Jurgen Klopp Sack Watch

I don't feel grim about Liverpool winning their first title in 30 years at all though?

I'm sure you don't but I can't think of a worse way to win it if I'm honest. Firstly you lose your unbeaten run and go out of all competitions, then the season is interrupted due to a pandemic, then it resumes with no fans, then you win the league when you're not even playing and your fans and players disgrace the club, then you play city and get done 4-0 which is the joint biggest defeat a newly crowned champion has ever suffered.

It's all a bit meh when you look at the invincible best team ever talk a few months ago.
I'm not gloating. I'm just responding saying that Liverpool fans don't feel grim about it.
They may not feel grim but they should be enjoying this and feeling so much better.

It’s hilarious how you’ve won the league* and it’s a massive non event
I'm sure you don't but I can't think of a worse way to win it if I'm honest. Firstly you lose your unbeaten run and go out of all competitions, then the season is interrupted due to a pandemic, then it resumes with no fans, then you win the league when your not even playing and your fans and players disgrace the club, then you play city and get done 4-0 which is the joint biggest defeat a newly crowned champion has ever suffered.

It's all a bit meh when you look at the invincible best team ever talk a few months ago.
That wasn't us talking about the best team ever stuff though. The media puts this idea forward to provoke those kind of discussions so that they have something to write about and get clicks etc. You might get the odd Liverpool fan who spouts nonsense like that online but everyone knows it's a daft (and unnecessary) comparison.

When it's been 30 years you take it any way it comes, but I don't think the players did anything wrong from what I saw? The fans did but that was inevitable when you put that many people together in one place. You'll always get some complete disgraces to humanity dragging the rest down.
Finally crept out of my cave to say
Feck the scousers! 4-0 after just getting a guard of honor lol! Klopp ain't sleeping tonight.
Honestly, for periods of this season they have performed poorly. At the start of the season they pulled results out to their credit. In middle of season they were very good. Now they look poor again but don't seem to be able to find a result.

Still possible they end the season so statistically one of the most remarkable sides but for me it won't be on performance
I mean his team just lost the game to the challengers. Anyone would be pissed at that. Let alone a manager who would be under so much pressure to perform. Fergie would have also lost his shit. Hating the idea of losing is what made Fergie great and maybe this is what makes him great for Liverpool fans. We can all hate him as much as we want really.
That wasn't us talking about the best team ever stuff though. The media puts this idea forward to provoke those kind of discussions so that they have something to write about and get clicks etc. You might get the odd Liverpool fan who spouts nonsense like that online but everyone knows it's a daft (and unnecessary) comparison.

When it's been 30 years you take it any way it comes, but I don't think the players did anything wrong from what I saw? The fans did but that was inevitable when you put that many people together in one place. You'll always get some complete disgraces to humanity dragging the rest down.

The players and manager shouldn't have had a party and the club shouldn't have broadcasted it. In my opinion it was yet another PR mess and the catalyst for all the trouble. It also breached the regulations.

Anyway I get what you're saying but I think if you're honest you'll accept it's all been a bit of a damp squib.
Honestly, for periods of this season they have performed poorly. At the start of the season they pulled results out to VAR credit. In middle of season they were very good. Now they look poor again but don't seem to be able to find a result.

Still possible they end the season so statistically one of the most remarkable sides but for me it won't be on performance

The players and manager shouldn't have had a party and the club shouldn't have broadcasted it. In my opinion it was yet another PR mess and the catalyst for all the trouble. It also breached the regulations.

Anyway I get what you're saying but I think if you're honest you'll accept it's all been a bit of a damp squib.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?
Ah yes, the 2 wrongs make 1 right approach.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?

You're doing your best in this thread to defend your club, but why not just admit it? Your title means nothing, your players and manager are dicks and your fans are scum. Let it out mate.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?

“It’s never your fault... it’s....”
Ah yes, the 2 wrongs make 1 right approach.
You're doing your best in this thread to defend your club, but why not just admit it? Your title means nothing, your players and manager are dicks and your fans are scum. Let it out mate.
“It’s never your fault... it’s....”
I’m not excusing it but it was always going to happen wasn’t it? People have stopped caring for whatever reason and Liverpool fans are as idiotic as anyone.
Contrasting interview he gave to BBC on their website, but the Sky one is being viral about for his rant. When you ask dumb inane questions like "at 0-0 did you have decent chances yourself?" coming from a guy who watches the match pitchside himself, that's enough to set off any manager who's just lost 4-0.
That wasn't us talking about the best team ever stuff though. The media puts this idea forward to provoke those kind of discussions so that they have something to write about and get clicks etc. You might get the odd Liverpool fan who spouts nonsense like that online but everyone knows it's a daft (and unnecessary) comparison.

When it's been 30 years you take it any way it comes, but I don't think the players did anything wrong from what I saw? The fans did but that was inevitable when you put that many people together in one place. You'll always get some complete disgraces to humanity dragging the rest down.
Woah there pal. Most liverpool supporting friends and family of mine have been doing and saying exactly what we accuse them of. Best team in the world, one of the best and most convincing league wins and all that bollox. They will never change. A delusional fanbase to say the least and this season (will only be remembered for the stoppage and a good laugh at liverpool) is just desserts for a club that thinks it's shit don't stink.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?
That's it, find someone else to blame instaed of the moron fans and stupid players.

It's their fault and their fault alone.
Woah there pal. Most liverpool supporting friends and family of mine have been doing and saying exactly what we accuse them of. Best team in the world, one of the best and most convincing league wins and all that bollox. They will never change. A delusional fanbase to say the least and this season (will only be remembered for the stoppage and a good laugh at liverpool) is just desserts for a club that thinks it's shit don't stink.
Loads of them were, on this forum too. Talking about points total, points totals over 2 seasons, all that jazz. Reading most posts on here, you'd have thought no other team had won a league title before.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?
I haven't got an issue with the players celebrating or even the video being released - you win a title, you're distancing via isolation so crack on... party, drink, whatever. To be honest, I'm not that arsed about them winning it - nowhere near as much as I would have been in another season. The prospect has haunted me for years but with CV19, I think I've gone to "there's bigger issues in life" mode.

But I wouldn't be going for the "they're dickheads, so we can be dickheads" defence. Partly (as has already been said), two wrongs doesn't make it right and partly as the world knows .... thats a red herring and they'd have done it anyway.

It also doesn't help that Spirit of Shankly were so aggrieved that anyone would even suggest they might misbehave, they put out a release having a go at Liverpool's mayor ... "How dare you!".... just for the mayor (and the rest of the world) to be proven correct.


Then the club do this half hearted 'fans, please don't be naughty' press release after the celebrations.

Even without the rivalry, the club/fans make it SO fecking hard to be liked. Even the sycophantic media had had enough after two days of celebrations despite lockdown rules.

(Still glad you've been saved :) )
I think Pool will challenge for the treble next year. If they go for the cups which they may not.
What did you expect with the government and their ridiculous handling of the pandemic? Mixed messages constantly. If they can train together they can have a few drinks together surely?

Add to that the protests around the country, the overly packed beaches etc. It’s not a surprise that Liverpool fans did the same is it?

Ermmm does that make it okay then? Surely the idea is to be role models and not just do whatever because other people are?

You have to be held to a higher standard.
The one thing which people keep ignoring is that this Liverpool team is not as good as City's title winning teams.

Their whole run is a massive over-performance to how well they have played, and in 15/20 reruns of this season, City would win the title.

Even after this defeat, they have conceded 7 goals less than they should, scored 5 more goals than expected, and have a whopping 22 points more than expected.

Reversion to the mean will happen.

Liverpool also have a very small window as far as their team age goes to win major trophies.
Sky gave a stat at half time today. First time Liverpool have been 3-0 down at half time since they played Stoke in 2015 :lol:
Not a good sign for him already. As I said, winning the league vs winning the league for multiple years is different. Maybe They will finish second next season.
It will be interesting to see him completely melt down once he has a run of poor results/ injuries.

It's inevitable.
Relax. If we just had to give City a guard of honor and they came to our place we would spank them.
Relax. If we just had to give City a guard of honor and they came to our place we would spank them.
I don’t think so, your days are already up and The only way is down now imo. Lost 5 of your last 9, klopp melting already. Enjoy the league* this year while no one cares about it but there’s only one way those spankings will be going in future
This was just pathetic from Liverpool. I guess their season is over, and they stopped giving a damn.

Considering how things were building up to be a massive, massive party in January, the way the season played out really took the fun out of their PL title.
Ermmm does that make it okay then? Surely the idea is to be role models and not just do whatever because other people are?

You have to be held to a higher standard.
I haven’t articulated my point very well. It was more a comment to do with the attitude in the UK as a whole but yeah, I get your point.
I haven't got an issue with the players celebrating or even the video being released - you win a title, you're distancing via isolation so crack on... party, drink, whatever. To be honest, I'm not that arsed about them winning it - nowhere near as much as I would have been in another season. The prospect has haunted me for years but with CV19, I think I've gone to "there's bigger issues in life" mode.

But I wouldn't be going for the "they're dickheads, so we can be dickheads" defence. Partly (as has already been said), two wrongs doesn't make it right and partly as the world knows .... thats a red herring and they'd have done it anyway.

It also doesn't help that Spirit of Shankly were so aggrieved that anyone would even suggest they might misbehave, they put out a release having a go at Liverpool's mayor ... "How dare you!".... just for the mayor (and the rest of the world) to be proven correct.


Then the club do this half hearted 'fans, please don't be naughty' press release after the celebrations.

Even without the rivalry, the club/fans make it SO fecking hard to be liked. Even the sycophantic media had had enough after two days of celebrations despite lockdown rules.

(Still glad you've been saved :) )
Again I didn’t put my point forward well. I’m not trying to defend the fans going out but I guess I understand their mentality towards it considering the messages they’ve had from the government etc.

I do see your point and Spirit of Shankly is full of hypocrites.