.

Again, if anyone is actually interested, watch it and take your own opinions, the guy talking is actually an entrepreneur , and his channel is generally about making money and politically neutral.

Starts about 1.40 in, but I promise he explain's regular SW fans issues quite well.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
Jesus Christ. It's so plain and obvious but it requires a bloody YouTube video from some random cnut to explain it to us.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I think I’m more sensitive than most to heavy handed political correctness or righteous identity politics (as per my political correctness mega-thread) but I’m genuinely at a loss to see where this becomes an issue in these movies. Is the idea that they don’t have any female/POC characters at all?

On a side note, I thought that the screechy/annoying woke droid side-kick in the Han Solo movie might have been Disney throwing a bone to these eejits. Look at the annoying SJW robot! Isn’t she a pain the arse? Now she’s dead! Yay!!!

(Mind you, if she wasn’t a parody - and we were supposed to be rooting for her - they might have a point...:nervous:)


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Anti-white male rhetoric!!! Ahahahahahshahaha

You whopping great melon
How many articles and talk show hosts pieces, from the like's Stephen Colbert, in the last 6months, from the release of TLJ up until Solo, would you like me to link where they're bashing white + men? Edit. Specificially over Star Wars, I mean.
I quite dislike how talking about these issues makes me look like some strange far right sympathizer, when the reality is i've never voted further right than the lib dem's, not white myself, in a 3 year relatioinship with a trans woman & can't stand identitarian's on either side.
This whole experience given to us from Disney and Kennedy has been truely depressing.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
How many articles and talk show hosts pieces, from the like's Stephen Colbert, in the last 6months, from the release of TLJ up until Solo, would you like me to link where they're bashing white + men? Edit. Specificially over Star Wars, I mean.
I quite dislike how talking about these issues makes me look like some strange far right sympathizer, when the reality is i've never voted further right than the lib dem's, not white myself, in a 3 year relatioinship with a trans woman & can't stand identitarian's on either side.
This whole experience given to us from Disney and Kennedy has been truely depressing.
Who’s that?


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Who’s that?
Kathleen Kennedy took over as exec producer of the Star Wars branch of films when Disney acquired the license, since then the films have had stronger and stronger overtones of progressivism. Marvel has a different exec overseeing and it's films generally have been far more well recieved.
After the Trump election win the next film out (IIRC?); The Last Jedi had the strongest push of that type of deal, feminism, anti-capitalism, social justice nods, PC, etc etc.
Before anyone jumps down my throat claiming it's all imagined, the director Johnson has spoken since about them being included "under the current political climate."

I want to state there's a big difference between SW fans at large being anti-women or anti-black/asian as they're being painted, Some of the most popular EU characters were females (Ahsoka Tano, Asaijj Ventress, Mara Jade, You won't have heard of any of those its a nerd thing) . Buit that the real issue at it's core is; They have an issue with any type political messaging pushed so strongly that it detracts from the film.

For me, and I speak only for myself in this last line, but it smacks of the old 90's Christian right reborn. Before they were concerned polciing films, games, media in general, inserting their morality codes on us, the general concensus was "feck off and let us enjoy our media." Fast forward 20-30 odd years and now we have the opposite of the spectrum policing with their own brand of morality codes. The reaction from the majority is of us is still the same, Could you just feck off and just let us enjoy our lazer sword stories? Being blasé re: political correctness/feminism or whatever else does not make you a woman hater or a racist, nor did telling the old christian right to go do one, make us satanist's or some shite.

For me, I don't want to turn up to a SW film and watch a 2 hour social sensitivity training sermon branded as a SW film.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I'm still struggling to see what identity politics are being pushed on people? Other than having diverse leads? The originals were about a group of different races, species and genders all fighting in unity against a group of white supremacists.


Full Member
Jan 2, 2014
Amongst The Pigeons
I really enjoyed this, except they could have cut the beginning massively. Just start with meeting Mr Bad and Qira on the yacht because that was where it became interesting. The film is already backstory for an existing character. You don't need backstory for the backstory.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Kathleen Kennedy took over as exec producer of the Star Wars branch of films when Disney acquired the license, since then the films have had stronger and stronger overtones of progressivism.
Obviously Star Wars is going to be more progressive than it was 20 odd years ago. It's the same for pretty much any big franchise today.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Obviously Star Wars is going to be more progressive than it was 20 odd years ago. It's the same for pretty much any big franchise today.
Oh yeah, I'd agree, I think Disney with Marvel for example handles it very well, with Star Wars it's been far more hamfisted with their approach.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
Most people didn't notice any of this stuff. To the majority, this is just normal life, normal representation, normal scenarios.

The fact you think these are being pushed into the story is frankly bizarre. A bit disgusting as well.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
@BennyBlanco seems to think Marvel are nailing it with their female protagonists on screen, tbf he’s right I’ve absolutely loved all their female superhero movies they’ve made. Why can’t Star Wars be more like Marvel where the women characters are just their in the background!


Dec 19, 2011
I have no idea what political agendas Star Wars is pushing, bar having leads of different genders, races and I guess soon, different sexual orientation. I don't know why that is a wrong thing in the eyes of some people, but then I don't know why people voted for Trump.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Most people didn't notice any of this stuff. To the majority, this is just normal life, normal representation, normal scenarios.

The fact you think these are being pushed into the story is frankly bizarre. A bit disgusting as well.
It's not true though is it, 5mins talking with other Star Wars fans, the issue of politics arises, as it does in probably 50%+ of fan media such as on youtube over the last couple films or just basic fan write up reviews on Rotten Tomato's & IMDB. Certainly TLJ Nearly all make mention of it if you want check for yourself.
Also the last line, really? You're coming across as a paraody of a truebeliver zealot yet again, passing judgement down, But hey whatever, just stick me on ignore if you would, please, thanks. :)

What do you mean though? Have you any specific examples of this “progressive agenda” being so obvious it’s spoiling the movies for you?
Alright, I will a bit later.


New Member
Dec 10, 2013
It's not true though is it, 5mins talking with other Star Wars fans, the issue of politics arises, as it does in probably 50%+ of fan meida such as on youtube over the last couple films or just basic fan write up reviews on Rotten Tomato's & IMDB. Certainly TLJ Nearly all make mention of it if you want check for yourself.
Also the last line, really? You're coming across as a paraody of a zealot yet again, passing judgement down, But hey whatever, just stick me on ignore if you would, please, thanks. :)
You still haven't spelled out what exactly you have a problem with (specific character, specific scene, specific storyline or dialogue).

You're just hiding now. I'll happily judge anyone like you.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
@BennyBlanco seems to think Marvel are nailing it with their female protagonists on screen, tbf he’s right I’ve absolutely loved all their female superhero movies they’ve made. Why can’t Star Wars be more like Marvel where the women characters are just their in the background!
Plus Black Panther has the most obviously progressive agenda (admirably so) of any blockbuster movie from the last couple of decades (arguably ever?)

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
@Revan I didn’t see Solo because I really did not like TLJ, and my normal group of friends who I see movies with also did the same. Like you I’m not sure if that was the reason, or if it was simply because of Star Wars overload, but I’m fairly sure there would have been other people who felt the same, even if it was just a small amount of people.

@Art Vandelay The demonizing of Star Wars fans is truly depressing. The same people who are being called racist, sexist, basement dwelling nerds are the same ones who contributed to Star Wars being the icon that it is. The people who over the years have bought books, games and other paraphanelia that made Star Wars the cash cow that got Disney interested in the first place are being blamed for the movie’s not being loved. Blame the toxic Star Wars fans, it can’t be for one second that the movies weren’t good.
It's a deflection technique, not unlike the ones that managers use after a bad result to get the focus on the crazy shit they said instead of the result. Unfortunately in this instance there are some actual vocal bigotted dickheads, but it's highly unfair to label all Star Wars fans with that brush as you're going to get the same kind of people in every fan base.

The issue is that when confronted with anything negative about the films and especially Rey being a terribly written Mary Sue, some people involved with the films shamelessly fall back on the "angry white males" excuse. Which is almost as pathetic as the vocal minority of actual biggots that they are using as examples. Then people get riled up, then they double down on the identity politics like that's the issue and everyone gets distracted from the films. It's a perfect storm of stupidity.

A lot of the gender politics issues that seem to get people annoyed on the internet aren't even in the films themselves, they are in articles, interviews and behaviour on review websites, but it becomes such a minefield and confusing mess that any old shit can be spun from it. It's all very tiresome and weird on both sides like people are fighting a war that's not actually happening.

I openly hate Rey, not because she's a woman, but because she is awfully written and also because she wears bandages instead of sleeves. I mean why the feck does she wear bandages instead of sleeves? Even when she changes her clothes in TFA she just puts on different coloured bandages. Are her arms injured? They seem fine when she's Mary Sueing her way through fights. Also why the feck does Han Solo own a helmet he can't see out of?

Art Vandelay

Full Member
Jan 29, 2015
Northern Ireland
@Art Vandelay
Rey wasn't invincible, or even close to it, in TLJ.
She was in TFA, mate. TLJ toned her down a bit, but I think too much damage is done. She's still running around with powers and skills she hasn't earned. Even in the fight in the throne room she didn't have much issue with those guards despite next to no training. Kylo had more problems with them than she did.

Someone said Luke was as much of a Mary Sue as she was, but he made mistakes, was treated like a bit of an idiot at times and generally had to earn his powers. Everything he could just do (the X-Wing piloting and the trench run) was mostly explained by his history (bullseyeing womp rats in his T-16 back home through the canyons). He had Obi Wan to teach him the basics and speak to him from beyond the grave and then Yoda. Even with that he made mistakes, he got twatted by a wompa and Ponda Baba, lost his hand and got the piss taken out of him by Yoda before he got to being particularly competent.

Rey on the other hand turns up able to speak droid and Wookie, is a completely self sufficient scavenger doing bad ass scavenging with her rope and harness, is able to fend off several attackers and beats them senseless while rescuing Finn and BB8. Then she gets into the Falcon and is an ace pilot ordering the storm trooper around, next thing she's telling Han things like she knows more than he does about his own ship, then he's offering her a job and she knows all about using a gun. Then there's just randomly using Jedi mind tricks, beating Kylo in a fight after rescuing herself because ain't nobody needs to rescue Rey. She's always right, everyone looks up to her or treats her like she's special. She met Han how many days before she inherited the Falcon? By TLJ it's almost too late to bring her back down to a reasonable level, but Jonson did at least try.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
It's not true though is it, 5mins talking with other Star Wars fans, the issue of politics arises, as it does in probably 50%+ of fan media such as on youtube over the last couple films or just basic fan write up reviews on Rotten Tomato's & IMDB. Certainly TLJ Nearly all make mention of it if you want check for yourself.
Also the last line, really? You're coming across as a paraody of a truebeliver zealot yet again, passing judgement down, But hey whatever, just stick me on ignore if you would, please, thanks. :)

Alright, I will a bit later.
Most people though, don't create 'fan media', they don't write reviews online, and they dontd whine about 'identity politics' being forced upon them because they don't identify that as an actual thing - unless they've spent what I assume is a substantial period of time on some weirdo subreddit echo chamber.

Most people who watched these films noticed none of these things. They managed to accept an Asian woman playing a supporting heroic role in the exact same way everyone accepted a camp gold robot doing the same 40 years ago.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Most people though, don't create 'fan media', they don't write reviews online, and they dontd whine about 'identity politics' being forced upon them because they don't identify that as an actual thing - unless they've spent what I assume is a substantial period of time on some weirdo subreddit echo chamber.

Most people who watched these films noticed none of these things. They managed to accept an Asian woman playing a supporting heroic role in the exact same way everyone accepted a camp gold robot doing the same 40 years ago.
Hey, I didn't say most people care or notice.
But the idea there's been no recognition of politics in these movies is a bit odd, I could link 10 articles written in The Guardian/CNN/Buzzfeed pro the politics in TLJ and 10 articles form the likes of Ben Shapiro and whatever else the equivilent on the right bashing it.

Anyway, lifes too short to give a toss about this stuff about a lazer-sword movie, seriously, keep having to remind myself of the fact.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Hey, I didn't say most people care or notice.
But the idea there's been no recognition of politics in these movies is a bit odd, I could link 10 articles written in The Guardian/CNN/Buzzfeed pro the politics in TLJ and 10 articles form the likes of Ben Shapiro and whatever else the equivilent on the right bashing it.

Anyway, lifes too short to give a toss about this stuff about a lazer-sword movie, seriously, keep having to remind myself of the fact.
You keep on saying this, but have as of yet not provided any actual examples of politics which were presented within the movie.

Of course there will be underlying political elements to all movies; everything is influenced by the political culture which exists around us. But that doesn't necessarily mean the new SW films have contained deliberate political messages being forced upon the viewer. Other than that fascism is bad, and that people of different races and genders should work together for the greater good. A message that was also pretty deliberately put across in the original films.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
You keep on saying this, but have as of yet not provided any actual examples of politics which were presented within the movie.

Of course there will be underlying political elements to all movies; everything is influenced by the political culture which exists around us. But that doesn't necessarily mean the new SW films have contained deliberate political messages being forced upon the viewer. Other than that fascism is bad, and that people of different races and genders should work together for the greater good. A message that was also pretty deliberately put across in the original films.
The problem is a lot of contentious talking points as Art said could equally be put down to just plain shit writing, rather than making a political points, it's still to a large degree subjective, we're just going to end up going back and forth on the intentions, should I fully list my own for days and days.
I don't really understand how some can sit behind their keyboards and claim it's all imagined though when sites that posters, like you, yourself Cheesy read and reguarly link to, such as The Guardian have produced articles praising the politics in TLJ. But at the same time, it doesn't exist? Like I don't know how that works.. at all.

I mean, if you really want one, just one point that I have an issue with, quickly is, the whole sideplot with Rose and Finn, going to Canto Bight, all the casino stuff which feels like it derails the whole movie, then we get a lecture on the evils of selling guns and an anti-capitalism message where the evil old white guys/alien are making a fortune, then Finn & Rose embark on freeing the captive animals... In a SW film.
Okay so, myself personally, i'd rather not sit through a Disney film preaching to the evils of capitalism... when they're currently in negotiations to increase their monopoly on the film industry by buying up Fox for billions. It's a joke.

There's nothing I can say hasn't been said and discussed ad nauseam 100x over already, away from this site, I wanted to make the point when originally replying to this thread that the media's backlash against SW fans has for the most part unfair and misrepresented, I feel as if I've said what I came to say, I also promised my partner several months back that i'd stay away from Star Wars and it's discussions so I really would like to keep a small part of my now broken promise and end this now, if possible.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
The problem is a lot of contentious talking points as Art said could equally be put down to just plain shit writing, rather than making a political points, it's still to a large degree subjective, we're just going to end up going back and forth on the intentions, should I fully list my own for days and days.
I don't really understand how some can sit behind their keyboards and claim it's all imagined though when sites that posters, like you, yourself Cheesy read and reguarly link to, such as The Guardian have produced articles praising the politics in TLJ. But at the same time, it doesn't exist? Like I don't know how that works.. at all.

I mean, if you really want one, just one point that I have an issue with, quickly is, the whole sideplot with Rose and Finn, going to Canto Bight, all the casino stuff which feels like it derails the whole movie, then we get a lecture on the evils of selling guns and an anti-capitalism message where the evil old white guys/alien are making a fortune, then Finn & Rose embark on freeing the captive animals... In a SW film.
Okay so, myself personally, i'd rather not sit through a Disney film preaching to the evils of capitalism... when they're currently in negotiations to increase their monopoly on the film industry by buying up Fox for billions. It's a joke.

There's nothing I can say hasn't been said and discussed ad nauseam 100x over already, away from this site, I wanted to make the point when originally replying to this thread that the media's backlash against SW fans has for the most part unfair and misrepresented, I feel as if I've said what I came to say, I also promised my partner several months back that i'd stay away from Star Wars and it's discussions so I really would like to keep a small part of my now broken promise and end this now, if possible.
I've acknowledged that all films are political to some extent because art is influenced by the politics and culture within which it exists. But I don't think the politics of this film were particularly overbearing.

The Finn/Rose subplot was fairly dull and probably the worst part of TLJ, but the anti-capitalism thing wasn't really that at all...instead it was highlighted that the good guys had been buying guns from them as well, and that the heroes are kind of in a damned if you do/damned if you don't situation when it comes to having to work with bad people. Which, while hardly enlightening or new, was a fairly relevant comment to make that at least added a sort of shade of grey to the film.

I don't see how freeing enslaved animals is particularly overbearing politically though, unless you're cool with slavery. The originals (again) while not particularly political were quite blatantly anti-fascism and pro-freedom.