Suarez bites | "sorry for falling into him and biting him and that"

The Neviller

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
Nev smash!!
The fact he continues to do things like this despite being punished should indicate there is something wrong and the punishment is not working. We need to help him, because he is an exceptional player, and the world of football benefits with players as talented as he is.

I am not defending him, it was a preposterous and despicable act, just stating that calling for huge punishment does not help anyone and also robs world football from an exquisite talent.
You're the most ridiculous WUM in this place.


Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
From RAWK, guess some are still in the denial stage. Love the comparison to oppressed groups through English history.

Today at 07:36:04 PM
'he's being convicted for previous 'crimes'. Sorry but it's what I believe in. I lived through a dark period in England where a whole swathe of people were convicted because it was 'obvious' that they were guilty.

Anyway, you lot all go ahead and lynch him encase after all... He's Luis Suarez, devil incarnate and the most evil footballer on the planet.

And to be honest - as I've said before a little nibble in the shoulder is nowhere near as bad as an elbow or headbutt or career ending scything tackle.'
:lol: I think we can be 100% sure in this case. Unless there is a massive conspiracy involving cameramen.


Euro 2016 sweepstake winner
Jun 9, 2012

This guy, like Suarez is bloody touched. What a tool :lol:


Full Member
May 17, 2014
Banning him from this world cup alone is a bit pointless. That could very well be the equivalent of a 1 game ban. He'd have to either be banned from a number of matches that would ensure he couldn't possible partake, and then some, at the very least.

A 7 month global ban or something like that wouldn't really be that far from accurate. Only half of that time would actually contain any competitive football, he'd be out of the world cup and he'd have a good bit of time twiddling his thumbs to think about maybe not biting people. The severity of the punishment has to go up each time he does it, or he'll keep at it.

Suarez can't even be described as having moments of madness anymore. To me that looked like a calculated attempt to get a rise from Chiellini inside the penalty area. Nowhere near the ball, no reason to be frustrated and already on your way to qualify with a man advantage. He went down having looked for the elbow, where you can see clearly from Chiellini's reaction that the flailing arm was a reaction to being bitten. By the look of the closeups, bitten very forcefully too.

Lifelong bans, or year long bans are over the top. But players get 8 month bans for forgetting to piss in cups, so there has to be something weighty behind a ban against that special mix of violence, lack of sportsmanship and cheating your arse off.

Whatever happens, all but 3.3 million people in the entire world are gonna be Colombia fans for the first knockouts.


Full Member
Feb 26, 2014
He should be banned a year or two in international football. However, let's not kid ourselves that biting someone is worse then punching, kicking, headbutting or a leg breaking tackle. It's only because it's so unusual that people dramatize it as worse.
Punching/kicking/headbutting are the normal outbursts of anger a human being unleashes. They can't even be compared with biting...because biting is barbaric/cannibalistic...

Not stating biting is worse. Just stating biting isn't even in the same league. Psychopathic.

If he didn't learn from the first one....and he didn't learn from the second one...what do you expect? If he somehow gets away with a small penalty for just shows you where we are in the football world now.


New Member
Jan 21, 2014
Suarez brought to football what no one else could, that little glimp of an animal planet in the middle of WC,
Amazing and wonderfull wildlife


"We're going to smash them (Crystal Palace)"
Mar 27, 2012
Champions elect 2015-2016.
I don't know. I just see so much defence of the indefensible.

And I do wonder what kind of ban will suffice because it's clear that 12 in the PL didn't act as a deterrent.
A lot of Liverpool supporters aren't bothered.

Suarez is the one that suffers most. How do you explain that to your little boy when he's older?

Manucho the boss

New Member
Jan 7, 2014
The man is prob the most interesting thing in football right now.

He's this rediculously talented footballing physchopath. Pure entertainment.


Harbinger of new information
Nov 4, 2009
The fact he continues to do things like this despite being punished should indicate there is something wrong and the punishment is not working. We need to help him, because he is an exceptional player, and the world of football benefits with players as talented as he is.

I am not defending him, it was a preposterous and despicable act, just stating that calling for huge punishment does not help anyone and also robs world football from an exquisite talent.
Suarez is paid millions a year and Liverpool is owned by a multi billion pound corporation. If they havent acted by now its all their own fault. He should be kicked out of football for at least a year.

This business that he needs help is just a joke. That ship has sailed. Suarez and Liverpool have had their chance to try to fix this. Now he must be punished.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Rio got 8 months for missing that drugs test, didn't he?

Don't see how Suarez could complain about a similar punishment. After all, he's a repeat offender who has shown no acceptance of fault, no genuine remorse and no ability to prevent it happening in the future. What has he actually done to deserve any sort of leniency?


Full Member
Aug 27, 2011
They ought to ensure that he cannot play in the next World Cup, it would be the greatest punishment within reason I think (banning him from club play ought to be done by league associations, IMO). A huge international ban would be nice, plus a massive fine.


New Member
Apr 25, 2013
Mobile. Now Prague.
Banning him from this world cup alone is a bit pointless. That could very well be the equivalent of a 1 game ban. He'd have to either be banned from a number of matches that would ensure he couldn't possible partake, and then some, at the very least.

A 7 month global ban or something like that wouldn't really be that far from accurate. Only half of that time would actually contain any competitive football, he'd be out of the world cup and he'd have a good bit of time twiddling his thumbs to think about maybe not biting people. The severity of the punishment has to go up each time he does it, or he'll keep at it.

Suarez can't even be described as having moments of madness anymore. To me that looked like a calculated attempt to get a rise from Chiellini inside the penalty area. Nowhere near the ball, no reason to be frustrated and already on your way to qualify with a man advantage. He went down having looked for the elbow, where you can see clearly from Chiellini's reaction that the flailing arm was a reaction to being bitten. By the look of the closeups, bitten very forcefully too.

Lifelong bans, or year long bans are over the top. But players get 8 month bans for forgetting to piss in cups, so there has to be something weighty behind a ban against that special mix of violence, lack of sportsmanship and cheating your arse off.

Whatever happens, all but 3.3 million people in the entire world are gonna be Colombia fans for the first knockouts.
Sorry, but I disagree. He is not learning as we know. Public humiliation doesn't have an effect on him as we have seen. He has got enough checks already to not care about money anymore. The only punishment he would really feel now is a ban for at least 1, better 2 years.


It's banter lads, inn't?
Jan 17, 2013
In an apple vacuum...
He could kick Scott Parker in the belly, or attempt to gouge his eye out. Maybe kick some players on the ground, various achilles rakes......

I'd actually forgotten about that, just shows how many times he's caused controversy that something like that isn't particularly memorable.


New Member
May 3, 2010
Punching/kicking/headbutting are the normal outbursts of anger a human being unleashes. They can't even be compared with biting...because biting is barbaric/cannibalistic...

Not stating biting is worse. Just stating biting isn't even in the same league. Psychopathic.

If he didn't learn from the first one....and he didn't learn from the second one...what do you expect? If he somehow gets away with a small penalty for just shows you where we are in the football world now.
Well I already said he should be banned for at least a year in international football.


Dec 19, 2011
A lot of Liverpool supporters aren't bothered.

Suarez is the one that suffers most. How do you explain that to your little boy when he's older?
He probably disciplines his little boy by biting him everytime he causes trouble.

Being serious, on some degree I agree with @johnmufc , it is clear that the punishment isn't working. So while a punishment is neccesary, I think it is also very important to send him with some psychogists and try to fix his brain. It has become clear that he is a bit of a nutjob (I wouldn't call this act as evil or cnutish because there was no way that he could have benefited anything from it so I doubt it was planned) so he needs some help. Heck knews, maybe he had a friend/parent/brother who bite him when he was a kid.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
A lot of Liverpool supporters aren't bothered.

Suarez is the one that suffers most. How do you explain that to your little boy when he's older?
How about "Son your Dad is a maniac who bites people for no reason"

Are you seriously trying to portray Suarez as a victim here? Jesus wept.


New Member
Sep 14, 2013
Ok I am not trying to defend what Suarez did because I do think it is despicable. I do want to point out the double standards that we have as football fans. Cantona kung-fu kicked a guy in the face yet he is still referred to as the 'king' and 'legend'. He did receive a 9month ban, which was a just punishment... What about the Rooney stamp in 2006? I am sure Suarez will be punished, but please, stop the name calling and feeling of superiority, when our legends have acted badly as well.


Rød grød med fløde
May 24, 2009
Funny how Liverpool fans all cried about how Evra had a history of accusing opponents of racism and because of that Suarez should be let off. However, when Suarez does something he has an actual history of doing the past doesn't matter.

On a different note, what the feck is wrong with Uruguay? When Suarez was banned for racism random current and previous players all spoke like experts on the subject (all saying Suarez wasn't at fault), and so far it seems like they'll go down the same route in this case, judging by the comments made by the captain and the coach. The TV station covering the WC didn't even mention the bite in the post match interview with Suarez.

I don't honestly know what a "fair" ban would be. You could argue that it's "only a bite", and a deliberately late tackle is worse - and I see the point in that. Could also argue a deliberate elbow is worse, and I can understand that as well. Still, biting someone is just .. I can't even put it into any category. It's so utterly insane, how a grown-up would even think of doing that, never mind actually doing it three times. You're taught in kindergarten (or probably before) that biting people is bad. There's clearly something wrong with Suarez' head - there's no way a well adjusted sane person can do the things he's done, and it's even more incredible when you consider he's done basically all of it in the past four or five years. He's been talking about how the British media vilifies him, and how he's a changed person etc. and he goes out and bites another player again. In my opinion, it's time he got a lengthy ban (rest of the WC should be a minimum) and a stern warning that he'll be receiving longer bans if he's involved in any future incidents.


New Member
Mar 30, 2014
This could well deter big bids from Real or Barca So he will be stopping at Anfield with no International distractions keeping him fresher. This could end up favouring Liverpool.


New Member
Jun 15, 2014
Can the FA do anything? He'll probably be off to Madrid but to be sure is there any possible way they could hand him a league ban?

He shouldn't be allowed to play football again until he has received mental help for a lengthy period and has clearance that his mental health is stable. He's bit someone three times now and also caused other physical harm to players in other ways. He's a danger to other players. They shouldn't have to play a game of football with the fear that some maniac is going to try to bite them, that's insanity.

Flamingo Purple

The wrong skeptic
Jan 15, 2012
Formerly rioferdy.5
Ok I am not trying to defend what Suarez did because I do think it is despicable. I do want to point out the double standards that we have as football fans. Cantona kung-fu kicked a guy in the face yet he is still referred to as the 'king' and 'legend'. He did receive a 9month ban, which was a just punishment... What about the Rooney stamp in 2006? I am sure Suarez will be punished, but please, stop the name calling and feeling of superiority, when our legends have acted badly as well.
Isolated incidents.


New Member
Feb 24, 2012
I'm sorry, but if the only thing you can muster up here is "he's been an extremely silly boy" then I don't think you're really in a position to pass judgement on this.
He's been a silly boy?

My god.. So you would just slap him on the wrist and say - silly boy, dont do it.
What else do you want me to say? I'm not defending him.

FIFA banned Leonardo for 4 matches, and Tassotti for 8, why is it silly to call for some disciplinary action beyond just a fine for a player who's a serial offender and when there's video evidence of violent, off the ball conduct? Calls for a season-long ban are ridiculous, of course, but if FIFA doesn't throw down a ban on Suarez they'll not only be going against precedent but they'll look weak.
Well he certainly won't be receiving just a fine. Didn't Leonardo fracture someone's skull? Tassotti broke someone's nose? I don't see how this incident is as severe as either of those. The biggest problem is that this is a serial offence, as you said.

Above anything, this is quite disappointing in light of past incidence. You'd really think he'd have learnt his lesson by now. It really is absolutely inexplicable as to why he needs to have this yearly feck up. Maybe he's just extremely ignorant as to to the implications of his actions. Whatever it is, my patience is wearing quite thin with Suarez as a personality.


Full Member
Dec 4, 2012
the booth
Did anyone hear about the 2 Norwegians who apparently bet on Suarez biting someone today? Odds were 175/1...only :lol:
175/1 for a player being bit while some nations were at 500/1 to win the World Cup. Apparently biting is much more likely. :lol:


Dec 19, 2011
A lot of Liverpool supporters aren't bothered.

Suarez is the one that suffers most. How do you explain that to your little boy when he's older?
He probably disciplines his little boy by biting him everytime he causes trouble.

Being serious, on some degree I agree with @johnmufc , it is clear that the punishment isn't working. So while a punishment is neccesary, I think it is also very important to send him with some psychogists and try to fix his brain. It has become clear that he is a bit of a nutjob (I wouldn't call this act as evil or cnutish because there was no way that he could have benefited anything from it so I doubt it was planned) so he needs some help. Heck knews, maybe he had a friend/parent/brother who bite him when he was a kid.

The United Irishman

"Martial is championship material at best"
Apr 30, 2014
He should be banned a year or two in international football. However, let's not kid ourselves that biting someone is worse then punching, kicking, headbutting or a leg breaking tackle. It's only because it's so unusual that people dramatize it as worse.
They don't allow biting in Rugby or Boxing so if you are telling people not to dramatize in football you have gone mad. He has done it three times now....

Manucho the boss

New Member
Jan 7, 2014
This could well deter big bids from Real or Barca So he will be stopping at Anfield with no International distractions keeping him fresher. This could end up favouring Liverpool.
I was thinking this earlier. He's gone from having the world at his feet, dominating the World Cup, one of the top 3 players in the world with the 2 biggest clubs in the world queuing up to throw £350k a week at him, to nothing. Liverpool could benefit if they both decide he's too crazy to handle their big games (can you imagine him for Barca against Pepe and Ramos).


New Member
Sep 22, 2013
Lost in the desert...
12-month ban from getting near any football stadium is the minimum he should get.

It's the third time he did this and he was also indicted for racial slurs.

Enough is enough.


Dec 19, 2011
Did anyone hear about the 2 Norwegians who apparently bet on Suarez biting someone today? Odds were 175/1...only :lol:
175/1 for a player being bit while some nations were at 500/1 to win the World Cup. Apparently biting is much more likely. :lol:
My brother said before the game that Suarez will bite Chiellini (well, he hates Chiellini and considers him as the dirtiest player so it was more wishful thinking) so when it happened we had a good laugh and it was unbelievable.

Keeps It tidy

Hates Messi
Jun 6, 2013
New York
Ok I am not trying to defend what Suarez did because I do think it is despicable. I do want to point out the double standards that we have as football fans. Cantona kung-fu kicked a guy in the face yet he is still referred to as the 'king' and 'legend'. He did receive a 9month ban, which was a just punishment... What about the Rooney stamp in 2006? I am sure Suarez will be punished, but please, stop the name calling and feeling of superiority, when our legends have acted badly as well.
Do we ever here United fans defend Cantona's actions that day? And what Rooney did is nowhere near comparable.


New Member
May 3, 2010
They don't allow biting in Rugby or Boxing so if you are telling people not to dramatize in football you have gone mad. He has done it three times now....
To suggest it's worse then punching, headbutting or breaking someone's leg in dangerous tackle is over dramatizing it. People comparing it to Cantona kicking a fan, but what Cantona did was much worse. Would you rather a grown man do a flying kick to your head with studs or be bitten?

I'm not saying he shouldn't be punished.