Gaming 1836 - The Europa Universalis 4 Experiment (Hands-off) - Map & stats in second post - Final Map and Stats update - Timelapse video

If @Solius wants to end @Crackers, he'll now have to go through Organic Potatoes.

Why is he getting involved fs
Oh yeah, and the Age of Reformation is here. The actual reformation hasn't arrived yet, but it's oh so very close. If the Holy Roman Empire splits in religion, we might get ourselves a Thirty Year War to settle it.

I think we know the answer to that...

The grand old duke of Midi, he had 10 thousand men, he marched them off for a pint and he got feck all in spoils again.
@RedSky didn't get anything I'm afraid, even though he was occupying the French provinces of @Welsh Wonder. @Solius also took all four of Crackers' continental provinces. But surely @BD continued his conquest of @Shakesey, I hear you say? Well...

Ok well. I'm fecked. Gonna have to marry the Malian King's daughter and head for the gold in Southern Africa.
You've lived a truly blessed life this entire game. It's incredible. Not a single, even minor setback.

I usually have awful luck in experiments so it makes a nice change.
Your allies are tiny countries, while your enemies are pretty big countries (including the Holy Roman Emperor). You'll be lucky if this isn't the start of a @Dan-esque death spiral.

Cheers nimnom. Yep that looks a little lopsided.
My allies don't look that strong is that correct? At least I have my artillery.

Sorry for all the questions I've never played this game.

No that's fine, sometimes my short comments/jokes miss the mark a bit when it involves people who have no idea how the game works. You allied the dark green countries, and the red ones are your enemies (one of them declared war on you, bringing in their own allies, who are much bigger than yours). You can see the two sides in the table, and below that you can see how many soldiers they have.