Where to fit Pogba?

We're stuck with him until the end of the season so we may as well use him. With Fred and McTominay behind him he could do well in the number ten position.

He is motivated to stay fit and in form for France next summer so we should use that to our advantage, whilst putting him in the shop window and hopefully boosting his future price tag up.
Obviously the number 10 role given how well Fred and Mctominay are playing. He's not a proper CM and has never been. He is extremely creative and technically superb. The only question I suppose would be how much of a shift he puts in.
It has to be in place of Lingard/Pereira. No point in changing a winning shape. Even if Pogba is completely useless there, he'll still be an upgrade.
Free role in front of McT and Fred like the one Gerard used to play when they still had Mascherano and Alonso at the base of their midfield.
He's not going to stay so I don't know why any other option is being entertained.
We tweek our formation to a 433 and he slots into that left side as the most advanced midfield.
Sell him. Sell/release Matic.

Use the 130mil to buy two CM.
He's not going to stay so I don't know why any other option is being entertained.
We would be mad to sell him mid season because we won't be able to sign a comparable replacement. If used like he was during Ole's first 10 games he can be a massive weapon in the fight for top 4 and the EL.
Sell him. Sell/release Matic.

Use the 130mil to buy two CM.
We obviously need another CM but I think you will find that whatever we get from the Pogba sale will have to go directly to the funding the signing of his replacement, likely to be Maddison and Leicester will demand their pound of flesh.
Formidable? really? It’s been two games
are you watching the games? They put up a good fight against CL winners, League Champions, and Spurs. They were neither intimidated by wily and experienced LFC players nor technically outmatched by De Bruyne and David Silva. We won the last 6 out of 7 with McFred. I’m impressed by their mental strength. It was visible in PSG game. Outgunned, against all odds, they were very resilient. Fred recovered after disastrous beginning of his United career, and MCT fears nobody. It’s not a two games story as you make it out.
Sell him. We need proper United players not this clown. Shame as he's extremely talented.
Depends on which Pogba turns up. If it's the world class version then wherever he wants, else in Madrid or Paris.
He needs to be in front of McT and Fred as he'd be a massive upgrade on Lingard/Pereira in that position.

If he does want to leave, then OGS will probably get a better tune out of him saying, if you want to move to Madrid, then sell yourself to them with great performances for us. If he doesn't respond to that or doesn't show the right attitude, then leave him out.

I have no doubt he will leave in the summer, but if we can make use of him and he is willing to show up then he should play.
Madrid? Juventus?

Sell him and use the money to part fund a push for two new CM's and a ST. We don't need a player who only turns up for 10 games a season.
This is literally the easiest question to answer, furthest forward of the midfield 3, where he should be and where he always should have been from the moment he arrived.

The problem will be that our fickle fans will expect him to win every single game on his own, scoring a goal in every game and settling up every other goal we score. That is an unreasonable expectation so don't start crying when it doesn't happen.
Pogba has to be sold. I'm quite exhausted from conversations of how he will fit the team
This. 3 years and we are still figuring out how to play our most talented player. Wept. Play him the left of a 3. Pogba-Fred-Mctominay. Fred Holding and McTominay and Pogba allowed to push forward except in games where defense is needed then McTominay and Fred can sit deep. This only works if we play James. When we have the likes of Mata/Lingard on the right they just drift in to the number 10 position as well as Rashford/Martial if the are on the left. Pogba cant do much except pass it to them as the center of attack is congested so he looks like all he does is play simple but he has no choice but to do that. The fact our fullbacks are so useless attacking wise compounds this. He is a million miles better than Lingard but what he doesnt have is Lingards energy and movement. He cant really play a number 10. He has played there before and can but not in our system. We would have to change it. Basically he needs a defensive base to allow him to drift and then he needs the front 3 and/or leftbacks to drift into space to give him options to thread balls to them. This also pulls the defense wider allowing him to drive centrally.
Again as with most of our team this will work best if the other team are pressing as Rashord/Martial/James can make runs behind the defense and he will find them all day long. Not if he is sitting defensively in a 2 man midfield though.
If the other team are parking the bus he needs the attacking 3 to pull defenders about so he can drive into the space from midfield.
A few things occur to me.

One, its hard to get a decent replacement in January, and whatever Pogba's limitations as a pure Number 10 he can't be worse than Lingard/Mata/Pereira. Add in the fact that McTominay and Fred aren't going to play every single game all year, and we still need to find a system to get the most out of him in the short term.

Secondly, while I think I'm resigned to Pogba going, I wouldn't want to do so before we get another replacement. If he downs tools or sulks, perhaps we have no choice, but unless we really buy someone who we can trust will perform from day 1, I'd want to keep him next season too.

Long term he's out of here, but that doesn't mean forcing him out of the door til we're ready.
Playing him instead of Lingard against weaker teams who sit deep would be great. He has quality and is creative.
Playing Lingard against teams who attack/want posseison for fast counter attacks.
We would be mad to sell him mid season because we won't be able to sign a comparable replacement. If used like he was during Ole's first 10 games he can be a massive weapon in the fight for top 4 and the EL.

Too big an if. He played well until Feb and phased out of form again. He has had a long term injury and risking another may decrease his market value.

I'd sell while we can get a mamouth fee for him and look seriously at alternatives like Kai Havertz, Bruno Fernandes, nicola Zainaldo etc.
I think it is fine to have a central trio of McT, Fred and Pogba. I am excited to see trio play a run of games and see how it plays out.
As far as I see it he is our missing link for breaking smaller, bus-parking, teams down.

In the big games, I think he might be more suited to taking Martials spot. Not in the same position but with both him and Jesse floating around in that false 9 position, perhaps even giving Pogba a free role to exploit the opposition with either his passing from deep, dribbling out wide or his strength and hold up play up top.
The obsession with stuff like "running" and "energy" at the number 10 is very weird. The AM role is not a pressing role, we already have the fast strikers and two hardworking centre midfielders for that. Its a facilitating role first and foremost. Why dont we focus on qualities such as end product for once instead of running and energy? If you run a little bit less than others but give back class on the ball whats the issue? Or do we want to keep a small teams mentality and just stop other teams from scoring?
Didn't Pogba play behind dybala and Mandzukic in his final season with Juve, they even gave him their famous no 10 jersey.
McFredPog is the new term. His best position is between #8 and #10.


The actual position is not so important as long as he plays as free role attacker like how Lingard played the last two games. He will interchange with Fred and McTom, especially Fred, when necessary. Pogba and Fred both are capable of playing further up front.
He could play in a 8/10 hybrid role. If he wants to stay we obviously keep him but if he's not 100% then sell asap and use the money to buy Maddison and Sancho.
I've been thinking about this conundrum in the past week and it's a bit annoying that it even is a debate at all, but that's just the player Pogba is.

I think he should be played as the 10, we just can't be totally changing the formation for him anymore. What I would say though is that Ole should instruct the team in a very specific way - sometimes Pogba should drop deeper than the 2 CMs to help spread the play and utilise his long passing ability; in that case Martial should drop into Pogba's usual space and act like a false 9, dragging defenders out of position and making it possible for Rashford and James to run in behind or run in the channels.

It would give another dimension to our play and I believe we would also be able to hold onto the ball a lot better with Pogba in the team. My main worry is if he will give a 100% when playing, and try and maintain the required intensity or quick decision making that is needed when playing as a 10.
Too big an if. He played well until Feb and phased out of form again. He has had a long term injury and risking another may decrease his market value.

I'd sell while we can get a mamouth fee for him and look seriously at alternatives like Kai Havertz, Bruno Fernandes, nicola Zainaldo etc.
The thing is that none of the players nor their clubs will fancy a move in the middle of the season with the Euros in the summer. Pogba will have to commit himself to keep his starting spot with France and that will benefit us.
i doubt he is capable of playing 10 in the current formation. He doesn’t have attributes for that. He dwells on the ball, loses ball in tight spaces, doesn’t press a lot. It’s better to sell him when he is in high regard.
You clearly underestimate him massively.

Did you forget just how good he can be since he hasn't played for a couple of months? So, Lingard and Pereira have those attributes, but Pogba doesn't? :lol:

Loses the ball in tight spaces :wenger: He's one of the best in tight areas with quick passing and link up play.

Fred/Mctominay are making a great partnership, and we've seen from last year when Pogba played the 10 with Matic/Herrera it worked fine.

with the front 3 playing well recently, we should score plenty.
2 good results, Pogba shouldn't play for us at all as he won't suit us.

Few bad results, we miss Pogba's quality to unlock defenses.

We play on quick counters and there isn't anyone in the squad who has the passing range of Pogba, he doesn't even need to play as midfield 2 to pass from deep, #10 for us drop deeper and then link the play, Pogba should be part of our best 11 and that should be in midfield 3.

Exactly this.

Most of our counter-attacks break down because the guy in possession of the ball will pass to the closest player to him, even though someone like James or Rashford is bombing down the flank on the opposite end of the pitch. That is significantly easier to defend against, than having to maark a pacy player while your defence is still running to get back into position.
With Pogba's passing range we will have far more options on the break which is what we saw in Ole's first 10 games or so.
He's not going to leave in January.
So,when he comes back,we need to instantly integrate him back into the side. He's our best player when on form and we desperately need his talent to see us through to the finish line.

Now what happens in the summer is anyone's guess.
He could easily stay if we finish the season strongly and do some work in January or he''ll ask to leave and all parties will hopefully find a solution.

But,I reiterate, we need him back in the side performing.
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The gaping hole of third midfielder or nr 10 as some tend to say. Specially when it needed to break down teams that sit back and invite pressure to them.
He doesn't really fit in the system Ole wants to play

He'll do a job in the attacking mid position but he won't press like Ole wants so it won't be optimal

I wouldn't pick him before Scott or Fred for the deeper positions now

He's off in the summer anyway, so its just good to have him for the midfield numbers until then
Whilst we have him, 10 is his best position, especially with McTominay and Fred behind him. I know he's played as a 10 before and it's not been that effective, but he's never had such mobile players behind him. I think with these two at the CM positions, we don't have to worry about the midfield being over run or balls not being played forwards. Also now with 3 mobile attackers in front of him, teams can't just double up on Pogba and not have to worry about our attack.
The obsession with stuff like "running" and "energy" at the number 10 is very weird. The AM role is not a pressing role, we already have the fast strikers and two hardworking centre midfielders for that. Its a facilitating role first and foremost. Why dont we focus on qualities such as end product for once instead of running and energy? If you run a little bit less than others but give back class on the ball whats the issue? Or do we want to keep a small teams mentality and just stop other teams from scoring?
It's hopeless with some people on these boards.

Can't believe I'm hearing some people suggesting to play Pogba in the small games then Lingard in the big ones because of his "running" and "energy".
Pogba's work rate is not a problem.
Even before the McFred partnership grew stronger, I felt Pogba was best deployed at #10. now that we have a good option at #6/8 it makes even more sense

Pobga is the one who can unlock the stubborn defensive teams, it makes sense on every level
I agree. And this was the set up when we had Herrera. With McTominay and Fred looking as good as they are, Pogba is sure to get his usual nr. 10/ Mezzala role that he can do ever so well. Those front 3 supplied by Pogba and Fred could be something else imo.
He doesn't really fit in the system Ole wants to play

He'll do a job in the attacking mid position but he won't press like Ole wants so it won't be optimal

I wouldn't pick him before Scott or Fred for the deeper positions now

He's off in the summer anyway, so its just good to have him for the midfield numbers until then
Yeah this is blatant nonsense. Ole best ever run as manager of this club included Pogba being very integral in his team. Pogba is exactly what this team is missing especially in terms of creativity. He easily slot in as a third midfielder in a 433.

Same sort of nonsense were being said about Martial. For some reasons these random myths about these players being unable to play certain ways get made and we get arguments such as yours thrown around.
2 good results and Pogba isn't good enough.

This place at times.