Is football cancelled for the next week? | Man United-Leeds & Chelsea-Liverpool postponed

QUOTE="RedMilo, post: 29476094, member: 91326"]
If you can't respect what she has done, then you can't have much respect for anyone in life. It's sad - I genuinely feel sorry for people that live their life like this.

Nothing to do with respect. You said she served the people, when it's actually the other way round.

I have don't really have a view on it all.

I don't know her, not does anyone commenting in this thread, so keep the faux mourning for yourself.
No faux morning - all genuine this end. She deserved more respect.
If you can't respect what she has done, then you can't have much respect for anyone in life. It's sad - I genuinely feel sorry for people that live their life like this.
What’s the multi millionaire done?
Sky sports announced it on Facebook and then blocked the comment section :lol:
Ah please don't cry, just because you have a lower intellectual capacity doesn't mean you haven't tried your best. Proud of you!

Disappointed to see stuff like this on here but not surprised. The world is generally becoming a worse and worse place. After all the service Telsim has dedicated to this fine country and you insult him like that. Disgraceful
Is there a hint of sarcasm there Tony?
Yeah it was ridiculous. We had one Englishman on the pitch who generally plays shit anyway. In fact, you could argue his performance stepped up a level upon hearing the death of the Queen.

Aye, it was like they thought Wayne Rooney was out there or something....
Was expected, any organization will fear not making any gestures obviously. It's a shame, I wanted to spend a day in front of tv watching game after game, but I can understand it's important for some people so fair enough.
Although I am not a British citizen but I truly respect the need to stop any game for a week to mark a respect for their Queen. It’s perfectly acceptable.
I’m not gonna go to the gym tonight and I’m gonna have chippy tea. It’s what Liz would’ve wanted. :(

I'm going down the local Indian, stealing the food and claiming it as my own.... it's what Liz would've wanted.
Although I am not a British citizen but I truly respect the need to stop any game for a week to mark a respect for their Queen. It’s perfectly acceptable.
No it isn't
It feels a bit out of touch with democracy the way this is all being forced on us. Will probably taint the whole thing if anything. It's not just the football but the principle of it all.
Nothing is forced though? The government said sporting fixtures can go ahead. The league decided not to.
I can't believe some people are shocked, or even unhappy with the decision to postpone the games.

Maybe we've forgot, because we haven't experienced a death of a monarch in over 70 years, but this is pretty much the single most significant thing that can happen in a monarchy. There will be plenty more events postponed or cancelled outside of football. The London stock exchange will be closed on the day of the Queens funeral.

There is a direct connection between the Royal family and football - The Queen handed over the World Cup to the winners in '66 and countless other FA cups, and Price William is president of the FA. Yes, we will be postponing a weekend's fixtures out of respect for the Queen.
Although I am not a British citizen but I truly respect the need to stop any game for a week to mark a respect for their Queen. It’s perfectly acceptable.

I wonder how many of those who agree with the posturing are not British citizens, I reckon the percentage is quite high.

The exported idea of the Queen seems a bit stronger than the British folks reality.
Was expected, any organization will fear not making any gestures obviously. It's a shame, I wanted to spend a day in front of tv watching game after game, but I can understand it's important for some people so fair enough.
It's not really fair though. They can just not watch if it is important to them. Other people have few escapes from the current crises so taking them away is very unfair, especially when this is all being funded by the people during a time of financial meltdown.
Nothing is forced though? The government said sporting fixtures can go ahead. The league decided not to.
:lol: Of course thats how it works. No pressure/influence at all. They could make millions but they are too sad.
I wonder how many of those who agree with the posturing are not British citizens, I reckon the percentage is quite high.

The exported idea of the Queen seems a bit stronger than the British folks reality.
The power of western indoctrination and propaganda.
I can't believe some people are shocked, or even unhappy with the decision to postpone the games.

Maybe we've forgot, because we haven't experienced a death of a monarch in over 70 years, but this is pretty much the single most significant thing that can happen in a monarchy. There will be plenty more events postponed or cancelled outside of football. The London stock exchange will be closed on the day of the Queens funeral.

There is a direct connection between the Royal family and football - The Queen handed over the World Cup to the winners in '66 and countless other FA cups, and Price William is president of the FA. Yes, we will be postponing a weekend's fixtures out of respect for the Queen.

No problem with cracking on as usual when she lost her husband though.
I can't believe some people are shocked, or even unhappy with the decision to postpone the games.

Maybe we've forgot, because we haven't experienced a death of a monarch in over 70 years, but this is pretty much the single most significant thing that can happen in a monarchy. There will be plenty more events postponed or cancelled outside of football. The London stock exchange will be closed on the day of the Queens funeral.

There is a direct connection between the Royal family and football - The Queen handed over the World Cup to the winners in '66 and countless other FA cups, and Price William is president of the FA. Yes, we will be postponing a weekend's fixtures out of respect for the Queen.
This doesn't provide any reasoning and evidence that it is needed or is in fact a good decision.
Transportation costs, accommodation costs, preparation for teams, scheduling nightmare with the World Cup in November. What’s really annoying is that everything else goes on as usual.
Saw a tweet that sports weren’t cancelled in 1952.
understand the reason but a strange decision nonetheless when it’s such short notice, postponing next weeks games with the funeral would make more sense.
Well it’s their country, they have some protocol I suppose. It just too bad United is an English club.
I think most country with monarch will do the same.
There is no protocol. There has been no decree that cancellation is needed.
I think everyone in this thread is missing the main point and that is Prince Andrew is still at large.
I’m sure they’ll understand there are more important things than losing thousands of pounds wasted on expenses which many can barely afford to lose. I’m sure they’ll full embrace the mourning.
One of these events that everyone alive will remember where they were and what they were doing 50 years from now.

- JFK assassination
- The landing on the moon
- 9/11
- A 96 years old woman passing away (R.I.P by the way).

Me personally, I was on the bus on my way to buy drugs to stuff up my nose over the weekend to get hammered to the point of being on the brink of a seizure.
:lol: Of course thats how it works. No pressure/influence at all. They could make millions but they are too sad.
He was talking about democracy, and I think this is the most democratic decision the government could make. It's like VAR deferring the decision back to the ref. Passing the responsibility back.