SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

I think you need to learn the difference between 'fully support' and 'oppose'. 74% fully support does not mean 26% oppose.

The fact is, 26% did not support it, which makes your earlier comment that there was "virtually no opposition" completely inaccurate.
What you call a strict lickdown in italy is a breeze compared with the lockdown type in wuhan. Also the control type with subsequent outbreaks.

More astringent, people following the rules more and way way way more resources dumped on tracking in an astonishing fast reaction than any other country in the world could ever dream off
Nope. This myth has been dispelled so can we stop going round in circles about it. The first lockdown in Italy was on paper and in practice just as strict as the one in wuhan.

Also the lockdown in China was only in Wuhan and a few other areas, how comes the virus didn’t , apparently, effect other more important parts of China eg Beijing and Shanghai etc, “astonishing fast reaction”? they denied the bloody thing existed for a month or two and even imprisoned Dr’s that tried to warn people.
Whether the majority supports something or not is no indication of whether it is a good policy. For example, in the UK, ~50% of people supported Brexit in the referendum which has to date, caused nothing but problems.
Off topic… but I can’t help but think the recent announcement about being allowed to shop in “pounds and announces” metrics was the government having a laugh at the brexiters it duped.
What you call a strict lickdown in italy is a breeze compared with the lockdown type in wuhan. Also the control type with subsequent outbreaks.

More astringent, people following the rules more and way way way more resources dumped on tracking in an astonishing fast reaction than any other country in the world could ever dream off
That`s one way of cleaning up the virus.
The fact is, 26% did not support it, which makes your earlier comment that there was "virtually no opposition" completely inaccurate.

No, there were other categories including supporting it with conditions and 'unknown'.

There are around 10-15% against it. To put that into context, nearly 10% of Americans think they could beat a gorilla in a fight.
Figures seem to be at a pretty consistent level in the UK in terms of cases (200 deaths is still grim reading though).
Figures seem to be at a pretty consistent level in the UK in terms of cases (200 deaths is still grim reading though).
Day on day stats don't really work. Not every region (or nation) report every day, so they're bumpy.

It's looks like we hit about 140/day (around 1000/week) a couple of weeks back and now they're expected to starting to fall again as hospitalisations fall.
By far the most widespread piece of misinformation still circulating is the "Vaccines do nothing to prevent infection" or "Vaccines have absolutely no effect in limiting transmission". I see it non-stop, always presented as a statement of fact, and often from people who are otherwise pro-vaccine.

If people genuinely believe this - and seemingly a big chunk of the population do - then it becomes much harder to make an argument to healthy people in their 20s, or similar, to get vaccinated.

Really needs a proper messaging campaign from the government/media.
By far the most widespread piece of misinformation still circulating is the "Vaccines do nothing to prevent infection" or "Vaccines have absolutely no effect in limiting transmission". I see it non-stop, always presented as a statement of fact, and often from people who are otherwise pro-vaccine.

If people genuinely believe this - and seemingly a big chunk of the population do - then it becomes much harder to make an argument to healthy people in their 20s, or similar, to get vaccinated.

Really needs a proper messaging campaign from the government/media.

It’s fecking maddening. And pops up with depressing regularity in this very thread (as well as any other thread which mentions covid) It’s so incredibly dumb too. This idea that unless a vaccine prevents all breakthrough infections then it serves no purpose. So hard to understand why such a stupid idea gets so deeply rooted.
By far the most widespread piece of misinformation still circulating is the "Vaccines do nothing to prevent infection" or "Vaccines have absolutely no effect in limiting transmission". I see it non-stop, always presented as a statement of fact, and often from people who are otherwise pro-vaccine.

If people genuinely believe this - and seemingly a big chunk of the population do - then it becomes much harder to make an argument to healthy people in their 20s, or similar, to get vaccinated.

Really needs a proper messaging campaign from the government/media.

All people have to do is look at infections and daily deaths now Vs when infections were last similar (I think around Jan) but deaths were almost 10 times higher. Also at that time though law and through choice things were not as open as now, even in between lockdowns and many people made the personal choice to avoid social contact and going out. It’s clear the vaccines reduce infections, hospitalisations, and deaths.

All there if people type “U.K. COVID19” and do a bit of analysis and critical thinking.
Costs £48 per Day 2 test?

Yes. If another not for Profit has came in and undercut that, I’ll happily plug them. The ground moves pretty fast underneath this stuff so I could already be out of date versus a month ago.

I assumed we still have a Day 2 PCR test in the UK now?…..

That’s the Howard Springs quarantine center in the Northern Territory. It’s used to house people returning from overseas for two week quarantine. Comparing it to a concentration camp is disgusting to be honest. That Twitter account is full of misinformation.
The fact is, 26% did not support it, which makes your earlier comment that there was "virtually no opposition" completely inaccurate.

When a minority of people oppose or support something I wonder are they, in this instances figure , in the top 26% of intelligence or are they in the bottom 26% of intelligence, do you have any information about the socio-economic background of the majority of the 26% ?

Because obviously there are a minority of highly intelligent people that throughout their lives see things that others don’t and this will usually reflect in their life success and on the flip side I’m sure with the right viral, pardon the pun, spread 10-20% of people will believe that “ Ghandi told us the Internet was the future”
Nope. This myth has been dispelled so can we stop going round in circles about it. The first lockdown in Italy was on paper and in practice just as strict as the one in wuhan.

Also the lockdown in China was only in Wuhan and a few other areas, how comes the virus didn’t , apparently, effect other more important parts of China eg Beijing and Shanghai etc, “astonishing fast reaction”? they denied the bloody thing existed for a month or two and even imprisoned Dr’s that tried to warn people.

No. It has not. Italy didn't didn't create apps to control individual movement and having the police tracking individuals constantly. Barricades and grassroots volunteers making sure no one escape the lockdown for what strictly was necessary and believe me, they had no other choice than to comply. while the strictest lockdowns in europe, Italy and Spain, they were walking the dog 4 times a day (when before Covid probably 2), groceries everyday (before covid once a week) and going to do sport everyday (some never did) bending the rules.

On paper strick lockdowns. Reality, in europe/america finding loopholes and NO ONE WILL TAKE MY FREEDOM! and in China had tools of control that would attempt ith civil liberties and a population that complied or was made to comply yes or yes.
By far the most widespread piece of misinformation still circulating is the "Vaccines do nothing to prevent infection" or "Vaccines have absolutely no effect in limiting transmission". I see it non-stop, always presented as a statement of fact, and often from people who are otherwise pro-vaccine.

If people genuinely believe this - and seemingly a big chunk of the population do - then it becomes much harder to make an argument to healthy people in their 20s, or similar, to get vaccinated.

Really needs a proper messaging campaign from the government/media.

I’m sure this stemmed from a study about a month or two ago. I don’t remember what it was exactly, but the news reported it in a way where if someone just saw a headline, or wasn’t really listening, it gave that impression. I wish I could remember what it was.
No. It has not. Italy didn't didn't create apps to control individual movement and having the police tracking individuals constantly. Barricades and grassroots volunteers making sure no one escape the lockdown for what strictly was necessary and believe me, they had no other choice than to comply. while the strictest lockdowns in europe, Italy and Spain, they were walking the dog 4 times a day (when before Covid probably 2), groceries everyday (before covid once a week) and going to do sport everyday (some never did) bending the rules.

On paper strick lockdowns. Reality, in europe/america finding loopholes and NO ONE WILL TAKE MY FREEDOM! and in China had tools of control that would attempt ith civil liberties and a population that complied or was made to comply yes or yes.

That's not correct. You were not allowed to go for a walk let alone do any kind of sport. You were allowed to walk the dog within a set distance of your house, 100m from memory, and you were allowed to go to your nearest supermarket. You needed to fill out a form to do any of it and police were everywhere checking them as there was no other crime to deal with.
When a minority of people oppose or support something I wonder are they, in this instances figure , in the top 26% of intelligence or are they in the bottom 26% of intelligence, do you have any information about the socio-economic background of the majority of the 26% ?

Because obviously there are a minority of highly intelligent people that throughout their lives see things that others don’t and this will usually reflect in their life success and on the flip side I’m sure with the right viral, pardon the pun, spread 10-20% of people will believe that “ Ghandi told us the Internet was the future”

I have some questions:

What is the link between socio-economic background and intelligence?
Is the 26% supposed to be full of identical individuals similar in terms of intelligence or socio-economic background?
Why is life success a good indicator of intelligence?
Is it possible to rank individuals according to their intelligence?
Does the concept of intelligence matter when one knows an individual can be "intelligent" in a field and "stupid" in different ones?
Don't you think a minority can be extremely diverse like...members of a same large family?
That's not correct. You were not allowed to go for a walk let alone do any kind of sport. You were allowed to walk the dog within a set distance of your house, 100m from memory, and you were allowed to go to your nearest supermarket. You needed to fill out a form to do any of it and police were everywhere checking them as there was no other crime to deal with.
That's right. I remember walking the dog less than half a km from our house, on a country road with absolutely no-one around. A police car stopped and said I should go back.

We were stuck shopping at our tiny village shop for months, because it was the nearest that sold "basic essentials". There are no takeaway food options in the little villages, nothing at all. Some people were upset with the shopping rule because the village shop is considerably more expensive than the budget Eurospin in the nearby town. The Mayor asked the shopkeeper to sell on credit when necessary and said he would personally cover any bills that weren't eventually paid.

Later on they allowed people in very small villages like ours to travel to the next small village for more shopping choices. People in small Comunes were extremely restricted during the first lockdown.
If your views are comparisons between the Covid pandemic and Nazi Germany then you should feck off to be fair.

You feel the need to insult because you unconsciously know there is something wrong in the era we live.

Unvaccinated people are now the second-class citizens who are politically persecuted.

No offence intended but I don't think you really understand the notion of freedom.
You feel the need to insult because you unconsciously know there is something wrong in the era we live.

Unvaccinated people are now the second-class citizens who are politically persecuted.

No offence intended but I don't think you really understand the notion of freedom.

:lol: good morning to you also.
When a minority of people oppose or support something I wonder are they, in this instances figure , in the top 26% of intelligence or are they in the bottom 26% of intelligence, do you have any information about the socio-economic background of the majority of the 26% ?

Because obviously there are a minority of highly intelligent people that throughout their lives see things that others don’t and this will usually reflect in their life success and on the flip side I’m sure with the right viral, pardon the pun, spread 10-20% of people will believe that “ Ghandi told us the Internet was the future”

Firstly it's not 26%. 26% don't strongly support the Green Pass but far less actually oppose it.

Polls are often broken down by political support here, including this one. You probably won't be surprised to learn the party that most strongly opposes the Green Pass is the neo-fascist Brothers of Italy, closely followed by the right wing Lega Nord whose main goal in life is to annex Southern Italy.
You feel the need to insult because you unconsciously know there is something wrong in the era we live.

Unvaccinated people are now the second-class citizens who are politically persecuted.

No offence intended but I don't think you really understand the notion of freedom.

It’s so weird to me to hear people bleating about “mah freedom” as we start to come out of a pandemic that crippled the world (and is still an absolute nightmare in many of the poorer regions). Desperate times call for desperate measures and obviously no country is taking measures to increase vaccine uptake lightly.

The whole point of trying to get vaccine uptake as high as possible is so we can return to normal life as quickly as possible. The longer the vaccine hesitant drag this process out the longer the rest of us have to deal with much more significant restrictions to our freedom. We all want to be able to go to music festivals, to travel without red tape, to hang out in crowded pubs etc etc. But we can only do that when it’s safe to do so and the way for this to happen is to get as many people vaccinated as possible.

If anyone really gave a shit about living in a society where you’re free to enjoy life as you please then they would do their bit by manning the feck up and getting vaccinated.
You feel the need to insult because you unconsciously know there is something wrong in the era we live.

Unvaccinated people are now the second-class citizens who are politically persecuted.

No offence intended but I don't think you really understand the notion of freedom.
I think we should lock all the unvaccinated up and then get on with our lives.
You feel the need to insult because you unconsciously know there is something wrong in the era we live.

Unvaccinated people are now the second-class citizens who are politically persecuted.

No offence intended but I don't think you really understand the notion of freedom.

Political persecution or prevention of another escalation of a global health crisis? Hmm...

Soon people will tell me that traffic signs, speed limits or mandatory safety belt rules are political persecution because "freedom" (this word is very often confused with egocentrismd and egoism, completely forgetting that freedom works in many ways and directions). I mean, isn't it obvious that all individual's rights have to be in concordance with all other individuals' rights? There's actually lots of proverbs for those who don't deal with actual freedom rights to grasp this concept. A german proverb (goes down to Kant) literally translated for example means "the freedom of one individual ends where the freedom of another equal individual starts". It's not very difficult.

Brief summary:
Unvaccinated people are a danger for any individual, for society, for health insurances, for their employer and for the state's treasury. Therefor, they have to be treated accordingly. Equal things have to be treated equally, unequal things have to be treated unequally.
Isolating and waiting for the results of my PCR test to comeback because 2 individuals at work caught covid.
Good luck Frank. My nephew and his son have it at the mo, the boy caught it as soon as he went back to school. Nephew vaccinated, feels rough but is able to continue WFH.
Thanks. I feel perfectly fine. I took a lateral flow test and came out negative but work insist that I take the PCR one too. A weeks wages gone.Arh.
Thanks. I feel perfectly fine. I took a lateral flow test and came out negative but work insist that I take the PCR one too. A weeks wages gone.Arh.

Doesn't your government compensate you while you're in quarantine? Huge debate at the moment in Germany whether unvaccinated should keep getting paid by the government while quarantining.
Doesn't your government compensate you while you're in quarantine? Huge debate at the moment in Germany whether unvaccinated should keep getting paid by the government while quarantining.
Only if you can knock up a dodgy ppe contract and whats app it to twat wanksock.
The nipper now having to self isolate having tested positive. Ive so far tested negative and have been double jabbed, am I supposed to stay in too or not?
Only if you can knock up a dodgy ppe contract and whats app it to twat wanksock.
The nipper now having to self isolate having tested positive. Ive so far tested negative and have been double jabbed, am I supposed to stay in too or not?
You don't need to self-isolate if you're fully vaccinated and you've not got symptoms (unless you test positive on LFT or PCR). You should get a PCR test. It's a good idea to take a couple more LFT tests over the next week or so as well, just in case it develops later.
Only if you can knock up a dodgy ppe contract and whats app it to twat wanksock.
The nipper now having to self isolate having tested positive. Ive so far tested negative and have been double jabbed, am I supposed to stay in too or not?

I have no idea regarding covid laws in the UK, but it seems like someone else already helped you!