Television Game of Thrones (TV) • The watch has ended


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Top characters according to screen time are...

1. Jon Snow
2. Tyrion
3. Daenerys
4. Sansa
5. Cersei
6. Arya
7. Jaime
8. Sam
9. Jorah
10. Theon

From IMDB.

Fun fact, Ned is 13th despite only being in 9 episodes.


Full Member
Jul 18, 2007
Oslo, Norway
feck me, I never thought of the possibility of them getting their hands on a dragon like that!

Surely they're all doomed now? The damage caused by the King bloke's javelin seemed quite OP alone!

Will it fire some sort of ice blizzard ray?


Sneaky bum time - Vaccination status: dozed off
Nov 8, 2002
Good episode, in parts. But some of the stuff these days in the show just seems silly. Going on this weird expedition north of the wall just to show Cersei 'proof'' was silly and not in line with a show that had usually strayed away from such tangents. And even when they went, it seems as though they assembled this tiny suicide squad to do the job only to give Dany her big moment of being the hero (as usual). Also, why is there suddenly so much emotion/connection between Jon and Denarys? It's like those movies you watch that do a terrible job of convincing the audience of the emotional connect between their characters.

Otherwise, I thought the scene north of the wall was definitely well shot and directed delivering the big moments well. And I liked the ending.

I hope we don't see another Cersei tactical masterclass in the next episode. That narrative has become tedious now.


Full Member
Jul 22, 2014
Top characters according to screen time are...

1. Jon Snow
2. Tyrion
3. Daenerys
4. Sansa
5. Cersei
6. Arya
7. Jaime
8. Sam
9. Jorah
10. Theon

From IMDB.

Fun fact, Ned is 13th despite only being in 9 episodes.
I was surprised to see Ser Friendzone and Theon there to be honest.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Viserion's death was the dragon equivalent of those Freefolk extras who died moments before. A character with no background story this season, who has only appeared tiddling about while the camera focuses on the main Jon Snow dragon. Instead of me being upset about its death and feeling sorry for those who know the character I just thought about how this continues the story. feck, even Dany seemed more concerned about Jon getting back than losing one of her children.

For me, decisions in Game of Thrones used to be about their consequences but now those decisions are simply to further the plot. There's a delicate balance between the two that was cleverly covered up in previous seasons by the uncertainty of the story progression, the twists and turns, and the amount of screen time that bit part characters were given - which meant that those people also got added to your list of potential important deaths. The deaths aren't important to me, but the tension and intrigue is what epitomised the essence of the show for me. When Eddard died it made you realise that no one in the show is safe, and that does a massive amount to build up the tension. When you watch something like Mission Impossible and you see Tom Cruise running out of oxygen, you don't feel worried because he's Tom fecking Cruise and of course there's no way that he's going to die.

This episode was the embodiment of what's made me feel disappointed with the show this season. An apparent suicide mission that resulted in the least important (albeit superbly acted by Paul Kay) primary character dying, four extras who didn't even get a single close up before their deaths, and one of the two dragons that have played background roles for a couple of seasons to Drogon. And yes, two of those deaths will have consequences but they are ones that almost everyone would expect to have huge consequences, because now Beric is in danger and Dany's biggest weapons now have a counter opponent. Who in their right mind expected the Viper's death to result in Myrcella being killed by a grieving Ellaria, or Robb following true love resulting in his wife, unborn child, and mother being murdered? They were curveball moments that the show should be striving to tackle instead of going for what's "clean".

There was hardly any doubt in my mind that Tormund was going to be rescued by someone, much like Jon during the Battle of the Bastards, and I was just waiting for it because I now expect the main cast to come through unscathed. This season The Field of Fire was beautifully crafted, and for me it's my favourite battle sequence that the show has done. And not just from a technical point of view either - the focus on Jamie and his reaction to the carnage was wonderfully done. But then they ended it in the same way with the four primary characters in that scene coming out alive. Obviously not every sequence needs a shocking death, but right now they seem to be intentionally avoiding them in order to keep their story going forward in a straight, undiverted, line. For a show that for many years was built of defying expectations, and keeping you stressing through these kinds of moments, it was disappointing to think like that.

.....feck me, I don't half waffle on sometimes...
My main problem with the battle's end result was the lack of general consequence. I could took Jaime living - even when he charged the dragon. But my problem was that after charging the dragon, he conveniently comes ashore away from the Dothraki and Daenerys, meaning he's free to go home largely unharmed. At the end of episode four his charge is built up as an important moment - Tyrion's warning for him not to be an idiot suggests that, at the very least, if he fails he's going to suffer some sort of consequence for doing so. As it ended up, he was fine...and while the charge was a very cool and impressive moment, it didn't really have any lasting consequences outside the episode.

Similar can be said for a lot of other important events. If Sansa outplays Littlefinger it should be satisfying but will probably end up feeling contrived, because it's not an actual, well-written plotline but more just a lot of inserted-in tension because they need some sort of tension in Winterfell.


Actually Nostradamus
Jan 12, 2011
Targaryen loyalist
Who's dying in the last episode then?

I know the show has shied away from big deaths lately but just have a feeling that someone massive will die. Like Jon trying to save Dany or Dany trying to save Jon. Or summat. Cercei being the mastermind of course.
This isn't leak stuff presented as my own idea. I had Joffrey's death spoiled for me about 20 minutes before I watched the episode so I'd never spoil anything in the show for someone.

Anyway, related to the episode's title

The Lion & The Rose. Joffrey died.

The Mountain & The Viper. Oberyn died.

The Dragon & The Wolf. X dies?

I'm dreading it!


Full Member
May 24, 2010
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has whacked the hammer to Roswell
Jun 5, 2012
The Republik of Mancunia | W3102
I really hope the finale leaks before Sunday. I won't be able to watch it until Wednesday night at the earliest and there's no way I'll avoid spoilers on the internet before then. :(


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
My main problem with the battle's end result was the lack of general consequence. I could took Jaime living - even when he charged the dragon. But my problem was that after charging the dragon, he conveniently comes ashore away from the Dothraki and Daenerys, meaning he's free to go home largely unharmed. At the end of episode four his charge is built up as an important moment - Tyrion's warning for him not to be an idiot suggests that, at the very least, if he fails he's going to suffer some sort of consequence for doing so. As it ended up, he was fine...and while the charge was a very cool and impressive moment, it didn't really have any lasting consequences outside the episode.

Similar can be said for a lot of other important events. If Sansa outplays Littlefinger it should be satisfying but will probably end up feeling contrived, because it's not an actual, well-written plotline but more just a lot of inserted-in tension because they need some sort of tension in Winterfell.
My guess it's arya playing little finger.

She could be anyone, maybe lf was talking to arya instead of sansa and vice versa


Full Member
Feb 13, 2015
Somewhere they can't find me.
Who say it's the wight who did it ? I mean the WW could have some super human strength and use those big ass chains around the dragon only for the wights on the surface to pull them.
I only asked coz the entire premise of wights waiting for the surface to refreeze was because they couldn't traverse water. And they had WW with them who could have easily frozen it. It seems the writers just wanted some excuse for blondie and the the three dragons to meet WW so the latter can nick one dragon.

They tossed the chains down. Attached them to the dragon at the bottom of the lake. Then they climbed up them to help with the pulling effort.

The fact you're asking that tells me you've never pulled a dead dragon out of a lake using zombies before :wenger:

Massive Spanner

The Football Grinch
Jul 2, 2014
Tool shed
The more I think about it the more I wish the White Walkers were never a part of the show.
I think they've just been handled badly this season. They were always on the peripheral, this ancient, dangerous threat that needs to be dealt with eventually. The problem is the show has been at its best when it's about the war over the thrones and they've sacrificed a lot of that this season in order to bring them to the forefront, I guess so we can have epic battles of whatevz, which has left far less time for the usual stuff and brought in some absolutely ludicrous plotlines to get them involved. I mean, seriously, how many more excuses is Jon going to come up with to go beyond the wall? "Eh, you sure Thoros was dead lads, maybe we could go back n' check?"

Should've left 'em til the final season.


The Qatar Pounder
May 8, 2008
Obertans #1 fan.
I think they've just been handled badly this season. They were always on the peripheral, this ancient, dangerous threat that needs to be dealt with eventually. The problem is the show has been at its best when it's about the war over the thrones and they've sacrificed a lot of that this season in order to bring them to the forefront, I guess so we can have epic battles of whatevz, which has left far less time for the usual stuff and brought in some absolutely ludicrous plotlines to get them involved. I mean, seriously, how many more excuses is Jon going to come up with to go beyond the wall? "Eh, you sure Thoros was dead lads, maybe we could go back n' check?"

Should've left 'em til the final season.

I think you could easily have just left the people beyond the wall as wildlings and have had a better show.


First Man Falling
May 22, 2017
The more I think about it the more I wish the White Walkers were never a part of the show.

The problem with the White Walkers for me is, and I've mentioned this numerous times, is that i actually like them. They're cool as hell, they have a mystique about them that automatically makes them appealing and i hate it when one of them gets killed. If we're supposed to feel any animosity towards them, then i don't.

I think this is going to be a problem (for me, at least), as we're supposed to be rooting against them as they're building up to an epic showdown between the White Walkers and everyone else. Perhaps it just says more about me, but i won't be rooting against them as i don't find they've done anything particularly egregious (stealing a few infants aside), especially compared to some of the other people in the show who we're supposed to be rooting for.

I'm not sure if that's just bad writing or it's just me, but i don't look at them as the "bad guys"


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Should've left 'em til the final season.
TBF, this can be seen as a final season but just split into two.
I do think the planning and plotting could have been done better for sure, but WW was shown as part of the first scene of the whole show and I like the element of it being added (especially with dragons naturally being a counter measure and vice versa).


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
The more I think about it the more I wish the White Walkers were never a part of the show.
Very odd. Ever since season 1 episode 1 all I could think about was the big fight due against them.

Edit ignore that post. I thought you said you didn't feel like they were ever a part of the show!


Creator of the Caftards comics
Aug 22, 2006
Officially the best poker player on RAWK.
My guess it's arya playing little finger.

She could be anyone, maybe lf was talking to arya instead of sansa and vice versa
But then how could it show her following him around the grounds and to his room, then showing him coming out from the shadows when she left his room?
Plus can't she only change into the dead?

She's either a shit ninja or wanted him to watch her watching him. Which would be a fine theory if she then didn't have a row with Sansa about we she found without him present. So basically no, she's just shit at hiding.

I do hope he's done at winterfell though and goes back to KL to try his luck there again as they've wasted his character this season.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2012
So the dragon is their way over the wall.
Actually, the wall magic that is supposed to keep them out might no longer work. When Bran was touched by the NK just before the attack on the 3 eyed ravens lair, the 3 eyed raven mentioned that since Bran was marked by the NK, the magic would no longer be able to keep them out. Now that Bran is on the other side if the wall, will the magic still hold? I can see the NK easily bringing down the ice wall with his staff or something.


Thinks you can get an STD from flirting.
Oct 25, 2010
Constantly at the STD clinic.
The whole white walkers thing just bores me and has bored me since the start. Could care less about ooo bad guys zombies. The actual battle for the throne is far more interesting .


Wanted to be bran, ended up being littlefinger
Jul 29, 2013
Man City
that would be fecking daft.

basically they're only able to go over the wall because Jon goes beyond the wall to stop them going over the wall.
That would be the ultimate Game of Thrones "Good characters getting fecked over because they mean well," to be fair.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
that would be fecking daft.

basically they're only able to go over the wall because Jon goes beyond the wall to stop them going over the wall.
Not sure it would be daft really. Having a person bring about X in their attempts to prevent X is pretty standard in various forms of fiction.

Will Absolute

New Member
Oct 23, 2009
Southern Ireland
The more I think about it the more I wish the White Walkers were never a part of the show.
For me there are two obvious problems with the White Walkers.

One: they should properly be called the Incredibly Slow Walkers.

Two: the mystique of the army of the dead has been diminished this season by its use in generic set pieces of the kind which will be overly familiar to the audience. They've been built up as the embodiment of the Apocalypse, but their poor performance against our handful of hardy heroes in the last episode doesn't do much for their credibility.


has whacked the hammer to Roswell
Jun 5, 2012
The Republik of Mancunia | W3102
For me there are two obvious problems with the White Walkers.

One: they should properly be called the Incredibly Slow Walkers.

Two: the mystique of the army of the dead has been diminished this season by its use in generic set pieces of the kind which will be overly familiar to the audience. They've been built up as the embodiment of the Apocalypse, but their poor performance against our handful of hardy heroes in the last episode doesn't do much for their credibility.
That's the part which annoys me most. They've been the preeminent enemy since S01, what with all the "Winter is coming" foreboding we've been subjected to. Yet, in pretty much every encounter our heroes have we them, 'Hardhome' included, the undead army have yet to have a sizeable success. (Acquiring the dragon, maybe, but that whole battle should have been a far bigger loss for Team Snow and co.)

It's just really bizarre and quite annoying.


weak willed
Mar 10, 2017
Wait could someone remind me why couldnt Benjen come back past the wall?
He's dead. Remember when he saved Bran and Meera, he told them he was killed but the 3 eyed raven revived him. Dead things can't pass the wall due to magic contained within.


Not a bad guy (Whale Killer)
Aug 14, 2009
Transfer Forum
He's dead. Remember when he saved Bran and Meera, he told them he was killed but the 3 eyed raven revived him. Dead things can't pass the wall due to magic contained within.
He was still half-wight, wasn't he? The spells in the foundations of The Wall don't allow wights/dead to pass through.
Cheers. Just watched that scene on Youtube. But wights recognize even "half-wights"?


weak willed
Mar 10, 2017
Except people keep saying that magic is now redundant since Bran got marked by the NK?
So are people assuming that the NK simply isn't aware Bran has gone through the wall or why haven't the WW just made a bee-line for it then? I think the mark thing was 3 eyed raven cave specific.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Except people keep saying that magic is now redundant since Bran got marked by the NK?
Assumption cos of what happened in the cave where the children of the forest were.

They could have easily played that into the story.
Bran sent a raven to Jon telling him about the whereabouts of the undead army cos now the magic is gone. Bran wants them destroyed before they pass the wall as Bran being brought to the Wall by Meera has made it useless against the WW.
Jon thinks the only way to do that is to get as many people as possible. But the obvious answer is just destroying them with Dragons that dany has. Dany goes with her dragons but loses one and is worried about that.
So they need to get the rest of the remaining humans to join forces and that includes KL troops. To do that they need to prove it to them, but Jamie doesnt believe it and he says to tyrion cersei certainly wont. They bring the wight to Jamie who sets up the meeting with Cersei and convinces Tyrion to convince Dany / Jon a truce is needed. (jamie does it cos he has a kid on the way and doesnt want to die knowing its inevitable with Cerseis war against Dany).

Basically same things happen but in a different way.