Solskjær press conference vs City (A) | Ole: "Alexis will come back in the summer and will prove you all wrong"

What’s he meant to say?
“Alexei’s coming back cos no one can afford his wages, he’s a crock and he’ll continue to serve up dross.”?
Sanchez will walk back in this summer and Ole will have to manage him. He actually has a dog in this fight unlike the keyboard warriors here.
But wasn’t it very poor management in the first place to loan him out with no call back clause when we could be doing with him now. Then to say “prove you all wrong” as if fans have some kind of blame to take for it.
Don’t think people are being keyboard warriors rather than just being fed up reading bullshit day in day out...
Will be feckall to do with Ole at this rate anyway, he’ll probably be unemployed. Wouldn’t read too much into it.
What’s he meant to say?
“Alexei’s coming back cos no one can afford his wages, he’s a crock and he’ll continue to serve up dross.”?
Sanchez will walk back in this summer and Ole will have to manage him. He actually has a dog in this fight unlike the keyboard warriors here.

As someone with years in management, that's obviously not the right thing to say openly but behind closed doors? He's gotta be laying into him, but then again it's very hard to motivate someone who knows he's getting £350,000 a week if he tries or not. Ridiculous decision by our contract negotiator Matt Fudge. What's the point in saving money on a free transfer if your spunking it away on wages? Clueless.
The Alexis comment is really odd in terms of when he said it (just came out of nowhere). It almost feels like a poorly formed joke as it didnt come across to me as a serious comment. Almost think it was some way in his mind to take a jab at the media or the owners. Shame no one asked a follow up on that.
The media? Why would he take jabs at them? Ole also thought Sanchez was crap.

The owners, he’s been defending them since the summer and even last week, he’s taken full responsibility for the squad. If he wanted to make indirect jibes he wouldn’t do the former. I think people need to accept that Ole really isn’t very bright
The media? Why would he take jabs at them? Ole also thought Sanchez was crap.

The owners, he’s been defending them since the summer and even last week, he’s taken full responsibility for the squad. If he wanted to make indirect jibes he wouldn’t do the former. I think people need to accept that Ole really isn’t very bright

Oh he's very bright. I think he understands that he has a higher chance of keeping his job by sucking up to Ed and the Glazers rather than to incur their wraths by demanding for transfers which they may not authorize anyway.
The Alexis comment might be one of those lines we remember like Mourinho’s Sevilla comment or Moyes’ city comment. Came towards the end and just showed it was not the right fit.
Ole is a puppet. Board don't give a feck, Ole plays along with it.

Same contradicting press-conference every few days.
The transcription of the press conference often fails to capture the context correctly. Ole was talking about the January transfers, and was trying to recollect some of the successful January transfers over the years, and forgot about Mata. People forget stuff, he was just saying the names he could off the top of his head. Saw someone call him an idiot for that.

Also, Sanchez came in January. He made that comment immediately after listing out the successful January transfers (Larsson, Vidic and Evra) most probably as a harmless joke.
Ole´s been quoted some places on saying "Alexis Sanchez will come back in the summer and prove you all wrong", other places "A.S..... and prove us all wrong" What he did say, was more like "prove yus all wrong", like he was changing his thought in the middle of the word, to include himself among those not believing in him.

I think it´s clear that Ole does not want Sanchez at the club, but Sanchez is in fact a United player, and he might be back in the summer. So what else can he say then.
United fans baffled by Alex Sanchez situation
Solskjaer’s comments haven’t exactly gone down well.

Maybe, like Smalling, he got fed up and wanted to go? He wasn't exactly happy about being dropped was he? I remember he made alot of snipes on social media when he was not being picked for the team. We are also saving nearly 200k/pw on wages.
As someone with years in management, that's obviously not the right thing to say openly but behind closed doors? He's gotta be laying into him, but then again it's very hard to motivate someone who knows he's getting £350,000 a week if he tries or not. Ridiculous decision by our contract negotiator Matt Fudge. What's the point in saving money on a free transfer if your spunking it away on wages? Clueless.

Behind the scenes I’m sure he is. The naivety of some on here takes my breath away though.
But wasn’t it very poor management in the first place to loan him out with no call back clause when we could be doing with him now. Then to say “prove you all wrong” as if fans have some kind of blame to take for it.
Don’t think people are being keyboard warriors rather than just being fed up reading bullshit day in day out...

They needed him out because his wage and attitude were poison and he is the highest paid player and has nothing left to give. The club voluntarily signed another late era Rooney basically. He’s no use in the club or out and clearly they were hoping he’d put himself in the shop window at Inter.

There’s nothing to suggest he’s talking to fans, in fact I think the whole remark’s totally off the cuff, which perfectly matches the fact he doesn’t believe it and doesn’t expect anyone with half a brain to believe it.
Ole´s been quoted some places on saying "Alexis Sanchez will come back in the summer and prove you all wrong", other places "A.S..... and prove us all wrong" What he did say, was more like "prove yus all wrong", like he was changing his thought in the middle of the word, to include himself among those not believing in him.

I think it´s clear that Ole does not want Sanchez at the club, but Sanchez is in fact a United player, and he might be back in the summer. So what else can he say then.
Saying nothing would be an improvement.
Jesus ye are all gowls. Storm in a teacup.

Christ almighty I hate this forum nowadays.
But wasn’t it very poor management in the first place to loan him out with no call back clause when we could be doing with him now. Then to say “prove you all wrong” as if fans have some kind of blame to take for it.
Don’t think people are being keyboard warriors rather than just being fed up reading bullshit day in day out...

It's in a presser aimed solely at the press pack, and nobody else.
The Alexis comment might be one of those lines we remember like Mourinho’s Sevilla comment or Moyes’ city comment. Came towards the end and just showed it was not the right fit.
Doubt it. The difference is Ole has one every week.
The media? Why would he take jabs at them? Ole also thought Sanchez was crap.

The owners, he’s been defending them since the summer and even last week, he’s taken full responsibility for the squad. If he wanted to make indirect jibes he wouldn’t do the former. I think people need to accept that Ole really isn’t very bright

He would take a jab at the media because he had shown a few seconds before that he was annoyed about being asked a transfer-related question.
Ole´s been quoted some places on saying "Alexis Sanchez will come back in the summer and prove you all wrong", other places "A.S..... and prove us all wrong" What he did say, was more like "prove yus all wrong", like he was changing his thought in the middle of the word, to include himself among those not believing in him.

I think it´s clear that Ole does not want Sanchez at the club, but Sanchez is in fact a United player, and he might be back in the summer. So what else can he say then.

While I agree with this post having watched the presser myself, there wasn't a reason to bring up Sanchez today so he would have been better off saying nothing.
This forum :lol:. If someone wanted to buy him and match his wages then I’m sure we would bite their hand off. Meanwhile, back in reality that isn’t going to happen, so getting him motivated for his return is the only option.
You all remember what he said about Sanchez last summer right? All he said was how good a pro he was and was expecting him to have a big impact, then loaned him to Inter. Don't believe what you hear, even from the manager.
Come on chaps...ole was listing players that had been brought in in January and had been successful. One of the journos shouted alexis and ole was simply sticking up for someone who is still one of his players. Nothing to see.

This is essentially how I see it as well. Unfortunately, everything is viewed with a negative lens nowadays, so it's easy to spin these kinds of things negatively.
He would take a jab at the media because he had shown a few seconds before that he was annoyed about being asked a transfer-related question.

Let’s assume he was annoyed. His comment is like me and another Ole out guy.... yeah Ole out for several months... but saying he’ll win the league next year and prove you wrong.
Come on chaps...ole was listing players that had been brought in in January and had been successful. One of the journos shouted alexis and ole was simply sticking up for someone who is still one of his players. Nothing to see.
Watched it again and I agree someone shouts “Alexis”
They needed him out because his wage and attitude were poison and he is the highest paid player and has nothing left to give. The club voluntarily signed another late era Rooney basically. He’s no use in the club or out and clearly they were hoping he’d put himself in the shop window at Inter.

There’s nothing to suggest he’s talking to fans, in fact I think the whole remark’s totally off the cuff, which perfectly matches the fact he doesn’t believe it and doesn’t expect anyone with half a brain to believe it.
Yes I understand that we needed to get rid of Sanchez still do am not arguing with you on that.

It’s not having the call back option that annoys me and now suggesting Sanchez might be a super star when he comes back it’s just shoddy management in my eyes no forward thinking and no plan for the future.
Yes I understand that we needed to get rid of Sanchez still do am not arguing with you on that.

It’s not having the call back option that annoys me and now suggesting Sanchez might be a super star when he comes back it’s just shoddy management in my eyes no forward thinking and no plan for the future.

It sounds like moaning for the sake of moaning to me. We want him gone, but no one will take him, so he’s coming back. End of story.
Let’s assume he was annoyed. His comment is like me and another Ole out guy.... yeah Ole out for several months... but saying he’ll win the league next year and prove you wrong.

Well like I said, it was a weird comment by Ole to make, arguably a dumb moment where he couldn't find the right jab to be honest.
While I agree with this post having watched the presser myself, there wasn't a reason to bring up Sanchez today so he would have been better off saying nothing.
Yes, that´s a bit of a puzzle. Why did he even bring him up? No one asked about him, did they. Not a big deal (like some would make it to be), but I wonder if there´s a chance of Sanchez coming back sooner rather than later. I´m aware there is no recall clause in his loan deal, but what if United and Inter agreed to cut it short?
United fans baffled by Alex Sanchez situation
Solskjaer’s comments haven’t exactly gone down well.

Makes sense to me. He's had problems with injuries since joining and we'd be wasting our energy with him throughout the season without getting much use. Better to send him out, have Inter pay half his wages and get him back on track similar to what Monaco did with Falcao.
Yes, that´s a bit of a puzzle. Why did he even bring him up? No one asked about him, did they. Not a big deal (like some would make it to be), but I wonder if there´s a chance of Sanchez coming back sooner rather than later. I´m aware there is no recall clause in his loan deal, but what if United and Inter agreed to cut it short?

Doubt he's coming back until the end of the season as there is no recall clause like you said. Think Ole just made a puzzling statement as you say. Ultimately though, he has to make the best of a bad situation so I understand if he chooses not to burn bridges with Alexis.
Well like I said, it was a weird comment by Ole to make, arguably a dumb moment where he couldn't find the right jab to be honest.
Personally I’m not reading anything in to it. Now I’ve seen the full video he starts off talking about rare successful January signings listing Larson, Evra and Vidic. Some one mentioned Sanchez so as he’s still our player and ole has to say the right things from a man management point of view he had to say something positive about him.
Personally I’m not reading anything in to it. Now I’ve seen the full video he starts off talking about rare successful January signings listing Larson, Evra and Vidic. Some one mentioned Sanchez so as he’s still our player and ole has to say the right things from a man management point of view he had to say something positive about him.

Ah, thought Sanchez wasn't mentioned beforehand, if so that makes more sense in the context of what he was saying with January transfers. Not a problem in either case.
It sounds like moaning for the sake of moaning to me. We want him gone, but no one will take him, so he’s coming back. End of story.
Yeah, maybe I am moaning a wee bit actually thought that when I write that but posted anyway.

Hopefully there will be better news soon and we get back on track again soon.
May have already been mentioned, but did anyone else hear the journo in the back with a really high pitched voice say "Seriously!?" after he said Sanchez was gonna come back and surprise us all :lol:
Yeah, maybe I am moaning a wee bit actually thought that when I write that but posted anyway.

Hopefully there will be better news soon and we get back on track again soon.

Hopefully, but yeah it’s a bit of a frustrating time at the moment to say the least
Sadly, the only way I think Ole's statement will prove to be true is if Sanchez comes back and shows he's even worse than we think he is.
Behind the scenes I’m sure he is. The naivety of some on here takes my breath away though.

People are thick as shit and run with whatever the general consensus on social media media is and that's driven by a media narrative that is put out purely to stole the flames and drum up the fury and interest of the unintelligent. It's happened for years and years and not just with football.

People can be convinced of almost anything and don't do any fact checking or investigation to verify anything. You only have to look at the amount of reposted articles with sensationalist titles and when you read the article it actually doesn't make the point the idiot posting it thought but they hadn't read the article, they just reposted the headline and that's enough for them.

Then throw in that people generally don't like to go against the grain and will tend to follow the general popular opinion and you've got a bunch of stupid sheep. You see it all the time on here and other forums, one pundit says something,it gets clipped up and posted on Twitter and all of a sudden whatever phrase they used is being repeated. Even people's language is so easily manipulated. That's why propaganda is so effective, Germany managed to do it extremely well prior to the second world war and managed to convince pretty much an entire nation that Jews were the enemy. Extreme example but history is absolutely littered with people's opinions or mindsets being set for them by external sources or parties. Whether that's the media, a government, a religion etc.

Ole being a 'puppet' is a current popular buzz phrase. The more people see someone using this, the more they repeat it. Stupid people are easily led and we have a lot of stupid fans. As do other clubs to be fair.