Gaming Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - October 20th 2023 | Metacritic: 90, OpenCritic: 90

Loved the first, haven't got round to playing MM yet, but i'm sure this will be epic.
Very cool trailer. The biggest challenge will be making the location feel unique. The third time in the same place will be a hard sell I reckon.
Imagine they some how made it co-op, would be amazing.

Also, someone mentioned Venom chasing you around the city in the PlayStation thread. That would be cool as feck. Would be amazing if he randomly appeared in the open world, Nemesis style.
First game is one of my favourites so really looking forward to this. I hope they let you switch between Peter & Miles when you want and there’s a bit more variation on the side-missions for each.
Will the Miles Morales develop into its own separate franchise ?

Seems like it

Both the first and Miles Morales were quality. Looking forward to this.
Why does venom have an Eastern European accent
Looks great. The speed and fluidity in how you move around this city is incredible, and it seems like they've upped it for this one. Using that wingsuit looks like so much fun. Can't wait.
Wonder how many more pointless collectibles they can cram in this time.
The venom stuff looks amazingly fluid.

Insomniac always nails the gameplay. The traversal in these SpiderMan games are so good, that you can just boot up the game for 10 minutes just to swing around the city. No objective or anything, just free roam much in the same way you do in the GTA games.
Insomniac always nails the gameplay. The traversal in these SpiderMan games are so good, that you can just boot up the game for 10 minutes just to swing around the city. No objective or anything, just free roam much in the same way you do in the GTA games.
Just realised they made Ratchet and Clank RA too. They’re doing such great work these days - that game was just class.
Insomniac always nails the gameplay. The traversal in these SpiderMan games are so good, that you can just boot up the game for 10 minutes just to swing around the city. No objective or anything, just free roam much in the same way you do in the GTA games.

I’m very intrigued on how they do the Wolverine game they are currently working on as their next project.
Anyone found it cheaper than £62? Don't really feel like paying that much so will probably wait.
That's it predownloaded. I have Friday off so hopefully it's available to play early doors.
Also, it's the most I've ever paid for a game, do it better be good.
I’m just playing Spider-Man Remastered on the PS5. Hoepfully this gets great reviews and goes on my todo list. Insomniac are up there among the best these days.
I’m just playing Spider-Man Remastered on the PS5. Hoepfully this gets great reviews and goes on my todo list. Insomniac are up there among the best these days.

It's guaranteed to get great reviews. Can't wait.
Reviews out soon. Could see it hitting 90.

Anyone getting the premium edition? I was hoping it'd include DLC etc upfront but looks like it's mostly just bonus suits/gadget.
Reviews out soon. Could see it hitting 90.

Anyone getting the premium edition? I was hoping it'd include DLC etc upfront but looks like it's mostly just bonus suits/gadget.
Nah I find most premium editions to be a bit garbage?

expect it to hit high 80s. Only worry is if it’s ’more of the same’ - which wouldn’t be a bad thing tbf.
Nah I find most premium editions to be a bit garbage?

expect it to hit high 80s. Only worry is if it’s ’more of the same’ - which wouldn’t be a bad thing tbf.

Unexpectedly correct elvis statement.
i'm sure it'll be great but €75 just seems like too much for games these days especially with so many in the backlog. might wait a while for it.
Nah I find most premium editions to be a bit garbage?

expect it to hit high 80s. Only worry is if it’s ’more of the same’ - which wouldn’t be a bad thing tbf.

More of the same but best in class, highly polished, etc.

The first was standard open world fair. An Arkham game in a spiderman skin. But luckily the traversal and gameplay is so fun it gets away with it.

Agree on premium point. Was just if it had the DLC included at a saving since I'd likely buy it anyway. Cosmetics only makes it pointless.
i'm sure it'll be great but €75 just seems like too much for games these days especially with so many in the backlog. might wait a while for it.

The trick is to get your backlog just right so that you've always got like 4 or 5 games in the queue. In my brain this releases in July 2024 and I'm looking forward to playing it for the low low price of £42.
Sitting on 92 on Metacritic. Really can't wait to play this, although as others were saying, backlog is huge, plus games like Alan Wake 2 looking so good on the horizon too.
Mere 8/10s from IGN and Gamespot but overall reviews seems to be very positive as expected.
Mere 8/10s from IGN and Gamespot but overall reviews seems to be very positive as expected.

The main critiques from those two seems to be it's more of the same of the first one, instead of reinventing the wheel. Which I've come to expect from Sony sequels in general. Ragnarok was pretty much more of the same also, but didn't stop it from being great.