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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Reddy Rederson

New Member
May 11, 2018
Unicorn Country.
One from this bunch of losers

Where’d you get that picture from, the who has the most punchable face thread? :lol:

Comedians the world over must be hoping it’s boris. That first meeting of pm and president will be iconic for all the wrong reasons. Two buffoons trying to out buffoon each other.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
But a hard brexiteer will lose support of the dup as it will mean borders in ireland. Then there has to be a GE by default.

I wouldn't bet on that, the one thing the DUP fear more than borders is Jeremy getting into No.10!

In any case hasn't Barnier already gone on record to say in the case of a No deal, there will not be any borders established? I think it will need to be a more like a well planned combined left of centre 'ambush' in the HoC that will force the GE... that's is if they can ever get their act together!

For the first time in my lifetime a radical left of centre coalition has an (outside) chance of seizing power, but unfortunately deep down Jeremy really doesn't want to be PM, he is an outsider (for a long time inside his own party) always has been and being comfortable there, always will be. IMO it will need some sort of broad coalition of the left with a new leader in the Labour party to oust the Tories... even if they manage to force a GE

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
I wouldn't bet on that, the one thing the DUP fear more than borders is Jeremy getting into No.10!

The DUP would love a border in the north of Ireland, once it goes up it's will be incredibly hard to take down again. The DUP couldn't care if it might destroy their voting base.

For the first time in my lifetime a radical left of centre coalition has an (outside) chance of seizing power, but unfortunately deep down Jeremy really doesn't want to be PM, he is an outsider (for a long time inside his own party) always has been and being comfortable there, always will be. IMO it will need some sort of broad coalition of the left with a new leader in the Labour party to oust the Tories... even if they manage to force a GE
I disagree with you on the radical left of centre coalition, the only way to get these left reforms is a labour majority. The SNP/Liberal won't want any of these reforms or at best will want them watered down. And thats just issues with other parties, there's a whole range of labour MPs who would rather the manifesto(The one in the next election will be more to the left)be destroyed then be potential government policy. As for Corbyn not wanting to PM - is this even true and if so then why it's a bad thing ? Varoufakis said recently(Although yes he would think this)that huge problem with Syriza was that Tsipras loved the being the leader and top guy.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018

The DUP would love a border in the north of Ireland, once it goes up it's will be incredibly hard to take down again. The DUP couldn't care if it might destroy their voting base.

This was a response to a previous post!

I disagree with you on the radical left of centre coalition, the only way to get these left reforms is a labour majority. The SNP/Liberal won't want any of these reforms or at best will want them watered down. And thats just issues with other parties, there's a whole range of labour MPs who would rather the manifesto(The one in the next election will be more to the left)be destroyed then be potential government policy. As for Corbyn not wanting to PM - is this even true and if so then why it's a bad thing ? Varoufakis said recently(Although yes he would think this)that huge problem with Syriza was that Tsipras loved the being the leader and top guy.

Of itself its not a bad thing... unless that is you want to be in power!

Jeremy over his lifetime in politics has demonstrated he does not want to be 'front and centre' in taking decisions, he wants to be 'front and centre' criticising those who do! Its the main reason some of the Blairites in the Parliamentary Labour party thought a great joke to put him on the list for Leader, thinking everyone knows about good old Jezzer they know he doesn't want the leadership role, unfortunately they didn't count on his puppet-master pulling the strings behind him.

In the old Russian system it was the third secretary, not the Ambassador who wielded real power in their Embassy. Labour now has that set up at the top, or something similar, but unfortunately the British Public like their leaders to be Front and Centre, even when they take daft decisions. The Tories will ruthlessly try to expose this in the next GE and this time present Jeremy as McDonald's stooge.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
So long as it's not McVey, Johnson or Leadsom, I'm ok with our new insect overlord.


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
That wasn't even the worst thing about it, it is just awful.
Well you are a Tory so no wonder you don't like it. :p

I mean I thought the first one of these was pretty clever way, way back but now this auto tune song shit is pretty dull. I don't even pay attention to the website, i've heard of them but wouldn't know what type of site it is. Who gives a shit?

Sweet Square

Jun 6, 2013
The Zone
Of itself its not a bad thing... unless that is you want to be in power!

Jeremy over his lifetime in politics has demonstrated he does not want to be 'front and centre' in taking decisions, he wants to be 'front and centre' criticising those who do! Its the main reason some of the Blairites in the Parliamentary Labour party thought a great joke to put him on the list for Leader, thinking everyone knows about good old Jezzer they know he doesn't want the leadership role, unfortunately they didn't count on his puppet-master pulling the strings behind him.

In the old Russian system it was the third secretary, not the Ambassador who wielded real power in their Embassy. Labour now has that set up at the top, or something similar, but unfortunately the British Public like their leaders to be Front and Centre, even when they take daft decisions. The Tories will ruthlessly try to expose this in the next GE and this time present Jeremy as McDonald's stooge.
It's clearly worked on some then. Out of interest do you know Corbyn ?

The last election the tories threw all the smears they could but it didn't work, not because Corbyn is great or anything(Although even the people who dislike him admitted he ran a great campaign)but because Labour manifesto was popular amongst the country. People don't give a shit about Seamus Milne(Most people don't even know who he is), they care about housing, wages, funding the NHS etc.

Also I literally have no idea why brought up the soviet union.


Nothing happens until something moves!
Jul 8, 2010
Why is nobody mentioning Rees-Mogg as potential PM? I mean he's awful but I'm surprised to have not seen his name as one of the runners.
He's already declared for Boris.