Disrespecting the class of 92

I’m not sure why anyone would have disagreed with anything Scholes has said as a pundit in the last year. We’ve all basically said the same thing if not worse here.
Why are the ‘CO92’ afforded this protected status but the likes of Keane, for example, considered fair game for criticism?
That's what I was going to say. When the club was down our legends didn't mind putting the boot in. They didn't really be diplomatic.
I don't find people disrespecting Beckham or Butt. Although I agree disrespecting Scholes and Neville is unacceptable.

Do you ever watch Evra and Cantona and think 'they are just doing that to monetize their fanbase'? Because Nev and Scholes do that with their punditry gigs. I fully support these guys making money but it isn't hard to see why some fans would manage to ridicule them.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The sense of entitlement from the future fans of United is going to far exceed that of the scousers. We are going to be even more insufferable.

That's what comes with the millennial/google age. It's unavoidable.
Pretty much this. The number of fans here who whine on here about how other clubs sign big players while we don't blah blah blah is just embarrassing. Apparently there's no "United way" either and there's nothing special about this club, we are same as every big club. Our legends are knobs because they don't have the same opinions as the CAF experts and players like McTominay who can't do fancy stuff with the ball are useless.

What I don't understand is in a world where there are already so many "big clubs" who do things the right way according to our esteemed "fans", why would you torture yourself by supporting Utd who apparently do everything wrong?

There's really two sets of fans nowadays. Ones who have the mindset you (and myself) have about the United way and what is it about and then there's the other set of fans that want us to be any "big club".

It's really getting frustrating separating the two and trying to find who still has the United way in their hearts vs these new age let's sign some big names fans.
You'll need a bit of consistency for that point to hit home. Where was the sympathy for Jose losing his dream job when Scholes was taking every opportunity to put him down? I've lost a little respect for Scholes after he behaved in the manner that he did. Fair enough he didn't think Jose was good enough, and fair enough his job was to analyse the jobs players and managers were doing, but it was a concerted effort to criticize the manager whenever possible, and I think that did far more damage to the club than many realise.

Are you seriously arguing Jose didn't get the same sympathy Scholes did? I don't know how to answer this. Both are not the same to start with? That's my whole point. Treating Scholes like any other player/manager.

And how exactly did Scholes damage the club? His criticism helped getting Jose sacked. A massive win for this club.
You'll need a bit of consistency for that point to hit home. Where was the sympathy for Jose losing his dream job when Scholes was taking every opportunity to put him down? I've lost a little respect for Scholes after he behaved in the manner that he did. Fair enough he didn't think Jose was good enough, and fair enough his job was to analyse the jobs players and managers were doing, but it was a concerted effort to criticize the manager whenever possible, and I think that did far more damage to the club than many realise.

Wait, what was his dream job?

If you are talking about managing us, well that's funny how he stayed in a hotel and never fully committed. If you are talking about someone else, then please carry on.
Why are the ‘CO92’ afforded this protected status but the likes of Keane, for example, considered fair game for criticism?


There are plenty of other legendary players who get far harsher criticism than the Class of 92 and many of them have had far more impact on United's success.
If you expect that to not rub some people the wrong way, you'd as well forget Giggs and his affair because he is from the class of 92.
And yet Giggs has always been widely lambasted for that. Nobody in their right mind would stick up for him. At best, what many do, is separate the man from the player and isolate the issue.

The problem here is some people seem genuinely thrilled he has failed, or that Gaz failed at Valencia (which was mental and doomed regardless).

The irony is some seem vindicated that they fail at management after commenting on managers. It apparently shows them up, when at least they achieved something in football, which none of them have. Not even remotely. Nothing at all.
So when did this become a thing and why are so many United fans doing this? Neville really does annoy me, especially with how he has defended every manager but I would never disrespect him or celebrate his failure at Valencia.

Similarly, Scholes' sin here is that he criticized Mourinho and LVG as a pundit. I'm reading some comments on the Scholes' resignation thread and am quite shocked at how far this has gone.

There is this complete absurd amount of disrespected the class of 92 gets on here. If I go by some posts, replacing Scholes with Gerrard wouldn't change much with the theme of mocking and ridiculing our legends.

It's a real shame a backbone of what makes United the club it is today gets treated like this.

P.S: I think with Giggs it's a different issue so I understand that although I chose to remember the player not the man.
Gary Neville seems like a right twat, Giggs is proper piece of shite. Both great players. The rest of them I don't mind too much.
And yet Giggs has always been widely lambasted for that. Nobody in their right mind would stick up for him. At best, what many do, is separate the man from the player and isolate the issue.

Maybe they should separate the pundit from the player as well and isolate their quotes without the class of 92 shield.

The problem here is some people seem genuinely thrilled he has failed, or that Gaz failed at Valencia

I don't think so. Nothing better than having a Guardiola or Zidane like figure step out from our club. But just because their punditry is pointed out after failing, doesn't mean people wanted them to fail from the offset.
Are you seriously arguing Jose didn't get the same sympathy Scholes did? I don't know how to answer this. Both are not the same to start with? That's my whole point. Treating Scholes like any other player/manager.

And how exactly did Scholes damage the club? His criticism helped getting Jose sacked. A massive win for this club.

Scholes the player not equal to Scholes the Pundit not equal to Scholes the manager.

Everyone loves Scholes the player , no arguing about that. Why the hell should we all like Scholes the manager or Pundit if we've been getting such harsh treatment from him day in day out for past 3 or so years. No reason to jump to the defense of Scholes the manager.
I think it’s just the evolution of internet culture. Everyone is shit. Football, movies, music etc. Everyone is useless and doesn’t know what they are talking about. I often wonder how we allow these plebs to make millions while the real experts just sit behind their keyboards talking about how pathetic they are.
I've said it before, I'll say it again.

The sense of entitlement from the future fans of United is going to far exceed that of the scousers. We are going to be even more insufferable.

That's what comes with the millennial/google age. It's unavoidable.

You do realise that mellenials are a bunch of 30 year old people that grew up in a time when there wasnt Internet much less Google. It's not a bunch of kids in high-school.
Maybe they should separate the pundit from the player as well and isolate their quotes without the class of 92 shield.
I dont really see it as a shield. I think loyalty cannot be taught, so there's nothing to argue, the least we expect is that people keep their hateful comments to themselves when it comes to club legends.
There's really two sets of fans nowadays. Ones who have the mindset you (and myself) have about the United way and what is it about and then there's the other set of fans that want us to be any "big club".

It's really getting frustrating separating the two and trying to find who still has the United way in their hearts vs these new age let's sign some big names fans.
It's this period of austerity in terms of success that we're going through that brings the worst in some. People tend to forget that winning trophies is not all what Man Utd are about. Sir Alex always said that Utd are a family, our legends are part of that family, but some "fans" don't give two hoots about that. As long as we're winning, everything is great and Ole's at the wheel and all that, the moment things start going south, there will be thread upon thread going on about how we should have got a big name manager and players like Lukaku, Smalling, Jones etc are useless and we'll never be a top club again and so on. It appears for people on here, vindication is more important, rather than respecting the club and everyone associated with it.
I dont really see it as a shield. I think loyalty cannot be taught, so there's nothing to argue, the least we expect is that people keep their hateful comments to themselves when it comes to club legends.

Well, you need to define what you mean by hateful? Calling out their comments during punditry after getting fired is hateful?

Lets not get into my loyalty is more than you kind of arguments.
The brand didn't help.

But the cuntishness in the Scholes manager thread is beyond belief.

Not United fans in my opinion
Agreed. It started as a cheap marketing slogan and everyone's run with it.

As Keane said, it's grown its own legs.
Are you seriously arguing Jose didn't get the same sympathy Scholes did? I don't know how to answer this. Both are not the same to start with? That's my whole point. Treating Scholes like any other player/manager.

And how exactly did Scholes damage the club? His criticism helped getting Jose sacked. A massive win for this club.
“The guy that lost his job,” is only relative when he was an extremely talented footballer, huh? You don’t know how to answer it because you can’t without hypocrisy.

End justify the means does it? Cool. He contributed towards the division we’ve seen at the club. As a footballer, there is no other player I enjoyed watching more than Scholes, but that doesn’t mean I’ll be happy to watch him talk shit about my club to forward his own agenda, or offer him sympathy when he fails miserably at his first punt as a manager.
I think people hate know it alls especially when they know so little and are discussing people who have 10 times their experience .

Also people need to start distinguishing the man from the footballer, the footballer from the pundit etc. One can be amazing on one thing and incredibly ridiculous on the other. There is nothing disrespectful to point that out
When you have 731 million fans, it's no wonder 730 million of them are plonkers.

Not you, guys. You're all in good million.
Well, you need to define what you mean by hateful? Calling out their comments during punditry after getting fired is hateful?

Lets not get into my loyalty is more than you kind of arguments.
I dont mean as a top red, or who is the bigger fan. If you dont feel certain way towards these legends then i cannot force you to change, perhaps you werent there to witness their glory days or you had a different experience, for whatever reason it doesn't matter. I just think it's futile to argue. As for comments I find laughing at his demise to be disrespectful, and some of the criticism levelled at him and other legends have been borderline hateful.
Maybe they should separate the pundit from the player as well and isolate their quotes without the class of 92 shield.
What shield? I couldn't care less what the average pundit says and that includes the CO92, they are entitled to their opinion, which I may or may not agree with. That's about it, end of, I don't see why people have the urge to take punditry so personal.

I don't think so. Nothing better than having a Guardiola or Zidane like figure step out from our club.
:confused: I'd much rather see a Guardiola or Zidane-like figure PLAY at our club. The best manager ever never played for us, do you care? I don't.

But just because their punditry is pointed out after failing, doesn't mean people wanted them to fail from the offset.
That's the entire point of the thread, many are being disrespectful (not disagreeing, disrespectful and unappreciative little shits) displaying exactly that sort of attitude be it because they are Mourinho fans, Pogba fans, or whatever their flavour of the month is. Bunch of feckin' 5-year-olds banging on and on about complete nonsense.
People need to differentiate the player from the person. They are club legends and in discussions about their playing careers they will always get the credit and respect they deserve. But being a club legend doesn't excuse talking shite in the media and bashing the club at every opportunity. The issue people have with Neville and Scholes is their tiresome punditry. Both are constantly miserable, and moaning about just about everything regarding the club.

'If he's not good enough to play a simple ball then he shouldn't be at this club': Paul Scholes blasts Manchester United midfielder Ander Herrera and questions Spaniard's 'quality' after misplaced pass to Paul Pogba
  • Paul Scholes thinks Ander Herrera isn't good enough for Manchester United
  • Scholes questioned his quality after a misplaced pass in the Southampton draw
  • Herrera failed to complete a 30-yard pass to team-mate Paul Pogba at St Mary's

'You need to win with class': Paul Scholes criticises Jose Mourinho's reaction that triggered confrontation with Leonardo Bonucci after Manchester United's win over Juventus

Just two examples from the last few months. One is bashing a player that clearly was being misused by the manager. The other is pointlessly having a dig at the manager right after one of our better results in the last few years. Yeah we all know the manager is a cnut but why not just enjoy the result for one evening instead of focusing on the negatives straight after the game? Neville and Scholes just love putting a negative spin on everything. 90 % of Neville's in-game commentary is focusing on what team X is doing poorly rather than what team Y is doing right.

If they've decided to take up roles as pundits and are constantly outspoken and controversial in their views, then don't expect people to keep sucking it up. Eventually people are bound to get tired. You won't hear one bad spoken about Beckham on here, despite him leaving on a controversial note long before the other legends. Why? Because he hasn't got a bad word to say about the club in public. I'm not for one moment suggesting that all ex-players should be like Beckham, or that you can't criticize the club, but it's quite clear to see why people have grown tired of Neville/Scholes.

Top reds need to stop being overprotective of everything and anything. The basis of this thread ("you have to respect everything the Co92 say and do") is far more rawkish than people who don't treat every word from every club legend as gospel.
How were they putting a boot in? They care for this club. They were protecting it by wanting LVG and Jose gone.

It kinda felt like that. Because the guy in charge wasn't thier mate, they'd be ott in critiquing everything and everyone. The criticism wasn't always measured.

Liverpool ex players don't usually do that.
So when did this become a thing and why are so many United fans doing this? Neville really does annoy me, especially with how he has defended every manager but I would never disrespect him or celebrate his failure at Valencia.

Similarly, Scholes' sin here is that he criticized Mourinho and LVG as a pundit. I'm reading some comments on the Scholes' resignation thread and am quite shocked at how far this has gone.

There is this complete absurd amount of disrespected the class of 92 gets on here. If I go by some posts, replacing Scholes with Gerrard wouldn't change much with the theme of mocking and ridiculing our legends.

It's a real shame a backbone of what makes United the club it is today gets treated like this.

P.S: I think with Giggs it's a different issue so I understand that although I chose to remember the player not the man.

Completely agree. I don't get the Neville hate either personally.
The so-called class of 92 is not above criticism in public sphere. Don't deify them.
At the very least, don't expect or exhort others to treat them the way you do.
Criticism isnt the issue here, of course they arent above criticism. This is about blatant resentment towards them.
There's lots in here that ONLY know them for their post career activities. That doesn't help.
I dont mean as a top red, or who is the bigger fan. If you dont feel certain way towards these legends then i cannot force you to change, perhaps you werent there to witness their glory days or you had a different experience, for whatever reason it doesn't matter. I just think it's futile to argue. As for comments I find laughing at his demise to be disrespectful, and some of the criticism levelled at him and other legends have been borderline hateful.

See when you start with nonsense like that judging other fans' loyalty or questioning if they were fans for long enough, you pretty much make it a distasteful argument which I am not interested in getting into.

Sure you can end with 'whatever reason', maybe you should have started and ended with that.
What shield? I couldn't care less what the average pundit says and that includes the CO92, they are entitled to their opinion, which I may or may not agree with. That's about it, end of, I don't see why people have the urge to take punditry so personal.

There is no reason to take an ex player's managerial career as personal too, as long as its not with United. People should not have a problem with people criticizing their managerial career. Why does it suddenly become disrespecting as the OP suggests?
It kinda felt like that. Because the guy in charge wasn't thier mate, they'd be ott in critiquing everything and everyone. The criticism wasn't always measured.

Liverpool ex players don't usually do that.
Actually ex Liverpool players do that, it’s just it doesn’t wind up united fans. Instead they get applauded for their honesty.
It's the new school of internet fan. They're desperate for Manchester United to turn into a Spanish club like Barca or Real.

Anything that ties us to our British-ness or our heritage is automatically 'bad'.
Quite on contrary, I have always had the impression that those who criticise Scholes, Neville et al. (other British non-United players apply too, look Owen, Carragher) are the Brits, who are naturally exposed to British TV and forced to listen to their punditry. I watched Scholes every week when he was a player, but since I don't follow Sky or any other British TV and watch football mainly on Spanish/Italian or some random American channels, I have hardly seen his face and heard his voice since he retired. I've read his comments about United on Twitter, but I really didn't care that much and had no reason to start disliking him.
The fact I don't see class of 92 discussing football and talking bullshit week in week out might have indeed helped in cementing their status as legends in my head and allowed me to still love them for the memories :lol::lol::lol: I really wish all the best to pretty much all former United players, and even more so to those that I looked at when I was 7 years old and received photos from after sending a letter to the club :angel:
So to check, is it ok to say "that's a bit of a joke" about Scholes quitting his beloved home town club after 7 games?
Or is that disrespect?

Is every future action by the 92 gang to be treated with 100% backing?
That is perfectly ok to say
But go in that thread and you’ll see people going way overboard. It’s like they get off on the misery of the class of 92
Wait people are actually surprised, really? We had a manager who basically took a dump on us after Sevilla game and there wasnt much of a uproar.

So they had a go during LvG/JM tenure, is that it? I mean whats the real issue, is the way how they came out with their criticism, or the thing we heard about them wanting spots at United just because of what they done for us as players, do people think they have their own agenda post playing days when it comes to United, or what. I get that people didnt like what they said at certain moments but to have this feeling like they are enemies.

I dont whats the real story about them after their retirement, only thing whats not clear to me is and maybe i am wrong, why only ex United players seems trying to hard to sound objective as pundits, dont see similar stuff from Liverpool bunch and nobody gives a feck about that.