RAWK Goes Into Meltdown 2016-17 Edition

They're all rounding on a regular on there now for not believing our St. Etienne second leg being moved to a Wednesday is a David Gill fix.
Despite someone explaining to them the reason why the game has been moved. They're having none of that :lol:
They're all rounding on a regular on there now for not believing our St. Etienne second leg being moved to a Wednesday is a David Gill fix.
Has anybody told those deluded fecks that Fenerbahce-Krasnodar has also been moved to Wednesday due to same issue, with Besiktas also playing home in 2nd leg which will be on Thursday? And that it is UEFA regulation to not hold 2 different matches in same city:

Article 21.03:

If more than one club from the same city, or within a radius of 50km (31 miles) of each other, is taking part in the competition and/or plays in the same stadium, and if the association and the clubs concerned explicitly declare when entering the clubs that their matches cannot be played on the same day, the UEFA administration may alter or confirm dates and kick-off times according to the principles set by the Club Competitions Committee.
Has anybody told those deluded fecks that Fenerbahce-Krasnodar has also been moved to Wednesday due to same issue, with Besiktas also playing home in 2nd leg which will be on Thursday? And that it is UEFA regulation to not hold 2 different matches in same city:

Article 21.03:
feck up, Manc!
I think a RAWK Committe should run football for a season just to see how it goes. You'd have to pretend that year never happened to start the next one on any kind of sensible footing but as long as no one knew, I think it would be cracking.
I'm thinking we might have an Imaginary Workmate here

Had a United supporter tell me i was racist the other day for pointing out Pogba's stats being so unbelievably bad. I'm not even kidding. When i told him he was being silly and he needed to grow up and in my view the lad was just the biggest transfer flop of all time i was then called a murdering bas tard. I work with this idiot and he's 43 years old
I'm thinking we might have an Imaginary Workmate here

Had a United supporter tell me i was racist the other day for pointing out Pogba's stats being so unbelievably bad. I'm not even kidding. When i told him he was being silly and he needed to grow up and in my view the lad was just the biggest transfer flop of all time i was then called a murdering bas tard. I work with this idiot and he's 43 years old

You can always tell these are made up when they resort to flights of fancy such as having a job.
They constantly label Everton fans for being deluded and bitter for the way they speak about Liverpool on forums like Grand Old Team (and they have a point) yet they behave in exactly the same manner when it comes to Utd.

They have such an inferiority complex about us at RAWK. One guy the other day tried telling them all that they were being ridiculous and they all labelled him "a Manc" for pointing out how cringeworthy they are.
Fecking hell. It's a scouse me. This idiot will be posting gifs next.

Any chance this crap can be taken to pm or something? It's rather tedious. sms clearly isn't a Manc, he just refuses to believe there's a conspiracy in their favour. That's up to him to believe. Same as it's up to anyone that believes there is. Calling him a manc because of that is fecking pathetic. To-ing and fro-ing is boring to read when all I want to do is read people taking the piss out of them.
They're all rounding on a regular on there now for not believing our St. Etienne second leg being moved to a Wednesday is a David Gill fix.

To add a bit of balance and spin your spin back at you these posters are getting put in theur places. They were a few days ago when I last looked. So stop speaking shite to make yourself look good on a public forum.
To add a bit of balance and spin your spin back at you these posters are getting put in theur places. They were a few days ago when I last looked. So stop speaking shite to make yourself look good on a public forum.

Those comments were made on Tuesday :lol:
I'm thinking we might have an Imaginary Workmate here

Had a United supporter tell me i was racist the other day for pointing out Pogba's stats being so unbelievably bad. I'm not even kidding. When i told him he was being silly and he needed to grow up and in my view the lad was just the biggest transfer flop of all time i was then called a murdering bas tard. I work with this idiot and he's 43 years old

The state of that. He not only made up an imaginary work mate, he added in a racism angle to paint said "workmate" in a bad light. Way to trivialise a serious issue.

(If he is really making it up, of course.)
What is this thing with Liverpool people and work thing. I see a lot of you have fun with it, but I don't understand! Do they not work for living?
Nobody in Liverpool has had a job since the Manchester ship canal opened.
You're joking! Right? It has been opened for decades! Are they very rich? Or the are blaming Manchester for everything. What a weird bunch..

@Peanut Butter thanks, that's more like it. Can't reply, out of my 5 posts a day.
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You're joking! Right? It has been opened for decades! Are they very rich? Or the are blaming Manchester for everything. What a weird bunch..

@Peanut Butter thanks, that's more like it. Can't reply, out of my 5 posts a day.
It's a running joke that people from Liverpool don't work, claim benefits and steal things. Obviously stereotypical but a bit of fun really.
I for one am appalled that they binned Claudio to make way for one of Whiskynose's Brit mates from the corrupt LMA. The Leicester owners ought to be ashamed of such rampant zenofoblia. Bloody foreigners...
Made-up quote
This guy seems like the site prick, and that is saying something.
He doesnt give a feck about Ranieri, he's spent half of the last decade or so berating him. He just wants a reaction from the Leicester players on Monday. He's a scumbag.
How dare Jose talk about people we are playing soon.

This one isn't thinking straight. I thought they wanted us to stay in the cup to harm our top 4 chances.
Oh and Rostov is fecking miles away too - probably 5/6 hours flight time so that will hopefully tire them out before their FA Cup QF with Chelsea 4 days later.
This guy seems like the site prick, and that is saying something.

How dare Jose talk about people we are playing soon.

This one isn't thinking straight. I thought they wanted us to stay in the cup to harm our top 4 chances.
They're scared the "finish above United trophy" won't hold any weight if we win actual trophies.
Deluded rawkite forgetting how bad the referees have been against us.

The amount of decisions they've had go for them in the last 3 months has been absolutely insane. Fergie levels I dare say...just when they were going to shit too....

And another
A poor side that is only hanging onto our coattails in the league this season due to a glut of ridiculous decisions that have gone their way. Was inevitable they'd benefit from poor officiating again today.
Where's the guy who said he would bet his house Ibrahimovic wouldn't score 5 goals in all competitions?
You have to laugh. I remember reading that comment.
At least a few of them aren't stuck up their own arse.

Trophy is a trophy at the end of the day, winning only breeds good habits, we need to win something soon we have had to many near misses, this would have been a great opportunity to win silverware so early into the season and in Klopps reign, now we have to go onto next season. The wait for trophy goes on and pressure increases.

Still I see people laughing at the mancs and their 6th place etc........

But they are doing what they did in the early 90's before their title success. In 90 they won the fa cup, 91 the cup winners' cup and 92 the league cup. They won the FA cup last year and the league cup this year.

You see they are building a winning mentality that we sorely lack and yes you can laugh at their league position but with their squad and who they will sign in the summer and with Mourinho in charge that winning mentality now will not be going.

So yes laugh at them all you like but I'd swap current league positions all day long to have their winning mentality compared to our weak mentality. They win finals and we lose them. I don't care about luck and how they did it - but they did it. Whereas we fail because we lack that mentality.

Agreed mate. Makes me sick but it's Part of the Man utd Dna to win trophys. Right now we are just a bunch of nearly win who don't win shit to be frank.

Trophy is a trophy at the end of the day, winning only breeds good habits, we need to win something soon we have had to many near misses, this would have been a great opportunity to win silverware so early into the season and in Klopps reign, now we have to go onto next season. The wait for trophy goes on and pressure increases.

Then there's this bellend

They're a gang of fecking c*nts. If you want to swap with them, fecking support them then.
Might be all we win for in the next ten years

Haha. Look at them. Look at the webbed fingered, sister shagging c*nts celebrating a gift wrapped League cup, with their outrageously expensive assembled squad, like it's the fecking pinnacle of world football.