Club Sale | It’s done!

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Not sure if Jassim appreciates the timing of this article but....

Qatar's Manchester United takeover could monetize new Mideast fan base

This is where I think the Qatar approach differs from the multi-club ownership approach of INEOS. Thus the media/tech guys from BOA come in. You combine them with what properties/assets that Qatar already have in place.... This is why I suspect the Qatar group will come much closer to the Glazers' valuation. Internally they probably see much bigger revenue projections from more different, new revenue streams (and therefore valuation) than a sporting-focused group like the INEOS.

A contemporary digitalized ecosystem-based business model versus a more conventional business model.

Or it's just this (from the article above)...

“Qatar is moving into the post-World Cup phase of its sport and national development strategy, which continues to emphasize industrial diversification, the quest for legitimacy and the promotion of constructive international relations,” Chadwick said.
“Owning such a high-profile club would also have nation-branding, soft power and reputational benefits. But it is also worth specifically noting that the Manchester ship canal has just become a freeport, which suggests some interesting possibilities for prospective Qatari investment.”
Despite Qatar’s various investments in other football clubs across Europe, including in PSG and Sporting Braga, Chadwick said that Al Thani's position in the Qatari royal family is far enough from the top-level officials to allow the Gulf country to elude European ownership regulations.

INEOS or anyone taking over can take advantage of the worldwide fanbase. The Glazers probably would if they stuck around. There is one reason Qatar want United and one reason alone - "quest for legitimacy".
I will actually leave this thread now. Despite being summoned multiple times by WUMs, I’ve mostly kept out,

I guess my summarising point is, in the last 24 hours on here the pro Qatari posters have managed to

a) accuse some posters of racism for saying the bid was state backed… before it emerged the same poster had said the exact same thing a few posts before. Literally weaponising accusations of racism for something he didn’t believe.

b) get a warning for posting homophobic content.

c) get a post deleted for claiming Asian people all looked the same.

d) claim they “don’t give a feck” about the city of Manchester.

e) literally have someone from Saudi Arabia posting about how proud they were of their increased connection to United and then getting angry about people from Manchester saying they’re better connected to United for their locality.

Meanwhile we’ve had universally admired posts through the last five pages explaining why the Qatar bid feels wrong. There are literal other people on other threads in the forum saying they’re scared to post here and refuse to read this thread because of the rabid insults thrown out bysome pro Qatari people ( I also forgot two people have been warned for insulting me - one sees it as a badge of honour apparently).

If people don’t want murderers and people who are homophobic and misogynistic running the club, can you please listen to them and respect their views. We can not have valid concerns ignored because some people are excited over transfer spending. As I leave this thread (insulted and scorned for having a moral stance on our owners) please respect others with my viewpoint.

and stop with the homophobia and racism. We can not let this become acceptable, we as a club should fight for the oppressed.
If your refering to me here in the bolded then your right, I do :D Your one of the worst posters on here, and I'm glad I called you what I did, it was fully deserved.

Crazy thing is when you stop with the ridiculous wumming I actually agree with some of things you say on this whole subject.

Edit: turns out it's not me after reading more of the thread, it's @Chief123 , enjoy that badge my friend! :lol:
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Or it's just this (from the article above)...

“Qatar is moving into the post-World Cup phase of its sport and national development strategy, which continues to emphasize industrial diversification, the quest for legitimacy and the promotion of constructive international relations,” Chadwick said.
“Owning such a high-profile club would also have nation-branding, soft power and reputational benefits. But it is also worth specifically noting that the Manchester ship canal has just become a freeport, which suggests some interesting possibilities for prospective Qatari investment.”
Despite Qatar’s various investments in other football clubs across Europe, including in PSG and Sporting Braga, Chadwick said that Al Thani's position in the Qatari royal family is far enough from the top-level officials to allow the Gulf country to elude European ownership regulations.

INEOS or anyone taking over can take advantage of the worldwide fanbase. The Glazers probably would if they stuck around. There is one reason Qatar want United and one reason alone - "quest for legitimacy".

Sure anyone including INEOS can take advantage of the fan base. But you look at the people who went to the meeting last week and it will indicate a few things. Jassim's delegation versus INEOS.

INEOS was all internal folks -- and sporting folks which I suspect reflects how they see this project -- a multi-club opportunity. The Jassim delegation was of a wider scope.

That's why all this talk about being state-owned or nothing is just premature or reflective some personal bias.

You mentioned the freeport opportunity is another potential project that synergies with the assets that are under Qatar state ownership already.

I have said it a few times, when we figure out their business model then we will know who is involved.

One thing I am certain of is at this scale/level; within 92 Foundation there will be Qatari government-linked companies ie companies with QIA ownership but a large portion of the equity is floated on the stock exchange. It is both politically necessary and financially prudent.
Then maybe in a few years time, they could float the 92 Foundation or whatever vehicle they could use on the Stock market to distance themselves further from any state ownership relationship.
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That's why all this talk about being state-owned or nothing is just premature or reflective some personal bias.
The freeport opportunity is another potential project that synergies with what the assets that's under Qatar ownership already.

I have said it a few times, when we figure out their business model then we will know who is involved. And at the moment we are not even close to that.

When do we get to figure that out? Once we're knee deep in something we can't get out of?
Yes we have been self-sufficient for a long time. My point was we wouldn't be if an outside entity is pumping in billions though.

Yes, that is right, if we want to build infrastructure now, then yes, but I think if the Glazer's debt is 100% wiped, and the club can be given a year or 2 to get to a healthy financial state, then we can just borrow money from the banks and rebuild the stadium and the training facilities (this is as I said we are debt free and in a strong position financially).
When do we get to figure that out? Once we're knee deep in something we can't get out of?

I assume when they win the bid or when they are more confident and are close to it. There has been no financial exchange or legal obligations at the moment (between bidders and Glazers other than some NDA) --- only a PPT presentation and discussions at the moment

If I was Jassim, I don't see any obligation to tell the world who the partners are at this point. It's just too premature. Why tell INEOS or other bidders what his magic sauce/business model is?

Also, some of the partners' activities/involvement may not kick in for another few years -- like the freeport opportunity.

I have said in the past, from a 90,000ft level the deal makes more sense for the Glazers with the Jassim. They already have some Gulf presence with their cricket T20 team/club. Why not partner with other Qatari entities which Jassim can bring? Win-win deal.
I assume when they win the bid or when they are more confident and are close to it. There has been no financial exchange or legal obligations at the moment (between bidders and Glazers other than some NDA) --- only a PPT presentation and discussions at the moment

If I was Jassim, I don't see any obligation to tell the world who the partners are at this point. It's just too premature. Why tell INEOS or other bidders what his magic sauce/business model is?

Also, some of the partners' activities/involvement may not kick in for another few years -- like the freeport opportunity.

I have said in the past, from a 90,000ft level the deal makes more sense for the Glazers with the Jassim. They already have some Gulf presence with their cricket T20 team/club. Why not partner with other Qatari entities which Jassim can bring? Win-win deal.

Agree with that. Jassim Qatar will get this over the line if they believe it's in their strategic interest. Including giving the Glazers all kinds of sweeteners if it gets them to hand over control.
Never doubt what all these ‘worried’ opposition fans around the country are truest worried about:

That's the impression I get in honesty. Most fans realise that United are by far the biggest club in England and without a Glazer ball and chain around their leg would still have been competing for titles in the majority of the post-Ferguson era.

With those debt repayments gone, and an owner who doesn't restrict signings that the manager/footballing execs want, rival fans will be expecting United to win titles again in no time.

If I wasn't a United fan, I would feel pretty frustrated about that prospect too. (As a United fan, I'm still worried they'll stay for some reason)
Agree with that. Jassim Qatar will get this over the line if they believe it's in their strategic interest. Including giving the Glazers all kinds of sweeteners if it gets them to hand over control.
I think the deal will get done at some point because Qatar can offer so much more outside of a monetary transaction. Sir Jim can only offer a couple of barrels of toxic chemicals.
The problem with SJR for me is that he is quite a shrewd businessman. I dont think he would overpay for players and I dont think he would give them mad as hell contracts. Then you get into a position like Spurs where you are buying cheap and old or just plain not good enough. He is definitely more savvy than the Glazers who quite simply threw money about every year gung-ho to keep us afloat and around Top 4 to make sure they could take their dividends.

I think he would remind me a bit of Daniel Levy, someone who wont be taken for a mug and would run the club smartly.

For this I actually think SJR would be worse for Manchester United than the Glazers.
I'd say it depends on who you are which is connected to Nice. Executives maybe happy, but the fans may not be. I know I wouldn't be happy, as a fan, if my club has regressed so much. Hence why I'm so unhappy with the Glazers.

Will it be smooth sailing under Jassim's stewardship? Of course not. I can't think of many ownerships being smooth sailing. There are always going to be waves to deal with and overcome.
I don't think Nice have regressed at all, their league position may have held steady but certainly in Europe this season they have been relatively successful and signs point towards an upwards trajectory.

There seems to be a binary thought process on here which is if INEOs taking over is bad for the club then the Qatari bid is good.
Unfortunately we wouldn't know how the Qataris would run the club, as we have no benchmark to compare it too.

I'd say taking out any politics and morality beliefs, INEOs have experience now in how to run a club and are trying to build a portfolio of clubs which will assist United moving forward.
The Qatari bid may well be the better option, we just don't have any idea of how they'd go about running the club on a day to day basis, so no one can really make a judgement on that either way.
Like you said, we are each entitled to our own opinions. One thing I would like to highlight though is that not one of the teams whose example you provided and neither Man Utd pre-Glazers were ever exploited like we have been. I cannot just shrug it off and say "that's life" and then take a stand against an owner who is willing to help improve our infra.

Maybe you consider it financial doping, I only consider it leveling the playing field (wrt the other top clubs who have had the benefit of far better owners than us) after we were exploited brutally for nearly 2 decades.

True and I can appreciate your viewpoint mate and I'm not being blasé about what the Glazers have done to United. It's just that it doesn't override my wish to see the club stay self-sufficient.

Also for me we have to be wary of the motivations behind that sort of help. If a person/people are willing to foot the £1-2 Billion bill for a stadium rebuild/redevelopment without expecting it to ever be paid back. Then personally I'd like to know the intentions behind that generosity.
I don't think Nice have regressed at all, their league position may have held steady but certainly in Europe this season they have been relatively successful and signs point towards an upwards trajectory.

There seems to be a binary thought process on here which is if INEOs taking over is bad for the club then the Qatari bid is good.
Unfortunately we wouldn't know how the Qataris would run the club, as we have no benchmark to compare it too.

I'd say taking out any politics and morality beliefs, INEOs have experience now in how to run a club and are trying to build a portfolio of clubs which will assist United moving forward.
The Qatari bid may well be the better option, we just don't have any idea of how they'd go about running the club on a day to day basis, so no one can really make a judgement on that either way.

They didn't bring a sports or football consultant so maybe they will only assess after they get in or maybe no change for the time being.
Different business models.
The problem with SJR for me is that he is quite a shrewd businessman. I dont think he would overpay for players and I dont think he would give them mad as hell contracts. Then you get into a position like Spurs where you are buying cheap and old or just plain not good enough. He is definitely more savvy than the Glazers who quite simply threw money about every year gung-ho to keep us afloat and around Top 4 to make sure they could take their dividends.

I think he would remind me a bit of Daniel Levy, someone who wont be taken for a mug and would run the club smartly.

For this I actually think SJR would be worse for Manchester United than the Glazers.

Levy is napoleon bonaparte compared to the guys running the football side of Ineos
Apologies for attacking this post, but posts like these are so cringey. Are we going to pretend like we know what goes through SJR or any other billionaires mind? Do you really know what his true motives are? Can you absolutely guarantee that he isnt't profit driven? Do you actually know the bloke??

Regarding Qatar state funding, of which I know you're against: You're asking is it not plausible that SJR is genuine and he enjoys sport etc. I can turn it around and ask that is it not plausible that Jassim is genuine too and he enjoys his sport too? Is it plausible that Jassim will not reply on state funds to run our club?

Look, I'm not necessarily pro-Qatar or pro-other bidders, but I'm not gonna pretend like I know my shit about these billionaires. It's perfectly fine if you prefer SJR over Jassim, but at the end of the day we know close to nothing about these blokes and can only rely on dodgy journalists and tweets.

Maybe making profit long term if the club was sold on one day. But I don't see anyone whether it be Jim or Jassim spending £5-6b on a football club to make short term profits.
Apologies for attacking this post, but posts like these are so cringey. Are we going to pretend like we know what goes through SJR or any other billionaires mind? Do you really know what his true motives are? Can you absolutely guarantee that he isnt't profit driven? Do you actually know the bloke??

Regarding Qatar state funding, of which I know you're against: You're asking is it not plausible that SJR is genuine and he enjoys sport etc. I can turn it around and ask that is it not plausible that Jassim is genuine too and he enjoys his sport too? Is it plausible that Jassim will not reply on state funds to run our club?

Look, I'm not necessarily pro-Qatar or pro-other bidders, but I'm not gonna pretend like I know my shit about these billionaires. It's perfectly fine if you prefer SJR over Jassim, but at the end of the day we know close to nothing about these blokes and can only rely on dodgy journalists and tweets.
No problem with you questioning my P.O.V. It’s what the forum is for.
It’s pretty simple. Show me the profit INeOS has made from their sporting ventures. Show me how it’s a bigger portion of their income than their other venture (grenadier car/chemicals/health products etc.) Show me how pumping £6b into a football club is a better way to make money than putting it into their other businesses. I don’t think it is. INEOS is a business behemoth, and they dwarf United in every conceivable way. If it was simply a money making exercise their are much cheaper clubs you can maximise investment on. Sir Jim seems pretty set on United, he doesn’t seem interested in a Liverpool or Spurs investment, he was never linked to Newcastle who would have been way cheaper. As a money spinner United doesn’t make sense. There is simply more to it than that.

I don’t know whether Jassim loves United/football genuinely but the fact is until it’s proven otherwise the prudent position on the Qatar bid is that it’s state backed as that is the most likely outcome.
Yes, that is right, if we want to build infrastructure now, then yes, but I think if the Glazer's debt is 100% wiped, and the club can be given a year or 2 to get to a healthy financial state, then we can just borrow money from the banks and rebuild the stadium and the training facilities (this is as I said we are debt free and in a strong position financially).

Yeah that's how it normally works mate and this is the route I'd like to see the club take. It's not the easy road of course but Old Trafford as it currently is and the same with Carrington was paid for by the club.
Another team in Ineos football portfolio, Racing Club d'Abidjan, is 9th out of 16 teams in Ivory Coast Ligue 1.

Mid table position, but much better as compared to FC Laussane-Sport who are in division 2.

Looking at the performances of Ineos' football teams, as compared to targets and goals set by Ineos when these teams were purchased, I would use a famous quote by Jose to describe Ineos football operation so far: They are specialists in failure.
INEOS do not own Abidjan. The have a partnership with OGC Nice.
Owning such a high-profile club would also have nation-branding, soft power and reputational benefits. But it is also worth specifically noting that the Manchester ship canal has just become a freeport, which suggests some interesting possibilities for prospective Qatari investment.”

"Jassim’s position in the Qatari royal family is far away enough from government to allay regulatory fears, but still close enough to ensure the country’s government can monitor and manage any investment in Manchester United," Chadwick said.

Read more:
If it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…….
So they increased it just 2 months shy of today’s bailout. Smart business as I said.

I don't know how you can blame credit suisse mishaps on an organisation who owned just 5-7% of the shares. There again we are used in here to blame every thing on qatar
I don't know how you can blame credit suisse mishaps on an organisation who owned just 5-7% of the shares. There again we are used in here to blame every thing on qatar
Just making a devilish effort to equalise the tone of the debate…you know with all Brexit Jim, bike man stuff. ;)
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