José Mourinho | Does anybody else think he is building for the future. Long Term!


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Some fans don't quite understand that winning is the most important thing.
Moyes played a mixture of youth and the Old Guard - he got 7th and got fired.
LVG played a lot of youth players - he got 5th and got fired.
If another manager wins the league (regardless of the age of the players used), you can bet that he will stay and probably be asked to sign a contract extension.
In the cut throat World of football, its all about winning.
They think that by sacrificing 3 years building youth we will win the treble on the 4th season.

None of our youth product is good enough, tfm and rashford at best. If we discounted that they're local lad they're not good enough to enter any top 4 team. Tfm isnt even our product, we poached him from somewhere

We have to accept reality that 99 percent of youth product aren't going to make it, it took more than simply being given game time to become successful in football. You need innate talent as well.

People need to stop thinking that if we give rashford 3 years he'll become ronaldo, cbj turning into prime evra, and tfm becomes the next keane. Manager like mourinho has a strong eye for talent, if he really sees nothing special in the kids there's no point playing them at the expense of actually challenging and potentially winning a title or two


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
He has to be successful in his first 2-3 seasons to get the breathing room to really start building long term.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The rainbow's end
Why is longevity valued so much on this forum? And most importantly, why is it so heavily entangled with the manager's persona? After all, should you ask 10 United fans about Ferguson's time here, 9/10 will tell you that his tenure at OT was an abnormality, a fortunate (for the club and us) coincidence that is very unlikely to happen again. Yet, here we are discussing the possibility of a manager staying here for a minimum of half a dozen years...

It gets you thinking, do City fans worry so much about Pep leaving them in three years time? Do Bayern fans care if Ancelotti will be gone after two seasons? Do Barca fans give a rat's arse about Enrique? My guess is they don't and that's because they know that long term planning has to do more with the people who run the club. It's their responsibility to preserve the club's identity and, at the same time, secure its short term success.

In fact, this was the last resort of the pro-LvG/anti-Jose brigade: "He doesn't get the club and he will fill the squad with a bunch of 30+ mercenaries all of whom he will leave behind after three years". My stance on the issue has always been the same, if that was the case, he would have never gotten the job in the first place. And that's why these deals usually take time to go through. We need his managerial expertise in order to become relevant again in the here and the now because you can't build for the future by completely neglecting the present and by believing that you can take every hit until you eventually get it right. This was sadly something that, according to the rumors, the Sirs could not understand. On the other hand, it's the board's job to make the manager understand the importance of developing talented players and having local lads in the squad. The 78 year record of having an academy graduate in the match squad isn't just a number but it means a lot to this club. I'm quite sure that Woodward and Mourinho have had discussions about all that.

I believe that, by the start of the season, we'll have a mix of many players on the cusp of becoming ready to play at top level (playing the best prospects and not just throwing them into the deep end) and of enough experienced ones who will increase our chances of challenging for all major honors next season. Mourinho's job will be to succeed where both Moyes and LvG have failed, find the right balance and win as much as he can within the next three years. But this club is not a sugar daddy's toy or the entertainment circus that's called Real Madrid, we have our way of doing things here. He knows that and i think he's fine with it.

And if he is indeed a success here, even if he decides to leave after he sees out his contract, the next managerial appointment will be much easier. Simply because the template for a winning side will already be there for the next guy. And i like to believe that we will not screw everything up next time. Long term planning at big clubs like United means continuity of success, not filling the squad with youngsters. And success, as the challenge to compete at the highest level each year, is something you must fight and work hard for every damn season. It's not obtained by giving 6 year contracts to a manager.

We should just be happy that we're going into next season with a manager like Mourinho at the helm. I hope we do well so that we'll never have to consider how close we came to going down the Liverpool way in the 90's.


Full Member
Apr 14, 2014
Camp Nou
Why is longevity valued so much on this forum? And most importantly, why is it so heavily entangled with the manager's persona? After all, should you ask 10 United fans about Ferguson's time here, 9/10 will tell you that his tenure at OT was an abnormality, a fortunate (for the club and us) coincidence that is very unlikely to happen again. Yet, here we are discussing the possibility of a manager staying here for a minimum of half a dozen years...

It gets you thinking, do City fans worry so much about Pep leaving them in three years time? Do Bayern fans care if Ancelotti will be gone after two seasons? Do Barca fans give a rat's arse about Enrique? My guess is not and that's because they know that long terms planning has to do more with the people who run the club. It's their responsibility to preserve the club's identity and, at the same time, secure its short term success.

In fact, this was the last resort of the pro-LvG/anti-Jose brigade: "He doesn't get the club and he will fill the squad with a bunch of 30+ mercenaries all of whom he will leave behind after three years". My stance on the issue has always been the same, if that was the case, he would have never gotten the job in the first place. And that's why these deals usually take time to go through. We need his managerial expertise in order to become relevant again in the here and the now because you can't build for the future by completely neglecting the present and by believing that you can take every hit until you eventually get it right. This was sadly something that, according to the rumors, the Sirs could not understand. On the other hand, it's tour board's job to make the manager understand the importance of developing talented players and having local lads in the squad. The 78 year record of having an academy graduate in the match squad isn't just a number but it means a lot to this club. I'm quite sure that Woodward and Mourinho have had discussions about all that.

I believe that, by the start of the season, we'll have a mix of many players on the cusp of becoming ready to play at top level (playing the best prospects and not just throwing them into the deep end) and of enough experienced ones who will increase our chances of challenging for all major honors next season. Mourinho's job will be to succeed where both Moyes and LvG have failed, find the right balance and win as much as he can within the next three years. But this club is not a sugar daddy's toy or the entertainment circus that's called Real Madrid, we have our way of doing things here. He knows that and i think he's fine with it.

And if he is indeed a success here, even if he decides to leave after he sees out his contract, the next managerial appointment will be much easier. Simply because the template for a winning side will already be there for the next guy. And i like to believe that we will not screw everything up next time. Long term planning at big clubs like United means continuity of success, not filling the squad with youngsters. And success, as the challenge to compete at the highest level each year, is something you must fight and work hard for every damn season. It's not obtained by giving 6 year contracts to a manager.

We should just be happy that we're going into next season with a manager like Mourinho at the helm. I hope we do well so that we'll never have to consider how close we came to going down the Liverpool way in the 90's.
I agree that managerial longevity isn't the be all and end all. The club I support hasn't had a really long teme manager since Johan Cruyff who stayed for 8 years and we've been successful. Maybe why some on this forum and those who support united value longevity in their managers is because as things stand, United's two most successful eras came with managers who provided longevity. Make no mistake, they would have been sacked if they weren't providing success, so they earnt the right to be long term at United.


Full Member
May 2, 2016
Rashford who van Gaal gave a chance to and then trusted with a continued place in the first team. So again, this is Mourinho taking a top youngster that someone else has already made a first team regular. Again this would not be Mourinho bringing through a homegrown player.
Why is everyone giving Van gaal so much praise for rashfords succes? As I recall it LVG was forced to play him because of injuries. Rashford took his chance and scored in his debut. He was all over the media so it would be crazy to bench him after his debut. Rashford continued to deliver and pretty much gave LVG no choise but keep on using him. It wasn't Lvg who took a big risk. We were awfull during Christmas and had a lot of injuries, so Lvg was just desperatly grabbing out for something.

I am convinced that had rashford not scored in his first 2 games Lvg would have sent him back to the youth academy. And not scoring in your first 2 senior games is acceptable imo. So how about we give rashford the credit for his succes.

Red Bug

New Member
Sep 18, 2015
I was thinking exactly the same thing yesterday. If interest in Embolo is true and as we all know we've already brought in Bailly, then he is probably looking at long term stability and a squad that is quick, strong and nutured from a young-ish age.

We will still need a balance though which is why he is probably lining up Zlatan as well.

I keep saying it but I am extremely excited with everything right now.


Full Member
Mar 27, 2016
We can hope he has learned from his past mistakes all we like, but there is no point expecting miracles. He has never developed a player from the academy to a first team regular. He has never built a winning team then evolved it into another winning team. He has never successfully planned for the future because his sole focus is always on the present team.
I'm bored of the academy/youth argument. It's an easy stick to beat him with. Did Moratti at Inter, Perez at Madrid or Abramovich at Chelsea ever show any inclination that they'd like to see youth products brought into the first team? No. Inter underinvested in their academy structure, Madrid continue to take the 'Galactico' approach and Chelsea produce players to sell on for profit.

If United's academy graduates are good enough, and that includes those who have already been promoted to the first team, then Mourinho will use them. Simple as.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The rainbow's end
I agree that managerial longevity isn't the be all and end all. The club I support hasn't had a really long teme manager since Johan Cruyff who stayed for 8 years and we've been successful. Maybe why some on this forum and those who support united value longevity in their managers is because as things stand, United's two most successful eras came with managers who provided longevity. Make no mistake, they would have been sacked if they weren't providing success, so they earnt the right to be long term at United.
Oh, i know but at the same time the vast majority of our fans realizes that there will probably never be another Ferguson, at least not in the near future. Your club is a fine example of what i'm trying to say. You don't look for the next Cruyff when you're going to make a managerial appointment and you don't look for someone who will stay for a decade at the club. You look for someone who will uphold the club's traditions/make the best out of the squad and when you believe you have found him, you give him a short term contract and then wait and see how the season progresses. If it works, fine and if it doesn't, off to the next one.

It looks like that for the first time we're close to getting right with a manager who understands the British game (high tempo, direct passing, quick attacking transition from the back), which is a part of United's DNA (historically, Liverpool has always been closest to continental football) and with a board that looks adamant about our transfer policy and the shape of the squad.

I might be wrong about this, i don't know. But i would hate to see this forum being polarized again, this time about what is at the moment a non issue. The pre season hasn't started yet and we're concerned about how long Mourinho will last at the club.


Full Member
Apr 24, 2015
Why is everyone giving Van gaal so much praise for rashfords succes? As I recall it LVG was forced to play him because of injuries. Rashford took his chance and scored in his debut. He was all over the media so it would be crazy to bench him after his debut. Rashford continued to deliver and pretty much gave LVG no choise but keep on using him. It wasn't Lvg who took a big risk. We were awfull during Christmas and had a lot of injuries, so Lvg was just desperatly grabbing out for something.

I am convinced that had rashford not scored in his first 2 games Lvg would have sent him back to the youth academy. And not scoring in your first 2 senior games is acceptable imo. So how about we give rashford the credit for his succes.
Had it been mourinho or someone else they would have probably played someone else, say Memphis or lingard, upfront as a false 9. He could just as well as not played him.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2009
United is the only club I can see Jose settling down at but its goes both ways he needs to produce results (trophys) and behave himself to stay here long term.


Full Member
May 2, 2016
Had it been mourinho or someone else they would have probably played someone else, say Memphis or lingard, upfront as a false 9. He could just as well as not played him.

You mean something like playing young up front? Yeah LVG would never do such a crazy thing. Especially not twice


Jun 24, 2015
If he'd taken over from Fergie, then yeah he would have had the opportunity to plan long term but since Moyes and van Gaal have been complete failures and almost thrust United back into the dark ages, he doesn't have that luxury anymore. Which is why he's probably going for Ibra for example...hopefully we'll have that van Persie effect. I just hope he realises the opportunity he has at United and doesn't feck it up with his antics. There was something seriously not right with him at Chelsea, he just looked like a crazy man on the verge of a breakdown at times. If he just keeps his head down and focus on the club rather than his ego we should be ok.

I'm hoping we'll be the first club he's been able to break that 3 year hoo-doo with. I think after his first year he/we will have a better assessment of his impact on the club, where changes need to be made and how big the job at hand will be.

I don't really care if we don't win trophies straight away but if he can go some way to erasing the memories of Moyes and van Gaal from the club, I'm happy to give him as long as he needs.


Full Member
Sep 30, 2013
To be fair to Mourinho, his first Chelsea team was easily a long term team.

Plenty stayed years after he was gone and he left because he was sacked (as opposed to jumping ship).

If Roman wasn't so trigger happy the first time, Mourinho might have already built a legacy.


New Member
Oct 10, 2015
We've signed one player and been linked with embolo. Think it's just coincidence so far.
I know buddy. You are probably right but...

Don't think anyone plans long term from the start (perhaps except for Moyes).

If they stick around, then their planning starts becoming more long term, but as Chelsea has shown, short term failure will destroy whatever long term planning you had.
Thats kinda what im asking, is he planing so he'll be around. Now its only how you sense it. Your inner little voice that says... Wow, i didn't think etc etc

if we want to solely look at the youth promotion and development
No no im not suggesting that. Of course there must be a balance.

It does seem like he's planning for long term, but a couple of good ready mades like Kante, Mahrez and Zlatan will see us challenging right away. Don't think he'll see any need to go overboard, we're not that bad.
I would love these 3 too... But I kinda demand our youth get a run too, where possible of course.

Quite simply, if Mourinho had it in him to bring through young players then he wouldn't be our manager, he'd be celebrating his 3rd consecutive title at Chelsea and favourite for a fourth next season.
We dont know what was his brief was at chelsea... Look at who he(got the blame for) threw on the scrap heap. There was other managers who never gave them a look in either. But somehow its all Joses fault?

What are we saying he's actually done? For this thread to be created?
Just asking you how, at this early stage, you see or feel things are at United.

In all honestly I hope he does well (you can finish second and win the Champions League this upcoming season). I still like the man.

I really just wanted to call someone a pencil case cnut.
Ha ha ha ha love it, we all kinda knew the plastics still love him. Fair play for having the craic.

We should just be happy that we're going into next season with a manager like Mourinho at the helm. I hope we do well so that we'll never have to consider how close we came to going down the Liverpool way in the 90's.
I feel the exact same. I was fearing the worst and this was the move that had to be made to stop that slippery slope.

I stated at the start, I'm going out on a limb. There is no proof or fact on this. No wrong or right. Its all about how you see it. I am clearly a dreamer. I am just loving everything we have done so far. I have mentioned how you feel because there is not a lot to actually see on this point.

The difference from Moyes to LVG was easy to see the huge improvement round the club. Im already seeing a huge improvement form LVG to Jose. Some will say im reading too much into it and we haven't even kicked a ball yet.

I still see it!!!

Long Ball

Full Member
Sep 6, 2014
Whilst I hope Jose has a point to prove about winning with younger players (people seem to have forgotten about the average age of his Porto squad) I can't help but bare in mind the clubs own transfer policy under the glazers of buying young potential with a sell on value - where Bailly comes in.

It's quite possible the glazers have had their fingers burnt with the falcao and di Maria failures and reverted to type.

If we go "galactico" I can only see it for highly marketable attacking players - eg James


Full Member
Jun 13, 2014
Except for Ligue 1, where else could he go? Maybe train the NT but I don't know if that's Mourinho. Hopefully he'll be here for longer than three years and finally get CL trophy with an English side.


New Member
May 21, 2016
You want Mourinho long term because he is one of the best managers in the world, because he offers almost certain success. Whoever you get to replace him will likely be something of a step down, something of a risk. Van Gaal was regarded as one of the best and look how that turned out. Would you be as optimistic as you are now if you had appointed Tuchel, Conte, or Simeone? I would guess not, but this is the situation you face in three years. And it will be a repair job for the next manager. Mourinho motivates by creating conflict,insecurity and instabilty. He's a passionate affair rather than a marriage prospect.

I would like Klopp to stay with Liverpool until he retires, but his track record at Mainz and Dortmund suggests seven years is his limit. But he will leave us in a better state than when he found us.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2015
Glazers, love them or hate them, seem to have a hands off approach to the football side of things at United. Is there another team that Jose has managed at that have that kind of ownership? Certainly not Chelsea or Madrid. This is why I think we may have him for a long while, (relatively speaking, not talking SAF or AW kind), provided he succeeds.

Red Bug

New Member
Sep 18, 2015
To be fair to Mourinho, his first Chelsea team was easily a long term team.

Plenty stayed years after he was gone and he left because he was sacked (as opposed to jumping ship).

If Roman wasn't so trigger happy the first time, Mourinho might have already built a legacy.
Very good post and I completely agree.

Roman is bad for Chelsea as is good. He is way too involved with everything I.e. Pushing players he is obsessed with on his managers like Shevchenko.

Jose will have total control here.


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Feb 7, 2016
He also did say that if Baker,Brown and Solanke (I think) don't become England internationals then that would be his faults (or something along that line).Then he loaned out all of them to Vitesse.

Anyone said the youth players at Chelsea wasn't good enough need to look at Loftus-Cheek,Christensen,Musonda,Solanke,Abraham and some others.They are as good as anything you can find at that level.It's up to the manager and coaches to develop them further to the demand of the first team.Not all of them will become good enough but when zero of them made an impact at first team level under Mourinho despite their first team struggled massively, something wasn't right.

Mourinho is a great manager and a winner but if we want to solely look at the youth promotion and development point of views, he has been poor and that's a fact.I don't get why it's so hard to comprehend for some.If someone think it's not important then okay,fair, but instead many prefer to twist the truth.
What i've seen from Loftus-Cheek is that the boy doesn't work hard enough.
At times he gets dispossessed, that's normal, but he's not going after them like a mad man. As an 'unkown' talent you should be trying to take the game by its balls, he hasn't been doing that, so no wonder Mourinho got upset and tried to wake him up with some public comments. Just take a look at Alli who's so aggressive. Loftus-Cheek got the better of that German boy Sané in the youth league, but there's more to the game than a few good moments on the ball.
Every professional player in one of the better leagues has its good moments here and there.

Before the season started no one had any idea what drama would be unraveling. Chelsea decided to loan a 19 year inexperienced Christensen to Gladbach for 2 years, because they already had the best central defense in the league, imo.
The Musonda case seems a bit odd, but he looked slender and undernourished,
a loan to Spain would do him some good. I remember his first interview which he helt in freakin' Spanish, according to the boy himself all learned by himself.
He's very ambitious, but still raw, 3 scorer in 16 games is upgradable.
Solanke is 18 years of age, being a striker in the Premiership is very hard,
a loan was the right idea. The season before he got some minutes in their Champions-League campaign.
Baker has a good shot in him, but apart from that, a lot to learn.

Mourinho awarded minutes to the new boy, young talent Kenedy who impressed with his work rate. Furthermore there was Traoré who happened to be one of the better players in the Eredivisie in 2014/2015.
I'm under the impression that Guus awarded Traoré more minutes, but take your time for a rewatch Chelsea vs. PSG. The boy had to fill in Costa's shoes and it didn't go well. So he still has a lot to learn. When i'm comparing the Chelsea talents with a player like Coman, than they are worse, imo.
What did Guus do differently than Mourinho at Chelsea? He steadied the ship, but he didn't inspire, he wanted to keep his good record and decided not to play the youth despite being close to Abramovich. The youth is simply not that good.
Abramovich doesn't help the case either with his antics, according to Ancelotti's book patience isn't one of his strenghts. Chelsea is a weird place.

How many youth players did Ancelotti bring up and compare it to Mourinho's.
What about the god himself, Pep Guardiola, what has he done during his time at Bayern Munich? I remember him benching Kimmich against Atletico Madrid, despite playing very well in the last couple of weeks and fielding the more experienced Bernat, which ironically backfired.
Now turning to the youth players, is there any Pep Guardiola introduced to the team?

My point is that there is a difference between poor and expandable.
At Real Madrid Mourinho used the Youth, played young guys, so i can't see why it's game over for the likes of Rashford. Mourinho's claims are high, but we shouldn't settle for less, it's time to be the phoenix and rise from the ashes.
Mourinho seems so calm and in good mood these days, good things are coming.
Mark my words! :drool:
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Full Member
Apr 24, 2015
You mean something like playing young up front? Yeah LVG would never do such a crazy thing. Especially not twice
Yeah he could have tried it then too but played Rashford. So that disproves your first point.


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
That could pretty much all be true; I hope it is. But if we wanted a manager who would have any kind of long term, or even medium term plan, Mourinho was an awful choice.

He has proven himself to be a person of poor character, he is undeniably a compromise on our integrity, and the continued justification for making that sacrifice was his record of success. But if we are looking at long term planning he is an absolute specialist in failure.

We can hope he has learned from his past mistakes all we like, but there is no point expecting miracles. He has never developed a player from the academy to a first team regular. He has never built a winning team then evolved it into another winning team. He has never successfully planned for the future because his sole focus is always on the present team.

Joining United isn't going to change his approach to management or his abilities, not matter how much he admires Fergie. And if it does he will be changing from the approach that brought all his success to a world he knows nothing about.
Who is a better choice , at this moment ?


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
No, not publicly to my knowledge. Wasn't that just a 'sources understand' Ibrahimovic would be our only striker signed as Mourinho wants to play Rashford?

Rashford who van Gaal gave a chance to and then trusted with a continued place in the first team. So again, this is Mourinho taking a top youngster that someone else has already made a first team regular. Again this would not be Mourinho bringing through a homegrown player.

Even if Mourinho did say this, look at Loftus-Cheek for how much Mourinho's promises to develop young players matter. He said that Loftus-Cheek would be in first team squad and an important player last season, then started him once, subbed him at half time and never played him again. After Mourinho is gone, Loftus-Cheek becomes a key player for Chelsea.
Any idea why Loftus-cheek was not favoured by the manager?


Sep 28, 2003
Glazers, love them or hate them, seem to have a hands off approach to the football side of things at United. Is there another team that Jose has managed at that have that kind of ownership? Certainly not Chelsea or Madrid. This is why I think we may have him for a long while, (relatively speaking, not talking SAF or AW kind), provided he succeeds.
Yup, this is exactly my thinking as well. The set up here is perfect for him - up to Mourinho now.


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
Yes, those 4 have shown signs that they plan for the future team while delivering in the present. So has Koeman, Poccatino, Emrey, Low, Beilsa, and de Boer.

I'd say there are few managers worse than Mourinho in terms of long term planning.
What did these managers deliver ? What's the logic of them being better than Mourinho in terms of present achievements ? Dont think so .


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
Agreed, except it is not 'ok, fair enough' to think it is not important.

It is no coincidence that Mourinho neglects to bring through players for the future, and that Mourinho's teams all collapse after a couple seasons. If he had brought through some of the kids at Chelsea during the title winning season then they might have added some fresh enthusiasm, given some competition for places and rests to the overplayed squad, and prevented the failure of this year.

Quite simply, if Mourinho had it in him to bring through young players then he wouldn't be our manager, he'd be celebrating his 3rd consecutive title at Chelsea and favourite for a fourth next season.

Are you saying had Miri
They think that by sacrificing 3 years building youth we will win the treble on the 4th season.

None of our youth product is good enough, tfm and rashford at best. If we discounted that they're local lad they're not good enough to enter any top 4 team. Tfm isnt even our product, we poached him from somewhere

We have to accept reality that 99 percent of youth product aren't going to make it, it took more than simply being given game time to become successful in football. You need innate talent as well.

People need to stop thinking that if we give rashford 3 years he'll become ronaldo, cbj turning into prime evra, and tfm becomes the next keane. Manager like mourinho has a strong eye for talent, if he really sees nothing special in the kids there's no point playing them at the expense of actually challenging and potentially winning a title or two
Why is longevity valued so much on this forum? And most importantly, why is it so heavily entangled with the manager's persona? After all, should you ask 10 United fans about Ferguson's time here, 9/10 will tell you that his tenure at OT was an abnormality, a fortunate (for the club and us) coincidence that is very unlikely to happen again. Yet, here we are discussing the possibility of a manager staying here for a minimum of half a dozen years...

It gets you thinking, do City fans worry so much about Pep leaving them in three years time? Do Bayern fans care if Ancelotti will be gone after two seasons? Do Barca fans give a rat's arse about Enrique? My guess is they don't and that's because they know that long term planning has to do more with the people who run the club. It's their responsibility to preserve the club's identity and, at the same time, secure its short term success.

In fact, this was the last resort of the pro-LvG/anti-Jose brigade: "He doesn't get the club and he will fill the squad with a bunch of 30+ mercenaries all of whom he will leave behind after three years". My stance on the issue has always been the same, if that was the case, he would have never gotten the job in the first place. And that's why these deals usually take time to go through. We need his managerial expertise in order to become relevant again in the here and the now because you can't build for the future by completely neglecting the present and by believing that you can take every hit until you eventually get it right. This was sadly something that, according to the rumors, the Sirs could not understand. On the other hand, it's the board's job to make the manager understand the importance of developing talented players and having local lads in the squad. The 78 year record of having an academy graduate in the match squad isn't just a number but it means a lot to this club. I'm quite sure that Woodward and Mourinho have had discussions about all that.

I believe that, by the start of the season, we'll have a mix of many players on the cusp of becoming ready to play at top level (playing the best prospects and not just throwing them into the deep end) and of enough experienced ones who will increase our chances of challenging for all major honors next season. Mourinho's job will be to succeed where both Moyes and LvG have failed, find the right balance and win as much as he can within the next three years. But this club is not a sugar daddy's toy or the entertainment circus that's called Real Madrid, we have our way of doing things here. He knows that and i think he's fine with it.

And if he is indeed a success here, even if he decides to leave after he sees out his contract, the next managerial appointment will be much easier. Simply because the template for a winning side will already be there for the next guy. And i like to believe that we will not screw everything up next time. Long term planning at big clubs like United means continuity of success, not filling the squad with youngsters. And success, as the challenge to compete at the highest level each year, is something you must fight and work hard for every damn season. It's not obtained by giving 6 year contracts to a manager.

We should just be happy that we're going into next season with a manager like Mourinho at the helm. I hope we do well so that we'll never have to consider how close we came to going down the Liverpool way in the 90's.

Somehow Mourinho bashers reckoned if they repeated the same arguments hundred times ...people will buy them . Pathetic .


New Member
Apr 8, 2016
Physical Education Department
He won't give a single player from your youth setup a debut next season. He won't be there in 3 years.

Pencil case cnut.
These bitter ex-girlfriends!! Let it go girls, just.. let it go. He was the best boy friend you ever had. He gave you so much pleasure, gave you the best orgasm you ever had. He gave you fame. He made your fantasies a reality. Without him, you will still be a middle class girl. And everybody knows that you won't get one better than him.

I am really surprised to see how you are treating a club legend. He is one of the main reason why you are where you are now. And you sacked him twice. First, after winning 6 trophies for you in 3 years including a back to back PL titles and again sacked 6 months after winning 3rd title for you. Yes, you can go on and on about how he destroyed your team last season. But in reality, your gutless players and clueless board are to be blamed for that more than him. The players who cared about a lady doctor more than the best manager they ever could have. The players who came over weight for pre-season and never came back to full fitness even after 4 months into the season. The players who couldn't up their game even though they had complete trust and backing from their manager. And a board which completely rejected Jose's transfer recommendations (except in case of stones and still failed to get him) and recruited Papy, Hector and Baba against his wish. A board with no one single person with real football knowledge. A technical director whose previous job was training a women's school team in USA. The technical director who is known for his issues with Jose, one who offered his resignation when Jose was confirmed as the manager. Don't you think they have more to answer than Jose for your miserable season?

The man loved your club and you fans. Your board didn't support him when he needed it the most. They made fun of him by recruiting players like Papy Djilobodji, Hector and Baba against his recommendations.

At United, Jose will have all the power and freedom to do what he do best. Here, he don't need to worry about an inferior technical director who constantly whisper in the owners ears. Here, he don't need to worry about trigger happy owners.

Chelsea sacked him and so he had all the rights to choose his next club whichever suits him best. Now, as you made your choice, you can move aside and watch. Allow me and my mates to enjoy the ride.

Your legend is ours now bitter boy.
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New Member
Apr 8, 2016
Physical Education Department
whats it been? 2 weeks? And Jose's already a changed man...
Jose won't change much. But the club has changed. His new club allows him to do what he do best without any external interference. They will give him enough time and resources needed. Now that's a big change from clubs like Real Madrid and Chelsea.

van Persie

Full Member
Aug 16, 2012
Well it's obvious he's genuinely happy at United and it's where he wants to be. He, from the looks of it, wants to stay for a long time.


Full Member
Mar 2, 2011
Stretford End
If he buys that Embrolo kid from Switzerland then ill start believing he is in it for the long haul!

I think he has finally ended up at a club that will back him to the fullest and where he will have time to build.


New Member
Feb 8, 2015
I love Jose Mourinho and nothing would please me more than him working here for many years to come. He has several times said what he has left is to build a dynasty. At Man United he's got the perfect environment for that.

He has a winner's mentality and doesn't care about any footballing philosophies like possession football. He is a tactical chameleon and will surely adopt his tactics to whatever he deems fit for the situation. After the dire end to his Chelsea career I don't think there's anything he wants more than prove Abramovich and his critics wrong. Which is why he will stay for many years to come.
Mar 1, 2016
Don't sign old players says sign old players?
Tardy reply. I'm grateful for my 5 posts. Believe it or not this is a one in a million. I don't even like signing 27 year olds. But Zlatan is a rare specimen.
Of course I was wrong about not wanting Sheringham in a spectacular way!

No Idea For Nickname

Patroness Saint of the anti-RAWKites
Jan 1, 2015
Split, Croatia
These bitter ex-girlfriends!! Let it go girls, just.. let it go. He was the best boy friend you ever had. He gave you so much pleasure, gave you the best orgasm you ever had. He gave you fame. He made your fantasies a reality. Without him, you will still be a middle class girl.


Your legend is ours now bitter boy.
hmmm, choose one! :lol:Other than that I agree with every word you wrote, he is such a bitter gir...boy.

Jose won't change much.
People do change as they get older, some for better some for worst, depends on sooo many things, one, and very important one, is job they have, I do believe Mourinho is happy, he surely looks like happy man, much more at peace than 5,6 months ago, when he was a wreck, he got a job he wanted, no Roman to sack him, twice, had since December to watch United play, and I believe strongly, that he did. Also watched other players and made plans. I think he sorted lots of things in his head during first part of the year and he can not wait for a start of the pre season, as he said it himself. I am very, very,very, optimistical about next season. At least we will have a manager in tehnical area, not one writing grocery list in dogout. And that is a good start.


New Member
Dec 26, 2011
I still remember Mourinho said his next job after Real Madrid will be a long term one similar to what Sir Alex has with us. He said he wants to build his own leagacy. He said that at the time when news about Sir Alex retirement broke. I really thought he was going to replace his idol, but different things happened. Fast forward 3 years, here we are. A giant manager for a giant club. Hope he stays with us for a long time and wins as much as possible.


Full Member
Apr 27, 2016
Somehow Mourinho bashers reckoned if they repeated the same arguments hundred times ...people will buy them . Pathetic .
That he has never developed a youth player, and that he has never built anything sustainable even in the medium term, are not arguments they are just pointing out facts.

Pretending that these are not significant limitations to him and burying your head in the sand is pointless. We can hope he will be better for us than he has been in every other job he's had, but don't kid yourself.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2013
The rainbow's end
That he has never developed a youth player, and that he has never built anything sustainable even in the medium term, are not arguments they are just pointing out facts.

Pretending that these are not significant limitations to him and burying your head in the sand is pointless. We can hope he will be better for us than he has been in every other job he's had, but don't kid yourself.
The axis of his first Chelsea side which consisted of Cech-Terry-Essien-Lampard-Drogba continued to do well long after he left. They made it to two CL finals, they won one more PL title and generally managed to stay at a very high level for a long period of time. If leaving 5 automatic starters behind you doesn't qualify as good team building, then i honestly don't know what does. Plus he established a way of playing that Chelsea haven't abandoned since he first appointed him as manager.

Real Madrid also won the CL the year after he was sacked, they were in the mix for the La Liga title too until the very end and the players didn't look worn out either physically or mentally too. Two things are quite funny about his tenure at Madrid. The first is that the little trick with AdM in a free role in the attacking half, which helped Ancelotti's campaign a lot that year, was Mourinho's idea. The other one is that what actually sparked the fuel of rebellion in Madrid's dressing room and ultimately gave Jose a bad name was his assessment of Casillas. People choose to focus solely on his fallout with the primadonas but rarely state the obvious: That Mourinho was right about Iker and that at any other club, they would have bought another keeper instead of sacking the manager.

Even after his disastrous season with Chelsea he left behind a team with a strong backbone, Courtois-Cahill-Azpi-Matic-Fabregas-Hazard-Willian and Costa. That's not a side in dire need of a massive overhaul in the next five years or so. You can build something good on that.
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