Rooney responds.


Mar 8, 2012
Poland, Kraków
He doesn't, in truth. Look at how two recent United players were treated: Rio (who was here as long as Rooney has been), told he was gone in a bloody changing-room, and his merited testimonial turned into the 'Hard-working Moyes Roadshow'; RVP (who in his very first season made the claims of Rooney being world class look like idiocy), not even a 'thanks & good luck' on the club's Twitter account; yet this forum isn't full of butthurt delusionists whining that those two players should still be playing here, let alone as captains.

Rooney's been the main man for a fading United and a tedious England while being made captain of both by desperate managers who should never have got the jobs. He hasn't a single international honour at any level, and has fewer CL medals than his own boss. No Ballon d'Or wins, gone no further than QF stages in international tournaments, no PL top-scorer awards, and seemingly only turns on the form in televised showpiece matches or when the opposition is pitiable. Meanwhile, there's the standard shocking & surprising appearance of several newspaper articles tonight claiming that yesterday's man José Mourinho - winner of 23 club honours as opposed to Rooney's 14 - is no longer innovative...this from the same writers who told us that Wenger was Picasso and Ché combined with Mary Berry because the Gunners manager replaced pie n' chips with pasta. I could go on for hours and I probably will but...Rooney has had it ridiculously easy on the criticism front for years; even I've been restrained (surprising, considering that I'm 'insane', 'borderline mentally ill' and 'bitter').
I've never seen Steve go h.a.m. before but preach Steve, you're right.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
That won't be a popular post but you make some decent points. The spite and vitriol aimed at someone who will go down as a club legend because he's (shock horror) not playing as well we he used to is depressing.

People dress it up as delayed hatred for the time he complained about the club's ambition (at the same time as an awful lot of fans did the exact same thing - remember green and gold?) but that's crap. The abuse he gets now is mainly because he's a lightning rod for all the hurt feelings that come with enduring these last three grim seasons. Yes he's playing badly, yes he's probably finished but he's done nothing to justify the recent surge in hatred other than deteriorate as a footballer, having run himself into the ground as a key player during an extremely successful period for this club. Which is a damn shame but hey, football fans love a scapegoat and he fits the bill perfectly.
I dont think he should be in our starting 11 but Rooney deserves better than what he's getting right now. No matter what wages youre on it can't be easy having the world tell you you're shite when you've been used to such a high level. He's been brilliant for United and the game in general. Yes he's had some negatives but when I see him chase back into our own corner to get a block on a northhampton player when we are 3-1 up with a couple minutes to go I see a genuinely honest and great player trying to do his best. His best days are past but he may still be a useful squad player this season. Its a pity to see some of the abuse he's getting and I would'nt bet against him turning this around and playing a big part in our season still
Sorry Pogue but it is an incredibly poor post and I am not surprised you are supporting it because you have been totally off the mark when it comes to Rooney for years. Just when it seemed you were regaining some credibility and seeing the wood for the trees on this issue, it seems you're back on the Rooney bandwagon.

How can any self-respecting 'UNITED' fan.. yes United, the team that you are meant to fecking support be on this guys side and buy such a horseshit interview. He is milking this club for all that he can, he couldn't give two flying fecks about the club.. he has zero love for the club, he just wants his money to keep coming in and his legacy secured, which in turn will secure further financial investments. He has no pride in his performance and does not deserve another second on the pitch.

No we do not love a scapegoat, he's fecking shite and has held the club back for years. I have been making thread after thread, pointing this out to all of you and the majority thought I was some sort of idiot with an agenda.. I am not, I love this club and I can't stand it for being taken like a mug by a fat bastard who is way past his best and has no right to play for a premier league club let alone the greatest club in england and one of the greatest in the world alongside the Barca's, Real and Bayerns of this world. He has undermined successive mangement regimes not only with his lack of performances on the pitch but his blinding performances off the pitch through the media.. putting unnecessary pressure on managers ensuring his position remained protected and his endorsements were not at risk.

Turning it around, are you guys seriously deluded?? he hasn't turned it around in three years. He is a busted flush. Can he contribute as a squad player, yes of course he can but does he give a shite about being part of the team and taking a back seat .. no of course he doesn't. Lets see what a great character he is going forwards once he is benched, lets see how nicely he plays the elder squaddie role because mark my words.. this guy is going to show everyone what a true cnut he really is and the 'leaks' were just the beginning.

Pogue you need to wake up and smell the coffee mate, because typical Rooney that he is... will come out with shit interviews like this, strike a few lucky goals in a run of games and all of a sudden you'll be saying how he has proven himself again when the reality is he'll stink up the place for another 3 months after it. Seriously sick and tired of how dumb fans can be on this issue especially posters that have way more sense than they are showing on this particular issue.

You're not Phil Neville, you're better than that.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
It's more than that though. Not only is he immune to criticism and untouchable, he's completely arrogant and lacks any sort of self awareness.

As a fan, it's hard enough to watch the team go through tough times but when there is one player central to that who is not accountable for his own performances it wears thin very quickly.

For England after an appalling performance against Iceland he was more than happy to say that he took it upon himself to defy Roy's tactics including taking over corner duty from Kane (Rooney hasn't notched an assist himself from corners for 80 odd games).

Big Sam told him to play up front, Wayne played where he liked. Who is he to be told tactics by a manager?

Despite being the captain that shall always play and having total loyalty from Van Gaal he was more than happy to talk about how stifling his tactics were and when he finally hit a bit of form he was telling reporters it's because he was renegading on Van Gaal's instructions and playing more direct.

When asked if he has anything to prove his answer was a resounding "no."

How difficult is it really to man up a bit and take some responsibility?

"I'm disappointed with my form at the minute and realise it's got to improve."

"I play for Manchester United and England, of course I have to prove myself every day or one of the younger lads will have my spot."

It's no surprise we have no guilt in calling him out on his bullshit. He's living in Wayne's World surrounded by yes men too afraid of upsetting the institution that is Wayne Rooney. A young Rooney would have got angry and put his energy into proving himself. This one is happy to brush it off and let all his mates in the media do the talking for him. He's earned it. 12 years at United and you get a free pass. That's how it worked under Fergie, he was happy to watch Giggs and Scholes drop their levels and play them on all the good will they'd earned.
Funny you mention Fergie's loyal lieutenants. Both Scholes and (especially) Giggs got far more shit from fans than players who gave us so much deserved because they also did the worst thing possible. Continued to be selected while their powers were on the wane.

Evidently they dodged a bullet by not looking heavy-legged at a time when us fans are spectacularly losing our shit over being denied the constant success we've been accustomed to. Not to mention being part of a perennially shit England team at a point where they've been awful for so long it's getting beyond a joke.

If they had ticked all those boxes, I'm sure they'd be getting almost as much shit as Rooney is now. And that would be on us, the fans, and our desperate need to lash out when times are tough.


Ole's at the wheel!
Mar 10, 2013
No I know, so if he has to play just do it and then vanish, I personally don't want to read a single quote from him, or watch another red faced, sweat ridden, nit scratching interview, saying the same recycled shite he always says.
It's what footballers do. They say the same things over and over again and while he's a Utd player/captain he'll continue to do so.

It doesn't matter as he's done and my guess is he knowns this too. Doesn't really matter what he says.


Full Member
Dec 14, 2005
It's more than that though. Not only is he immune to criticism and untouchable, he's completely arrogant and lacks any sort of self awareness.

As a fan, it's hard enough to watch the team go through tough times but when there is one player central to that who is not accountable for his own performances it wears thin very quickly.

For England after an appalling performance against Iceland he was more than happy to say that he took it upon himself to defy Roy's tactics including taking over corner duty from Kane (Rooney hasn't notched an assist himself from corners for 80 odd games).

Big Sam told him to play up front, Wayne played where he liked. Who is he to be told tactics by a manager?

Despite being the captain that shall always play and having total loyalty from Van Gaal he was more than happy to talk about how stifling his tactics were and when he finally hit a bit of form he was telling reporters it's because he was renegading on Van Gaal's instructions and playing more direct.

When asked if he has anything to prove his answer was a resounding "no."

How difficult is it really to man up a bit and take some responsibility?

"I'm disappointed with my form at the minute and realise it's got to improve."

"I play for Manchester United and England, of course I have to prove myself every day or one of the younger lads will have my spot."

It's no surprise we have no guilt in calling him out on his bullshit. He's living in Wayne's World surrounded by yes men too afraid of upsetting the institution that is Wayne Rooney. A young Rooney would have got angry and put his energy into proving himself. This one is happy to brush it off and let all his mates in the media do the talking for him. He's earned it. 12 years at United and you get a free pass. That's how it worked under Fergie, he was happy to watch Giggs and Scholes drop their levels and play them on all the good will they'd earned.
Never.. Scholes was a level above everyone even when he came out of retirement. His legs were gone, but he was quality.
Giggs was never this bad either. He got a contract like Carrick has a contract but his playing time went down.

To say Giggs and Scholes were done and were the first name of the teamsheet is nonsense.
Also, both were in their mid 30s.. late 30s in Giggs's case.

Im red2

Prophet of Doom
Aug 5, 2001
In the begining(time), God created the Heavens(spa
Sorry Pogue but it is an incredibly poor post and I am not surprised you are supporting it because you have been totally off the mark when it comes to Rooney for years. Just when it seemed you were regaining some credibility and seeing the wood for the trees on this issue, it seems you're back on the Rooney bandwagon.

How can any self-respecting 'UNITED' fan.. yes United, the team that you are meant to fecking support be on this guys side and buy such a horseshit interview. He is milking this club for all that he can, he couldn't give two flying fecks about the club.. he has zero love for the club, he just wants his money to keep coming in and his legacy secured, which in turn will secure further financial investments. He has no pride in his performance and does not deserve another second on the pitch.

No we do not love a scapegoat, he's fecking shite and has held the club back for years. I have been making thread after thread, pointing this out to all of you and the majority thought I was some sort of idiot with an agenda.. I am not, I love this club and I can't stand it for being taken like a mug by a fat bastard who is way past his best and has no right to play for a premier league club let alone the greatest club in england and one of the greatest in the world alongside the Barca's, Real and Bayerns of this world. He has undermined successive mangement regimes not only with his lack of performances on the pitch but his blinding performances off the pitch through the media.. putting unnecessary pressure on managers ensuring his position remained protected and his endorsements were not at risk.

Turning it around, are you guys seriously deluded?? he hasn't turned it around in three years. He is a busted flush. Can he contribute as a squad player, yes of course he can but does he give a shite about being part of the team and taking a back seat .. no of course he doesn't. Lets see what a great character he is going forwards once he is benched, lets see how nicely he plays the elder squaddie role because mark my words.. this guy is going to show everyone what a true cnut he really is and the 'leaks' were just the beginning.

Pogue you need to wake up and smell the coffee mate, because typical Rooney that he is... will come out with shit interviews like this, strike a few lucky goals in a run of games and all of a sudden you'll be saying how he has proven himself again when the reality is he'll stink up the place for another 3 months after it. Seriously sick and tired of how dumb fans can be on this issue especially posters that have way more sense than they are showing on this particular issue.

You're not Phil Neville, you're better than that.
Nice one :)

Giant Midget

Aka - rooney_10119
Aug 2, 2008
The thread title is misleading. Rooney responds?

What kind of response is this? :lol:

It's just generic media trained crap. He should be responding on the pitch, but we all know that's a bit hard for Fatty these days


New Member
Apr 11, 2016
Funny you mention Fergie's loyal lieutenants. Both Scholes and (especially) Giggs got far more shit from fans than players who gave us so much deserved because they also did the worst thing possible. Continued to be selected while their powers were on the wane.

Evidently they dodged a bullet by not looking heavy-legged at a time when us fans are spectacularly losing our shit over being denied the constant success we've been accustomed to. Not to mention being part of a perennially shit England team at a point where they've been awful for so long it's getting beyond a joke.

If they had ticked all those boxes, I'm sure they'd be getting almost as much shit as Rooney is now. And that would be on us, the fans, and our desperate need to lash out when times are tough.
I'm confused, are you defending Rooney here or do you just enjoy being argumentative for the sake of it?

Many people have been critical of Rooney for years, so it's hardly a case of fans desperate to suddenly lash out when times are tough.


Full Member
Jul 16, 2015
I don't dislike him. And he's had some great years for the club. But today he's just not good enough and he's at an age where it's futile to structure a style of play or a team around him.

The only way he can respond to what has now become a mainstream view is to start dominating games. Not play average or worse for mostly full games and get the odd goal or assist. It won't paper over the cracks any longer. He's got one major task ahead of him.

The only possible way for him to continue to start games, lead the team out and still play the way he has been is if the criticism becomes so agressive and personal that it will divide opinon due to sympathy.


Full Member
Jul 13, 2014
Seriously, where does anyone think Rooney would be if he was on the books of Barca, München, Real Madrid, or even Man City? He would be on the bench if lucky, sucking grapes.
The closest Rooney ever gets to a book is reading the menu.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
I'm confused, are you defending Rooney here or do you just enjoy being argumentative for the sake of it?

Many people have been critical of Rooney for years, so it's hardly a case of fans desperate to suddenly lash out when times are tough.
I hope its just Pogue being Pogue.. the alternative doesn't bear thinking about. It makes me want to puke or break someones face.. or throw a potato against the wall or something.


Full Member
Jan 8, 2012
I actually think there's probably something in this and to an extent he is right. He's gone from being the focal point of the team, the one who the tactic was based around and the one who players looked for to being just another player in a system that doesn't really suit him with players who really aren't going out of their way to find him.

So yeah, he's probably finding it a little harder under Mourinho but that is, quite frankly, tough shit. He's no longer anywhere near good enough to be worth basing tactics around and he's definitely not the talisman any more. It's up to him to learn how to do the basics well and find out how to fit into the new systems.
whats his excuse for being crap under moyes and lvg then? he has played in almost every position under almost every style in the last 3 years and sucked everywhere


Full Member
May 9, 2015
In the not too distant future Wayne Rooney will be history at Manchester United. The day he leaves can't come quickly enough for me. Then perhaps the club can move forward. I'm done with Wayne Rooney.

Im red2

Prophet of Doom
Aug 5, 2001
In the begining(time), God created the Heavens(spa
I'm confused, are you defending Rooney here or do you just enjoy being argumentative for the sake of it?

Many people have been critical of Rooney for years, so it's hardly a case of fans desperate to suddenly lash out when times are tough.
Some die hards may think that Rooney is not finished, but he is the polished article, he is totally finished. All anyone needs to see that Rooney is finished is a pair of eyes. The funny thing is that he has been finished since at least 2014. And people ask what is going wrong at United. Lack of eyes I say, lack of eyes.


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Scholes and Giggs were never, ever as poor as the current Rooney. In fact, you could probably bring the two of them back now and they'd outperform him.
Scholes was pretty dreadful for a fair while leading up retirement #1.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
I'm confused, are you defending Rooney here or do you just enjoy being argumentative for the sake of it?

Many people have been critical of Rooney for years, so it's hardly a case of fans desperate to suddenly lash out when times are tough.
I'm talking about the difference between thinking he's no longer good enough to play for us (which I believe is the case now and many thought happened much earlier) and the nasty edge to the criticism of a player who's given us a hell of a lot over the years (which I believe is borne out of frustration over three grim years since Fergie retired)


Full Member
May 18, 2011
I'm perplexed by those who think we should only shower him with respect, he broke that link long ago and was tolerated as long as he performed.

Secondly, he's apparently above deserving criticism now? What reaction do you expect fans to have when he drags us down? Polite cheers simply because he's trying or was once talented?


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Maybe cheesed off with the last three years meaning he is now a little bit of a scapegoat & stored-up resentment about the going to City contract shambles.

Devil may care

New Member
Jan 7, 2010
It's more than that though. Not only is he immune to criticism and untouchable, he's completely arrogant and lacks any sort of self awareness.

As a fan, it's hard enough to watch the team go through tough times but when there is one player central to that who is not accountable for his own performances it wears thin very quickly.

For England after an appalling performance against Iceland he was more than happy to say that he took it upon himself to defy Roy's tactics including taking over corner duty from Kane (Rooney hasn't notched an assist himself from corners for 80 odd games).

Big Sam told him to play up front, Wayne played where he liked. Who is he to be told tactics by a manager?

Despite being the captain that shall always play and having total loyalty from Van Gaal he was more than happy to talk about how stifling his tactics were and when he finally hit a bit of form he was telling reporters it's because he was renegading on Van Gaal's instructions and playing more direct.

When asked if he has anything to prove his answer was a resounding "no."

How difficult is it really to man up a bit and take some responsibility?

"I'm disappointed with my form at the minute and realise it's got to improve."

"I play for Manchester United and England, of course I have to prove myself every day or one of the younger lads will have my spot."

It's no surprise we have no guilt in calling him out on his bullshit. He's living in Wayne's World surrounded by yes men too afraid of upsetting the institution that is Wayne Rooney. A young Rooney would have got angry and put his energy into proving himself. This one is happy to brush it off and let all his mates in the media do the talking for him. He's earned it. 12 years at United and you get a free pass. That's how it worked under Fergie, he was happy to watch Giggs and Scholes drop their levels and play them on all the good will they'd earned.
Great post, Rooney isn't being scapegoated, it's clear to anyone with working eyes that he's a log in the teams bowel, but if he had an ounce of humility and was treat like the rest of the players rather than like Messi, the anger levels would be nowhere near as high.

He's basically putting in dire performances one after the other and arrogantly dismissing criticisms, saying he has nothing to prove and pretty much acting like a baldy scouse Kardashian, it's no wonder most fans are fuming, even Gerrard had the dignity to simply make his exit and was a bit part player before he did so, and egos don't come much bigger than his.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2000
'tis a silly place
That won't be a popular post but you make some decent points. The spite and vitriol aimed at someone who will go down as a club legend because he's (shock horror) not playing as well we he used to is depressing.

People dress it up as delayed hatred for the time he complained about the club's ambition (at the same time as an awful lot of fans did the exact same thing - remember green and gold?) but that's crap. The abuse he gets now is mainly because he's a lightning rod for all the hurt feelings that come with enduring these last three grim seasons. Yes he's playing badly, yes he's probably finished but he's done nothing to justify the recent surge in hatred other than deteriorate as a footballer, having run himself into the ground as a key player during an extremely successful period for this club. Which is a damn shame but hey, football fans love a scapegoat and he fits the bill perfectly.
No, no, no. And it's ridiculous to use this as a "how unreasonable football fans can be" kind of spiel when he has been rubbish for at least a season a a half here and not had to suffer the criticism that some of his teammates (Fellaini, Young, Valencia etc) have all had on here. Moyes & LVG have had PLENTY of real abuse on here so there is no "lightning rod" needed. There is no scapegoat either - we want to move on from the Rooney era and start developing a new team to take us forward. What is the problem with that? I've read shedloads about Rooney on here in the last week and the amount of genuine "hatred" I've seen pales into insignificance when compared to the amount of fair and justified criticism that has been posted about him.


Pythagoras in Boots
May 16, 2009
Gerrard had one season where he absolutely had no right to play and got owned by Rodgers of all people. Rooney has had three. If it was upto some on here, he'd be getting a contract extension.


Full Member
Apr 5, 2013
behind my laptop
What a load of generic rubbish.

Work hard
Need to win
Work hard
Work hard
Thats the PC, zombified big brother the world has become, all from "PR" training. Just let players say what they want why do they have to do this media training crap, as you see, every player after matches, all say exact same garbage


New Member
Feb 19, 2016
I dont think he should be in our starting 11 but Rooney deserves better than what he's getting right now. No matter what wages youre on it can't be easy having the world tell you you're shite when you've been used to such a high level. He's been brilliant for United and the game in general. Yes he's had some negatives but when I see him chase back into our own corner to get a block on a northhampton player when we are 3-1 up with a couple minutes to go I see a genuinely honest and great player trying to do his best. His best days are past but he may still be a useful squad player this season. Its a pity to see some of the abuse he's getting and I would'nt bet against him turning this around and playing a big part in our season still
That won't be a popular post but you make some decent points. The spite and vitriol aimed at someone who will go down as a club legend because he's (shock horror) not playing as well we he used to is depressing.

People dress it up as delayed hatred for the time he complained about the club's ambition (at the same time as an awful lot of fans did the exact same thing - remember green and gold?) but that's crap. The abuse he gets now is mainly because he's a lightning rod for all the hurt feelings that come with enduring these last three grim seasons. Yes he's playing badly, yes he's probably finished but he's done nothing to justify the recent surge in hatred other than deteriorate as a footballer, having run himself into the ground as a key player during an extremely successful period for this club. Which is a damn shame but hey, football fans love a scapegoat and he fits the bill perfectly.
Both great posts. The abuse Rooney and also other former players like Giggs, Neville and Scholes get on here is pretty sad to see.
Yes he needs to be dropped but the vile stuff that is written here makes me think I'm on bluemoon at times.

The United

Full Member
Sep 14, 2015
I'm talking about the difference between thinking he's no longer good enough to play for us (which I believe is the case now and many thought happened much earlier) and the nasty edge to the criticism of a player who's given us a hell of a lot over the years (which I believe is borne out of frustration over three grim years since Fergie retired)
I agree with your general point. Giving a player like him this kind of shit is pretty over the top and at times embarrassing.

I thought that united fans would be a bit more tolerance/respectful to club legends/greats well based on nothing obviously. But, I was dead wrong at least on here. Rooney, Giggs, Scholes, P/G neville etc.


New Member
Jan 26, 2014
What a load of generic rubbish.

Work hard
Need to win
Work hard
Work hard
especially when he lacks any sense of THIS and I am not even talking about his abysmal quality itself... people will talk about how hard he works for the team etc but he's defo not, he cant chase a single ball, never works hard, thats for sure, focus is a joke, he's just out of his mind... player at his position should work much harder, not olny walk around awaiting a perfect ball which is never perfect for absolutely incompetent Rooney who will always slow the game down if not completely lose the ball and set up and counter attack..


Full Member
May 26, 2014
Su Mudaerji Fan Club
Both great posts. The abuse Rooney and also other former players like Giggs, Neville and Scholes get on here is pretty sad to see.
Yes he needs to be dropped but the vile stuff that is written here makes me think I'm on bluemoon at times.
Not once in the time since he joined us as a teenager have I got the feeling he loves the club. I brushed over that when he actually justified his salary with performances on the pitch, but now that has long gone and the relationship rather than being symbiotic is definitely parasitic in nature. What's to like. He can piss off any time now thank you very much.

Ludens the Red

Full Member
Jul 27, 2009
It's more than that though. Not only is he immune to criticism and untouchable, he's completely arrogant and lacks any sort of self awareness.

As a fan, it's hard enough to watch the team go through tough times but when there is one player central to that who is not accountable for his own performances it wears thin very quickly.

For England after an appalling performance against Iceland he was more than happy to say that he took it upon himself to defy Roy's tactics including taking over corner duty from Kane (Rooney hasn't notched an assist himself from corners for 80 odd games).

Big Sam told him to play up front, Wayne played where he liked. Who is he to be told tactics by a manager?

Despite being the captain that shall always play and having total loyalty from Van Gaal he was more than happy to talk about how stifling his tactics were and when he finally hit a bit of form he was telling reporters it's because he was renegading on Van Gaal's instructions and playing more direct.

When asked if he has anything to prove his answer was a resounding "no."

How difficult is it really to man up a bit and take some responsibility?

"I'm disappointed with my form at the minute and realise it's got to improve."

"I play for Manchester United and England, of course I have to prove myself every day or one of the younger lads will have my spot."

It's no surprise we have no guilt in calling him out on his bullshit. He's living in Wayne's World surrounded by yes men too afraid of upsetting the institution that is Wayne Rooney. A young Rooney would have got angry and put his energy into proving himself. This one is happy to brush it off and let all his mates in the media do the talking for him. He's earned it. 12 years at United and you get a free pass. That's how it worked under Fergie, he was happy to watch Giggs and Scholes drop their levels and play them on all the good will they'd earned.
Great post.

Funny you mention Fergie's loyal lieutenants. Both Scholes and (especially) Giggs got far more shit from fans than players who gave us so much deserved because they also did the worst thing possible. Continued to be selected while their powers were on the wane.

Evidently they dodged a bullet by not looking heavy-legged at a time when us fans are spectacularly losing our shit over being denied the constant success we've been accustomed to. Not to mention being part of a perennially shit England team at a point where they've been awful for so long it's getting beyond a joke.

If they had ticked all those boxes, I'm sure they'd be getting almost as much shit as Rooney is now. And that would be on us, the fans, and our desperate need to lash out when times are tough.
I think you're well off here to be honest. Rooney has never been fully taken to by all United fans, that's a fact, then to hand in two transfer requests and attempt to undermine our greatest ever manager. The love has never been the same for Rooney since.

If you really think the abuse he's getting now is just because "we're not doing well" and that Scholes and Giggs would have suffered similar then you're gravely mistaken.
Giggs and Scholes also weren't picked every single game when their powers were on the wane. They also managed to maintain humility and a decent level of performance when called upon.

Pexbos post sums it up, Rooney is self obsessed, he cares far too much about his image and how he's perceived. It's not the Wayne Rooney of 10 years ago and I don't mean on the pitch.
His mentality and priorities have changed. Again like Pexbo said, he's surrounded by yes men and I think they've poisoned his mentality.

The way you talk about Rooney is as if he's been doing us a favour all these years.
The guy is being paid millions of pounds to play for and captain one of the greatest clubs in the world. Now If you're gonna do that and act like some self satisfying bell end, at least have the decency to put in some half decent performances. And if you can't do that, then don't you fecking dare tell the fans they're talking shit when they question those performances.


Full Member
Jun 23, 2015
What right do the fans have to question Wayne Rooney?
Anybody who has ever put a penny in to United, be it tickets, shirts or whatever, has a right.

I really wish they would have done a phone in. He can have as many yes men around him at Carrington but 99% of fans would have told him exactly how it is.


Jun 23, 2013
Saying the opinions of the outside is rubbish, god I'm beginning to hate the cnut. If he doesn't care for our opinions as he claims, surely the fans booing him and making him feel unwanted shouldn't move him then.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
I agree with your general point. Giving a player like him this kind of shit is pretty over the top and at times embarrassing.

I thought that united fans would be a bit more tolerance/respectful to club legends/greats well based on nothing obviously. But, I was dead wrong at least on here. Rooney, Giggs, Scholes, P/G neville etc.
What kind of shit? And what form of criticism do you actually think is acceptable and tolerant?

Do you think we should all be giving him the benefit of the doubt? Or do you think we should direct all anger at the manager?


Full Member
Feb 4, 2012
Sorry Pogue but it is an incredibly poor post and I am not surprised you are supporting it because you have been totally off the mark when it comes to Rooney for years. Just when it seemed you were regaining some credibility and seeing the wood for the trees on this issue, it seems you're back on the Rooney bandwagon.

How can any self-respecting 'UNITED' fan.. yes United, the team that you are meant to fecking support be on this guys side and buy such a horseshit interview. He is milking this club for all that he can, he couldn't give two flying fecks about the club.. he has zero love for the club, he just wants his money to keep coming in and his legacy secured, which in turn will secure further financial investments. He has no pride in his performance and does not deserve another second on the pitch.

No we do not love a scapegoat, he's fecking shite and has held the club back for years. I have been making thread after thread, pointing this out to all of you and the majority thought I was some sort of idiot with an agenda.. I am not, I love this club and I can't stand it for being taken like a mug by a fat bastard who is way past his best and has no right to play for a premier league club let alone the greatest club in england and one of the greatest in the world alongside the Barca's, Real and Bayerns of this world. He has undermined successive mangement regimes not only with his lack of performances on the pitch but his blinding performances off the pitch through the media.. putting unnecessary pressure on managers ensuring his position remained protected and his endorsements were not at risk.

Turning it around, are you guys seriously deluded?? he hasn't turned it around in three years. He is a busted flush. Can he contribute as a squad player, yes of course he can but does he give a shite about being part of the team and taking a back seat .. no of course he doesn't. Lets see what a great character he is going forwards once he is benched, lets see how nicely he plays the elder squaddie role because mark my words.. this guy is going to show everyone what a true cnut he really is and the 'leaks' were just the beginning.

Pogue you need to wake up and smell the coffee mate, because typical Rooney that he is... will come out with shit interviews like this, strike a few lucky goals in a run of games and all of a sudden you'll be saying how he has proven himself again when the reality is he'll stink up the place for another 3 months after it. Seriously sick and tired of how dumb fans can be on this issue especially posters that have way more sense than they are showing on this particular issue.

You're not Phil Neville, you're better than that.
Spot on post Raees


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
Did the club really think this would be a good PR exercise? 'I think those fans that are criticising me talk rubbish and I don't bother listening to them.' Could he be anymore insulated?