Madeleine McCann

I was refreshing my memory on this last night and always assumed the McCanns weren't guilty. However it says they brought in two dogs that were trained to sniff out blood and the smell of a corpse. They both alerted only behind the sofa in their hotel room and then once more in the back of the car they had rented three weeks later, picking it out from 20 cars.

How can they explain that away?

There are conflicting explanations with this, as with just about everything else.

People will believe what they want to believe and disregard the other opinion.
Speculative and incredibly wrong. Portugal is probably one of the least xaenophobic countries in Europe. Our most right wing party with representation (Christian Democrats) is pretty dead center in comparison with most democracies right-wing parties.

Truly right wing parties in the mould of Le Pen's FN are simply irrelevant, the biggest got 0.5 % of the votes in the last election, nowhere near close to getting a seat. In 40 years of democracy, never a far-right MP sat in our parliament.

Foreigners are usually treated with respect almost everywhere, so any problems your grandad had were probably due to very bad luck. In fact, European retirees love our country and many settle here.

Tell that to a Brazilian, you'll likely get a very different view.
I was refreshing my memory on this last night and always assumed the McCanns weren't guilty. However it says they brought in two dogs that were trained to sniff out blood and the smell of a corpse. They both alerted only behind the sofa in their hotel room and then once more in the back of the car they had rented three weeks later, picking it out from 20 cars.

How can they explain that away?

Holy shit, you are right!

The dogs did it.
I've met many Brazilians that love it there.. What have you seen/heard?

That the portuguese look down on them, and adopt a superior attitude, assuming brazilians travelling to Portugal are there to be cooks, and maids, and subservient to them. I heard this from my wife, and some of her friends about their experience of travelling and living in Portugal.
That the portuguese look down on them, and adopt a superior attitude, assuming brazilians travelling to Portugal are there to be cooks, and maids, and subservient to them. I heard this from my wife, and some of her friends about their experience of travelling and living in Portugal.

Interesting. Not to downplay your wife's experience but it's hopefully not widespread. Certainly isn't from my Portuguese half of the family but not the biggest sample size.
Interesting. Not to downplay your wife's experience but it's hopefully not widespread. Certainly isn't from my Portuguese half of the family but not the biggest sample size.

There's also definitely an axe to grind from the brazilian side.
Gerry McCann is a very interesting individual. If you take a certain perspective and look for it, it is very easy to see something deeply unsettling about him. The way he handles stress and public scrutiny is interesting, with a notable example of this being his willingness to be interviewed and probed by Jeremy Paxman of all people.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, and if they have, I'm sorry for being daft, but is it not odd to wash your child's belongings i.e. Toys after they've disappeared. Always struck me.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, and if they have, I'm sorry for being daft, but is it not odd to wash your child's belongings i.e. Toys after they've disappeared. Always struck me.

That's new for me, please elaborate, tks
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, and if they have, I'm sorry for being daft, but is it not odd to wash your child's belongings i.e. Toys after they've disappeared. Always struck me.

Think the explanation was it was plastered in suncream after kate spent literal months clutching it constantly.
Think the explanation was it was plastered in suncream after kate spent literal months clutching it constantly.

Aye so I seen in the link I posted. Could be nothing I suppose. As I were, then.
Gerry McCann is a very interesting individual. If you take a certain perspective and look for it, it is very easy to see something deeply unsettling about him. The way he handles stress and public scrutiny is interesting, with a notable example of this being his willingness to be interviewed and probed by Jeremy Paxman of all people.

What's so unsettling about him? He just seems composed in front of the cameras. Could totally be different behind closed doors. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'd just like to hear your point further.
That the portuguese look down on them, and adopt a superior attitude, assuming brazilians travelling to Portugal are there to be cooks, and maids, and subservient to them. I heard this from my wife, and some of her friends about their experience of travelling and living in Portugal.

Is your wife a cook or a maid?

That's very ignorant outlook from someone who doesn't even live here. Majority of portuguese people is very friendly towards brazilians. That's why you have the saying "país irmão/brother country". There's some bad apples, which you also encounter in Brazil or the Uk. Should i tar all brazilians as criminals because i got mugged at Rio, São Paulo or Porto Alegre? It's funny still reading this crap when we are again in the middle of mass migration from Brazil to Portugal due to their social unrest, so their vision might not be so full of prejudice like your wife's.
This is all theory of course but I think she may of died by some form of accident in the room and the parents tried to cover it up, on the pretence they would be blamed.

Dogs sniffing blood in the hotel room and in the back of their rental car does suggest they may have moved her body.

I can't believe in this day and age no one would of seen anything at all, or CCTV. The witnesses drawn up, one looks like a 70s porn star, the other is so generic it could literally any balding man in his 40s. If the guy who was trying to raise money for charity did kidnap her I can't imagine he would try to look so distinct and out of place that everyone would remember him.

It all seems a bit too suspicious. Her mother decided not to answer certain questions within days of her disappearance. I know this would be due to advice from her solicitor so not to incriminate herself but surely you would be in such distress to find your daughter that you would answer every question to assist. Maybe the 10 years of interviews and limelight is a distraction from their own guilt, maybe they are trying so hard to believe their own lies?

Oh I do love a good theory!
What's so unsettling about him? He just seems composed in front of the cameras. Could totally be different behind closed doors. I'm not disagreeing with you, I'd just like to hear your point further.

The guy is made of iron. While his wife has aged terribly over the past ten years and has understandably had to give up her career, he looks to have barely aged and has actually excelled in his career and is now a renowned heart surgeon. He interviews without fear and doesn't let anything faze him. You could say he fits the bill of a ruthless psychopath who enjoys being in the limelight so he can publicly control situations that would buckle ordinary people.... or you could say he is a man of immense character and courage who has managed to deal with the death of his daughter, tackle and brush off constant accusations of parental infanticide and exceed in his profession all at the same time. It depends how you look at it, and given that the evidence of his involvement is far from substantial, he obviously deserves the benefit of the doubt....however, it is still interesting to consider both sides given the remarkable peculiarity of the case and his own character. Take the sinister perspective and there is something very dark about him.
This is all theory of course but I think she may of died by some form of accident in the room and the parents tried to cover it up, on the pretence they would be blamed.

Dogs sniffing blood in the hotel room and in the back of their rental car does suggest they may have moved her body.

I can't believe in this day and age no one would of seen anything at all, or CCTV. The witnesses drawn up, one looks like a 70s porn star, the other is so generic it could literally any balding man in his 40s. If the guy who was trying to raise money for charity did kidnap her I can't imagine he would try to look so distinct and out of place that everyone would remember him.

It all seems a bit too suspicious. Her mother decided not to answer certain questions within days of her disappearance. I know this would be due to advice from her solicitor so not to incriminate herself but surely you would be in such distress to find your daughter that you would answer every question to assist. Maybe the 10 years of interviews and limelight is a distraction from their own guilt, maybe they are trying so hard to believe their own lies?

Oh I do love a good theory!

No, I'd do what McCann did. It's the smart, clear-thinking thing to do, which is why she was advised to do it. Especially when she had already spent a full day answering their questions before she was made an arguido, something people neglect to mention whenever they bring up the questions she didn't answer.
Is your wife a cook or a maid?

That's very ignorant outlook from someone who doesn't even live here. Majority of portuguese people is very friendly towards brazilians. That's why you have the saying "país irmão/brother country". There's some bad apples, which you also encounter in Brazil or the Uk. Should i tar all brazilians as criminals because i got mugged at Rio, São Paulo or Porto Alegre? It's funny still reading this crap when we are again in the middle of mass migration from Brazil to Portugal due to their social unrest, so their vision might not be so full of prejudice like your wife's.

feck off with your first comment, pathetic to say the least, and racist. Why would you presume my wife is a cook or a maid because she is Brazilian, absolutely abhorrent. You are proving my comment right with your racist comments.

Yes some bad apples in all parties, I did say brazilians have an axe to grind, read the fecking thread.

@mods, can this person be banned?
feck off with your first comment, pathetic to say the least, and racist. Why would you presume my wife is a cook or a maid because she is Brazilian, absolutely abhorrent. You are proving my comment right with your racist comments.

Yes some bad apples in all parties, I did say brazilians have an axe to grind, read the fecking thread.

@mods, can this person be banned?

Dude chill out, it was a joke because you said we all thought brazilians were either cooks or maids. The second part was serious though. What about your wife's stereotyping? You think that's fair? I got no axe to grind with brazilians. I went there multiple times and got brazilian co workers. That type of prejudice comes from the last century and in Brazil it was far worse. Nowadays it's the biggest migrant community in Portugal. You can't tar a whole country just because your wife suposedly had a bad experience.
Did anyone watch the documentary from the BBC about it tonight? Something doesn't seem right about it all to me, I genuinely can't believe it took the Met Police so long to get involved with it, any sufficient evidence/forensics were long gone by the time they decided to intervene.

On a side note, I really do feel for the people who had their life ruined cause of being accused of being the abductor, or working within the place of the crime and even the residents of the town it all happened in.
feck off with your first comment, pathetic to say the least, and racist. Why would you presume my wife is a cook or a maid because she is Brazilian, absolutely abhorrent. You are proving my comment right with your racist comments.

Yes some bad apples in all parties, I did say brazilians have an axe to grind, read the fecking thread.

@mods, can this person be banned?

Jesus H Christ. He is 'absolute abhorrent' for jokingly playing with a minor cultural stereotype and you want him banned for it? What's wrong with people? It wouldn't be so bad if you yourself hadn't engaged in a generalisation that was about as far along on the racism scale (about 0.1%) as his.
Jesus H Christ. He is 'absolute abhorrent' for jokingly playing with a minor cultural stereotype and you want him banned for it? What's wrong with people? It wouldn't be so bad if you yourself hadn't engaged in a generalisation that was about as far along on the racism scale (about 0.1%) as his.

:lol: incredible. I thought by the rest of my post he would get there. I should have put a smilie or white txt. Anyways i don't fear getting banned, it was harmless but i find that overreaction incredible, specially after the crap he wrote.
This little girl has either been disappeared close by very efficiently or was long gone from the area very quickly. Discounting the wandered off - had an accident - but no trace of anything scenario as very much the most unlikely thing to have happened.

The overall lack of evidence suggests the 2nd is most likely surely.

I wonder if they're just being used by media people now having swallowed the 'best chance of finding her' & 'it's media anyway, you best as well try & control everything' memes that were sold to them very early doors.

And created a monster 'Maddie is Missing' brand / industry out of it. Knowingly, unknowingly, badly advised... whatever.
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Jesus H Christ. He is 'absolute abhorrent' for jokingly playing with a minor cultural stereotype and you want him banned for it? What's wrong with people? It wouldn't be so bad if you yourself hadn't engaged in a generalisation that was about as far along on the racism scale (about 0.1%) as his.
yep playing with cultural stereotypes is fine. on this place you get shot for telling folks that localisms that are perceived as racist in the western world, actually aren't in brazil.
May be just me but I find it slightly annoying that we ever hear about the case around the significant dates i.e. anniversaries. Almost as if, whoever is in charge are doing feck all 364 days a year.
May be just me but I find it slightly annoying that we ever hear about the case around the significant dates i.e. anniversaries. Almost as if, whoever is in charge are doing feck all 364 days a year.

The case is closed here in Portugal mate. It's only an on going investigation/missing person case for the UK Police. They recently got about 100,000 pounds to keep the investigation going. I stopped following this in 2008, dunno what's going on besides the McCann's vs Gonçalo Amaral court battles.
If they weren't white middle class doctors would this investigation still be gutting the same attention? If it was a black or mixed race girl at a different resort?
If they weren't white middle class doctors would this investigation still be gutting the same attention? If it was a black or mixed race girl at a different resort?

Of course it wouldn't. Just go onto missing children website etc and see how many there are missing that no one hears about. Granted Madeleine was very young, but the point still stands imo.
In an ideal world each case would be treated the same but it's just not the way things are. The case does have a certain intrigue though, because we know so little about what really happened. It keeps us talking about and speculating what happened that night.
In an ideal world each case would be treated the same but it's just not the way things are. The case does have a certain intrigue though, because we know so little about what really happened. It keeps us talking about and speculating what happened that night.

I think there is an element of this happening to an upper middle class family which you just don't expect. I know it's stereotypical but it's true sadly.
The guy is made of iron. While his wife has aged terribly over the past ten years and has understandably had to give up her career, he looks to have barely aged and has actually excelled in his career and is now a renowned heart surgeon. He interviews without fear and doesn't let anything faze him. You could say he fits the bill of a ruthless psychopath who enjoys being in the limelight so he can publicly control situations that would buckle ordinary people.... or you could say he is a man of immense character and courage who has managed to deal with the death of his daughter, tackle and brush off constant accusations of parental infanticide and exceed in his profession all at the same time. It depends how you look at it, and given that the evidence of his involvement is far from substantial, he obviously deserves the benefit of the doubt....however, it is still interesting to consider both sides given the remarkable peculiarity of the case and his own character. Take the sinister perspective and there is something very dark about him.

Just watching that Panorama programme on BBC iPlayer, I have to agree Gerry McCann does look unmoved by the events. The part where Portuguese journalist quizzes him over a the cadaver dogs is quite odd. It looks as if he he's smirking, it could be a defence mechanism but nevertheless it looks out of place for me. His comments to the journalist that he should ask the dogs about what the scent was absolutely bizarre.

On another note, the dogs found traces of blood, cadaver dogs smelled the scent on the toy as well as picking out the boot of vehicle etc. Whilst McCanns defence of that is, the dogs are unreliable! It's a big coincidence that they smelled something in the apartment and in the boot of their car.

Edit: yeah I didn't know they hired a car 25 days after her disappearance. Sounds far fetched that they hid the body for 25 days before moving it.
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feck off with your first comment, pathetic to say the least, and racist. Why would you presume my wife is a cook or a maid because she is Brazilian, absolutely abhorrent. You are proving my comment right with your racist comments.

Yes some bad apples in all parties, I did say brazilians have an axe to grind, read the fecking thread.

@mods, can this person be banned?

How was he to know your wife is Brazilian? I certainly didn't before this post.
Having watched the BBC Panorama doc, I don't think it was the parents.
I’ve said from day one that Kate and Gerry McCann are behind it.

Their behaviour, particularly in the aftermath after Madeline went missing, was odd to say the least. (Now I’m not saying that there is a correct way to behave after a tragic event such as a disappearance of your child, but there’s been something about Kate and Gerry McCann’s behaviour from the off that doesn’t sit right with me.). Then there’s the fact that there’s absolutely no evidence of Madeline’s disappearance; in a day & age of CCTV’s and what have you that’s more or less impossible. Considering Kate and Gerry McCann’s professions they would have knowledge of forensics. Finally, we know Madeline was a very difficult child and that could provide the motive or explanation for what happened (medication that went wrong for example?).

I hope I’m wrong and I feel guilty about judging people I know very little about, but I can’t help thinking what I think.
I’ve said from day one that Kate and Gerry McCann are behind it.

Their behaviour, particularly in the aftermath after Madeline went missing, was odd to say the least. (Now I’m not saying that there is a correct way to behave after a tragic event such as a disappearance of your child, but there’s been something about Kate and Gerry McCann’s behaviour from the off that doesn’t sit right with me.). Then there’s the fact that there’s absolutely no evidence of Madeline’s disappearance; in a day & age of CCTV’s and what have you that’s more or less impossible. Considering Kate and Gerry McCann’s professions they would have knowledge of forensics. Finally, we know Madeline was a very difficult child and that could provide the motive or explanation for what happened (medication that went wrong for example?).

I hope I’m wrong and I feel guilty about judging people I know very little about, but I can’t help thinking what I think.

The CCTVs that failed to spot someone kidnapping Maddie also failed to spot, say, the McCanns disposing of her corpse. If one is able to slip past CCTV then so is the other. It can't have been impossible because someone obviously did it, one way or another.

Also, a ridiculous number of people go missing in this day and age of CCTVs and are never seen again. Hardly implausible that it happened yet again.