What will you do if LVG stays next season?

gza the genius

Full Member
May 10, 2009
supply and command
Watch the games when it is convenient. I can't be bothered at the moment to change around my plans or work schedule to see all the games and it will only keep getting worse the longer LVG stays.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
There would be some sort of poetic justice (a grim sort) to that: Treat them like customers, and have them abandon you en masse as the “product” becomes inferior.

I'm not sure to what extent this will actually happen, though. Most United fans I know personally won't ever abandon the club in the sense that they'll start endorsing another “product”. They may feel less enthusiastic about United, but that's as far as it goes.

In other words, as far as genuine fans (people who have an emotional tie to the club – let's put it like that) are concerned, I can't believe they will walk out on the club, customer style, simply because they're fed up with LVG and/or the current brand of football.
I definitely agree it would be poetic justice - I would say it would even be the owners reaping what they have sown.

Its an interesting question. I agree its hard to see people actually saying, "Ive had enough of this football United are playing, Im off to watch City where they play the more expansive style of football I want to see" (this is a hypothetical, not exactly applicable at the moment given they are in as bad a state as we are, though they do seem to at least try and play better football than us, and next season they will have Guardiola and should start to see a better style of football emerging).

But thinking about this as a hypothetical question about fan loyalty more generally, I agree its hard to see.

But then I see threads like this. And, again Im not being judgmental about it because, frankly, I couldnt give a shit who people on the internet support, or why, but what I see here is a load of people who are frustrated that we arent as good as we used to be, who cant be bothered to watch us anymore. If you said to an impartial observer, before SAF left, what is going to happen when the success dries up, they would have said, a load of "glory hunters" are going to lose interest and walk away. Nobody wants to say they are losing interest because we are shit - its always about something else - but that fairly predictable (and hypothetical) prophecy is coming true.

So you have loads of posters in here all trying to justify it to themselves in different ways. One person says this isnt the United he fell in love with, because we lack ambition, so he is tuning out next year, or until we demonstrate that we have our ambition again - which I assume means we start challenging for the league again. Someone else says its all about the quality of football: United were swashbuckling attackers when he started supporting them, that is what he signed up for, not this possession shit. So he too is out, he cant be bothered to watch this. Not many people in here are saying I like to watch United winning, and now that we arent I am bored by it. But I suspect that is what is really going on - whether they admit it to themselves or not.

As you said, whether they will change teams en masse is unclear or unlikely. I guess where the consumer side of things comes in is, that is what people SHOULD do, in terms of rational behaviour (as opposed to emotional, tribal, loyal, football-fan behaviour), based on the way football is going. I dont see evidence that they will - and this was always the argument for why football should not be treated as a normal business, because fans are not free to change their behaviour in the way consumers are. So yes, it is hard to see those supporters in here saying they will stop watching United, if things didnt get better soon and they stayed away, actually becoming supporters of other teams. More likely theyll just lose interest in football altogether. But who knows. I think football is in quite a transitional phase at the moment - but that is something I opined about in another thread about fan loyalty which I posted a link to earlier, I wont ramble on about it anymore in here.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
If you said to an impartial observer, before SAF left, what is going to happen when the success dries up, they would have said, a load of "glory hunters" are going to lose interest and walk away. Nobody wants to say they are losing interest because we are shit - its always about something else - but that fairly predictable (and hypothetical) prophecy is coming true.
I think it would be very naïve (at best) to deny this completely. In fact, it would be downright bizarre if it weren't true to some degree.

However, United are currently in a situation which is very hard to nail down – as far as these things (what we're talking about here) are concerned.

We haven't simply become a bit shit, in a fashion which is completely in line with a – let's say – general post-Fergie blues period (a period most realistic fans were prepared for). There are several factors here, but one could mention the two most obvious ones:

The football hasn't simply been shit, as perceived by many fans: It's been safe, bland, devoid of charm, cowardly even. And this is the antithesis to the “United Way”, as many see it (whether they're overly romantic, nostalgic, blinkered or not). Now, some of this is exaggerated, no doubt, but there's reality to it as well – and it would be unreasonable to chalk such perceptions up to rationalization alone (i.e. people moan about the nature of the football simply because it doesn't produce the results they crave).

Our fans don't trust Woodward and the owners. This is a huge factor. Having a manager many dislike is one thing: Managers come and go. Having a chairman and owners one simply doesn't trust (people one suspects don't give a shit about the football side of the operation at all) is a different thing – and a much worse thing.


Full Member
Jun 2, 2014
Slack Bottom
I couldnt give a shit who people on the internet support, or why, but what I see here is a load of people who are frustrated that we arent as good as we used to be, who cant be bothered to watch us anymore. If you said to an impartial observer, before SAF left, what is going to happen when the success dries up, they would have said, a load of "glory hunters" are going to lose interest and walk away. Nobody wants to say they are losing interest because we are shit - its always about something else - but that fairly predictable (and hypothetical) prophecy is coming true.
Agree with a great deal of your post - my question is how to get rid of "Internet supporters" / "Glory Hunters" quicker because I find it harder and harder to digest the drivel coming out of forums like this one..
Personally I'm (well) over 50 and a lifetime supporter who joined this forum when Ferguson left just to see how other fans were reacting - i wasn't really ready for the vitriol that has been pretty much constantly spouted since.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
I think it would be very naïve (at best) to deny this completely. In fact, it would be downright bizarre if it weren't true to some degree.

However, United are currently in a situation which is very hard to nail down – as far as these things (what we're talking about here) are concerned.

We haven't simply become a bit shit, in a fashion which is completely in line with a – let's say – general post-Fergie blues period (a period most realistic fans were prepared for). There are several factors here, but one could mention the two most obvious ones:

The football hasn't simply been shit, as perceived by many fans: It's been safe, bland, devoid of charm, cowardly even. And this is the antithesis to the “United Way”, as many see it (whether they're overly romantic, nostalgic, blinkered or not). Now, some of this is exaggerated, no doubt, but there's reality to it as well – and it would be unreasonable to chalk such perceptions up to rationalization alone (i.e. people moan about the nature of the football simply because it doesn't produce the results they crave).

Our fans don't trust Woodward and the owners. This is a huge factor. Having a manager many dislike is one thing: Managers come and go. Having a chairman and owners one simply doesn't trust (people one suspects don't give a shit about the football side of the operation at all) is a different thing – and a much worse thing.
Youre right but even here things are so complicated. Like you said, its hard to nail down.

How paradoxical is it to find youself in a situation, as we have this season, where - if you want to frame the situation of the club in the crudest possible terms, as two factions - you have the Glazers and their stooge on one side, and SAF and SBC (allegedly) on the other, and the fans are calling for the Glazer camp, personified by Woodward, to overrule "the football people" and bring in Mourinho?

And then, what does it say about this craving for football to be played "The United Way" when apparently 80% of our fans want Mourinho brought in? Does that mean this view that he is ultra defensive is an oversimplification to the point of being completely untrue? Or does it mean that, actually, when push comes to shove, people want to see us winning? Or does it mean both? Does it mean people would be willing to see us not winning as long as we go down attacking, like Newcastle in the 90s? But that winning - however that is achieved - is the preferred option? Or does it mean we have to be careful about treating United fans as a homogeneous entity, with a single, coherent view, and when you read hundreds of different opinions on a specific subject over the course of one day, you are struck by the massive contradictions and inconsistencies, despite the fact that most people are being consistent to their own opinion - its more that people's views contradict one another?

And how many people who say they will (or might) stop watching United next season if Van Gaal stays, are actually just venting, and will end up reluctantly tuning in next season, because they cant help themselves? (Reminds me of the scene in Looking For Eric where the FCUM guy storms out of the pub, but then United score a goal and he is peering in through the window and looking very pleased, demonstrating how hard it is to turn off these feelings we have grown up with.)


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
Leicester is doing an amazing job. If united is stupid enough to hold on to LVG or give the crown to Giggs, I could swap my interest for a season to Leicester or Tottenham and see if it sticks.
Oh wow.

Standards truly have slipped. Who cares about SUPPORTing a football club, let's just jump around from top team to top team.

What an absolute joke.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
Agree with a great deal of your post - my question is how to get rid of "Internet supporters" / "Glory Hunters" quicker because I find it harder and harder to digest the drivel coming out of forums like this one..
Personally I'm (well) over 50 and a lifetime supporter who joined this forum when Ferguson left just to see how other fans were reacting - i wasn't really ready for the vitriol that has been pretty much constantly spouted since.
Just try and ignore it for as much as you can. That's two fans who've basically said in the last day they're going to swap who they support, to another team doing better.

It's absolutely hilarious. You sometimes forget who you are talking to, it's easy to think that these people dominate our fanbase, but I know that's not true.


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Will set my expectations for the season to zero, and take absolutely no interest in summer transfer gossip, since experience has taught me that any established player brought in under LVG will either flop or get injured.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
You have to pity the glory hunter who chooses to switch to Leicester. They endured us all this season, over the summer theyll be out buying their Leicester City shirt, maybe a poster or a scarf to go with it, all set for next season, just in time to watch them revert to type, as even Ranieri admitted they probably will.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I don't think people are moaning about the recent lack of trophies, they're moaning because all the good work done by Fergie is being undone by incompetent management, and people are assisting this incompetence by lowering their own standards.
The stage was set for Fergusons good work to be undone the minute Moyes was hired to be manager of Manchester United, thats the truth. Deep down no matter how much we tried to delude ourselves i think most of us knew the good times were over. Ferguson himself picked him for reasons that still to this day make no sense to me.

Everything that has followed, the hiring of Van Gaal the ripping apart of the Fergusons title winning squad all stemmed from that decision. We hired LVG because he was the only big name available, who allowed a lot of good players with vast experience leave because of the season they had under Moyes.

I'd also suggest that, while you don't pick your side based on entertaining football, you're within your rights to reduce the amount of time and money you spend following your team if the football is terrible. If the team keeps churning out godawful games like the Norwich one, I'll find it hard to justify building my weekend around watching the games.
Thats fair enough mate, interest in football can wane thats only natural. I am not as fanatical now as i was 10-15 year ago. But lets be honest here in the grand scheme of things and compared to 99% of other teams we aren't even that bad.

If the club is content with such a clown as a manager, if they dont mind the standard is being consistently lowered, if they dont mind the United DNA and SAF legacy gets well and truely burried. Than I ask you wtf is there left to support for me ?
Support the team, being a football supporter. A real one is about supporting a team through times are good and bad. Things are not always going to be to your ideal liking. The team won't always play good football and/or win things. You won't always like the man in charge etc etc.

But in my opinion if you enjoy the good times (and United fans have had more than most) then you should endure the bad. It's as simple as that for me.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
If only we all had such high horses to sit on. You must feel like the bestest fan ever
What are you on about? See post below....I find it hard to respond to vague all encompassing posts that have no balance or thought behind them. It's a strange way to post on a discussion site and probably symptomatic of the type of fan I originally mentioned.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2008
So who made you the judge exactly?

People can do whatever the hell they want. It's not just the fact we aren't winning trophies and anyone with a pair of eyes can see the bigger picture.
Of course people "can" do whatever they want. It doesn't make it right. I don't think the club is in a. Good position and I don't necessarily think van Gaal should be our manager. Our football is atrocious. But some of the stuff on this site has descended into comedy, a lot of the posts actually conjure up an image of some lonely people hammering their keyboards and crying, there seems to be an extremist faction of anti lvg side. Some are rational and balanced, some are appalling


New Member
Mar 11, 2014
It might be good for me actually. People have said I take football too seriously and ought to lighten up. If I can be made apathetic after so many years of caring about Utd then... well... I don't know.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
But in my opinion if you enjoy the good times (and United fans have had more than most) then you should endure the bad. It's as simple as that for me.
It's not even just about what you should do, for me. I don't think you'll actually get as much out of the good times if you don't stick around for the bad. How much joy can you actually take from a turnaround if you didn't actually stick around and endure the rough patch? I think that fair-weather attitude excludes you from even experiencing the real highs.


Man of the crowd
Oct 19, 2012
How paradoxical is it to find youself in a situation, as we have this season, where - if you want to frame the situation of the club in the crudest possible terms, as two factions - you have the Glazers and their stooge on one side, and SAF and SBC (allegedly) on the other, and the fans are calling for the Glazer camp, personified by Woodward, to overrule "the football people" and bring in Mourinho?
Hehe, yes – I've said it before: If this is actually the case, there's something positively grotesque about it. Some would say that Fergie's just lobbying for Giggs because he thinks the latter can be controlled like a puppet – but I don't buy that personally. I don't think Fergie craves control of the club to that extent anymore. I do believe he's still very conscious about protecting his reputation and his legacy – but I don't believe he's scheming to regain lost control in that cartoonish fashion. But – yes: That schism there is bizarre no matter how you look at it, even at a hypothetical level: In general United fans do favour what is supposedly Woody's choice over what you'd think would be the more popular one (but Giggs clearly isn't a popular choice – nor is the idea itself, that of an ex-player taking over to carry on the “way”, popular – and that goes for all sorts of United fans, from local match goers to people who've never been to Old Trafford).

And then, what does it say about this craving for football to be played "The United Way" when apparently 80% of our fans want Mourinho brought in? Does that mean this view that he is ultra defensive is an oversimplification to the point of being completely untrue? Or does it mean that, actually, when push comes to shove, people want to see us winning? Or does it mean both?
I think it means both. Sort of. The negativity of Mourinho's football has been blown somewhat out of proportion, as people tend to ignore how his teams play against weaker opposition, focusing solely on his generally cagey approach in big games. Plus, many will – simply – see his brand of football as an upgrade on LVG's, even if it isn't champagne football as such. LVG hasn't been cagey in a Mourinho sense: He's been safe and dull and frequently simply ineffective, not noticeably cynical and clever (which is what Mourinho arguably is). And yes – Mourinho wins. That's obviously the main factor: I don't think many would claim that they love his brand of football so much that we should hire him on account of that alone.

Or does it mean we have to be careful about treating United fans as a homogeneous entity, with a single, coherent view...
Very much so.

The red panther

princess transfer emo
Aug 8, 2015
Could you elaborate on the difference between the two things I have highlighted?

You wouldnt stop supporting United because they are not playing well. But you would if it doesnt have sufficient ambition?

So this all hinges on doubts you have about whether the club actually wants to be at the top? If so, what evidence do you have that we lack that ambition? We have spent plenty of money in recent years. This cant all be because the club havent sacked Van Gaal fast enough? If this is what it hinges on, we could be weeks away from a resolution on that score. Doesnt this all feel a bit premature? I find it odd that people can be questioning our standards and ambitions at this stage. We are going through a bad spell at the moment but these things happen, it doesnt mean the club has given up.

I might have completely misinterpreted what you are saying but if I understood you it feels like you are being unbelievably impatient. A couple of bad years, despite spending a load of money, and 6 months of delay and not sacking an underperforming manager, and fans conclude that the team no longer has ambition. I mean, Im not immune to questions about the club's ambition myself - it has certainly occurred to me that our owners might find The Arsenal Model quite attractive, and if that proves to be the case I will be critical of that. But at this stage isnt the official explanation also the simpler and more obvious one? That we are going through a bit of a transitional phase (this is literally true if you look at our squad turnover which has been unprecedentedly high) and are rebuilding and we have to trust that things will improve?

I guess my question is, what is the evidence for this lack of ambition? What tells you the club is not setting high enough standards? There must be more than keeping Van Gaal in place. I mean, if it was next season and he was still there Id say you had the beginnings of a point - though even then Id say you were being impatient. But here, in May, with speculation rife that Mourinho is coming in, Van Gaal will leave, where is this concern coming from?
Isn't this thread about what you would do if LVG stays for another season ? (look at the title please) ?

My feelings about the club and that it would be very difficult to keep on supporting it are indeed hyphotetical as in what would my reaction be if the club doesn't sack LVG and let him see out his contract as manager. Currently I'am still 100% supporting this club even tough LVG is still the manager and we play bad football and all that but if the club has serious ambition than it simply has to sack LVG, there is no two ways about that imo. If they sack him and hire a new manager that isn't Giggs, I will remain fully on board and look ahead to the new season with reinvigorated enthousiasm and hope for better times but that LVG gets the sack at the end of the season is a vital key element in that.

If the club lets him stay on after this kind of season, than I seriously question the ambition of the club. It would seem like they are ok with playing bad football, getting 4th to fill their pockets with CL money and repeat. That is not the kind of club I want to support. If people think you are a bad supporter because of that, then that is fine but for me if LVG stays on for another season the club shows they arent serious anymore and really lowered the standards so anyone could get under them, that for me is a dealbreaker as it cuts right into the core reason on why I started to support this club.

You can play bad, I'am ok with that. But club shouldn't be happy with it and should do anything possible to change the brand of football asap. Just buying new players for the sake of it and throwing around some money in the market doesn't cover that for me. They must have higher expectations of the manager than what LVG has brought to the table. Last season we also didnt play well, but it was his first season, so he needed some time and I've always said, my expecations are that he moves forward, improves the team, begins to start solving our scoring problem. He has failed at that completley this season, so now he needs to go. If the club doesn't fire him than that is a real problem in terms of ambition as far as I'am concerned. If the next manager they hire spends another fortune in the market and gets it all wrong, than that is ok for me, but the expecation should remain the same, if the manager can't realise that or atleast give the feeling that he has the club on a path forward to realising them than that manager needs to fired. I will not sind around season after season watching boring football and the club being ok with that and not taking action, then I rather go watch some games from Leicester to be honest.


Lineups Game Winner 2012/13
Jul 16, 2010
As depressing as it is it if he stayed it won't be the end of the world. He is here for 12 more months at the very maximum. A lot can change in football in a year. By then things could have fallen into place and other exciting managerial candidates might have emerged and we will no longer be looking at Jose or nothing.

And surely the football can't get any worse. I mean results definitely but in terms of attacking style, we can only get better.

Anyway not worse case scenario but close.


Full Member
Jun 27, 2007
Bitch and yell about it. Then watch the games and pull for us to win everything as usually. Likely send an email to the board complaining about it, if I can find where to send it.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2012
Cry a little inside, but still root for the club heavily.

I root for Manchester United. I don't care who the manager is or who plays for us.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
It's not even just about what you should do, for me. I don't think you'll actually get as much out of the good times if you don't stick around for the bad. How much joy can you actually take from a turnaround if you didn't actually stick around and endure the rough patch? I think that fair-weather attitude excludes you from even experiencing the real highs.
Exactly mate. My two favourite title wins are 1993 followed by 2007.

In the 80's and early 90's growing up everyone won it but us. I started to think i would never see us actually win it, so when we did in 93 it was amazing i was only a kid but still.

And in 2007 when Chelsea steamrolled the league two seasons in a row and then signed Shevcenko and Ballack i honestly didn't see us winning it for a while. So to win it again with the football we played after 3 pretty average years was great.


Full Member
Jun 2, 2014
Slack Bottom
I would invite people to check out the 2011-2012 season to find the roots of all the trouble... there were effectively only two teams in the title race us and city - compare and contrast with this season where the 19 point gap between us and 3rd place Arsenal would cover the top seven. Ferguson instead of leaving as rumoured decided to stay for another season to go out on a high, yet the only player he invested in was RvP.
In 2011/12 we were knocked out of FA cup in 4th round against... Liverpool, knocked out of League cup by Palace in quarters, Knocked out of Champions league by Basel and Benfica at the group stage and finally out of the Europa league by Athletico Bilbao who beat us 3-2 at Old Trafford.
The signs were there for a good clear out/rebuild despite the decent league performance yet it never happened and was left first to a bumbling Moyes and then to LvG to pick up the shit can.
Imo sacking LvG would simply put us back to square one where a new manager comes in and thrashes about for a season or two before (possibly) getting us back on the "right track". For this reason I won't be jumping for joy when we see LvGs smiling face next season but on the other hand i feel it's the better of several evils...
Those who believe Mou will come in and turn things around in a few games are living in a fantasy world because the goalposts have been moved in the prem and just look at how that worked for Chelsea this year who have arguably a better squad than ours.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
As depressing as it is it if he stayed it won't be the end of the world. He is here for 12 more months at the very maximum. A lot can change in football in a year. By then things could have fallen into place and other exciting managerial candidates might have emerged and we will no longer be looking at Jose or nothing.

And surely the football can't get any worse. I mean results definitely but in terms of attacking style, we can only get better.

Anyway not worse case scenario but close.
Missing out on Champions league for the 17/18 season will result in a loss of hundreds of millions with the adidas deal. Not worth the risk with Van Gaal. Five mil now or two hundred and five mill next summer.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
I would invite people to check out the 2011-2012 season to find the roots of all the trouble... there were effectively only two teams in the title race us and city - compare and contrast with this season where the 19 point gap between us and 3rd place Arsenal would cover the top seven. Ferguson instead of leaving as rumoured decided to stay for another season to go out on a high, yet the only player he invested in was RvP.
In 2011/12 we were knocked out of FA cup in 4th round against... Liverpool, knocked out of League cup by Palace in quarters, Knocked out of Champions league by Basel and Benfica at the group stage and finally out of the Europa league by Athletico Bilbao who beat us 3-2 at Old Trafford.
The signs were there for a good clear out/rebuild despite the decent league performance yet it never happened and was left first to a bumbling Moyes and then to LvG to pick up the shit can.
Imo sacking LvG would simply put us back to square one where a new manager comes in and thrashes about for a season or two before (possibly) getting us back on the "right track". For this reason I won't be jumping for joy when we see LvGs smiling face next season but on the other hand i feel it's the better of several evils...
Those who believe Mou will come in and turn things around in a few games are living in a fantasy world because the goalposts have been moved in the prem and just look at how that worked for Chelsea this year who have arguably a better squad than ours.
Chelsea where bloody champions. There were many factors in their implosion, Mourinho was one but not the whole reason. We can say the same about Klopp in his last few years at Dortmund. That hasn't affected him so why do we suddenly think Mourinho is finished, foolish thinking.


Full Member
Jun 2, 2014
Slack Bottom
Chelsea where bloody champions. There were many factors in their implosion, Mourinho was one but not the whole reason. We can say the same about Klopp in his last few years at Dortmund. That hasn't affected him so why do we suddenly think Mourinho is finished, foolish thinking.
He may not be finished but do you seriously think he'd change things around here in a matter of months ?


formerly MrEriksen
Feb 23, 2011
Won't pay to watch, and rather look for free-flowing rivers.

Aaaand I'll be struggling with suicidal tendencies for another year.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
It's not even just about what you should do, for me. I don't think you'll actually get as much out of the good times if you don't stick around for the bad. How much joy can you actually take from a turnaround if you didn't actually stick around and endure the rough patch? I think that fair-weather attitude excludes you from even experiencing the real highs.
Another thing that excludes you from experiencing real highs is if your club falls from grace and wins nothing for 30 years: see Liverpool. Wearing a hair shirt for years in order to better appreciate the feel of silk on your skin when the good day dawns has its downside. The good day may never come. There's no point in becoming a martyr to football. It's meant to be a source of pleasure.

I figure lifelong supporters haven't got a choice. But if you're not, there may come a time when it's sensible to move on. Carrying a bag of stones on your back when you could drop it..


New Member
Feb 1, 2002
hope that he gets it right. still watch every week thinking today we hammer __________ , we don't but i hold out hope.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
" You want Mourinho, you spoilt supporter, he's shit. What's that you say, numerous trophies, no, he had a bad four months so he is finished, done. I'm going to stick with Van Gaal, even though everything is crap he is the more stable option, what, he's retiring in twelve months, well then we should give it to Giggs, he's the more stable option, only four games you say, but he knows the club. You want the club to have every chance to win, you're a spoilt glory hunter, not a proper fan".
Sick of this bullshit, these people must of been disgusted at our success since the early nineties. How did they show their faces outside, their team winning all those trophies playing organized and breathtaking football. If you're happy to plod along watching a man about to pack it in make us a laughing stock while playing football the Faroe Islands would be embarrassed with then I feel sorry for you. We support Manchester United and have been the best team in the world. I refuse to stand aside and keep quiet while people that can't be bothered to use facts to form an opinion ridicule us for glory hunting, support the team even though it's usually the worst two hours of the week. News flash, we do support the team, we do support the club, we don't support the shenanigans of Mr. Van Gaal and we certainly don't support the methods that has lead to the abysmal failure we have witnessed over three seasons.
Instead of telling people to go support some other team for the crime of caring and wanting their team to play attractive football while competing then take you're own advice and go support a team more in tune with you're ambition as a supporter. Stoke City sounds like a good option, if you are such an good fan let me see you do it at the Brittania on a cold wet Tuesday night. Good day to you sir.


fixated with Shaw's bum
Jul 21, 2011
Forget about this car crash of a season and start afresh with few new signings.
Football style will still be the same with whomever we bring in, it's become increasingly obvious that this safety first, risk adverse style is what LvG wants, aka posession for safetys sake, an emphasis on ultra patience and try to capitalise on any opposition mistake.
Even if we win a few more games next year with a few decent signings, I cant see for the life of me the style of football improving much at all.
That is what upsets me most.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2015
He may not be finished but do you seriously think he'd change things around here in a matter of months ?
Never said months. He will instill a different mentality in the group and I would gladly place my money on Mourinho winning us the league or Champions league within three season then I would Van Gaal, Giggs or Pochettino. The club need this guy right now. He will step in and give Woodward the lesson he needs. He will be the alpha of the club and I would be shocked if we didn't get at least five seasons from him which in my opinion is two more then we would get from Giggs or City will get from Pep.
Mourinho loves this club more than any other and has been patient and gracious during all this speculation. At this moment in time this club cannot pass up on one of the best managers in the world over the last twelve years just so Louis can stay one more year finalize that deal to sell us a monorail.


Full Member
Apr 12, 2013
RIP Mino
Trad Bricks
As depressing as it is it if he stayed it won't be the end of the world. He is here for 12 more months at the very maximum. A lot can change in football in a year. By then things could have fallen into place and other exciting managerial candidates might have emerged and we will no longer be looking at Jose or nothing.

And surely the football can't get any worse. I mean results definitely but in terms of attacking style, we can only get better.

Anyway not worse case scenario but close.
If he does stay it will probably mean the Giggs succession plan will be implemented


Full Member
Oct 10, 2013
playa del carmen
Keep supporting as usual. Be a bit sad as plastic fans continue to fall away, but know that it's normal and has happened at plenty of clubs in the past

Morpheus 7

Full Member
May 14, 2014
Be utterly depressed the entire Summer. Curse the Glazers, Ed and the board for letting the fans and the club down every chance I get. Watch every game with zero optimisism, maybe see a game our two at old Trafford,haven't decided yet(can't bare the idea of travelling from Ireland to watch a van gaal vintage performance at OT again,not right now).

I will watch Old united dvds from the nineties to remind me what a real united team were. Passion, attacking, blitzing teams down the wings, fearless youth filled with desire and them last minute goals to remind me to never give up on them. The true values that Sir Matt created the foundation's for and Fergie built on. This fraud manager isn't united and never will be. He refused to embrace the real values of what we are,except stumbling on youth through luck and bad squad management.

Let's hope it won't come to that, maybe he will leave and the nightmare will end.


Full Member
Apr 30, 2014
I will watch Old united dvds from the nineties to remind me what a real united team were. Passion, attacking, blitzing teams down the wings, fearless youth filled with desire and them last minute goals to remind me to never give up on them. The true values that Sir Matt created the foundation's for and Fergie built on. This fraud manager isn't united and never will be. He refused to embrace the real values of what we are,except stumbling on youth through luck and bad squad management.
Fergie built a beautiful palace, but unfortunately he let it go old by not maintening it propely. It grew so bad, that only a few of the halls could be retained and the rest had to be rebuild.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2014
Isn't this thread about what you would do if LVG stays for another season ? (look at the title please) ?

My feelings about the club and that it would be very difficult to keep on supporting it are indeed hyphotetical as in what would my reaction be if the club doesn't sack LVG and let him see out his contract as manager. Currently I'am still 100% supporting this club even tough LVG is still the manager and we play bad football and all that but if the club has serious ambition than it simply has to sack LVG, there is no two ways about that imo. If they sack him and hire a new manager that isn't Giggs, I will remain fully on board and look ahead to the new season with reinvigorated enthousiasm and hope for better times but that LVG gets the sack at the end of the season is a vital key element in that.

If the club lets him stay on after this kind of season, than I seriously question the ambition of the club. It would seem like they are ok with playing bad football, getting 4th to fill their pockets with CL money and repeat. That is not the kind of club I want to support. If people think you are a bad supporter because of that, then that is fine but for me if LVG stays on for another season the club shows they arent serious anymore and really lowered the standards so anyone could get under them, that for me is a dealbreaker as it cuts right into the core reason on why I started to support this club.

You can play bad, I'am ok with that. But club shouldn't be happy with it and should do anything possible to change the brand of football asap. Just buying new players for the sake of it and throwing around some money in the market doesn't cover that for me. They must have higher expectations of the manager than what LVG has brought to the table. Last season we also didnt play well, but it was his first season, so he needed some time and I've always said, my expecations are that he moves forward, improves the team, begins to start solving our scoring problem. He has failed at that completley this season, so now he needs to go. If the club doesn't fire him than that is a real problem in terms of ambition as far as I'am concerned. If the next manager they hire spends another fortune in the market and gets it all wrong, than that is ok for me, but the expecation should remain the same, if the manager can't realise that or atleast give the feeling that he has the club on a path forward to realising them than that manager needs to fired. I will not sind around season after season watching boring football and the club being ok with that and not taking action, then I rather go watch some games from Leicester to be honest.
You say not sacking him implies lack of ambition. The assumptions you make are
- LvG is the only cause of all problems at the club currently, including struggling to make top 4. Players are good enough to be the best.
- You are pretty sure that sacking LvG and replacing him with Jose or any other manager will possibly turn things around. If that fails, we sack him and the next and the next.
- You are pretty convinced that people running the club do not see (or should not see) any positives in things off the pitch in the last 2 years and should not take such things into consideration given that we are struggling for top 4.

Anyways, if you are convinced that you watch Utd only to get a high and if that is not there, you would watch something else, then maybe it should be time to look for a new club. I feel that even if the best manager in the world takes over, we would need time and new players to get the combinations right. Probably a season at least.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
" You want Mourinho, you spoilt supporter, he's shit. What's that you say, numerous trophies, no, he had a bad four months so he is finished, done. I'm going to stick with Van Gaal, even though everything is crap he is the more stable option, what, he's retiring in twelve months, well then we should give it to Giggs, he's the more stable option, only four games you say, but he knows the club. You want the club to have every chance to win, you're a spoilt glory hunter, not a proper fan".
Sick of this bullshit, these people must of been disgusted at our success since the early nineties. How did they show their faces outside, their team winning all those trophies playing organized and breathtaking football. If you're happy to plod along watching a man about to pack it in make us a laughing stock while playing football the Faroe Islands would be embarrassed with then I feel sorry for you. We support Manchester United and have been the best team in the world. I refuse to stand aside and keep quiet while people that can't be bothered to use facts to form an opinion ridicule us for glory hunting, support the team even though it's usually the worst two hours of the week. News flash, we do support the team, we do support the club, we don't support the shenanigans of Mr. Van Gaal and we certainly don't support the methods that has lead to the abysmal failure we have witnessed over three seasons.
Instead of telling people to go support some other team for the crime of caring and wanting their team to play attractive football while competing then take you're own advice and go support a team more in tune with you're ambition as a supporter. Stoke City sounds like a good option, if you are such an good fan let me see you do it at the Brittania on a cold wet Tuesday night. Good day to you sir.
Do you think all Stoke fans just lack ambition? That if they were more ambitious they'd just support Manchesrer United?


Full Member
Dec 6, 2006
Sanctity, like a cat, abhors filth.
Another thing that excludes you from experiencing real highs is if your club falls from grace and wins nothing for 30 years: see Liverpool. Wearing a hair shirt for years in order to better appreciate the feel of silk on your skin when the good day dawns has its downside. The good day may never come. There's no point in becoming a martyr to football. It's meant to be a source of pleasure.

I figure lifelong supporters haven't got a choice. But if you're not, there may come a time when it's sensible to move on. Carrying a bag of stones on your back when you could drop it..
Fair point, I guess. If you feel you can just turn the tap off and it looks like your team are going nowhere you might as well pack it in, follow a more successful club for a while and Im sure eventually you'll start to genuinely care about them a bit.