2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Sep 28, 2003
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.
Spot on.


Full Member
Jan 13, 2012
I wonder if in 2000 years historians are contemplating whether Trump is the US's Commodus, the one who began their decline and ultimate destruction by the hands of the, uhm, Canadians?
Crisis of the 21st Century coming right up.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.
This, exactly.


Pochettino's #1 fan
Feb 10, 2008
Is Biden expecting disproportionate vote dumps in deciding states of Wis, Mich and Pa? Seems to be decent vote counts in all?


Full Member
Jan 26, 2019
But... Trump did not even have a platform in 2020. Biden did have one. A detailed one. You can still look at it. It's full of stuff he wants to do. All about his plans. Go and read it. Watch his town hall; it's an hour of him talking about his vision. It's his opponent who had none except "Keep America great" and "fake news liberal media".

People like these straw men arguments.

this is not 2016. If Trump wins, it is because he actually won a lot more votes across almost all demographics


Full Member
May 9, 2015
Who'd have thought that putting kids in cages, tearing families apart, having snatch squads on the streets, having your police murder black people every other day, sucking up to dictators, blatant nepotism and ignoring a worldwide pandemic would be such a vote winner?


Have you ever been in love before?
Apr 18, 2008
I thought Biden was an underwhelming candidate and rooted for Bernie in the primaries. But he got beat. He could not even convince the Democrats. And the other candidates did worse than him. Is there any evidence or logic to the idea that someone else might have done better?

Look at the results. In most places, Biden is doing better than Hillary did four years ago. Democratic voters turned out in huge numbers for him. Where are those significant amounts of potential extra voters hiding? There's not much more in it. Yes, the system is weird enough that even an extra couple of percentage might have resulted in a comfortable victory. But where is that unifying candidate who would have squeezed out every single potential vote of the American people? I don't think there was one.
I'd definitely be keen to have that debate when the votes are in and we have a clearer idea of what the gaps were! In this case I'm not asking whether Sanders was better then Biden, but whether the strengths that were suggested for Biden ever materialised? If not, it's worth reconsidering the overall calculus. Maybe people were expecting Biden to beat Trump on something he wasn't beatable on, or at least not with Biden's tools.


Full Member
Dec 25, 2012
Pure nonsense but it does work as yet another mechanism for people to shift blame away form their own selfishness.
Thing is, this is the pitfall of democracy. If Trump is good for me and bad for you, why would you expect me to vote for your well-being over mine?


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.
Well said Olly! It’s very frustrating where we are as a planet.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
But the reasons you thought would make him competitive haven't entirely transpired, have they? Which also leaves open the possibility that the things you thought other candidates wouldn't be competitive on might have been mistaken too. Your model of America seems different to the reality - as many other experts' from various fields has been, as far as I can tell. Or are you still of the position that you judged how this election would go accurately, and assessed Biden's quality appropriately?
None of that is because of Biden. It’s down to Trump voters simply outperforming due to their cultish devotion to him. There’s no evidence any other Dem candidate would’ve been even remotely as successful at being competitive in these rather unique circumstances.


Aug 7, 2007
Lake Jonathan Creek
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.
Starting to love the Olly rant.


Thinks the caf is 'wokeish'.
Dec 27, 2009
Hell on Earth
The margin in PA is huge. 670k votes, with 1.4M left to be counted. Biden needs 75% of those. He’s not winning PA or WI and MI is a toss up. He’s fecked and we are fecked. Trump will win.

America is fecking disgusting. Can’t believe I live here.
Its a reality check -- you are surrounded by cnuts, idiots and criminals or at least half the country fits that description.


Too Boring For A Funny Tagline
Nov 3, 2011
I can’t believe Trump was impeached after soliciting foreign interference and people STILL voted for him, Christ. :lol:


Full Member
Mar 28, 2014

Respectfully, this comment has absolutely nothing to do with you, then. My comment does not apply to rational, educated people. There is a significant minority of largely uneducated voters (at least in the traditional sense of the word ‘educated’) where shit like this actually does factor into their voting decision.
Yeah maybe I'm basing too much of my logic on my own thought process. Witnessing all this and imagining it's mainly petulance makes it even worse somehow :(.

Pogue Mahone

Swiftie Fan Club President
Feb 22, 2006
"like a man in silk pyjamas shooting pigeons
Who'd have thought that putting kids in cages, tearing families apart, having snatch squads on the streets, having your police murder black people every other day, sucking up to dictators, blatant nepotism and ignoring a worldwide pandemic would be such a vote winner?
He never even built his fecking wall.


Full Member
May 8, 2013
But the exits suggested the economy is a big issue for voters, in that case isn't it expected the republicans win the presidency?


Redcafes Most Rested
May 20, 2018
No longer in WI
Atlanta United
Where does it say 1% is outstanding? Fulton, which is a the largest county, stopped counting ages ago and the outstanding amount in that county alone is >1%.
He’s operating off the Fox feed which is way different than NYT and CNN.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2014
If they vote for Trump out of defiance although he's got hundred thousands of people killed, is an open racist and fraud then they deserve to be belittled. There really shouldn't be any excuses for voting such a horrible person. This result, no matter how it turns out in the end, is downright unbearable. I'm sorry but anyone who votes Trump can't give a feck about democracy, division of powers, equality and many other basics of the Western civilization. It's impossible. Those people are lost for good.
Look, I’d respond thoughtfully but you’ve completely misinterpreted my post, wilfully or otherwise. Why you’d bring up what people ‘deserve’ is staggering to me. Who cares what they deserve? I’m talking about the practical consequence of arguing not with logic but with emotion.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
I did a quick back of the envelope calculation for the remaining counties, assuming the margin holds up (which is imprecise by default) and Biden falls anywhere between 10-20k votes short. In NC you can receive and count ballots up to a week after E-Day assuming it was post marked before the election, and there is also the report of about 117k absentee ballots that were held up in the post office (again, we don’t know if a) they were included in the official count or b) how many were invalidated because the person choose to vote in person after hearing about the issue).

It’s not official lost, but the math is daunting and even in the best scenario will lead to a lot of litigations.
Cheers. The conclusion I take from that is basically: Please win without NC because we won't know the final results there for a while.


Full Member
Feb 10, 2016
No, no - they are rarely wrong. I didn’t say never wrong.
No, no - they were mostly wrong in this elections. I didn't say that you said they were never wrong

Mike Smalling

Full Member
Jan 27, 2018
I can’t believe Trump was impeached after soliciting foreign interference and people STILL voted for him, Christ. :lol:
Whoever wins, the very sobering fact of this election will be, that tens of millions of people still support Trump. A Biden win, would not fix anything - the country would still more divided than ever. Until Republicans across the board actively starts rebuking Trump for his lunacy, there is no way the country is going back to normal - whatever that was.


More sheds (and tiles) than you, probably
Feb 12, 2014
But... Trump did not even have a platform in 2020. Biden did have one. A detailed one. You can still look at it. It's full of stuff he wants to do. All about his plans. Go and read it. Watch his town hall; it's an hour of him talking about his vision. It's his opponent who had none except "Keep America great" and "fake news liberal media".
But you have to explain it to people. Door knocking is a good start. Good advertising comes next. Most Trump supporters probably couldn't tell you one Biden policy other than "he wants a complete lockdown" (which isn't true) "which would be a disaster for our economy" (also not true).


Shepherd’s Delight
Jul 27, 2006
Hereford FC (Soccermanager)
Anyone that voted for Trump is either a racist/sexist/etc and voted for him for those reasons, or they are not racist/sexist/etc directly themselves but have no problem that Trump is. Those are the only two options.

Neither group of people is good people in my opinion. I know that seems very controversial these days.

If someone doesn't see Trump and find reasons to not support him every single fecking day for four years, sees the harm he's doing to millions of people and still decide to hop down from their fence to his side because someone called out those specific things or called them something online, there was no hope anyway.

This isn't a slight difference in opinion on how taxes are spent, or what the military budget should be, it's about supporting one of the worst human beings on the planet.

If you think you can convince someone by being polite or whatever then go for it, I genuinely hope you succeed. But the fact someone even needs to be convinced not to support Trump in my opinion tells me it's a waste of time and that it should not be up to others to be nice and accomodating.
What we don't care to admit is that there's a large percentage of the worlds population that falls under this category. It's highly depressing.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2010
I'd definitely be keen to have that debate when the votes are in and we have a clearer idea of what the gaps were! In this case I'm not asking whether Sanders was better then Biden, but whether the strengths that were suggested for Biden ever materialised? If not, it's worth reconsidering the overall calculus. Maybe people were expecting Biden to beat Trump on something he wasn't beatable on, or at least not with Biden's tools.
Honestly, at this point it looks to me that the American political system as a whole will break down sooner or later. The hyper-polarisation and the breakdown of any sort of consensus and unwritten rules between the two big parties means it just doesn't work anymore. And that will be increasingly obvious in the coming years, regardless of who wins this election in the end.


Full Member
Jul 25, 2014
Yeah maybe I'm basing too much of my logic on my own thought process. Witnessing all this and imagining it's mainly petulance makes it even worse somehow :(.
Yeah, you and me both. It’s fecking staggering and it makes me angry. Nonetheless, we cannot ignore that uncomfortable truth.


West Brom Fan
Aug 27, 2011
There's no true victory at this point. Even if Biden does snatch a very unlikely win from the postal votes its going to cause such an almighty shit storm it will run and run and likely dog his entire presidency for the next 4 years till the Republicans come back with avengence. That's even if they manage to swing it on the postal votes and some shenangians aren't used to discount them.

Of course more likely if Trump will just shade it with the postal votes anyway and the country will be even more divided that 4 years ago. The only safe route out of this election was a sound defeat for Trump settled on the day. Trump has shown Trumpian politics are a resounding success for Republicans, this is the tactic all the way down from here on in. Trump will be the benchmark for Republican candidates going forward. Certainly their next candidate will almost certainly be his pick.


Predicted Portugal, Italy to win Euro 2016, 2020
Mar 30, 2016
No, no - they were mostly wrong in this elections. I didn't say that you said they were never wrong
So we agree they are rarely wrong. What a waste of time that was.
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