Gaming Uncharted 4

Climbing to me always seems like a filler to me, in most games. Although it didn't bother me much in the other uncharted games or the tomb raider games.
Can we change the title to include "no spoilers"or something I'd love to read this thread but I'm only on chapter 3 and don't want anything ruined

btw how cool was it when he fired up the ps1 and its crash bandicoot, took back the years when I used to play it as a kid. Nate's commentry was pretty funny too moaning about the slow load times and whatnot. Nice touch by naughty dog
Can we change the title to include "no spoilers"or something I'd love to read this thread but I'm only on chapter 3 and don't want anything ruined

btw how cool was it when he fired up the ps1 and its crash bandicoot, took back the years when I used to play it as a kid. Nate's commentry was pretty funny too moaning about the slow load times and whatnot. Nice touch by naughty dog

Yep loved that - very cool!
Can someone tell me how many chapters there are in total so I know how close to the end I am?
Why? I loved all the uncharted games , don't have the time really to justify keeping a PS4 and its perfectly legal to do it. Completed all the other ones in less than 2 weeks.
If you in fact "love" all the other Uncharted games, then why ask if this will be worth it? Every game has progressively gotten better. So why even that doubt?
If you in fact "love" all the other Uncharted games, then why ask if this will be worth it? Every game has progressively gotten better. So why even that doubt?
Disagree. I consider Uncharted 2 as the pinaccle of the PS3 trilogy, and I'm almost certain that's the general concensus.
If you in fact "love" all the other Uncharted games, then why ask if this will be worth it? Every game has progressively gotten better. So why even that doubt?
Don't some people think 2 is better than 3
Can't believe how good this game looks. A true next gen game.
I'm flying through crushing now, loved it on hard. Just what I want from this series and a fitting finale.
Just did the first chapter and as someone who wasn't really a fan of the previous Uncharted games I think this has been great. It feels a lot smoother in the movement and the graphics are just amazing
2.5 hours in now (chapter 6) and I think this blows the previous Uncharted games away quite easily
Agree with general consensus I'm only chapter 5/6 and I'm already in love. The cut scenes are hilarious and the facial expressions scarily realistic, Elena is amazing :drool: story seems 10x better than 3 already
Even if this is not a stealth game, the enemy marking system was an excellent idea but very poorly implemented when compared to MGS V.
Chapter 3 had me grinning like an idiot. Best easter egg thing in a game ever.

The facial animation is absolutely incredible.
At chapter 8-10 now, what a game!!

I was disappointed when they announced Uncharted 4 as I thought Naughty Dog should have moved on to something else (and that the Uncharted series was overrated) but I was very wrong. I think I rate this higher than the Last of Us and one of the best games I've played on PS4

They've managed to blend all the best parts of Uncharted and The Last of Us to make a fantastic smoothie of a game.

- Great characters with much more depth than before
- Fantastic looking areas which are well designed and don't feel too linear
- Story is fantastic so far, one of the best
- Facial animation is the best i've seen in a game and the graphics during cutscenes is unbelievable
- Graphics out of cutscenes are also great. So much attention to detail as well
- Combined the humour of Uncharted with the gritty parts of The Last of Us
- Gameplay has more depth than before as you can actually engage in stealth and use stuff like tall grass to hide
- Movement seems more refined and smoother
- Game seems more grounded in reality compared to what I remember from the old ones

- He still can only hold 2 weapons for some reason
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Completed in 16 hours, how anyone can get the speed run trophy I don't know
you can play on the easiest difficulty with infinite ammo modifier and just gun down everything.

of course, that would be far from recommended if you're playing first time.
My mom walked by while playing this and thought I was watching a movie. It looks like I'm playing on my gaming PC.
Picked it up yesterday, credits rolling right now.

What a fecking game, best I've played in ages, I was actually kind of expecting to be disappointed but they blew it out of the water. Best Uncharted and best game on PS4 for sure.
Picked it up yesterday, credits rolling right now.

What a fecking game, best I've played in ages, I was actually kind of expecting to be disappointed but they blew it out of the water. Best Uncharted and best game on PS4 for sure.

My brother got this today. It looks absolutely stunning.

Btw, have you played Witcher 3?
Picked it up yesterday, credits rolling right now.

What a fecking game, best I've played in ages, I was actually kind of expecting to be disappointed but they blew it out of the water. Best Uncharted and best game on PS4 for sure.

I'm limiting myself to 2 chapters a day because I don't want it to end :(

Currently on chapter 9
How many chapters are there?
22, not including prologue/epilogue, IIRC

I'm limiting myself to 2 chapters a day because I don't want it to end :(

Currently on chapter 9
I was thinking of taking it slowly too, but I repeatedly found myself saying "just a few more minutes, until the next scene" and ended up playing it for another good 3 hours beyond when I'd decided I'd turn it off last night...
22, not including prologue/epilogue, IIRC

I was thinking of taking it slowly too, but I repeatedly found myself saying "just a few more minutes, until the next scene" and ended up playing it for another good 3 hours beyond when I'd decided I'd turn it off last night...

So I just played my first multiplayer match and it seems to be great also. Really surprised by how good this game is
Bought this Friday night and just completed it which is probably a record for me. Great game, made all the more impressive by the fact that I've spent probably about 50% of my time doing nothing but walking, jumping and climbing but still loved it.
Just finished it. Looking forward to playing some of The online later, heard it was always good fun.
Finished it in about 13 hours and felt kind of underwhelmed by length of game play, I watched some gameplay before game was released so the repetitiveness kind of factored into it. Graphics are top notch and some fine improvements to combat and movement but like I said earlier stealth could have been much better.
Completed it last night, 19 hours of gametime. What a fecking epic ride that was! some of the gunfights and set pieces are legitimately adrenaline pumping, and that Car/Truck/Motorbike chase is one of the greatest moments in gaming for me, I just wish Naughty Dog had held their nerve and not showed the full extended clip after E3 but actually playing it is still such a rush. I'm definitely gonna do it all again but for now think i'll delve into the multiplayer now for a while. The visuals in this game are utterly jaw dropping, I don't think i'll be needing that PS4K just yet if this is what the shitty old PS4 is capable of. :drool:
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Completed it in 16 hours. Could've finished it earlier I think, but I chose the stealthy approach whenever possible. Anyway, what a game and what a perfect way to end the series. The graphics were absolutely stunning, probably the best I've seen in a PS4 game, especially the Madagascar part.

I'm going to miss this franchise, but having played Naughty Dog games over the years, I'm sure they'll deliver with whatever they come up with next. Wouldn't mind a new Jak and Daxter or The Last of Us game.
One thing I loved was all the callbacks to the first three games throughout the game, they were all either expanded upon or dialled back superbly and you never felt like it was cheaply done.

Drake's Fortune
Opening boat shootout
Heading up river in a vehicle with Elena as a passenger
Flooded city
Wetsuit Drake prying open a crate from the bottom of the water with a crowbar
Angel statues brandishing swords in New Devon similar to the one Drake's parachute catches once they crash over the island
Panamanian Prison

Among Thieves
Vertical Jeep climb as it hangs off a cliff like the beginning train sequence.
Madagascar towers similar to Nepal temples
Scotland pirate cave trials similar to Nepal's ice cave and gears
Madagascar market area similar to Tenzin's village
Turret truck menace is like the tank menace
Building collapses while you are in it
Truck chase towards screen
Running along a crumbling floor like the final bridge escape

Drake's Deception
Flashback to younger Drake stuff
An old woman whose estate is filled with treasures from all over, & she happens to know about Drake's past.
The New Devon mansions are similar to the chateau in France
End fight with Talbot/Rafe
Dressed in a suit to pull off a heist
Boat chase in a storm
Escape from a sinking ship
Escape from somewhere that get set on fire & is gradually burning down around you
Convoy chase sequence where you jump from truck to truck
Just finished it, that was incredible, just the perfect Uncharted game. Everything about it was spot on. Sam is a fine new character, but Nate, Elena and Sully are the heart and soul of the series and they really shine here. I'll miss their stories. What a way to end it.
Completed it in 16 hours. Could've finished it earlier I think, but I chose the stealthy approach whenever possible. Anyway, what a game and what a perfect way to end the series. The graphics were absolutely stunning, probably the best I've seen in a PS4 game, especially the Madagascar part.

I'm going to miss this franchise, but having played Naughty Dog games over the years, I'm sure they'll deliver with whatever they come up with next. Wouldn't mind a new Jak and Daxter or The Last of Us game.

The Last of Us follow up is next, working title The Last of Us 2. I'd expect it to be released in late 2018 or early 2019.
Completed it in 16 hours. Could've finished it earlier I think, but I chose the stealthy approach whenever possible. Anyway, what a game and what a perfect way to end the series. The graphics were absolutely stunning, probably the best I've seen in a PS4 game, especially the Madagascar part.

I'm going to miss this franchise, but having played Naughty Dog games over the years, I'm sure they'll deliver with whatever they come up with next. Wouldn't mind a new Jak and Daxter or The Last of Us game.
Why don't naughty dog do many Xbox games :(
Before I say this, I love the uncharted games. Brilliant games. I haven't played the latest one yet either. However, I know how this works, immense praise at first, then after 2-3 weeks it all changes, people start having niggles and moans and it turns from a 10/10 into an 8/10. Maybe I'm being cynical but look at the other gaming threads around here. Everyone gets caught in the new game hype, I'm hoping it stays a 10/10, but I'm waiting to see. I'll buy it no matter what anyway.