Film Suicide Squad (2016)

The film, I really dislike everything I've seen and read about the" shared DC universe." ie everything from Man Of Steel onwards. It's trying too hard to capture the Avengers success imo but without any of the love or the fun those movies have. Just look at the cast for suicide squad, all A-listers with no connection except that they're A-listers.
I just looked at the cast and i don't see too many A-listers, if I'm honest.

Will Smith stands out and Jesse Eissenberg, Jared Leto is arguably an A-lister. The rest are all either up & comers, not quite there yet and I doubt some ever will be.

But yeah, anyway, don't want to nitpick through pedantics. I agree with your point though. DC is way, way behind Marvel.

On a side note, Eastwood's son has an uncanny resemblance to his dad :lol:. He should have just asked his dad to direct. Then I might have been excited by the movie.
Don't know what to make of this or how good it could be. Even Cara Delvigne has blagged a role in this film. Woman of many talents that girl..
Sony, oh dear! This will be... something.

I'm not sure. I've been a Valiant fan since the first volume of stuff around 1990. I still read the current comics, too. Any movies of them will probably please me just because I like the characters.
I've just seen this, it looks and sounds horrible. Comic book films aren't that great at the best of times but with the cast and director/writer on this one I can't see it being anything other than terrible.

Will Smith as Deadshot is probably the worst decision of all though. You just know he's going to be the lead because it's Will Smith, despite playing a pretty boring character and horribly unsuited to the role. Jared Leto will likely be the only good thing about this but then that is not even certain and will definitely not be enough to save it.
Leto will be good to be fair...He has a massive standard to live up to. Nicholson and Ledger were incredible.

As for the film, it's going to be shite! Why are Will Smith and Margot Robbie even near this is beyond me.

Even the most hardcore Batman fan doesn't give a shit about Deadshot

Harsh. I do like Deadshot, he's quite a fun, layered character. I like the Joker look, besides the forehead tattoo. Shame they did not go for the Cut off face look he's been rocking in comics a few months/years back.
I've just seen this, it looks and sounds horrible. Comic book films aren't that great at the best of times but with the cast and director/writer on this one I can't see it being anything other than terrible.

Will Smith as Deadshot is probably the worst decision of all though. You just know he's going to be the lead because it's Will Smith, despite playing a pretty boring character and horribly unsuited to the role. Jared Leto will likely be the only good thing about this but then that is not even certain and will definitely not be enough to save it.
David Ayer has potential. He knows how to handle big set pieces.
You'll get Nolan bandwagoners telling us how this isn't Joker, but it's close to being as comic book accurate as we've had, minus the awful tattoos.
Not sure why Man Of Steel would be anything to go by, seeing as it's a different writer, director, and cast.

Man of steel, hated so much on the caf people bring it up in discussions about films which have nothing to do with it :lol:
Really like Leto as an actor, but must say that his joker does not look good at all. Based entirely on first impressions of course. I was actually excited when he was cast, but he just looks a bit shit there. Too over-the-top. And the tattoos...
They just need to remove the forehead tattoo.
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn :drool: That alone will make the film worthwhile.

My least favourite actor Jai Courtney is in it though, damn...
Nicked this from other forum

On the New Joker - ''That is the most horrendous thing I have ever seen, and thus exactly what fans of comic book movies deserve.''
I think it looks pretty good to be honest - different, yet still Jokerish (and surely they're the main things you want?)

The main reason I'd worry about this film is David Ayer... who's track record is patchy at best.
I don't have an issue with Leto as Joker and other than the forehead tattoo, I think it's an interesting look. A bit cartoony but guess they had to go for something a bit different after Heath's portrayal.

The real issue for me is the rest of the cast. Other than Margot Robbie, the rest of the castlooks very meh. I mean Cara Delevigne, cmon at least put in a bit of effort to make these films good and not just the cash cows you hope them to be.

A big part of me wants to see this fail miserably. Getting pretty sick of the domination superhero movies have over the studios at present. I know it's a choice to see these films but it'd be great to have the money go to actual original films rather than the same premise over and over again.
It's the music.

He's a terrific actor and he comes across very well in real life too. But 30 Seconds to Mars are all kinds of awful and he's mostly responsible.

He comes across as a pretentious egomaniac if Artifact is anything to go by, IMO.
He comes across as a pretentious egomaniac if Artifact is anything to go by, IMO.
Also if you just see him in talk shows. He's very bland, self-focused and uninteresting. Not a bad actor though so he has that going for him at least which is nice.
I'm a big superhero movie fan, but I've got zero interest in this one. The whole thing sounds like a terrible idea, regardless of what Leto's Joker looks like.
This place is mental when it comes to film. Suicide squad is going to be shit based off a photo of Leto as Joker, Batman vs Superman is going to be dreadful. But there's a giant wankathon over a jurassic world trailer that shows hammy dialogue, little story, and cartoony dinosaurs :lol:
Will Smith as Deadshot is probably the worst decision of all though. You just know he's going to be the lead because it's Will Smith, despite playing a pretty boring character and horribly unsuited to the role. Jared Leto will likely be the only good thing about this but then that is not even certain and will definitely not be enough to save it.

I think making the character black was unnecessary, but getting past that, Will Smith is a great actor. Not sure why anyone would object to him being the lead in an action film. And besides, Deadshot won't be the lead just because he's Will Smith, it'll be because in a lot of the comics he's a key member of the squad. Wasn't he also the leader in that animated movie they made a couple years ago?
I doubt he's going to be topless throughout the entire film! Don't see why people have such an issue with the tattoos

I don't mind the tattoos, but that forehead one almost ruins the whole look, which overall I quite like.
Man of steel, hated so much on the caf people bring it up in discussions about films which have nothing to do with it :lol:

I know. How many people stayed away from Age Of Ultron because they didn't like The Incredible Hulk?
This place is mental when it comes to film. Suicide squad is going to be shit based off a photo of Leto as Joker, Batman vs Superman is going to be dreadful. But there's a giant wankathon over a jurassic world trailer that shows hammy dialogue, little story, and cartoony dinosaurs :lol:
:confused: most of the comments I've read about JW are that it looks crap.
I think making the character black was unnecessary, but getting past that, Will Smith is a great actor. Not sure why anyone would object to him being the lead in an action film. And besides, Deadshot won't be the lead just because he's Will Smith, it'll be because in a lot of the comics he's a key member of the squad. Wasn't he also the leader in that animated movie they made a couple years ago?

Correct. Deadshot is usually the leader of the Suicide Squad unless Deathstroke is in it too. Considering he is nowhere near this movie, Deadshot might have on scene command, as it where.
This place is mental when it comes to film. Suicide squad is going to be shit based off a photo of Leto as Joker, Batman vs Superman is going to be dreadful. But there's a giant wankathon over a jurassic world trailer that shows hammy dialogue, little story, and cartoony dinosaurs :lol:

Why are you do defensive on this? You're like this in the Batman/Superman thread, are you some sort of big DC comics fan or something?