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Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
I think it's far more nuanced than "people poorer, people choose extreme parties". As I said most statistics show things are getting back to 2007 levels, albeit far more slowly than most would like.

I agree with you by the way, but disagree with the reason. You blame austerity, I blame successive governments of all three colours who've implemented tax and spend policies and then do what people do with heaps of cash that isn't theirs: squander it.

You look at every department and every single one claims to be underfunded. The NHS, Education, Military, local government, Police, Welfare, Pensions... However at the same time we're still spending more than the record tax level both as a % and as a number in modern times.

That's a clear oxymoron. We can't be hugely overspending on a record tax take, whilst also underfunding every single department via "austerity". Austerity would have the country paying off the national debt at a 10 or 11 figure level per annum, not adding to it at that rate. If you get a pay rise and at the same time cut your expenditure... You don't end up with less money, that's physically impossible.

The problem is a circular one. Government waste money because there's no incentive to use it effectively. Government runs out of money so increases tax. Government waste tax because see sentence two. Government increases tax. This is literally the reason for laws against monopolies... What do you think would happen if only Amazon were legally allowed to sell things to the public?

They'll be increasing unrest as this model isn't sustainable. The pension for young people today isn't sustainable, the health deficit for people today isn't sustainable, the welfare deficit isn't sustainable, the care deficit isn't sustainable.

The fact that my current tax is being used to pay for a 70 years old's pension is literally legalised theft. My tax should be ring fenced for when my generation is 70, just like my grandparents should have been ring fenced for theirs. Do you know what the term is for that in the private sector? A ponzi scheme! It's the biggest legalised ponzi scheme known to man and just like with Madoff... The scheme can only crumble.
:lol:So by the same token the government should spend zero on your generation's education and healthcare until you start paying income tax in your teens or 20s.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
Matt Hancock on Newsnight at the moment and he seems pretty clueless. Talking about how we can use 'alternative arrangements' to sort out the backstop without explaining (like anyone else who uses that phrase) what that is.
It's one notch below 'will of the people' in the aggravation stakes.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
I think it's far more nuanced than "people poorer, people choose extreme parties". As I said most statistics show things are getting back to 2007 levels, albeit far more slowly than most would like.

I agree with you by the way, but disagree with the reason. You blame austerity, I blame successive governments of all three colours who've implemented tax and spend policies and then do what people do with heaps of cash that isn't theirs: squander it.

You look at every department and every single one claims to be underfunded. The NHS, Education, Military, local government, Police, Welfare, Pensions... However at the same time we're still spending more than the record tax level both as a % and as a number in modern times.

That's a clear oxymoron. We can't be hugely overspending on a record tax take, whilst also underfunding every single department via "austerity". Austerity would have the country paying off the national debt at a 10 or 11 figure level per annum, not adding to it at that rate. If you get a pay rise and at the same time cut your expenditure... You don't end up with less money, that's physically impossible.

The problem is a circular one. Government waste money because there's no incentive to use it effectively. Government runs out of money so increases tax. Government waste tax because see sentence two. Government increases tax. This is literally the reason for laws against monopolies... What do you think would happen if only Amazon were legally allowed to sell things to the public?

They'll be increasing unrest as this model isn't sustainable. The pension for young people today isn't sustainable, the health deficit for people today isn't sustainable, the welfare deficit isn't sustainable, the care deficit isn't sustainable.

The fact that my current tax is being used to pay for a 70 years old's pension is literally legalised theft. My tax should be ring fenced for when my generation is 70, just like my grandparents should have been ring fenced for theirs. Do you know what the term is for that in the private sector? A ponzi scheme! It's the biggest legalised ponzi scheme known to man and just like with Madoff... The scheme can only crumble.
No it isn't - the tax is theft argument is nonsense. If you're well-off and you pay tax then that tax ensures people are healthy which allows them to work and contribute to the economy, it ensures they're educated so allows them to work to a high standard (if we're talking purely in an economic sense here), and those same taxes also ensure you're secure by paying police.

Governments have plenty of inefficiency but again the idea the private sector is automatically better because it's incentivised is nonsense. The private sector is just as riddled as the public sector with incompetence, bureaucracy (within larger organisations) and nepotism with plenty of sectors/companies where knowing the right people is the best way to secure a better wage in the long-term. And these businesses are ultimately incentivised to do what's best for them: if that means hurting ordinary people along the way then they will do so if they get greater profits. You're confusing the incentive to make more money for a company with the incentive to do a public service.

In some departments (like health) we're having to spend more because the successes of that very service now mean that people live longer and so end up requiring more care. In a sense that need to spend more is the result of what's been done well.

And the reason people are unhappy is largely due to austerity. There have been literal UN reports into this and a ton of economists have condemned Tory measures over the years as unnecessary and often unhelpful. And yet they've persisted anyway because of an ideological drive that's hurt people along the way, all the while scapegoating other groups (like migrants) for problems they've created. The anger which led to Brexit is largely derived from that.

The government spending you condemn is largely what's made Britain the modern state it is today in the postwar era, even if there are a ton of problems that remain.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2010
:lol:So by the same token the government should spend zero on your generation's education and healthcare until you start paying income tax in your teens or 20s.
If you're working on the premise that the government are the body who should be spending money on Healthcare and Education (rather than merely regulating it), then it should be paid for by the 13 figure sovereign wealth fund that we should be sitting on. Naturally that's been squandered though.


Full Member
Mar 1, 2014
In Lee
Matt Hancock on Newsnight at the moment and he seems pretty clueless. Talking about how we can use 'alternative arrangements' to sort out the backstop without explaining (like anyone else who uses that phrase) what that is.
His whole pitch seems to be, 'Vote for me, because I am younger than the others and used to work in technology.'

The bar is low and there appears no need to demonstrate leadership talent or any kind of (relevant) talent to enter this race. That all and sundry seems to think they should be prime minister is a pretty sad indictment of the Tory party and the country.


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014
His whole pitch seems to be, 'Vote for me, because I am younger than the others and used to work in technology.'

The bar is low and there appears no need to demonstrate leadership talent or any kind of (relevant) talent to enter this race. That all and sundry seems to think they should be prime minister is a pretty sad indictment of the Tory party and the country.
In fairness any aspiring Tory who witnessed the leadership of the past 14 years most surely think he/she is capable of better by default. Worth remembering this entire mess was started by a poor leader trying to sure up his position. Then the past 34 months they witnessed unquestioning loyalty to Maybot, who is less of a natural leader than a 5 year old with the only football in her class.

Given the circumstances just about anybody can feel they would do better...


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Cleese's recent remarks ~ former Smiths singer Morrissey seems to suffer from the same combination of self-righteousness and outdatedness:
Guardian said:
When I asked Morrissey whether he would consider living in England again, his answer shocked me: “Britain’s a terribly negative place. And it hammers people down and it pulls you back and it prevents you. Also, with the issue of immigration, it’s very difficult because, although I don’t have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England, the more the British identity disappears. So the price is enormous. If you travel to Germany, it’s still absolutely Germany. If you travel to Sweden, it still has a Swedish identity. But travel to England and you have no idea where you are.”

I asked about his own parents being Irish immigrants, and how that had allowed him to make his very British music, to which he replied: “Yes. But it’s different now. Because the gates are flooded. And anybody can have access to England and join in … You have to be sensible about everything in life. You can’t say: “Everybody come into my house, sit on the bed, have what you like, do what you like. It wouldn’t work.” Elsewhere, he claimed that: “It seems to me that England was thrown away,” and that: “You’ll hear every accent under the sun apart from the British accent,” in Knightsbridge.


can't stop thinking about balls - NOT deflategate
Jan 31, 2014
I do like this Rory Stewart guy. Doesn't seem like a complete idiot

At least someone understand what he is on about and what he says doesn't even go against Brexit, you can Brexit but there is a way to do it and there is a clear goal to present in front of the average british population. People may not realize it but Tories plan is to benefit a small part of London while royally shaft the rest of the UK. Corbyn's socialist ideas are philosophically respectable but if I'm being honest I don't think that it's workable when you don't have an awful lot of natural resources, the UK would probably be better served with a very balanced approach and being part of the EU or EFTA is probably the easiest way to get that.


Full Member
May 6, 2007
Ginseng Strip
There’s nothing remotely special about Rory Stewart. He’s just your standard, cameronite, one nation Tory.

The Tory party’s shift to the right in recent years has just made him seem relatively moderate and sensible.


Full Member
May 18, 2011
Some 'interesting' views coming out of the woodwork last couple of days in here. At least claiming the NHS can't be underfunded isn't quite as mental as climate change denial.


likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Nov 28, 2014
I do like this Rory Stewart guy. Doesn't seem like a complete idiot

I don't like him but when i was younger, I used to think he was a Labour party member. Blair sent him to Iraq as a governor or something.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Far more relatable and sensible than the others, make him PM. The others probably get up to worse stuff behind closed doors anyway.
Yes, Tory MP's can smoke opium and it makes them quirky but poor people do it and they go to jail. Seems fair.


Bread with dipping sauce
Oct 16, 2011
Didn't say he was completely relatable but it goes to show how unrelatable the rest are
Most of the others will have done their fair share of drugs as well to be fair. Obviously not in contention now but Osborne was well-known as a proper coke fiend back in his uni days.


Sleeps with tramps, bangs jacuzzis, dirty shoes
Nov 19, 2009
Jet fuel doesn't melt steel beams
If you're working on the premise that the government are the body who should be spending money on Healthcare and Education (rather than merely regulating it), then it should be paid for by the 13 figure sovereign wealth fund that we should be sitting on. Naturally that's been squandered though.
Yup, although comparing us to the likes of Norway is specious at best.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Re: Cleese's recent remarks ~ former Smiths singer Morrissey seems to suffer from the same combination of self-righteousness and outdatedness:
Yep, Morrissey is a deeply unpleasant man really, as that article makes clear. In fact I think it actually leaves some stuff out, like him telling Der Spiegel that refugees had made Germany the rape capital of Europe.


Winner of the 'I'm not reading that' medal.
Jun 2, 2009
Big Days
Yep, Morrissey is a deeply unpleasant man really, as that article makes clear. In fact I think it actually leaves some stuff out, like him telling Der Spiegel that refugees had made Germany the rape capital of Europe.
A musician friend of mine absolutely worshipped Morrisey growing up. He’s the same age as me (32) and up until just a few years ago he’d listen to his music on an almost daily basis.

He absolutely can’t stand him now, said he no longer thinks of his music as coming from the same tortured, complex, emotional genius that it once did and instead he can only hear the whinging of a miserable man who is equally self centred and self loathing.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Yep, Morrissey is a deeply unpleasant man really, as that article makes clear. In fact I think it actually leaves some stuff out, like him telling Der Spiegel that refugees had made Germany the rape capital of Europe.
He's determined to be notorious and, nowadays, his music can't get him the required attention.


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
A musician friend of mine absolutely worshipped Morrisey growing up. He’s the same age as me (32) and up until just a few years ago he’d listen to his music on an almost daily basis.

He absolutely can’t stand him now, said he no longer thinks of his music as coming from the same tortured, complex, emotional genius that it once did and instead he can only hear the whinging of a miserable man who is equally self centred and self loathing.
Indeed, I think a lot of people feel like that. Especially given his personality is very much front and centre in his music.

In fact the real irony is that his anti-Thatcher, anti-Tory, anti-royalist, anti-capitalist, pro-vegan, pro animal welfare, pro-LGBT sentiments probably influenced many of his rather cultish fans into holding the sort of liberal, left wing beliefs he is now transgressing.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Like many of their supporters, Morrissey can't be bothered to look into the funding of Farage, Robinson etc etc. They're useful idiots, the tools of rich patrons; their 'convictions' are for sale.