Ralf Rangnick | ex-interim manager | does anyone rate him?

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Submarine Chief

New Member
Apr 12, 2022
You have to feel really bad for all of these players. They would all be doing excellent and bringing home the hardware if it wasn’t for these terrible managers they have been stuck with.

I don’t know how they have tolerated it. Week after week straining their guts out and running their legs off.
Poor fellas


Full Member
Dec 10, 2020
He seems completely out of his depth as a manager. I wasn't expecting miracles from him given that even at the height of his success he was never particularly successful as a manager, but I've been surprised by how bad it's been. Hopefully he's gotten enough from the experience to be able to do some good in his consultancy role.
I think it understandable because EPL is such a competitive league in every aspect, in fact, no other league can match the difficulty here. Many bright managers can’t even survive a few months.

gza the genius

Full Member
May 10, 2009
supply and command
He's obviously not done well but it's also pretty damn obvious that the players couldn't give less of a shit and aren't worried about impressing a guy they knew would be gone in 5 months. They gave up on Ole and never looked back. It sucks that he couldn't get us top 4 but I blame the players, what exactly is Ralf supposed to do with half of them leaving and the other half not bothered. It does seem like he has the players sussed out and that has ruffled some feathers, that's better in my eyes than limping along and giving the Glazers any excuse possible to not change a thing.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2020
Maybe so but that's not the main reason it would have been beneficial for ETH if we'd qualified this season. Having less money coming in and having no CL to offer will make recruitment harder for Ten Hag.
Even though disappointed but we all saw it in February, we just kept hoping he could learn quickly and made our season back on track. I now think ETH will be able to have a better execution of his vision on this young team after all the other left. It might be a good thing for him because the young players will be easier to coach to his vision and thinking on pitch.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2014
A Whale’s Vagina
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.

Now he’s off to the Austrian national team: prediction — they won’t make the next World Cup.


New Member
Mar 29, 2010
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.
Many managers have not met the expectations at ManUtd. Maybe, just maybe, the majority of the players are simply not good enough? Of course Ralf has also made mistakes, but he’s rather a consultant, or someone who should be in management. He’s not a great coach and knowing that he’ll be an interim coach for 5-6 months didn’t help either.

He is rightly criticising the players, they’re not kids and earn a shitload of money.


New Member
Jan 22, 2021
Borussia M'gladbach / United
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.

Now he’s off to the Austrian national team: prediction — they won’t make the next World Cup.
I don't understand why people still think or hope it's the manager when the players have been playing inconsistent crap for 10 years now
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Full Member
Feb 11, 2016
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.

Now he’s off to the Austrian national team: prediction — they won’t make the next World Cup.
Yeah him fecking off to the Austrian national team is a disgrace. He made us look like absolute muppets.
The United gig would be a side hustle for him for fecks sake


New Member
Feb 10, 2021
Can’t agree with that at all. Motivating your players is the bedrock of sports management and always has been. Blindly expecting your players to be up for it just because, is bad management. I very much doubt any successful football manager in history has worked that way.
Of course it's a factor, certainly not a bedrock. Again, no manager can spend time motivating a player, who isn't up for it. A manager gives you an extra push. If you aren't self motivated, there's nothing a manager can do.
We see this again and again.. What happened to Dele Alli, Hazard and numerous other talents who lost motivation? Bad management? :lol: And what do you mean with "just because"?! What the feck are you doing as a professional athlete, without a competitive edge & will to win? If that doesnt motivate, feck off.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2007
Sunny Manc
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.

Now he’s off to the Austrian national team: prediction — they won’t make the next World Cup.
Dunno what the bigger mystery is. The Austrian FA wanting him after the job he’s done here or Ralf thinking he should get back into management full time.


still gets no respect
Aug 21, 2012
Deepthroating information to Howard Nurse.
His consultancy role is only going to be a few days a week at most so actually a national team job is perfect as it stops him consulting for another club. Apparently recruitment is what he’s going to be concentrating on and I think that’s his strength so this seems like good news to me.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Maybe so but that's not the main reason it would have been beneficial for ETH if we'd qualified this season. Having less money coming in and having no CL to offer will make recruitment harder for Ten Hag.
It's not ideal obviously, and all being said, it would have been better if we had managed to get top four.


Full Member
Jul 1, 2007
Sunny Manc
Of course it's a factor, certainly not a bedrock. Again, no manager can spend time motivating a player, who isn't up for it. A manager gives you an extra push. If you aren't self motivated, there's nothing a manager can do.
We see this again and again.. What happened to Dele Alli, Hazard and numerous other talents who lost motivation? Bad management? :lol: And what do you mean with "just because"?! What the feck are you doing as a professional athlete, without a competitive edge & will to win? If that doesnt motivate, feck off.
We’re not talking about a single player though like Alli or Hazard. We’re talking about an entire squad. So either the whole squad are ‘bad eggs’, or we have a few bad eggs coupled with a poor man manager, that’s led us to where we are.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
They're deluded mate. :lol: They've been sucked in by his press conference comments. He'll probably spend a day briefing Ten Hag and the board then after that I wouldn't even say one day a week. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a one hour Zoom call a month.
I mean, it's pretty much common knowledge that the role will be extremely limited. But, well done Poirot on some fantastic investigating. The whole consultancy lark was likely just a paid 'job' to offset what he would have been paid in Russia.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
Many managers have not met the expectations at ManUtd. Maybe, just maybe, the majority of the players are simply not good enough? Of course Ralf has also made mistakes, but he’s rather a consultant, or someone who should be in management. He’s not a great coach and knowing that he’ll be an interim coach for 5-6 months didn’t help either.

He is rightly criticising the players, they’re not kids and earn a shitload of money.
We have hired an odd bunch of coaches, a mixture of the clearly not good enough and clearly past their best

No doubt the players are also a big issues but the managers have also been a big part of the problem


New Member
Jun 29, 2018
Please take him away Austria. Please.
I really do struggle to understand comments like this. You do realise his main strengths are re-structuring clubs. If he does nothing else while he is here, at least give him credit for convincing the board on getting Eric Van tag.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2016
This consultancy lark is a weird one. Are there any examples of other clubs hiring a relatively high profile consultant?

I am guessing successful clubs would just hire competent people in permanent roles

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
We’re not talking about a single player though like Alli or Hazard. We’re talking about an entire squad. So either the whole squad are ‘bad eggs’, or we have a few bad eggs coupled with a poor man manager, that’s led us to where we are.
It's likely that:

A) He was never a good manager and is definitely not suited to modern management;

B) He isn't a good man manager, unless players really buy into his methods, which they clearly haven't;

C) He came into a shitty situation with a-lot of absolute cnuts to deal with.
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TV/Monitor Expert
Jul 10, 2004
Inside right
Doing both jobs ? That actually further proves that his consultancy role won't be of a big value to earn his full concentration.
Consultancy is a very easy job; you set out directives and advise then the people who are supposed to execute follow. Even if he was only at this club, he’d have just as much spare time on his hands. He’d only need to dirty his hands with day-to-day stuff if there was a crisis, but again, ranks below are supposed to take care of that and only press the big red button in emergency.


Full Member
Dec 19, 2007
I just can't imagine anyone watching his time here and thinking hey that's the guy that we should hire as our next manager!

He's been terrible. These players are horrible lazy cnuts I know, but even so. What a let down.

DOF or a consultant maybe, but as an actual manager ? horrendous.


New Member
Feb 10, 2021
We’re not talking about a single player though like Alli or Hazard. We’re talking about an entire squad. So either the whole squad are ‘bad eggs’, or we have a few bad eggs coupled with a poor man manager, that’s led us to where we are.
Any manager worth his salt, knows that a "few bad eggs" can drag a whole team down. In any line of work. Thats literally what that saying implies. When could Rangnick ship anybody out? What is Rangnick advocating in regards to players leaving? I'd say he's been pretty damn clear.


Full Member
Dec 1, 2012
You people must be crazy right? When we signed him we were all singing praise. Fine expert joins biggest club in the world and we were in 7th heaven. We were talking about how we would press teams crazy, dominate football and have a turn around. You did not want Ole cause he was all about vibes and finally we got someone who has been in the game and is fighting solid.
Clearly results have not gone our way, but if you have listened to the manager he has been very meticulous with his words. He has not shat in open public but has been professional about the level of the players. If you read the stats post games its clear that players are not giving their all. Or unless you are saying that the manager is telling the players to half ass it. It just does not make sense. Our players cannot make simple passes and that has been the case post LVG who coincidently was a technically forward person. Post him our coaching of basics has gone to shit. You now expect players to suddenly be sharp after being mediocre for 4-5 years?
Also if Ralf is going to take the Austria job what does it tell us about our club? We hired a superior coach who has been a mentor to the top coaches across the world and even he thinks its not worth doin? Klop just signed a contract extension till 26. We are doomed if this happens and in no way is this Ralfs fault.


Full Member
Jun 6, 2013
RR being accused for scamming and cash grabbing :lol: . Which is funny, specially when you see from which side that drivel comes from.


Feb 1, 2012
He's walked into a shit show left by our previous manager, but at the same time it's fair to say he's done poorly in pretty much all aspects of "steadying the ship". Minimum 4th wasn't too much to ask surely considering the teams around us underperforming too.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Even though disappointed but we all saw it in February, we just kept hoping he could learn quickly and made our season back on track. I now think ETH will be able to have a better execution of his vision on this young team after all the other left. It might be a good thing for him because the young players will be easier to coach to his vision and thinking on pitch.
We can but hope though even Ralf said it himself not being in the CL will impact the type of signings Ten Hag will be able to make.


Jun 24, 2015
I don't understand why people still think or hope it's the manager when the players have been playing inconsistent crap for 10 years now
What was the point in getting rid of Solskjaer in November then? Why not just make the change at the end of season, especially when Rangnick has been twice as bad and not secured top 4 anyway. I can't even say the football has been any better. Everything's been worse and he'll have the lowest PL points total against his name in the United archives.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
I mean, it's pretty much common knowledge that the role will be extremely limited. But, well done Poirot on some fantastic investigating. The whole consultancy lark was likely just a paid 'job' to offset what he would have been paid in Russia.
Let's be fair here mate was it common knowledge?

Sure a few have been pointing out that his role is likely to be very limited and probably only came about to replace the job he had in Moscow, as you point out. But as recently as a few days ago we still had people on here talking down to others because in their words ''they can't see the bigger picture'' or ''can't understand the scope of Rangnick's job at United''. Up until about a month ago there were loads who still seemed to be under the impression Ralf would be assuming some sort of DoF role. And that's why we hired him as an Interim manager in the knowledge the season might tank, but it was worth it just so we could get him for the more ''important'' and ''significant'' role upstairs. He was also going to be compiling dossiers and reports to pass onto the next manager. Well Ralf confirmed yesterday he hasn't being doing anything of the sort nor was he asked to and as some predicted the extent of his role will likely be one or two phone calls a month.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Let's be fair here mate was it common knowledge?

Sure a few have been pointing out that his role is likely to be very limited and probably only came about to replace the job he had in Moscow, as you point out. But as recently as a few days ago we still had people on here talking down to others because in their words ''they can't see the bigger picture'' or ''can't understand the scope of Rangnick's job at United''. Up until about a month ago there were loads who still seemed to be under the impression Ralf would be assuming some sort of DoF role. And that's why we hired him as an Interim manager in the knowledge the season might tank, but it was worth it just so we could get him for the more ''important'' and ''significant'' role upstairs. He was also going to be compiling dossiers and reports to pass onto the next manager. Well Ralf confirmed yesterday he hasn't being doing anything of the sort nor was he asked to and as some predicted the extent of his role will likely be one or two phone calls a month.
It's become common knowledge. It certainly wasn't initially.

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
When we signed him we were all singing praise. Fine expert joins biggest club in the world and we were in 7th heaven. We were talking about how we would press teams crazy, dominate football and have a turn around.
We hired a superior coach who has been a mentor to the top coaches across the world and even he thinks its not worth doin?
There is a simpler answer which is that this stuff is overblown PR.

Rangnick said, of Jurgen Klopp, "I was not his mentor – that was a coach called Wolfgang Frank – but we have always been in contact and had a good relationship with each other."

Of Tuchel, Rangnick said: "He was one of my players at Ulm, unfortunately only for six months." Rangnick then hired him as youth coach at Stuttgart. Tuchel joined in 2000 and Rangnick was fired in early 2001, so their paths did not cross very long. Since then Tuchel has had his own career elsewhere and has never worked under Rangnick afaik. He's not a mentor, he's a guy who gave him a job.

Then you have Nagelsmann, whose coaching career began when he joined Hoffenheim in 2010 (right around the time Rangnick was leaving that club) and then moved to Leipzig many years later. He actually worked with Tuchel at the beginning of his career, and you can find references to Tuchel being his mentor (even though Nagelsmann has explicitly said Tuchel was not his mentor).

Judge managers by what they actually do, not by who the press said they influenced or were "mentored" by.


Shameless Musketeer
Jun 8, 2004
What a fecking laugh.

Tactically awful, crappy man management, poor coaching hires, openly criticizing the players, Jesus Ralf. This was just a cash grab for him.

Now he’s off to the Austrian national team: prediction — they won’t make the next World Cup.
I don't have an issue with that all. They deserve it


Shameless Musketeer
Jun 8, 2004
He's walked into a shit show left by our previous manager, but at the same time it's fair to say he's done poorly in pretty much all aspects of "steadying the ship". Minimum 4th wasn't too much to ask surely considering the teams around us underperforming too.
I agree. However, I have accepted that we're shit and need a complete restart in summer (another one).
My biggest issue with him is that he keeps playing certain players and does not have the courage to play the young but hungry ones. Yesterday another example. Garnacho comes in in the 91st minute, Hannibal didn't get a look in.


Full Member
Sep 23, 2014
RR being accused for scamming and cash grabbing :lol: . Which is funny, specially when you see from which side that drivel comes from.
Absolutely cluess.

These players have been coasting, underperforming, lackluster, lacking fitness and weak mentally for years now. Every manager we have had has tried to get them fitter and instill a better mentality and all have failed. It's not the manager. The only reason Ole was able to get anything out of them was because he played up to their ego's and didn't criticize them. Ralf has come in and refused to do this, he's exposed how badly the players and structure are letting down the club. The players who are weak mentally have wilted further (and we don't want mentally weak players here) and this has resulted in our results being even worse. But this is actually a positive, as we can now finally break the cycle of toxic mediocrity and player power. I for one can live with a season of poor results if it means long term we actually start to build a team full of actual Manchester United players.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
It's become common knowledge. It certainly wasn't initially.
Again let's be fair here mate in the initial statement when the club hired him it stated this:

Manchester United is delighted to announce the appointment of Ralf Rangnick as interim manager until the end of the season, subject to work visa requirements. Following this period, Ralf and the club have agreed that he will continue in a consultancy role for a further two years.29 Nov 2021
Ralf and the club have agreed (as in it was Ralf's request) that he will continue in a consultancy role.

My impression/suspicion then and now was that it would be a minor role that only exists to make up for the contract he was leaving in Russia.

So I've no idea where people got this idea that he would be the defacto DoF, the club only hired him as manager to get him for the more important role ''upstairs'' or that he was compiling dossiers and reports on the squad for the next manager. Because most of that seemed to be 'common knowledge' on here until this week.


Full Member
Dec 1, 2012
There is a simpler answer which is that this stuff is overblown PR.

Rangnick said, of Jurgen Klopp, "I was not his mentor – that was a coach called Wolfgang Frank – but we have always been in contact and had a good relationship with each other."

Of Tuchel, Rangnick said: "He was one of my players at Ulm, unfortunately only for six months." Rangnick then hired him as youth coach at Stuttgart. Tuchel joined in 2000 and Rangnick was fired in early 2001, so their paths did not cross very long. Since then Tuchel has had his own career elsewhere and has never worked under Rangnick afaik. He's not a mentor, he's a guy who gave him a job.

Then you have Nagelsmann, whose coaching career began when he joined Hoffenheim in 2010 (right around the time Rangnick was leaving that club) and then moved to Leipzig many years later. He actually worked with Tuchel at the beginning of his career, and you can find references to Tuchel being his mentor (even though Nagelsmann has explicitly said Tuchel was not his mentor).

Judge managers by what they actually do, not by who the press said they influenced or were "mentored" by.
He has been responsible to organize many clubs to streamline their footballing side. He might not have hand held Klopp or Tuchel and that is not the point. The point is he has been long enough in this business to prove his credentials. I completely understand your statement of judging managers by their results, but to call him a cash grabbing bandit after 6 months of taking over a bunch of lazy players and a proper shit show is me asking if you guys are serious.


Full Member
Dec 3, 2017
Rangnick will he really good for Austria. A lot of them play in the BL so they would already be coached in his fast paced style of football, especially those coming from the RB teams.

Robbie Boy

Full Member
Jun 17, 2010
Again let's be fair here mate in the initial statement when the club hired him it stated this:

Ralf and the club have agreed (as in it was Ralf's request) that he will continue in a consultancy role.

My impression/suspicion then and now was that it would be a minor role that only exists to make up for the contract he was leaving in Russia.

So I've no idea where people got this idea that he would be the defacto DoF, the club only hired him as manager to get him for the more important role ''upstairs'' or that he was compiling dossiers and reports on the squad for the next manager. Because most of that seemed to be 'common knowledge' on here until this week.
Huh? I think you have your wires crossed. It's become clear in recent days that his role will be minimal. When he came in, no one had a clue what his role would be...

Iker Quesadillas

Full Member
Mar 12, 2021
Real Madrid
to call him a cash grabbing bandit after 6 months of taking over a bunch of lazy players and a proper shit show is me asking if you guys are serious.
RR being accused for scamming and cash grabbing :lol: . Which is funny, specially when you see from which side that drivel comes from.
Rangnick has been fairly open about his objectives, goals, responsibilities, etc. It is United fans that conned themselves into thinking he had a different job than he did.


New Member
Oct 4, 2018
Interesting so Ralf hasn't been asked by the club to make dossiers or reports on the players to pass onto ETH.
He might not have been asked to make a dossier by the club but I bet he has done one off his own bat just in case!


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Huh? I think you have your wires crossed. It's become clear in recent days that his role will be minimal. When he came in, no one had a clue what his role would be...
Perhaps mate but that quote is from the clubs official site and initial statement when we hired him back in November. What it said in that statement back then (that he'll be a consultant) is pretty much what is happening now.
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