Club Sale | It’s done!

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How are you certain it’s this?

Because Ratcliffe has been after majority control all this time, not minority investment.

Also, last night's Times article states this:

"United has a listing on the New York Stock Exchange but the Glazers control 95 per cent of the voting rights thanks to a special class of B shares. The publicly traded A shares, which are largely held by minority shareholders, have minimal voting power.

Ratcliffe, who flew to New York for talks last month, is seeking to acquire at least enough B shares to hand him control of the club, in an offer that is not expected to be extended to common shareholders."

This aligns with the news that came out at the end of April, stating that Ratcliffe's offer is "flexible", meaning that he would be willing to let the Glazers keep some shares as long as he gets control of United, but if the bastards were willing to sell all of their shares (so, 69%), then Ratcliffe would obviously take that option...and there hasn't been a reported difference in valuation between his 50.1% and 69% offers.

What most people don't want to understand is that he can't buy all of the Glazers shares if they are not willing to sell all of them.

Also, I'm gonna quote more info from the Times: "However, two people with knowledge of the matter said the Glazers are now focused on a structure that would allow the six siblings to sell down their holdings in proportion to their holdings, allowing Ratcliffe to take control.

Ratcliffe and Ineos would buy the remainder of the Glazers’ shares in the coming years through derivatives contracts.

The structure of Ratcliffe’s bid means that he can part with less capital up front, obtain majority control and invest in the club."

Not really looking like the Glazers will have any say or decision making capabilities at all. They probably wouldn't even be able to withdraw their yearly dividends anymore, unless it's something they'd negotiate into the deal beforehand.

Now, whether you believe the Times or not is up to you...but I'm sure as hell taking their word on it over some kids on Twitter with 500 followers that were saying it's a done deal between the Glazers and Qatar back in March.
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Can someone explain this to me please.....

If SJR is buying a majority stake in Man Utd and keeps the Glazers on as minority share holders, would he then not have to use his own money to improve the clubs situation. I.e transfers, stadium, training facilities etc.

But then as the club becomes more valuable, so do their shares, so he then has to pay more to buy them out later? Unless there is a pre agreed price for their exit?

In which case why not just leave now?
Not enough concrete details to tell yet. My understanding was that it would be a premium on top of the share price (at the time) but last night the article mentioned derivative contracts, don't know what they are honestly.
Jim is going to be the seventh Glazer sibling, isn’t he? :(

Those parasites are doing everything in their power to prolong the uncertainty and keep their claws in the club.

Every day that passes without any news is another day lost. The opportunity to turn over a new leaf, to start investment, to give ETH an idea of what the hell is going on and what funds he has this summer and to settle or reassure the fans.

The Glazers have played this whole saga horribly. Just like their ownership of United. Dithering, overly cautious, stingy and milking every single penny. All with zero communication.

As much of a nutter as Boehly is - I could only have dreamed for a transaction as smooth as the sale of Chelsea. In hindsight, Abramovic was a hundred times the owner that the Glazers can ever dream to be.

I just want an outcome one way or another. My preference is for Qatar but the seventh Glazer spawn will do, as Jim will be the lesser of the two evils of them staying in charge.

Hope we get some clarification very soon so we can all move the feck on and the Glazers can disappear into the abyss from whence they came.
I’d say 90% of the outrage is devastation at the Qatari bid failing channelled into a more socially acceptable LUHG brand of moaning.

Without question.

The easy test is to imagine if news had broken last Summer that Ratcliffe was to take control of the club immediately with the Glazers remaining before being phased out entirely over a few years.

All the people acting hysterical and criticising Ratcliffe now would be hailing him as a saviour.

What's different now? Qatar. That's it.
Can someone explain this to me please.....

If SJR is buying a majority stake in Man Utd and keeps the Glazers on as minority share holders, would he then not have to use his own money to improve the clubs situation. I.e transfers, stadium, training facilities etc.

But then as the club becomes more valuable, so do their shares, so he then has to pay more to buy them out later? Unless there is a pre agreed price for their exit?

In which case why not just leave now?

There are reports of a pre-agreed, "premium" price, so that it's not a risky decision for the Glazers, should they go for it.
Ofcourse Brexit Jim will get in bed with the Glazers, who would expect any better from a Chelsea season ticket holder or a guy that didn't even finish primary school in Manchester (or was Failsworth part of Greater Manchester back then, if the term even existed in the first place ?) before fudging off somewhere else. Advocates for Brexit whilst living in Monaco and moving his assets into the EU where things are more better. Goblins & the Rat.

No one outside the armchair virtue signaling brigade care if City are cheats. If they win the Treble, their wont be an asterisk next to it. That's just for the delusional fans to survive off the copium. History isn't going to remember how Newcastle went from a team in a relegation battle 18months ago to now being the Champions League. Them muppets have already started inflating their sponsorship deals so you'll see them be as competitive as City in a quicker rate of time. Meanwhile us under the Brexit Rat, Jim Glazer or whatever the kutha is called, will have to fight against the rest but hey, least our owners aren't foreign eh. British and all that bollocks. Pretty fitting really.
Without question.

The easy test is to imagine if news had broken last Summer that Ratcliffe was to take control of the club immediately with the Glazers remaining for a few years while being phased out entirely over a few years.

All the people acting hysterical and criticising Ratcliffe now would be hailing him as a saviour.

What's different now? Qatar. That's it.
Or people see through the phasing out and can see the bid for what it is?
We’ve gone from 2 Glazers staying to now 6, we’ve gone from Glazers selling all the B class shares and staying on as minority owners to Glazers now keeping B class shares.
safe to say all the posters like you crying hysterics over wanting Glazers out and this isn’t that bad won’t recognise that it actually has gotten worse and that’s before the problems that have to be sorted out are sorted out. Who knows how worse this gets.
My bet is this gets watered down so much that they simply sell less shares for minority investment since nobody seems to want to fecking sell up now
Without question.

The easy test is to imagine if news had broken last Summer that Ratcliffe was to take control of the club immediately with the Glazers remaining before being phased out entirely over a few years.

All the people acting hysterical and criticising Ratcliffe now would be hailing him as a saviour.

What's different now? Qatar. That's it.

That is what we have to hope for. That for Brexit Jim and INEOS as a capitalist enterprise that this is not just a business venture but something he wants to have a legacy over.
He’s literally on camera saying as much about his Chelsea bid. I can’t think why he would suddenly drop that idea to plunder and asset strip his boyhood team.
A few weeks ago the athletic podcast said the debt would remain under Ratcliffe, only Qatar has any intention of clearing it. Jim comes packaged with continued Glazers on the board for years to come and many more years debt payments. What a guy
If that’s the case the protests will continue.
Haha, yep, he really did that. That's all he's done for the club.
I read it in the Athletic.
By the time he updated it for the first time, City had updated/modernised it 5 times during that time, presumably hiring people more qualified than ol' Kev to do it.
Haha amazing. I now have mental images of him squinting into his old desktop screen on go daddy or square space with a copy of ‘HTML for dummies’ on his lap, wondering what to do with his widgets!! :lol:
This is it. It’s basically SJR coming in as the front man publicly but really he’s just an investor. It’s likely a deal behind closed doors that the Glazers will still be in charge with Jimmy having a voting right on the board.
This is simply ludicrous. Who would pay 3-3.5bn for nothing? INEOS doesn’t do investing, it does buyouts.
For some time the Qatari bid has seemed like nothing more than PR. Have fully expected INEOS to get some sort of deal done and am sure that is still the case.

Everyone wants to see back of the Glazers completely but reality is if they want to keep some shares then they will whether the fans like it or not. Most important thing is they lose control this summer.
Without question.

The easy test is to imagine if news had broken last Summer that Ratcliffe was to take control of the club immediately with the Glazers remaining before being phased out entirely over a few years.

All the people acting hysterical and criticising Ratcliffe now would be hailing him as a saviour.

What's different now? Qatar. That's it.

No it's not. Not at all. It's the package of his current bid that makes people sceptical. Last summer people were up in arms about the rumours of him buying the club per se. But we had no idea of how he would finance and structure the deal. The reaction would have been the same.

Also I don't see how the Qatar plan for us isn't a valid reason for people to prefer their bid to what Ratcliffe has in mind.
Hey bro, just like everyone else I know nothing..I’m just trying to understand like the rest of us.

Educate us on what’s actually happening.

I'm not sure if you were talking to me or not. But we can be certain that no one will invest a lot of money in United unless it gives them control, or the right to obtain future control. A board seat with the Glazers still having control is not worth billions.
No it's not. Not at all. It's the package of his current bid that makes people sceptical. Last summer people were up in arms about the rumours of him buying the club per se. But we had no idea of how he would finance and structure the deal. The reaction would have been the same.

Also I don't see how the Qatar plan for us isn't a valid reason for people to prefer their bid to what Ratcliffe has in mind.
It is clearly the best option and they have no counter for it other than human rights abusers.
I’d say 90% of the outrage is devastation at the Qatari bid failing channelled into a more socially acceptable LUHG brand of moaning.

I'd say it would be about 50/50. Some simply aren't exactly enthusiastic by the Ratcliffe proposal. Which is understandable. And some thought Qatar would be better for the club and are dissapointed because of that. Which is, if you compare the offers and promises made, also understandable
No it's not. Not at all. It's the package of his current bid that makes people sceptical. Last summer people were up in arms about the rumours of him buying the club per se. But we had no idea of how he would finance and structure the deal. The reaction would have been the same.

Also I don't see how the Qatar plan for us isn't a valid reason for people to prefer their bid to what Ratcliffe has in mind.

Plans sound great but if they haven’t got the funds/competence/willingness to get a deal done then it’s just pie in the sky.
Plans sound great but if they haven’t got the funds/competence/willingness to get a deal done then it’s just pie in the sky.

Either that or some of the rats simply don't want to leave which was a no go for the Qararis
If Ineos borrow money to fund the purchase of Utd, then make no mistake - the Club will use part of it's revenue to service this debt. I am also absolutely sure that we will not win either the Prem or CL in the next 5 years if Ratcliffe buys us. Right now, I am ready to bet that we will not finish in top 2 in the prem next season.
Not necessarily. Could be that some or all of the Glazers want to remain.
The Qatari's will be aware of that though. Either make an offer that convinces them to go or be more flexible about the arrangement to get a deal done, offering less per share for the club than the INEOS offer when they know that a couple of the Glazer siblings are unsure of selling is a waste of time.
The proposal isn't the bigger problem, it's his record with other clubs that is the worry.

If he's failing with much smaller clubs, how can we expect him to handle a huge club like United?
The Qatari's will be aware of that though. Either make an offer that convinces them to go or be more flexible about the arrangement to get a deal done, offering less per share for the club than the INEOS offer when they know that a couple of the Glazer siblings are unsure of selling is a waste of time.

How come? It seems the Glazers aren't even sure themselves of what they actually want
The Qatari's will be aware of that though. Either make an offer that convinces them to go or be more flexible about the arrangement to get a deal done, offering less per share for the club than the INEOS offer when they know that a couple of the Glazer siblings are unsure of selling is a waste of time.

I'm of the opinion that what's been portrayed in the media is probably not really close to what's actually going on. Western media is of course going to report that the Western buyer is going to win and is favored. Aside from a few puff pieces here and there through Keegan, Qatar has been pretty tight-lipped on the situation and I'd imagine they don't talk to the press in the same way Raine/INEOS do.
Jim is simply Glazers 2.0
It’s a sad state of Utd in the end if this is true
The club will be forever ridden with debts

the best thing for the club (imo) sorry to say if the club can resets itself by going to administration and start all over again in a clean state.
It’s better in the long run unfortunately.
It’s a sad state of Utd in the end if this is true
The club will be forever ridden with debts

the best thing for the club (imo) sorry to say if the club can resets itself by going to administration and start all over again in a clean state.
It’s better in the long run unfortunately.
Absolutely mate, spot on

Bring on administration
It is clearly the best option and they have no counter for it other than human rights abusers.

Well if it wasn't for the human rights abuses, the Qataris would be a great option. In the same way as Harald Shipman was so close to being remembered as a great doctor, and Jimmy Savile as a great marathon runner.
It’s a sad state of Utd in the end if this is true
The club will be forever ridden with debts

the best thing for the club (imo) sorry to say if the club can resets itself by going to administration and start all over again in a clean state.
It’s better in the long run unfortunately.
This post is unhinged. Absolute brain dead nonsense.
I think if you're a pro-INEOS supporter and after the news that there is practically a deal in place is coming out. The Qatar side is absolutely silent. I'd be concerned by that if I was them.

Think it's becoming obvious that the media have no idea on Qatar's current position etc.
Well if it wasn't for the human rights abuses, the Qataris would be a great option. In the same way as Harald Shipman was so close to being remembered as a great doctor, and Jimmy Savile as a great marathon runner.
Jassim isn't a pedophile or a murderer mate. You're comparing a state to individuals.
I think if you're a pro-INEOS supporter and after the news that there is practically a deal in place is coming out. The Qatar side is absolutely silent. I'd be concerned by that if I was them.

Think it's becoming obvious that the media have no idea on Qatar's current position etc.
Oh dear, looks like you’ve slipped into denial again mate. :annoyed:
I think if you're a pro-INEOS supporter and after the news that there is practically a deal in place is coming out. The Qatar side is absolutely silent. I'd be concerned by that if I was them.

Think it's becoming obvious that the media have no idea on Qatar's current position etc.

Jassim isn't a pedophile or a murderer mate. You're comparing a state to individuals.

I'm responding to your post dismissing human rights abuses as nothing. They aren't really though.

And if you think that Jassim's bid is just him as an individual then you're surely aware of your own cognitive dissonance. It is not possible that the 92 foundation is funded by anyone other than the Qatari state, for multiple reasons.
I'm responding to your post dismissing human rights abuses as nothing. They aren't really though.

And if you think that Jassim's bid is just him as an individual then you're surely aware of your own cognitive dissonance. It is not possible that the 92 foundation is funded by anyone other than the Qatari state, for multiple reasons.
So do you think that the people involved in the 92 Foundation are likely to have murdered or sexually abused young people directly like Harold Shipman or Jimmy Saville?

It's not the same thing.
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