Was the Casemiro signing a mistake?

Varane wasn't really known to be an injury-prone player before the move to United. He averaged 28.8 league and 8.4 CL starts per season in the 5 years before moving to United. Real Madrid offered him a renewal; he didn't accept and said he wanted to leave, so he was sold.

Seems like Madrid knew he was past his best though. Fair to say Alaba was an upgrade, even though i think they are similar ages.
Past their best players from R.Madrid... and United always fall for it.

Is Casemiro a bad player, absolutely not. In fact we need leaders to this day, but leaders that can lead for many years to come.
The contract should have been 2+1 or something like that. If he wanted 4 years, we should have walked away. But the club is run like a circus, so not surprised we are in this situation now. Our only hope is he agrees to go to Saudi and we have a buyer.

Very difficult from an FFP perspective to amortize over 2 or 3 years when the transfer fee is 60mil.
Players want guarantees too, so wouldnt come for a short term contact at the age of 30.
Seems like Madrid knew he was past his best though. Fair to say Alaba was an upgrade, even though i think they are similar ages.
He was already being benched when we signed him, thats why they were happy to sell. More Murtough idiocy, after ETH had us chasing FDJ all summer.
He was an absolute brilliant signing that 100% saved our season last year.
The problem with United’s owners is that instead of following up CL qualication & a trophy and improving the midfield around him, and allowing much better rest opportunities and some fecking help on the pitch alongside him, we brought in an average slow lad on loan and are asking too much again of a player.
There are so many masters of hindsight on this forum. They 'always knew' about every signing that went wrong, every manager that failed, every line-up that should've been different, every tactical decision that didn't go well. Should've done the opposite to that thing that didn't work. That's what they'd have done.

This place was absolutely creaming itself over Casemiro last season. Best defensive midfielder in the world, etc. Now a few months later it was a terrible mistake and he's finished :lol: Everything is either amazing or completely shit on here.

He hasn't played well this season but who has? It's difficult to establish anyone's true worth based on current performances because everyone looks crap and below par at the minute.

Basically your average modern fan, looking at everything in extremes. But Caf is on a whole other level.
Casemiro is still our most important player. I think as fans, we don't value our players. Due to injuries to our defenders, our defence play a low block, this makes the gap between the defence and midfield so big for even casemiro to defend. He has scored 3 goals already this season and if he was even half fit, ETH would have risked him for a match like today where we need maximum points in an away tie. When the defence is fit, Casemiross job will be just to protect the defence. Imagine how his experience and mentality will Rob off on kobe mainoo and the other young kids
I still think the old fella still has something in the tanks and it'll be interesting to see how he performs when fully fit again.

(Old man sticking up for old man)
He was an absolute brilliant signing that 100% saved our season last year.
The problem with United’s owners is that instead of following up CL qualication & a trophy and improving the midfield around him, and allowing much better rest opportunities and some fecking help on the pitch alongside him, we brought in an average slow lad on loan and are asking too much again of a player.
Spot on.
Casemiro was a good signing. you could see the impact he had last season and also the games he missed we sucked real bad. This season with the shenanigans in transitional play nonsense, he has been left unsupported and alone in midfield. If you expect him or any player to cover all that grass in center of midfield. You are delusional.
He was an absolute brilliant signing that 100% saved our season last year.
The problem with United’s owners is that instead of following up CL qualication & a trophy and improving the midfield around him, and allowing much better rest opportunities and some fecking help on the pitch alongside him, we brought in an average slow lad on loan and are asking too much again of a player.
Is it worth 60m + enormous wages to get top 4 if that player can then (seemingly) have nothing further to contribute? I'd rather spend the money elsewhere on a younger player who can hopefully contribute to more than just one 3rd place finish.
Personally think he was pivotal to last season for us.

The issue is we haven't built a midfield around him and theres no one to rotate him
with and his stats and fitness have started to decline. We need him to play the best part of 60 matches a season because once he’s out of the team our midfield is atrocious.

If we could recoup say 40 mil for him from Saudi in January as mooted in the papers I would go for it personally but we need to have a replacement lined up who is a lot younger
He's obviously a class player, but he's only going to get slower not quicker, which means he'll arrive even later to some tackles and see the yellow or red card,especially in Europe, more often. Mind you, after seeing the Newcastle v Gooners game, he may get away with it.
He was an absolute brilliant signing that 100% saved our season last year.
The problem with United’s owners is that instead of following up CL qualication & a trophy and improving the midfield around him, and allowing much better rest opportunities and some fecking help on the pitch alongside him, we brought in an average slow lad on loan and are asking too much again of a player.

I think the plan was for Mount to play alongside him.

Last season it was Casemiro, Eriksen and Fernandes, so Mount was supposed to be a younger version of Eriksen.
Last season it seemex an inspired signing, but now it seems a bad buy. I hope in future we look to players who have a few years in them before they are 30.
There's nothing 20/20 about this. We knew we were effing ourselves long term. We just had to go through with it because of the earlier mistake of leaving it till late. At least I certainly hope no one thought this didn't come with the likelihood to be problematic long term. The hope was we would learn and be more savvy in future windows to compensate the mistake. Now that we've failed at being savvy the impact is really starting to sink it. Even some of the newer signings look like they need long term upgrading.
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I can't wait for the "we should have kept Casemiro" when he leaves. Typical rubbish on here when it's all doom and gloom.
As a Real Madrid fan I can say Casemiro was sorely missed last season. Tchouameni wasn't at his level, and isn't yet. He's also out for the next two months, like Casemiro.

The ideal scenario for either team is solid veteran DM + younger DM. United are closer to this than Madrid, you just have to go sign the young DM. Harder to find the veteran, proven DM who wants to leave.
Yes but is Casemiro at that level anymore? Would keeping him be good enough for RM?
May cover his fee or some of it, but what about his wages for a few years?

Getting into the CL for one year is just not a good enough reason to spend that sort of money on a short term solution that may cause problems later on. We could and should have spent that money on a longer term investment.
Its not a good long term signing for sure. But I thought he is a very good short term one.
Yes. Signing him to make it into the CL for one season was not worth it. Hopefully Saudi will bail us out.

If money wasn't a problem and the club were also going to buy a replacement/understudy, it would have been alright. That isn't the case, though.
This is how I picture Madrid fans 'missing' him last year
He was a good player but a bad signing.
When Madrid were freshening up their midfield they didn't seek to move on Kroos (2 years older) or Modric (7 years older) they were happy to replace Casemiro with Tchouameni. They knew he was on the decline and tbf Brazilians have a lower shelf life than most for whatever reason. Very few players leave Madrid and go on to perform well, a bit like Bayern, they know when to sell.

I thought we would get two good years out of him, seems we're only getting the one and he still has 2.5 years left on a decent wage. Best hope is a Saudi club comes in with 40m or so for him in January.

Casemiro would have been a reasonable signing at 35-40m and worth the punt.
We overpaid as per normal and now need to replace him (whilst facing a deficit of funds).
What also makes it worse is that he was chosen as the back up option for De Jong by looks of it and they're not really similar players despite occupying a similar part of the pitch. Smacks of panic rather than planning.
Varane wasn't really known to be an injury-prone player before the move to United. He averaged 28.8 league and 8.4 CL starts per season in the 5 years before moving to United. Real Madrid offered him a renewal; he didn't accept and said he wanted to leave, so he was sold.

That is probably true, but the PL is known for its speed and hard challenging, it was anticipated he would not manage to play in every game, including cup games etc.... great player nonetheless.
last season everyone was raving about Casamiro, motm many times. Without him we would not have made champions league, would not have won the cup would not have gotten to th FA cup final. How quick the fickle section turn on some one.

whens hes fully fit he is still one of our best players. still class. Hes got a couple of years at the top at least.
If he'd walked into a functioning team from day one, then no doubt he'd have been performing well consistently and playing less on the limit. Quite possibly no red cards and fewer injuries. I can't help but feel he put a big shift in for a good chunk of last year while wondering what kind of shit show was going on around him. Could say similar for Varane.
last season everyone was raving about Casamiro, motm many times. Without him we would not have made champions league, would not have won the cup would not have gotten to th FA cup final. How quick the fickle section turn on some one.

whens hes fully fit he is still one of our best players. still class. Hes got a couple of years at the top at least.
i have no idea how anyone could have watched casemiro clearly become slow/late to everything while looking incredibly old this season and say with complete conviction that he has "a couple of years at the top at LEAST".
For a club that is clearly not swimming in money and needs to rebuild you could easily make the case that splurging the cash on a guy for one year of moderate goals (which simply getting top 4 and winning the lesser of the cups clearly is) could easily be scrutinized.
He was an absolute brilliant signing that 100% saved our season last year.
The problem with United’s owners is that instead of following up CL qualication & a trophy and improving the midfield around him, and allowing much better rest opportunities and some fecking help on the pitch alongside him, we brought in an average slow lad on loan and are asking too much again of a player.

The owners gave the manager 200mil to spend. He prioritized Onana, Mount and Hojland. All three signings are questionable.

My personal opinion is that Ten Hag always wanted Amrabat and he had him effectively go on strike at Fiorentina knowing that they would be forced to take the final day loan offer.
Surprised me last season, his experience was as a legit world class DM. I never really saw that from him for us, if anything his best output was in the attacking sense. He provided goals, no look passes, threat from set pieces etc. He had a spell where he was very good, and people need to remember that, it was only a spell, it wasn't the whole season. He started slow, got really good in the middle then got poor as the season came to an end. Add in games where he was suspended as well. It's a pity he has carried his poor form into this season, as when he plays well, the team looks more balanced. If we are to keep him, he can't really play as the 6, he doesn't have the legs to track runners. ETH has to take a lot of blame on this. He saw how he finished last season, he saw him in preseason, yet waited until last min to bring in a player on loan to replace or play alongside him.
He was main player in a season when we reached CL and won a trophy. It is good investment for me.
Surprised me last season, his experience was as a legit world class DM. I never really saw that from him for us, if anything his best output was in the attacking sense. He provided goals, no look passes, threat from set pieces etc. He had a spell where he was very good, and people need to remember that, it was only a spell, it wasn't the whole season. He started slow, got really good in the middle then got poor as the season came to an end. Add in games where he was suspended as well. It's a pity he has carried his poor form into this season, as when he plays well, the team looks more balanced. If we are to keep him, he can't really play as the 6, he doesn't have the legs to track runners. ETH has to take a lot of blame on this. He saw how he finished last season, he saw him in preseason, yet waited until last min to bring in a player on loan to replace or play alongside him.
its the whole decision making process and the clown Murtough, sick of us signing over the hill players for massive fees and wages. Worth a 2 year deal if a free and thats about it. Also ETH and his Dutch obsession meant we wasted whole summer chasing FDJ.
Surprised me last season, his experience was as a legit world class DM. I never really saw that from him for us, if anything his best output was in the attacking sense. He provided goals, no look passes, threat from set pieces etc. He had a spell where he was very good, and people need to remember that, it was only a spell, it wasn't the whole season. He started slow, got really good in the middle then got poor as the season came to an end. Add in games where he was suspended as well. It's a pity he has carried his poor form into this season, as when he plays well, the team looks more balanced. If we are to keep him, he can't really play as the 6, he doesn't have the legs to track runners. ETH has to take a lot of blame on this. He saw how he finished last season, he saw him in preseason, yet waited until last min to bring in a player on loan to replace or play alongside him.
yeah it is the same thing i saw yet somehow people seem to think he was some stud all year for us.
Palhinha was just about to turn 27 when he signed for Fulham, the same summer we signed 30 year old Casemiro. Three years might not seem like a lot, but it encompasses the majority of the contract length we gave Casemiro, so it is a significant difference.


But another significant difference is that Casemiro had spent the bulk of his career proving himself at the top level of football, whereas Pahlinha at 27 had spent his career playing in the Portuguese league.

The ideal player is 25-26 years old and has proven himself at a top club for 2-3 years. But then that's quite rare (and costly)... you'll have to assume the risks on age, proven ability, etc.
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Is it worth 60m + enormous wages to get top 4 if that player can then (seemingly) have nothing further to contribute? I'd rather spend the money elsewhere on a younger player who can hopefully contribute to more than just one 3rd place finish.
Curious to see where general opinion currently is on this.

Only a few months ago it seemed like few held this opinion, with him having played a key part in us finishing in the top four last season. Seeming justification for those who argued that signing him was a no-brainer as he was a "winner" who would instantly improve the team.

However, at this point with his poor form and now being injured until after Christmas, I see more people here arguing that he's shot. Seeming justification for those who argued that spending £60m+ on a 30-year old DM was stupid and short-termist.

So where do you currently stand? And if we were in that same position again, able to sign a 30 year old who would immediately fix a major hole in the team but with the risk of being a short term fix, would you still want us to take it? Or should this profile of signing be avoided entirely?
Obviously not.
It's genuinely amazing how many of you have written the player off. Talking about him in the past tense. If you're going to use this season as a barometer, you can do that for the entirety of the squad who were here last season.