SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
Shakesey said:
How is it that most people who comment here seem so... Well... intelligent?
We're all like-minded. Because of affluence.


New Member
Oct 21, 2013
Spoke to my brother in law. His colleague is now on a ventilator. He said there is not enough protective clothing for him and his staff especially the nurses. He has not been tested and neither is he eligible though his colleague is on a ventilator. This is unbelievable that one doctor is on a ventilator yet his colleague who has so many patients is not tested.
He said the story of tigers led by donkeys is absolutely true.


Pogba's biggest fan
Dec 6, 2015
3. Why delay lockdown til mid march?
Was asked yesterday or the day before, Vallance I think it was said they were going through models throughout March and then made the decision to lock down when they had enough information for the scenarios.

Was rebuttled by the Reuters reporter saying we were told models actually started in February, to which he was answered "I don't know what to tell you, our models were in March" - or something to that effect.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Yep. Which is why it will NEVER go that far. The planet Will say enough is enough and governments will open lockdown and go head on.....who dies,dies,sadly but the bulk survives and the world also
There's a disturbing group around here that think that history in 3050 will look back at this and see mankind sat in their living rooms and clapped for the NHS then died like crickets in their pyjamas.

They're sorely mistaken.
So you would prefer they died in far greater numbers in the streets?


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
With Johnson, Raab, Patel, Gove, Hancock, Mogg et al running the show, it can't come as a surprise that it's a complete shitshow.
If the political will was there to get the proper kit to NHS staff, it could be done in days. That should tell you something.
Add Brexit on top of this disaster.......Christ, this country is so fecked.
I am curious as to know where people think this all comes from?

Yes it's a bad situation that any NHS worker might not have proper kit, but there is a larger issue for most of the countries in the world being at the mercy of China and East Asia to produce this stuff as they produce around 85% of all PPE. And I have heard alot of people ask why wasnt all the kit and ventilators being bought in January in preparation, well incase people are forgetting that was when East Asia was the epicentre and were hoarding all the equipment.
Now it's mostly been contained over there we are at the stage where countries are bidding against each to get what they truly need.
Only Germany have the industry to produce testing and kit from the get go and if people have forgotten as well they were hoarding themselves by banning exports in March.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I think someone is throwing Australia a bone after the wildfires. I hope anyway, don't want my dad to get sick. Or kangaroos because they're awesome.
We got lucky and we had a government who have fecked up time and again so they were keen to do better this time. Not great but much better. The Ruby Princess fiasco aside we have also been lucky enough to lock down largely ahead of mass imported cases. Stopping flights from China and Italy helped and now we have compulsory 14 days of hotel quarantine at government expense for all international or interstate travellers (or just turning people back at interstate borders when they don't have a permit).

Some numpty tried to drive 95kg of weed over the NSW-Qld border this week. Fined $1000 for not having a good reason to cross the border, then arrested for commercial drug production. What a dimwit.


Love is in the air, everywhere I look around
Apr 8, 2009
Ahhh, Red Cafe! My go-to news outlet. I love you guys!

How is it that most people who comment here seem so... Well... intelligent? Whenever I make the mistake of going on to Facebook I lose faith in humanity. Sorry to say, but most people on there are idiots. And Facebook is most people.

Somehow we got the perfect platform here. I came to the Caf for football, but I'm getting so much more out of it! Thanks!
This used to be pretty strict. It took me nearly one year of posting to be promoted from the newbies, and I'm not exactly an illiterate guy, to put it modestly. I just wan't promoted because the stuff I posted wasn't interesting enough to get noticed.

Promotion "standards" have relaxed quite a bit since then, but I guess that sort of obsession with "quality" posters trickled down quite a bit throughout the years, and a sort of culture developed from that.

I think my life would be quite different without redcafe. I've gained debating skills here simply by getting beaten on conversations by people like Brwned, Mockney and Pogue, or watching them argue against each other. I went from that feeling of "I know I'm right but am not being able to argue with them" to holding my own quite confidently against other people. This has spilled over to my "real" life and has improved both my social and professional standing.
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In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I am curious as to know where people think this all comes from?

Yes it's a bad situation that any NHS worker might not have proper kit, but there is a larger issue for most of the countries in the world being at the mercy of China and East Asia to produce this stuff as they produce around 85% of all PPE. And I have heard alot of people ask why wasnt all the kit and ventilators being bought in January in preparation, well incase people are forgetting that was when East Asia was the epicentre and were hoarding all the equipment.
Now it's mostly been contained over there we are at the stage where countries are bidding against each to get what they truly need.
Only Germany have the industry to produce testing and kit from the get go and if people have forgotten as well they were hoarding themselves by banning exports in March.
Competent planning a couple of months ago when it was obvious what was coming.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2014

Priti Patel is a disgrace on so many levels. Even her 'apology' was basically a passive aggressive bark at reporter to shut up. #Bully

The question I want answered is why didn't Government build UK manufacturing capacity for PPE (and place foreign orders) from mid January? Why only start panic buying from mid March??? These lost 6 weeks is a key reason why UK is getting battered by covid19.

Also, why dont reporters ever ask

2. Why didn't UK close borders to covid19 hot spot nations? And insist ALL incoming UK citizens complete monitored quarantine?
3. Why delay lockdown til mid march?
4. Why not use army for draconian implementation of lockdown?
5. Why wasn't a 'pandemic' previously war gamed, with established protocols already in place?

It's blatantly obvious UK Government is winging it, and making huge self inflicted errors because of 'the fog of war' due to lack of any planning whatsoever, some which could have started since 2nd January.
I'm amazed at how anyone thinks any government isn't winging it. Of course they're winging it, there's zero information. There was zero information in January. Nobody had a clue. Because why would they know? Revisionist nonsense.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
I'm amazed at how anyone thinks any government isn't winging it. Of course they're winging it, there's zero information. There was zero information in January. Nobody had a clue. Because why would they know? Revisionist nonsense.
All data from SARS, MERS etc was available to all countries for many years. Governments across NE & SE Asia had previous strategic plans and resources in place. I was in Thailand during their initial phase. They knew exactly what to do and when to do it, and with the right level of urgency or severity. They certainly didn't 'wing it' at all. Countries like New Zealand chose to follow that lead.

covid19 doesn't care about human timetables, it gets on with its business on its own timetable. It's up to our elected Governments to react in a timely fashion to protect their citizens.

Lastly, there has been loads of official and anecdotal information about covid19 since mid January. And for a country who could build a 1500 bed capacity hospital in 9 days, 6 weeks is an eternity. UK Government chose to assume it wouldn't blow this way, which is proving to be a tragically arrogant miscalculation.

Not sure what is revisionist or non sensical of any of the above.
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Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
I had this debate with a facebook friend who is very much "this is all media hyper, why we locked down, look at Sweden"

Sweden has a population of 10.23 million in a land mass of 450,295 km² known cases is at 10,151 or 0.098% of the population.
The UK has a population of 66.65 million in a land mass of 242,495 km² known cases of 78,991 or 0.11% of the population.

So the numbers are not far from ours, despite them having a significantly less number of people within their population, spread out over a greater area. Sweden has a population density of 25 per km², the United Kingdom has 272 per km² and England has 430 per km²

You could probably argue that Sweden is, in fact, doing worst than most countries, considering when you take into account population density and their known cases within the population are equivalent to countries that are more densely populated.

You could argue but it would not be true. Absolute and relative number says they are better while preserving better the economy.

We have to understand that every country, every moment of the pandemia demands different solutions.

The density of sweden helps them to opt for the path they chosen. Time will tell if they were right. If situation goes out of hands, they might change strategy accordingly like UK did when everything went tits up

Different strategies might achieve the best goals than a country can achieve in a precise moment.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
No 10 must have watched the movie Wag the dog. I am starting to wonder if Boris was even positive. Maybe have had the case of bad food poisoning --- and his media folks probably thought, lets make it topical and say he was on the frontline fighting, on the beaches of Covid.

Carolina Red

Nov 7, 2015
South Carolina
There was zero information in January. Nobody had a clue. Because why would they know?
Easy there, Donald...
Donald Trump was warned at the end of January by one of his top White House advisers that coronavirus had the potential to kill hundreds of thousands of Americans and derail the US economy, unless tough action were taken immediately, new memos have revealed.

The memos were written by Trump’s economic adviser, Peter Navarro, and circulated via the National Security Council widely around the White House and federal agencies.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Pretty sure time is telling us right now that they weren’t.

Compare them to their neighbors.
Their neighbours, Norway, Denmark and Finland. Similar in economy, density and culture are doing better so far I believe


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I can't believe that counties like the UK and US, who are suffering so much for late and/or inadequate restrictions, are talking about relaxing them.

Australia has reduced their daily infection rate from 20% to 2% (only 58 deaths with under 40 ICU beds being used at any one time) and the government are still saying lock down will probably have to last at least another 6 months.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
Finland and Norway much better, yes?

With different strategies as well, I believe.
Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you.

Yes, for now doesn't look like compared to them, but if the strategy is herd immunity will be long term. And if it works it might save more lives.

So if it doesn't go out of hands, might work


Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
I can't believe that counties like the UK and US, who are suffering so much for late and/or inadequate restrictions, are talking about relaxing them.

Australia has reduced their daily infection rate from 20% to 2% (only 58 deaths with under 40 ICU beds being used at any one time) and the government are still saying lock down will probably have to last at least another 6 months.
They’re just playing along and leading on their citizens. You can’t tell me their scientists don’t know how it’s going to go, it’s not like UK advisors are stupider than those from everywhere else.

For the UK particularly, if they were actually honest about how long it’s going to take, they’d face revolt and civil unrest within a week. You can even see it on this board occasionally. Too many people are pissed off about being stuck inside while the sun’s out and think “lockdown” is just a button to flick on and off, and when “lockdown is over” (whatever the feck that means) they’re off to Ibiza with mates.

It’s going to be a slow-burner of a reveal and the idiots will only realise it when there’s still nowhere to party in the middle of June.
Jul 31, 2015
Somewhere out there
Pretty sure time is telling us right now that they weren’t.

Compare them to their neighbors.
Such a stupid point.

Why is New York much worse than Massachusetts?

Sweden’s second City Gothenburg is doing as well as their neighbors capitals (so far) which are of a similar size.
Right now Stockholm, an area of 2.3 million people, the most populous in the Nordics and where the virus has been circulating since late February has just 523 deaths and just 213 people in ICU.
Does that really tell that Sweden were “wrong”? Think again.
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Jul 31, 2015
Somewhere out there
I had this debate with a facebook friend who is very much "this is all media hyper, why we locked down, look at Sweden"

Sweden has a population of 10.23 million in a land mass of 450,295 km² known cases is at 10,151 or 0.098% of the population.
The UK has a population of 66.65 million in a land mass of 242,495 km² known cases of 78,991 or 0.11% of the population.

So the numbers are not far from ours, despite them having a significantly less number of people within their population, spread out over a greater area. Sweden has a population density of 25 per km², the United Kingdom has 272 per km² and England has 430 per km²

You could probably argue that Sweden is, in fact, doing worst than most countries, considering when you take into account population density and their known cases within the population are equivalent to countries that are more densely populated.
That’d all make sense @Hal9000 if you just completely ignored that Stockholm has half of all of the infected cases and 523 of the 887 deaths.

Stockholm has 2.3m people in 6500 km2. The city has 4800 people per km2, the county 359 per km2.

So take Stockholm out and yeah, you have a point, the same point I made weeks ago but had to spend an entire day arguing about urban density and such nonsense. Sweden is a huge place, with a small population, if was never likely to be the next Spain or Italy as many on here were predicting.