Trophy Parade.


Full Member
Nov 4, 2001
So anyway, wandered into town, scenes were absolutely amazing, zillions of reds, couldn't see a fecking thing really but was well worth just being there with all the celebrating Reds :D


Full Member
May 5, 2009
Dissin' Your Flygirl
So anyway, wandered into town, scenes were absolutely amazing, zillions of reds, couldn't see a fecking thing really but was well worth just being there with all the celebrating Reds :D
I was queued up outside Albert Square from 4:30ish, then they let people in at just past 5:30.. and the team didn't arrive until 7:55ish (iirc)- so it was quite the wait, being stood in the same place for hours. Worth it though, I was in a really great spot.


Full Member
Apr 7, 2008
Was right in the middle of Albert Square, had a bit of a wank view in the end as the press scaffolds were between me and the bus but the atmosphere was immense and the days a whole was class. Must be a horrible day to be a blue.


The worst "V"
Jan 3, 2009
He looked fecking hammered. Every single floor he climbed he got up and acted as if he was going to fall off. Was fecking hilarious. What a hero.

One of the best days I've had as United fan today. Got drunk, went to OT, followed the bus and then ended up at Albert Square. Was hilarious. RVP fecking loves it here.
After he'd climbed up to the second storey, the crowd hesitantly cheered because they thought he was a bit off his head. That just encouraged him to go higher. By the time he got to the height in the picture, I think most people were just afraid he'd fall and so cheered him all the way down. He was definitely playing up to the crowd because of the attention.

He was a decent enough climber but it was the size of bollocks that was the most impressive thing. I don't think it was any harder got up the second or third floor than the first, but none of the rest of us was silly enough to try (I'm the guy in the black jacket, second from the right).

His mate in the crowd was absolutely shitting himself that he'd fall.
I just can't work out how he got from one ledge to the next? It's too far to jump and pull yourself up by the looks of it. So he must have done some really mad shit with the features on the arches? Someone must have a video?

I'm amazed no one was seriously hurt today to be honest :lol:
From the 5 or so blokes jumping up and down on a bus stop roof with 2 people underneath, to the hundreds if not thousands on the scaffolding built to hold a lot less people, to the people hanging off walls and buildings, then this guy fresh out of Assassin's Creed.


Likes Loan Stickies
May 7, 2004
Was right in the middle of Albert Square, had a bit of a wank view in the end as the press scaffolds were between me and the bus but the atmosphere was immense and the days a whole was class. Must be a horrible day to be a blue.
Take out the word "view" and this post changes dramatically.

Judge Red

Don't Call Me Douglas
Feb 11, 2006
Thought the parade was a bad idea, I did.

Thought it would piss down with rain again, I did.

Thought it would be a soggy, miserable send off, I did.

As thunder and hailstones hit in the afternoon, right I could have been.


Wrong, I was.

Argue about numbers and what colour Manchester is all you want. Yesterday evening United fans gave others some scenes to try and rip off.



Full Member
Mar 21, 2008
South Manchester
That was pretty special. I was at Albert Square from 4pm and had a great view of the boys.

Seemed to be bigger than 99 which really is saying something

Utd heap

Models for Coin.
Aug 15, 2006
No way was it bigger than '99 FFS :lol:

People getting carried away - it was only second to it though, fantastic turn out, and a great day.


Full Member
Aug 18, 2009
No way was it bigger than '99 FFS :lol:

People getting carried away - it was only second to it though, fantastic turn out, and a great day.
See this is why I'm hoping for some decent aerial photographs of the whole thing. I started off at Deasngate Station and then followed the parade around throug the backstreets, and everywhere you went the place was absolutely rammed. All the roads leading off Deansgate were packed with people. A decent aerial shot of Albert square and all the surrounding streets at the moment the bus arrived would be the only thing that could convey the scale.

I'd guess, based on crowd estimates I've seen for protests and the like, that there were a couple hundred thousand people around.


Has a Sony home cinema
Jul 15, 2010
MUTV had a helicopter following the bus from Old Trafford whilst filming, but I can't remember if they still had shots from it when they reached the Square (I think it was all ground-level cameras at that point). Still you'd think they at least have had some aerial shots, but I haven't seen any either yet.


Not the only poster to be named Poster of the Year
Jan 27, 2009
Editing my own posts.
Heap could well be right tbf. It's the kind of thing you say at these things. "This could be the biggest yet!" Pretty standard practice. '99 was huge.



Astrophysical Genius - Hard for Grinner
Jan 13, 2008
Kebab Shop
I went to Old Trafford and got pictures and then got the tram, watched us speed past the bus again, got to Albert Square which was locked down. Still managed to get in and have pictures of both events. Fantastic day - never seen so many Reds in my life. Seriously, the whole of town was packed, roof-tops, windows/balconies everything.

Saw Bobby Charlton walk into OT reception at about 4:45/5ish. Fantastic day.


New Member
Aug 1, 2007
Anywhere I can download the full coverage? Couldnt watch properly as my stream kept cutting out.

Sir A1ex

Full Member
Jul 29, 2002
Where the goals come from.
Walked up with the bus from Cornbrook to the bottom of Deansgate, amazing atmosphere, best I've been too.

Well done Heap and co with the flares, absolutely made my last couple of photos...



Full Member
Jun 18, 2011
What an absolutely brilliant night. I went thinking not that many people would show up (shit weather an hour before and a Monday night) boy was I wrong. On the way back for the train I stopped off with the hundreds of other people outside the City shop chanting songs for about half an hour, it was a great atmosphere.

On a side note I was also stood pretty close to Hayley McQueen...she's fooking gorgeous.

Fergus' son

Gets very easily confused
Oct 13, 2011
The celebrations of the last few days has really removed any anxiety I had about the coming season and replaced it with excitement and intrigue.

We are extremely privileged to be fans of Utd, and SAF has already provided us with a lifetime of success and memories. Of course I hope we continue to be successful, but at this moment in time I just feel really grateful for everything the club has achieved so far.

The biggest and best club in the world, there's no doubt about that!


Full Member
Sep 25, 2008
Friendzoning 'nice guys'
Saw Bobby Charlton walk into OT reception at about 4:45/5ish. Fantastic day.
You must have been stood really near to me because I also saw him walk there at the exact same time.

Had an amazing time on Monday. We got to OT around half 4, saw Sir Bobby, then headed back to the Bishop's Blaize, got trod on, decided was too busy and left to go to the Trafford. Had a drink, got trod on, decided was too busy, so just stood outside. Went to Sir Matt Busby way, and waited for around an hour before it started. Got trod on. Someone started chanting 'Giggs will tear you apart again' and I went, 'I wish', which got a big laugh. Was too far away to hear Fergie's speech unfortunately. Bus got towards us, Vidic sat at the front, Rio on the mike. Followed the bus all the way to Deansgate. Got trod on A LOT. Lost both of my shoes at one point. Someone passed me a joint. Got groped a couple of times (very funny, you assholes). Was asked 'you got a light, love?', more times than I thought was humanely possible. Giggsy waved at me and winked (:drool:) after I had been shouting 'RYAN!!' for about 10 minutes. I also shouted 'Don't go, Wayne!' at Rooney, and he heard me (thus it is definitely solely down to me if he decides to stay) Got to Deansgate and couldn't get anywhere cos it was too busy. Took a couple of backstreets to get to Albert Square but was told by the Police that they were too full by then. Could just about hear Fergie talking though. Headed back to the train station. Got trod on.

Pics to follow tomorrow (hopefully). I got some really good ones of Giggsy and Van Persie.