Brexited | the worst threads live the longest

Do you think there will be a Deal or No Deal?

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Stanley Road

Renaissance Man
Feb 19, 2001
Wrong Unstable Leadership
But in EU countries you can't just walk straight in , you have to be able to support yourself but the UK decided not to apply that rule.
Non-EU immigration is at its highest level - taking bets on happiness of the majority of Brexiteers.

Remember the arguments at the beginning of this farce that there were too many immigrants taking all the school places, overcrowding hospitals and all the rest of the nonsense. 100k target getting further and further away.
The notice in landlady's windows must now be "No Dogs, No Irish, No Europeans".

Watch them squirm.
When i came here 20 years ago i had to check in with the alien police every 3 months to confirm my work status, that's not the case anymore so yes, people can just walk in. That was in fact the argument of remainers, they wanted the freedom to just walk in, it's discrimination and protectionism on a massive scale. Choose to call ot freedom if you want.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
When i came here 20 years ago i had to check in with the alien police every 3 months to confirm my work status, that's not the case anymore so yes, people can just walk in. That was in fact the argument of remainers, they wanted the freedom to just walk in, it's discrimination and protectionism on a massive scale. Choose to call ot freedom if you want.
But that is the choice of the NL government, each country has it's own policy and regulations, Belgium is not the same, France is not the same. So the objection by the Brexiters is to the UK government's immigration policy. Likewise as they can control both they could also allow free movement plus no checks on non-EU citizens but they don't.
If you become a burden on the state you could be sent back if the government so choose to.

Then you've got morons like Farage shouting at the sea looking for refugees coming across the channel in boats. In or out of the EU the UK and continental Europe are not moving away from each other plus most illegal immigrants simply overstay their visas and most of them come by plane.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
When i came here 20 years ago i had to check in with the alien police every 3 months to confirm my work status, that's not the case anymore so yes, people can just walk in. That was in fact the argument of remainers, they wanted the freedom to just walk in, it's discrimination and protectionism on a massive scale. Choose to call ot freedom if you want.
Well exactly, it’s our government that have chosen not to enforce these rules.

Steven Seagull

Full Member
Aug 31, 2010
The Clockwork Orange tulip technician.
You can't be racist to vote against people of the same race but you can be xenophobic, the other reason was stupidity.
Successive governments, ie the Tories promised to lower immigration but didn't but nevertheless now have a massive majority. Racism and xenophobia comes from ignorance and stupidity. Seems to be a common factor - gullibility and stupidity.
Waiting to see who gets the blame next year for their woes. I suppose it's whoever the tabloids decide.
I still don’t get your point. Or did you even have one? Your bullshit liberal centrism has got us into this mess because it made people like you a lot of money. Please tell us what year you stopped voting conservative and why?

Foreigners? Leftys?
you’re another one. Somebody who’s lived in Australian middle class land for so long they wouldn’t know a leftie if it slapped them in the face

The morons who keep voting for the party breaking that promise?
You mean the conservatives like Paul has been voting for all his life? Now he’ll tell you he hasn’t voted for them for years. What a bloody hero he is. He really took a stand there when they got nasty in 2009. Only 30 years late

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
I still don’t get your point. Or did you even have one? Your bullshit liberal centrism has got us into this mess because it made people like you a lot of money. Please tell us what year you stopped voting conservative and why?
My point is that if Brexiters voted Brexit because of immigration - it's the UK's immigration policy they should have voted against. Please don't tell me Brexit was a protest vote, I cannot take people who say this seriously.

Am I supposedly a liberal or a conservative or a lefty.
Give you a clue, first time I voted in a GE was for Labour, I haven't voted in a General election this century and in 2009 I wasn't living in the UK.

I will also give you some good news, I will never live or vote in the UK ever again.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
Its fantastic this thread is still going, we've had Covid-19, Lockdowns, BLM, Donald Trump dodging impeachment and people are still going on about Brexit! It must be 'time warp' syndrome, look forward to the day they start toppling EU symbols, tearing down the 12 stars flag, and cancelling the Eurovision contest.... oh sorry they already have!


Full Member
Sep 30, 2009
Its fantastic this thread is still going, we've had Covid-19, Lockdowns, BLM, Donald Trump dodging impeachment and people are still going on about Brexit! It must be 'time warp' syndrome, look forward to the day they start toppling EU symbols, tearing down the 12 stars flag, and cancelling the Eurovision contest.... oh sorry they already have!
almost like it's still going on and we're careering towards a no deal, isn't it?


Full Member
May 9, 2015
Its fantastic this thread is still going, we've had Covid-19, Lockdowns, BLM, Donald Trump dodging impeachment and people are still going on about Brexit! It must be 'time warp' syndrome, look forward to the day they start toppling EU symbols, tearing down the 12 stars flag, and cancelling the Eurovision contest.... oh sorry they already have!
Yes, it's almost as if the coming disaster isn't going to happen. Panicking much?


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
almost like it's still going on and we're careering towards a no deal, isn't it?
Indeed and I think the next 6 months will see brexit in the news more and more
I mean we chose this week not to be involved in the eu covid vaccination project and more and more things like that will happen.
Then in January no doubt we will have people queuing at airports... trucks stuck at ports and business having issues with tariff and other issues...
Plus even if we leave with no deal all that happens is that we then start a new round of negotiations to get a deal...
This thread will be around for a few years yet


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Its fantastic this thread is still going, we've had Covid-19, Lockdowns, BLM, Donald Trump dodging impeachment and people are still going on about Brexit! It must be 'time warp' syndrome, look forward to the day they start toppling EU symbols, tearing down the 12 stars flag, and cancelling the Eurovision contest.... oh sorry they already have!
Brexit will be around for a looooong time, the fastest way to have end it was to knock it on its head, which obviously wasn’t going to happen.


The Caf's Ezza.
Apr 16, 2015
The stable
African teacher: "what do you want to be when you grow up"
African child: "I want to destroy England by claiming benefits"

Also is it a fake account? She has the typical first name last name numbers username that is used to spout right-wing nonsense

Vernon Philander

Full Member
Apr 2, 2014
African teacher: "what do you want to be when you grow up"
African child: "I want to destroy England by claiming benefits"

Also is it a fake account? She has the typical first name last name numbers username that is used to spout right-wing nonsense
Good Question. Might be an auto username given by Twitter on sign-up?

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Don't mistake her kindness for weakness
I also hate folk that say daft shit like that too. Nobody mistakes kindness for weakness unless they're the kind of person who is only kind when they feel like it and act like being kind is some wondrous gift that everyone should applaud them for. Grrrrr I need a Capri Sun now.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Its fantastic this thread is still going, we've had Covid-19, Lockdowns, BLM, Donald Trump dodging impeachment and people are still going on about Brexit! It must be 'time warp' syndrome, look forward to the day they start toppling EU symbols, tearing down the 12 stars flag, and cancelling the Eurovision contest.... oh sorry they already have!
This thread (and Brexit) will continue to be a huge discussion going into the future, barring the complete and total collapse of the EU as an organisation.

Which is something both the Brexiteers and some of the more devastated remainers (of which I admit I was one initially) fail to grasp. Deal/ no deal by this December, this will not be the end of what I'm sure will be constant readjustments of our relationship with this huge trading block less than an hour from our doorsteps.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
This thread (and Brexit) will continue to be a huge discussion going into the future, barring the complete and total collapse of the EU as an organisation.

Which is something both the Brexiteers and some of the more devastated remainers (of which I admit I was one initially) fail to grasp. Deal/ no deal by this December, this will not be the end of what I'm sure will be constant readjustments of our relationship with this huge trading block less than an hour from our doorsteps.
Yes it seems you are right, it is the disappointed remainers now who are looking back wistfully to a time they perceive as 'salad days and sunny uplands' when the EU worked like a 'well oiled machine' constantly churning in favour of the UK.
It is true issues arising from our Brexit from the EU will continue going forward, we wont stop trading with them, nor them with us and both sides will need to reach compromises, but ours will be on the basis of what is best for the UK not 27 other countries.
The UK is no longer a member of the EU, but certainly a major trading partner for the EU and as such compromises will be reached and nobody will get all they want and the world will still turn on its axis (at least we think it will!) and so it seems, there will still be Caf members posting about Brexit!

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
This is not the beginning of the end, the UK still haven't reached the end of the beginning and it is clear that many (brexiters and remainers) haven't got a clue what awaits them or what Brexit actually means. To top it all they've got an unbelievably incompetent government to lead them through it.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Tottenham Hotspur
Yes it seems you are right, it is the disappointed remainers now who are looking back wistfully to a time they perceive as 'salad days and sunny uplands' when the EU worked like a 'well oiled machine' constantly churning in favour of the UK.
It is true issues arising from our Brexit from the EU will continue going forward, we wont stop trading with them, nor them with us and both sides will need to reach compromises, but ours will be on the basis of what is best for the UK not 27 other countries.
The UK is no longer a member of the EU, but certainly a major trading partner for the EU and as such compromises will be reached and nobody will get all they want and the world will still turn on its axis (at least we think it will!) and so it seems, there will still be Caf members posting about Brexit!
Of course there will be members posting about Brexit. The majority of the posters on here are British or Irish and therefore this decision affects our lives greatly.

And like I said, whatever is signed by this December is only the end of the beginning really. Deal/ no deal, it almost doesn't matter. The relationship will continue to evolve.

And in a world dominated by two increasingly at odds superpowers and a large bloc acting economically as one, smaller states who either wish to go it alone (the UK) or who are alone by geography (Australia/NZ /South Korea/Japan) will have no choice but to increasingly pick Sides between the two or potentially the three. And just as parties run on foreign policy now regarding how they'll approach China/Russia/the Middle East, they will also run on how they'll approach the EU going forward.

Australia is already seeing it as it tries to stand up to China and we will soon see it too every time we try to stand up to China/ USA.


Full Member
Oct 25, 2010
Yes it seems you are right, it is the disappointed remainers now who are looking back wistfully to a time they perceive as 'salad days and sunny uplands' when the EU worked like a 'well oiled machine' constantly churning in favour of the UK.
It is true issues arising from our Brexit from the EU will continue going forward, we wont stop trading with them, nor them with us and both sides will need to reach compromises, but ours will be on the basis of what is best for the UK not 27 other countries.
The UK is no longer a member of the EU, but certainly a major trading partner for the EU and as such compromises will be reached and nobody will get all they want and the world will still turn on its axis (at least we think it will!) and so it seems, there will still be Caf members posting about Brexit!
No point arguing any more I guess. Just gotta laugh and/or cry.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
And like I said, whatever is signed by this December is only the end of the beginning really. Deal/ no deal, it almost doesn't matter. The relationship will continue to evolve.
This is all very true in essence, but do you think anything of any worth will be signed by December, because I don't, or whatever is signed won't be worth the paper its written on, at least for very long?

However; there is so much going on 'off stage' both for the EU and the UK that neither side will want to rock the boat too much and I suspect things will continue pretty much as they are, unless one or other of the parties wants to change something rapidly and the only thing likely to have urgency is the fishing issues. The most likely deal being a one year, or maybe two, where things move slowly to a position where all EU states with an interest, will finish up negotiating for their own specific needs with the UK, but for the sake of seeming EU unity it will be under the guise of a post Brexit UK/EU Fisheries deal.

All the internal markets affected are pretty clearly marked/set out already and unless something, or some country wants to change things rapidly, be it via tariffs or other 'changes' much will continue as before. We are currently aligned with EU Rules and Regs, on most things, the only nod to a real change is likely to be some border issues, where a mish-mash compromise will be found and continued with, until some clever sod finds a way of making a few pounds/euros by smuggling or some such racket. Money matters will be sorted as now, very quietly and since there are no UK MEPS there to rock the boat, the EU's formidable and much vaunted internal Audit processes will make sure nobody knows nothing they shouldn't, primarily because there is nothing to see!

With Covid-19 still raging in the undergrowth in most Countries and desperate lockdown escape plans being hatched to rescue the economies of virtually every country in Europe (whether part of the EU or not) within each country, not within the EU, then now is not a good time to make waves. Each of the three main leaders, Merkel, Macron and Johnson are facing their own problems and you would think will want to keep their heads down, although if their personal positions become untenable, then one or more of them might want to light the blue touch paper to Brexit, as a means of creating a smoke screen.

Hence the new 'No deal' is 'No change', at least not yet and Caf members can go on happily postulating ideas on Brexit, till the cows come home....oh Joy!

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Hence the new 'No deal' is 'No change', at least not yet and Caf members can go on happily postulating ideas on Brexit, till the cows come home....oh Joy!
Even if the UK signed a fully comprehensive trade deal with both the EU and the USA by December, which of course they won't, and probably not for many years, if at all , I guarantee the UK will notice a massive difference come January and regrets will soon be in evidence. By this time next year , well..
PS Fish no-one really cares about in the either the UK nor the EU .
The UK are still sleepwalking.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
Even if the UK signed a fully comprehensive trade deal with both the EU and the USA by December, which of course they won't, and probably not for many years, if at all , I guarantee the UK will notice a massive difference come January and regrets will soon be in evidence. By this time next year , well..
PS Fish no-one really cares about in the either the UK nor the EU .
The UK are still sleepwalking.
Wishful thinking Paul... if only we hadn't missed that sitter!

I doubt there will be anything signed anywhere just now, other fish to fry (excuse the pun). Come 1st of January 2021 things will continue as they are, no deals changed, companies still trading as before, maybe one or two unmanned 'cardboard cut out' border posts established (if they are cardboard and unmanned, it wont matter if they get blown up!) for effect.

Movement if any, depends who loses their nerve first, my betting is its Macron and it will be French (not EU) fishing rights that he will champion, but maybe not, maybe Boris will risk the wrath of what's left of the UK fishing industry and agree to some 2 year moratorium on fishing matters, or maybe Merkel will risk her dwindling influence in Germany and top up the EU budget herself!

The UK will be out of the EU and technically able to do what it likes and there will be great celebrations in Leave areas, but will things change that much, very much doubt it, certainly not until Covid-19 is under some sort of control and by then there will be a new 'normal' anyway, which surprisingly may favour a Brexit scenario?


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
This is all very true in essence, but do you think anything of any worth will be signed by December, because I don't, or whatever is signed won't be worth the paper its written on, at least for very long?
I think the next few months are basically trying to find an acceptable name for an extension that isn't called an extension
Initial trading relationship for example


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
I think the next few months are basically trying to find an acceptable name for an extension that isn't called an extension
Initial trading relationship for example
Exactly no one can accept an actual 'extension' as that includes the UK still paying into EU coffers and law taking not law making. It will, I suspect be more like a 'mexican standoff', each daring the other to make the first move, but with little actual change to trade/transport/ security/ etc. itself, and behind closed doors there will be a lot of horse-trading but only with trusted participants, who will not go running to the press (see how long that lasts!).

The moderating influence on Brexit actions will be Covid-19, and all countries whether in the EU or not, are subject to its moderating influences.

Paul the Wolf

Score Predictions Competition Organiser
Apr 17, 2014
France - can't win anything with Swedish turnips
Wishful thinking Paul... if only we hadn't missed that sitter!

I doubt there will be anything signed anywhere just now, other fish to fry (excuse the pun). Come 1st of January 2021 things will continue as they are, no deals changed, companies still trading as before, maybe one or two unmanned 'cardboard cut out' border posts established (if they are cardboard and unmanned, it wont matter if they get blown up!) for effect.

Movement if any, depends who loses their nerve first, my betting is its Macron and it will be French (not EU) fishing rights that he will champion, but maybe not, maybe Boris will risk the wrath of what's left of the UK fishing industry and agree to some 2 year moratorium on fishing matters, or maybe Merkel will risk her dwindling influence in Germany and top up the EU budget herself!

The UK will be out of the EU and technically able to do what it likes and there will be great celebrations in Leave areas, but will things change that much, very much doubt it, certainly not until Covid-19 is under some sort of control and by then there will be a new 'normal' anyway, which surprisingly may favour a Brexit scenario?

Countries will still be trading but the customs, VAT, duties, delays and documentation will change enormously whatever trade deals are signed or not signed. The EU have already told the Uk that the customs checks will be in place, not talking just about the Irish Border but the little matter of the Channel. Uk companies are not ready - mainly because they have no idea what's going to happen and how many extra staff they will have to employ, will it be viable etc etc.

Fish is hardly mentioned apart from a few angry fisherman, it's just symbolic and maybe we'll go back to the cod wars of the 60s and 70s, should be fun. Will be prawn and mackerel wars this time.

You look at most British media and it's "we'll be alright because we're British" attitude and things will hardly change, only for the better - think there's going to a sudden realisation that they've made the biggest error they could have short of declaring war on Trump.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
Australia is already seeing it as it tries to stand up to China and we will soon see it too every time we try to stand up to China/ USA.
#scottyfrommarketing is far more interested in sucking Trump's cock even if playing the yellow peril card also appeals to him and his base.


Full Member
Nov 8, 2018
There is virtually no documentation shipping between EU countries, as I said, a sudden realisation will come very soon. All very time consuming and costly - hope it's worth it
That is true Paul at the moment, but following the Covid-19 pandemic with currently EU unable to agree common lockdown/lockdown release matters, that might all change. The new post Covid-19 'norm' is likely to see 'proof of compliance' or 'free from Covid', or 'Covid protected' etc. documentation all over the world, it wont just be people but also livestock and other means by which Covid is known to travel/piggy-back on, that will be affected, similarly free movement of people is likely to take a hit. The free movement of goods and materials will also be affected.

Lets face it individual countries within their own boundaries are currently finding it hard to produce similar Covid measures e.g. in the UK, England, Scotland, Wales and NI all doing their own thing at their own pace, 27 EU countries will find it almost impossible to agree, especially if one country becomes more Covid ravaged than its neighbour.

The differences in economies, health systems , transport, policing (enforcement of civil order) and many other areas in all EU countries are all likely to play out differently in fighting Covid and its aftermath, this will be a massive test of the EU's togetherness, even more than Brexit and with a big hole in the EU budget going forward, might be impossible. For the UK Brexit might well turn out to be a super smart move and at the right time...wouldn't that be a laugh!