The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Full Member
Aug 17, 2009
New York City
Well for all her political experience Clinton bizarrely neglected the Rust-Belt so it's not like she has shown to be more clever than Trump.
Your argument seems to work back that someone without corporate experience, but with political or academic experience, is a good pick for CEO of a Fortune 100 company. Except if Barack Obama became the CEO of a company I invest in tomorrow, as much as I like the guy, I'm selling.

I'm not saying that you can't do both in a lifetime, but you have to cut your teeth at both before you step up to the top spot.

EDIT: An example for you is accounting. I'm going to venture that lawyer Obama doesn't know it. He doesn't have to be the firm accountant, there's people for that, but he has to understand it because it permeates all the company's activity. He can sure learn it, but it will take continuous use for him to become natural at it. Meanwhile he isn't that much good as a CEO.

Now switch accounting for federal law, international law, the way the defense/foreign policy people talk, etc. All the Presidents before Donald had a better grasp of these things coming in. With him it'll be school in session every day in the Oval office.
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Full Member
Jul 18, 2007
Oslo, Norway
Is it just me or did the Don seem humbled and possibly even overwhelmed during his acceptance speech?

I hope to dog that this points to him dropping the act and moving to the center... or ideally, to the left :drool: (a man can dream!)


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
Yes. His ground game was exceptional and people were emotionally attached to his campaign.

So we can ignore you then. Bye.
BTW, even though it was unlikely (30%), this was possible all the way and within the range of predicted outcomes. It's easy to dismiss polls just because they have been wrong, ignoring all the times they have been right. Also, I still think the polls were right. He just managed to mobilize the right people in the right states, Hillary didn't.
Please think about what you're writing. How can the polls be right when all of them predicted that Hilary Clinton would be the new president.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Is it just me or did the Don seem humbled and possibly even overwhelmed during his acceptance speech?

I hope to dog that this points to him dropping the act and moving to the center... or ideally, to the left :drool: (a man can dream!)
Even if he did, he'd still be a hideously underqualified cnut with poor temperament. Even the best case scenario is grim.


May 1, 2010
Paul Ryan: The Republican nominee just earned a mandate

but...but...two blowout wins for Obama and everyone kept telling us, it was a deeply divided nation and not a mandate :lol:


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Is it just me or did the Don seem humbled and possibly even overwhelmed during his acceptance speech?

I hope to dog that this points to him dropping the act and moving to the center... or ideally, to the left :drool: (a man can dream!)
The only thing he cared about was winning. And this is the biggest win a person can ever have. It's only downhill from here. It wouldn't surprise me if he leaves office early in order to concentrate on his businesses.


Aug 30, 2009
From Obama to Trump. 3 steps forward and 10 steps backwards. I guess that's the process though. Its been a while since a party held power for three straight terms. feck Trump. So not proud of my country right now


Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Apr 8, 2009
Doesn't his business need to be put in the hands of a "blind fund" or something like that? How will that work? Will he really let his billions stay in the hands of unknowns?


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
No way. With black voter turnout like he had, even Hillary would have stomped Trump. She was the onl candidate he could win against. Bernie would probably have crushed him since he ran on an anti establishment platform as well.

What? :D
The kind of voters that voted Trump into the White House far exceed all the minorities put together. I mentioned Bernie Sanders months ago in another thread, said he would be the candidate to beat Trump, but Raoul (admin) slammed me down saying that Hilary would be the one. Look who's president now.


Nov 3, 2001
Trump when he found out. What do we do now


May 1, 2010
From Obama to Trump. 3 steps forward and 10 steps backwards. I guess that's the process though. Its been a while since a party held power for three straight terms. feck Trump. So not proud of my country right now
I don't think we have to be ashamed. It's a democracy - this same country voted in a black president not once but twice. Trump hit a nerve and Hillary was a bad candidate.

Not to mention - the country is going through massive changes - that change brings about temporary pain, but in the end, we almost always get it right.


Full Member
Feb 12, 2008
Doesn't his business need to be put in the hands of a "blind fund" or something like that? How will that work? Will he really let his billions stay in the hands of unknowns?
Blind trust. Last I read he said he'd hand over the business to his children, which doesn't at all meet the test of a blind trust. The potential conflict of interests are going to be very interesting.


Full Member
Aug 3, 2001
New York City
It will be awesome. He's way better than Hillary.

Media which got everything wrong will now tell you all the things that will happen as a result of the thing they said wouldn't happen.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
I can appreciate how a transcript doesn't paint the complete picture of what he's said but he's come across like this during the whole campaign; unprepared, random, scattergun...and loads of other words for a deranged loose cannon. Hopefully either his tax affairs or (alleged) misconduct with women will have him impeached sooner rather than later.

It's the hope that's killing me.
I watched the speech.

It was nothing like that.

He just looked very happy and very proud.You can read the closed election thread,hardly any of the Clinton supporters that watched it thought anything like that at the time either.


Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Apr 8, 2009
Nah, the kids are going to run it. He doesn't care about conflicts of interest.
Oh, I knew he said that, just wasn't sure if it was a legal requirement or an optional choice. From what I read it seems to be the later.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
I watched the speech.

It was nothing like that.

He just looked very happy and very proud.You can read the closed election thread,hardly any of the Clinton supporters that watched it thought anything like that at the time either.
Aye, much though I despise him the speech was fine.


Full Member
Jun 7, 2015
"Can Manchester United score? They always score"
Elizabeth Warren is a shoe-in for 2020. And it wouldn't surprise me if Trump resigns before the 4 years are up.

I've said all along, I think this will be a learning experience for Americans who believe straight-talking is the most important quality in a President. Trump's story will be the cautionary tale that pushes the US political system towards the left.
And this was the election to seal 16 years of Democrat rule.


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
And this was the election to seal 16 years of Democrat rule.
That never would have happened. The last time the same party was elected 4 times in a row was around WW2 and Hillary definitely wasn't the person to buck the trend.


The Adebayo Akinfenwa of football photoshoppers
Sep 15, 2010
An evil little city in the NE United States
Elizabeth Warren is a shoe-in for 2020. And it wouldn't surprise me if Trump resigns before the 4 years are up.

I've said all along, I think this will be a learning experience for Americans who believe straight-talking is the most important quality in a President. Trump's story will be the cautionary tale that pushes the US political system towards the left.
Think the Dems will need to do better than another old white person in 2020. They need to find someone young, dynamic, energetic to be the head of their party. Another Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama.


Dec 19, 2011
A nice article (as usual) in cracked:

Don't panic. Or rather, don't keep panicking for too long.

We tend to have a fairly left-leaning readership here at Cracked, just for demographic reasons (lots of college kids and such). So a lot of you reading this are outraged, sad, disgusted, terrified, and/or physically ill right now. Lots of you also use the stuff I write to feel better about the world, so let me give it my best shot.

First, understand that the opposite of panic is not blithe acceptance of the situation -- it's clear-minded, positive, day-to-day action. Panic makes you do stupid shit or, even worse, curl up into a ball and do nothing. Don't tell me you have reason to panic. You never have reason to panic. You have reason toact.

So yeah, be upset for as long as you want. Get drunk. Do whatever you have to do. After that, I want you to sober up, splash water on your face, and consider some facts:

Gay marriage has overwhelming support nationwide -- 55 percent to 37 percent against.

Legal abortion is favored by 56 percent, with 41 percent opposed.

The vast majority of the population supports background checks for gun buyers -- up to 90 percent in some polls.

A majority of Americans support some kind of universal health care, 58 percent to 37 percent.

64 percent of Americans are worried about global warming. Only 36 percent are not.

And -- get this -- Americans overwhelmingly agree that immigration helps the country more than it hurts, by a 59 percent to 33 percent margin.


Your country didn't go anywhere. It's right here where you left it. America is nothing more than a big ol' collection of people, and those people are more diverse and progressive than they have ever been. That train won't be stopped. Donald Trump's supporters are by and large an aging and shrinking demographic. We didn't see the backlash coming, but that's on us -- a look at our history would have taught us to expect it.

In light of that, there are a few things to understand going forward.

1. You still have tremendous power, if you are willing to exercise it.

If Trump strides into office and decides he wants to undo 50 years of social progress, he will hear about it from a majority who disagrees, many of whom do in fact have quite a bit of influence. So will the members of Congress, who have to sign off on whatever he wants to pass. Trump was elected for a bunch of different reasons that may never be replicated, but that doesn't change the fact that most of the country is still on your side.

Midterm elections are just two years away. Someone who needs your assistance because they're suffering under Trump's policies is probably much closer. Unite. Act.

2. Half of America did not, in fact, just reveal themselves to be closet Nazis.

My family back home aren't Nazis. Neither are their neighbors. This is the last thing many of you want to hear at the moment, and that's fine -- feel free to bookmark this and read it a few months from now. But you can see the numbers for yourself, if you go issue by issue. Shit, at least three Trump states just voted to legalize marijuana, maybe more by time you read this. This is not your grandfather's GOP. This is something different.

The truth is, most of Trump's voters voted for him despite the fact that he said/believes awful things, not because of it. That in no way excuses it, but I have to admit I've spent eight years quietly tuning out news stories about drone strikes blowing up weddings in Afghanistan. I still couldn't point to Yemen on a map. We form blind spots for our side, because there's something larger at stake. In their case, it's a belief that the system is fundamentally broken and that Hillary Clinton would have been more of the same. Trump rode a wave of support from people who've spent the last eight years watching terrifying nightly news reports about ISIS and mass shootings and riots. They look out their front door and see painkiller addicts and closed factories. They believe that nobody in Washington gives a shit about them, mainly because that's 100-percent correct.

That pressure was building and building all around us, and we kept ignoring it. We media types were baffled when Trump won his first primary, and then his second, and then his third. We desperately tried to figure out how the system had failed. We were bemused when he won the nomination, then when he continued to hang around in the polls, we had approximately the same reaction one would have to seeing an invisible dagger floating across the room, aimed right at our fecking face. "How is this happening?!?"

Stop being baffled. Understand why it happened. Do the opposite of panic. Work through the problem.

3. The internet lets us live in social bubbles that blind us to what's really happening.

"How can he keep winning when 100 percent of the comedians and smart commentators have nothing but derision for him? How can he keep finding voters when everyone on my Twitter feed thinks he's a monster?" Well, we can stop being confused. That invisible hand on the dagger belonged to a forgotten entity called "Most of America."

That sick feeling some of you have right now? They've had that for the last eight years. Call them racists, if you want -- some of them definitely are -- but mostly they're regular people who want jobs, security, and safety. Part of that bubble effect is that we're often shielded from "the other side" just enough that only the loudest, craziest assholes leak through. Some of you never had a single polite conversation with a Trump supporter, but did hear about hate crimes and the baffling Reddit spammers and Breitbart bigots. You didn't think Trump would win because you didn't think half the country could be crazy assholes.

Well, I've got good news: You were right. If you focus on the racism and ignore the economic anxiety, you're intentionally blinding yourself to much of the problem. It doesn't matter how much you hate them; their concerns must be heard and addressed or else this will happen again. Or, as someone on Twitter put it, "I'm begging liberal Democrats to discover a tactic other than wealthy celebrities mugging in a camera about how dumb the GOP is."

They don't need your sympathy, they don't need your thinkpieces. They need fecking jobs. They need to feel like they're not getting left behind and they need to not actually get left behind. The system needs to change, and only one candidate promised them it would. If he fails, they'll turn against him too. Watch.

4. What Trump's supporters just did, you can do.

Bad things are absolutely going to happen over the next few years. There will be outrages and disasters. That means people will need your help and you do not have the option of sitting it out. Just know that none of this is unprecedented -- you're just seeing it for the first time, many of you too young to have been paying attention pre-Obama. The old guys who wept with joy when Obama took office did it because they knew that getting there had been a long, brutal road, full of pitfalls and harrowing detours around mountains of bullshit. They saw the Civil Rights Movement bloom in the 1960s, only to run smack into the Reagan years. They pressed on and saw the tide turn.

But only because they acted. In each gut-wrenching setback, they saw opportunity.

And there is opportunity here. You'll see. Trump ran against the most well-funded, well-organized political machine in the history of national politics, with 90 percent of the media and celebrities standing against him. All of the systems that are supposed to make sure one side wins failed. He smashed a billion-dollar political machine to pieces.

Good. I'm glad we can have elections where the prize doesn't go to the side with the slickest ads, biggest names, and deepest pockets. So be it. Next time, that groundswell movement against the powers that be can be coming from your side. I personally believe it will, that this will be remembered as the dying last gasp of the worst part of America, one final stand against the bigotry and ignorance that has plagued us since the day we decided to build this nation on the backs of slaves.

But it won't happen on its own. Nothing good ever does. Some of you wake up every day feeling like you have no purpose in life, and motherfecker, have I got news for you! The future is waiting to see what we do next. Let's get to it.
Can't believe cracked being this rational though.


Full Member
Sep 3, 2014
San Diego, CA


Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Think the Dems will need to do better than another old white person in 2020. They need to find someone young, dynamic, energetic to be the head of their party. Another Bill Clinton or Barrack Obama.
Trump was voted in as the anti-Obama, just as Warren will be the anti-Trump. There are different ways to encapsulate the polar opposite of Trump. Being a liberal, intelligent woman is just as valid as being like Obama or Bill Clinton - although I take your point.

Warren has all the positives of Hillary with none of the negatives. She'd also mobilise Sanders' base and unify the Democrats.

Considering how tight this election was, a woman who can actually appeal to women voters is going to be a huge boon. Hillary was the perfect shitstorm by comparison.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
I think its very clear that a post racist world that many many people have talked about for the last few years was a lie. I've had soo many people claim that racism was gone and that I was just paranoid. This trump election and brexit proves it.

Probably the best way I've heard this disaster summarized



Average bang
Oct 22, 2010
My wit's end
Well she was supposedly a shoe in for the presidency according to many.
Not me. There were people on the Caf pillorying me a couple of days ago for taking exactly that stance.
And no president has served just a single term since Jimmy Carter.
Because he was so unpopular. Hillary already has him beat on that score. She would have been a single term President waiting to happen. As it is, the same fate will befall Trump so that's one silver lining.


Full Member
Jan 9, 2011
Loughborough university
I don't think we have to be ashamed. It's a democracy - this same country voted in a black president not once but twice. Trump hit a nerve and Hillary was a bad candidate.

Not to mention - the country is going through massive changes - that change brings about temporary pain, but in the end, we almost always get it right.
You as a country should 100% feel ashamed to have elected a candidate who promotes bigotry, racism and sexism.

This is the type of person america has now empowered


New Member
Jul 14, 2013
Merkellandia, the land of silent horrors
FC Bayern München
Please think about what you're writing. How can the polls be right when all of them predicted that Hilary Clinton would be the new president.
The kind of voters that voted Trump into the White House far exceed all the minorities put together. I mentioned Bernie Sanders months ago in another thread, said he would be the candidate to beat Trump, but Raoul (admin) slammed me down saying that Hilary would be the one. Look who's president now.
You seem to have problems understanding polls. A poll determines which party a certain group of people is likely to vote for. It cannot, however, determine whether these people will actually go vote when the day comes! That's what went wrong here. Btw, the polls have been just 1-2 percent of nationally. What won Trump the presidency was not predictable by any pollster. People leaning more democratic, mostly blacks in the rust belt, just stayed at home while Trump got his regular turnout and thus, won. If everyone would hve gone voting, or if we just had a turnout 70%+, I'm sure Clinton would have won. But we haven't had that.


New Member
Jul 14, 2013
Merkellandia, the land of silent horrors
FC Bayern München
You as a country should 100% feel ashamed to have elected a candidate who promotes bigotry, racism and sexism.

This is the type of person america has now empowered
The public image of the US ad been damaged so hard the last 15 years, I doubt Americans care any longer :D
You can't go down from being seen as a nation of dumb, fat people shooting each other in the head can you? :lol:


Mar 2, 2009
Well she was supposedly a shoe in for the presidency according to many.

And no president has served just a single term since Jimmy Carter.
George H. W. Bush did a single term.
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