Abdelhak Nouri | family say he can answer yes/no questions by moving his eyebrows

Terrible news. I'd hoped that not being able to play football again would be the worst of it, this is a much more tragic outcome. Is he still in the induced sleep state? So we don't know for sure what he'll be like when he wakes up?
Really sad news about this. I know it's been here for a while but I'd been avoiding reading it as I knew it'd be sad. Just hope he can have a life again after this.
This sucks. Doesn't sound like there's much hope for regaining brain function or living a normal life, much less playing football ever again. Best of luck to him and his family.

Life can be so cruel to people who have done nothing to deserve it. There's no inherent fairness in the universe.

TFM's "God is in control" comment is almost offensive to me, surely there's better ways to express well-wishing than to say that everything happens according to a god's will. Was it god's will that this innocent kid should get permanent brain damage? But okay, this isn't the time or place for that discussion.

Do have to agree with this though. It happens every time anything bad happens and the insinuation always sickens me I'm afraid.
Didn't want to comment in this thread until the outcome of his collapse/recovery was clear. This news is horrendous. I hope Ajax will look after this kid and take care of all medical bills and requirements. I also hope the doctors have it wrong and he does go on to at least lead a normal life. It seems football is completely out of the question.

This. It's just so sad.
Do have to agree with this though. It happens every time anything bad happens and the insinuation always sickens me I'm afraid.
It sickens me too. So much for God being in control eh?

I hope the kid isn't braindead and can continue to live his life well in some way but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore according to the comments by Nouri's brother.
It sickens me too. So much for God being in control eh?

I hope the kid isn't braindead and can continue to live his life well in some way but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore according to the comments by Nouri's brother.

The insinuation that some magical overlord should be given credit for being in control of a situation like this, and not be simultaneously blamed for allowing it typo happen, is what sickens me. Similarly to how the holy books are used to pick out the bits that sound good and ignore the less savoury parts are brushed off or ignored, those who claim that omnipotent beings are in control when awful things happen, but can't be blamed somehow, just rub me the wrong way.

If there was a god, which I don't consider a possibility at all, he'd have a lot of explaining to do when we met.

Edit: won't derail anymore though as this shouldn't be the place.
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Poor lad. The brain is a wonderful machine and many times can recover much more than initially projected, surprising relatives and medical staff.
As a believer myself, dont know why God allows such tragedies to happen all the time, its just the unfair world that we live in I guess. I hope he and his family find consolation in this difficult time (sorry if i offend anyone sensible who doesnt want to see the word God written, i think im allowed to express my feel here too)
This sucks. Doesn't sound like there's much hope for regaining brain function or living a normal life, much less playing football ever again. Best of luck to him and his family.

Life can be so cruel to people who have done nothing to deserve it. There's no inherent fairness in the universe.

TFM's "God is in control" comment is almost offensive to me, surely there's better ways to express well-wishing than to say that everything happens according to a god's will. Was it god's will that this innocent kid should get permanent brain damage? But okay, this isn't the time or place for that discussion.

Such a terrible post. This is no time to be arguing about this when you know it's a topic that brings on a heavy debate.
Did he suffer brain damage from oxygen deprivation alone? feck, that'd be cruel.

Hope he recovers better than expected.
This really is awful. By all accounts he's a totally decent caring friendly and well loved going man, and just like that his life is altered forever. My heart goes out to the lad and his family and friends :(
This really is awful. By all accounts he's a totally decent caring friendly and well loved going man, and just like that his life is altered forever. My heart goes out to the lad and his family and friends :(


The rest of you, who as usual just can't help yourselves, can feck off with your stupid judgements and arguments at a time like this.
This is absolutely tragic. I can relate with it as my dad experienced something similar before he died. Many times, we felt he was better off gone than experiencing the pain of living the way he did in his last few years. It was really, really tough for him.

I hope Nouri's family will find strength and comfort. Beyond football, our humanity comes through in situations like this.

Be strong Nouri.
Absolutely horrendous news. Such a tragic situation the family find themselves in. He sounded like the most nicest person in the world too, and now his life is over. Cruel cruel cruel. Poor guy and poor family. Heartbreaking.
Very very tough on his family. They'll never get over it. Hard to understand things like this happening to anyone. Much strength to him and his family
This reminds me of my brother and a recent talk we had on Schumacher, the former F1 pilot.
"These people cannot enjoy life without a huge adrenaline rush every day. They just can't live without it.", he said.

First of all, I think it will destroy my life forever if something like this happens to my brother and then I have to come out and say "he won't be able to talk, eat or communicate again". And I hope my brother will never have to see me being a brain-dead body.

Second, Nouri was not even a risk taker... not an adrenaline rush chaser like Schumacher.
It sounds even more unfair. It's outrageous!

Last but not least, being a DVM myself, I am telling you, I cannot judge a human doctor. Who are you to judge them through a youtube video? Are you out of your mind people???!!!!

Nouri falls at the start of the video, he's still seen breathing. After 40 seconds first medic reaches him, the rest of them at 1:12. They seem to start looking for some specific medical equipment at 1:52 (still without CPR), then we get 7'30 minutes cut out. There's an ambulance and they're still on the pitch. No sight of anyone doing CPR, though I know there is mechanical utensil that can replace human with it, however I've got no idea how popular it is around the world (they're in Austria, 10km from Wiener Neustadt).
Why do you say it's useless? Just last week in my country there was an elder tourist on a mountain that suffered cardiac arrest, few people helped him out also performing CPR for 30 minutes until medical helicopter came. The man was saved and he's fine thanks to those who did the CPR, otherwise he'd be dead.

CPR is for someone that is not responsive. Nouri was still responsive in that video, but look extremely exhausted. They were probably looking of Oxygen.
CPR is for someone that is not responsive. Nouri was still responsive in that video, but look extremely exhausted. They were probably looking of Oxygen.

Yeah, though it looked like he passed out shortly afterwards.
I came across this quote:

I didn't want to wake up. I was having a much better time asleep. And that's really sad. It was almost like a reverse nightmare, like when you wake up from a nightmare you're so relieved. I woke up into a nightmare.

In a way I'd almost hope he could stay asleep. Of course it doesn't make sense, but it would feel that there would still be hope, whereas waking him would confront us with such nightmarish reality.

Saddened by this for those affected.
Pretty shocking news for everyone following Ajax. I don't wish this onto anyone, but it's sad that this happens to a good kid, abundantly talented and only 20 years old.
Genuinely horrendous news to hear. Had a horrible feeling the second they were forced to put him in a coma.

Think people are being incredibly harsh on those in the video. The second there was a clear indication to start CPR, they did.
As a doctor working in a hospital, I've attended around 30-40 cardiac arrests calls during my first year. Even in a hospital setting where the kit is literally meters away from every patients' bay, the success rate barely hits 50% statistically - in true practice, only about 7 or so from what I recall actually regained cardiac rhythym. Out of hospital, it's about 10%.

The fact they managed to save his life is an incredible achievement.

The fact he's 20 is horrific, not because he's a footballer. I can't imagine how painful it must be for his family right now.
A similar thing happened to my cousin and he was also in incredible physical shape. Nouri looked like a special talent. Incredible vision and creativity.
If this turns out to be the result of a congenital heart defect. Man, that shit is terrifying. It isn't common practice to get checked for it, and then its so rare it doesn't get done due to the cost.

Then some poor kid has a heart attack in the middle of a game. :(
Genuinely horrendous news to hear. Had a horrible feeling the second they were forced to put him in a coma.

Think people are being incredibly harsh on those in the video. The second there was a clear indication to start CPR, they did.
As a doctor working in a hospital, I've attended around 30-40 cardiac arrests calls during my first year. Even in a hospital setting where the kit is literally meters away from every patients' bay, the success rate barely hits 50% statistically - in true practice, only about 7 or so from what I recall actually regained cardiac rhythym. Out of hospital, it's about 10%.

The fact they managed to save his life is an incredible achievement.

The fact he's 20 is horrific, not because he's a footballer. I can't imagine how painful it must be for his family right now.

This is spot on. People are conditioned to think CPR can work miracles thanks to medical dramas and the like but the reality is very different.

Here's an excellent article on the subject:
Wow.. What to say and how to feel...

I was celebrating my girl's birthday in the park last saturday when my brother came to me and said 'Appie Nouri just collapsed on the field, it looks real bad'. as the birthday was mostly girls, most of the people there couldn't understand why we were staring at our mobiles the next half hour, refreshing every individual news outlet that was reporting on the matter. There we were in that park, following Appie's fight for live a 1000km away, on our cellphone.

The first messages in the days after were hopeful. Could it be that Appie would recover, maybe even get back to football again? However, the moment of waking kept on being postponed, which worried me more than the hopeful tone of the upates could make up for. Wednesday's update, which were just a few lines saying that tests had been conducted and the results would be shared the next day, in hindsight said it all. Appie Nouri, the King of Geuzenveld, would never recover.

Appie was loved throughout all ranks of the club. Smiling, joyful, humble and polite. Always playing with the ball and playing with opponents while on the pitch. He was loved in Amsterdam, more loved than any youthplayer had ever been. His personality, combined with the skills of the ultimate Ajax player, made him the crowd's favorite. He danced his football, light as a feather carried by the wind. When Appie had the ball, football was relieved of the burden of rules and tactics, Appie's talent showed him the way( translated from David Endt, former Ajax teamchef).

When Appie made his debut in Ajax' first team selection, for an uninspiring cup match against Willem II, half of Amsterdam South West came to see their new King. 'We want to see Nouri', the crowd chanted at 3-0 in the 70th minute. A feat not unfamiliar in Amsterdam, but normally reserved for the Ajax greats like Suarez, Huntelaar or Eriksen. Never before the crowd chanted for a youth player with 0 first team minutes.

In Amsterdam, talented youthplayers are coined the new Bergkamp, the new Kluivert or even the new van Basten quite easily. But never before the new Cruijff. Appie however, he was the new Cruijff.

I don't know what to do with myself. I don't know how to cope. Never before has football given me such strong emotions. My thoughts are with his family and friends, with Donny van de Beek, his youthpal and best friend, with whom he was supposed to conquer the Eredivisie this season. vdBeek actually played in the EL final against United, but Nouri.. Nouri was the chosen one.
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This is happening in front of his house right now. Fans en players...



(sorry. ik don't have the rights to post links yet)
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