2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
in fairness that seems to have been the tactic in the last couple of presidential elections proper so perhaps he is just starting early.
Its never been a tactic before, at least not in the hyper juvenile way Trump uses it. He behaves like a school bully in debates and on twitter.


May 1, 2010
almost 100% of callers that called in after what Trump said to Kelly, supported Trump.

Fox knows where their ratings come from.

If Trump does not go overboard, there is no reason why he should not get the nomination.
A Trump nomination will result in a landslide of epic proportions.

Fox and Ailes may have 'caved' over this incident, but when the business end of the primaries comes around things will be different.


The Art of Bore
Aug 23, 2010
Still waiting for the Youthquake
so when do these primaries actually take place?

The presidential election isnt till November 2016 right so the primaries etc are typically at the start of that year I think (feb / march?)

So is there honestly another 6 months of posturing and soundbiting before people actually cast a vote in a primary?... wow and i thought the labour leadership election was dragging on.

with that long to go I think it actually helps trump... surely he can throw enough money around between now and then to dwarf the ad spend of rivals and potentially stop them gaining momentum.

It does seem a very convoluted process though


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
so when do these primaries actually take place?

The presidential election isnt till November 2016 right so the primaries etc are typically at the start of that year I think (feb / march?)

So is there honestly another 6 months of posturing and soundbiting before people actually cast a vote in a primary?... wow and i thought the labour leadership election was dragging on.

with that long to go I think it actually helps trump... surely he can throw enough money around between now and then to dwarf the ad spend of rivals and potentially stop them gaining momentum.

It does seem a very convoluted process though
Early next year. More than enough time for Trump to implode several times.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
But sometimes you have to think that even his implosions won´t be enough to put off the idiots of the modern Republican party.
Oh they definitely will. The establishment is already plotting to discard him once he says something so incendiary that even the biggest right wing yahtzees in the GOP won't be able to tolerate it. Plus, he's barely a Republican on many positions, which will come under increasing scrutiny. The only reason he has them by the balls at the moment is his polling numbers and the threat of a 3rd party run.

Man of Leisure

Threatened by women who like sex.
Mar 14, 2014
One Big Holiday
so when do these primaries actually take place?

The presidential election isnt till November 2016 right so the primaries etc are typically at the start of that year I think (feb / march?)

So is there honestly another 6 months of posturing and soundbiting before people actually cast a vote in a primary?... wow and i thought the labour leadership election was dragging on.

with that long to go I think it actually helps trump... surely he can throw enough money around between now and then to dwarf the ad spend of rivals and potentially stop them gaining momentum.

It does seem a very convoluted process though
Primaries vary state by state. First is the Iowa caucus is on Feb 1. Super Tuesday is March 1 when many states have theirs on the same day. I live in California and ours isn't until June 7.

Trump won't last until the Iowa caucus. He'll also be hesitant to spend his own money on his campaign.


Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Oh they definitely will. The establishment is already plotting to discard him once he says something so incendiary that even the biggest right wing yahtzees in the GOP won't be able to tolerate it. Plus, he's barely a Republican on many positions, which will come under increasing scrutiny. The only reason he has them by the balls at the moment is his polling numbers and the threat of a 3rd party run.
As we´ve seen his polls rise and Ailes seemingly backing down . . . never underestimate the idiocy of the right.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
He´s spoken about Bernie Saunders being a wuss with the Black Lives Matter protestors and that if they did that to him:“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.

They´ll lap that up like pigs at the trough. Sounds like he got the idea from these armed white oathkeeper "right wing yahtzees" who showed up in Ferguson to intimidate the protesters. Talk about endearing yourself to America´s right wing.



Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
He´s spoken about Bernie Saunders being a wuss with the Black Lives Matter protestors and that if they did that to him:“I don’t know if I’ll do the fighting myself or if other people will.

They´ll lap that up like pigs at the trough. Sounds like he got the idea from these armed white oathkeeper "right wing yahtzees" who showed up in Ferguson to intimidate the protesters. Talk about endearing yourself to America´s right wing.

I watched the interview on TV yesterday. He was basically just answering a question about what he thought about the Sanders incident. His implication was he wouldn't allow someone to take the mike from him.


Jan 7, 2009
The only reason he has them by the balls at the moment is his polling numbers and the threat of a 3rd party run.
He won't run as a 3rd party IMO. He won't waste his money on something that he knows he can't win.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
I watched the interview on TV yesterday. He was basically just answering a question about what he thought about the Sanders incident. His implication was he wouldn't allow someone to take the mike from him.
But his choice of words about fighting them himself or other people will in whatever "implication" he´s making will get the right wing giddy. Nice coincidence with the oath keeper folk, ya gotta admit. And even if it has´t anything to do with that, there will be those who love the idea - the right wing yahoos


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
But his choice of words about fighting them himself or other people will in whatever "implication" he´s making will get the right wing giddy. Nice coincidence with the oath keeper folk, ya gotta admit. And even if it has´t anything to do with that, there will be those who love the idea - the right wing yahoos
It was Trump being trump. It actually sounded quite reasonable when he said it. To think those two moronic women who commandeered Sanders' mike would do that to Trump is laughable. They'd literally have been thrown off the stage.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
He won't run as a 3rd party IMO. He won't waste his money on something that he knows he can't win.
I don't think he cares tbh. He's probably made enough money in the stock market this year to independently fund a 3rd party campaign. It would keep him relevant until the bitter end and he would use the ensuing publicity to raise the profile of future business projects


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
Actually, 538's made a very compelling argument that the people who love Trump aren't Republicans - at least, they mostly won't be voting in the primaries. They're low-information voters repeating the only name they particularly recognize at this stage, but their opinions will increasingly be sieved out by pollsters in the coming months on the basis that they're not actually likely to vote. "Real" Republican voters have staggeringly high unfavourability ratings of him.

He's already dead.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Frank Rich has a bit of a different interpretation in terms of Trump´s Republicanism . . .


The mystery of Trump’s hold on Republican voters is no mystery. As many, including me, have said, his xenophobia and misogyny have long been orthodoxy among the party’s base. Just look at the Fox News debate itself. Though Kelly called Trump out on his history of misogynistic insults, none of his nine opponents onstage took exception to his crude attack on Rosie O’Donnell or to the laughter and cheers it aroused from the audience. (The incident was an echo of that 2012 GOP debate where no one onstage dared chastise the audience for booing Stephen Hill, a gay serviceman in Iraq who asked the candidates a question about Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell via video.) Nor did anyone onstage dissent when Scott Walker and Marco Rubio declared that women should be outlawed from seeking abortions even if their own lives are at stake. How glibly and eagerly they decreed capital punishment for women who have the ill fortune to end up in tragic, potentially fatal pregnancies.

The difference between Trump and his cohort is that he shouts his party’s ugliest views at the top of his lungs and without apology rather than sugarcoating them in Frank Luntz–tested euphemisms and code words. What the GOP Establishment wants is Trumpism — and Trump supporters — without the embarrassing spectacle of Trump himself. Now he has called their bluff and is holding the entire Republican Party hostage. The Establishment would like to blow him up so that he’ll stop giving up the game by calling attention to the extremist views and constituents in the GOP base, but every attempt to sideline him has backfired. Trump, meanwhile, retains the power to blow up the party’s 2016 hopes by coaxing his followers either to stay home on Election Day or to join him in some quixotic third-party sideshow.As my colleague Gabriel Sherman has reported, even Roger Ailes has had to retreat and seek peace with Trump once Trump threatened to boycott Fox News and deprive it of ratings oxygen in the wake of his battle with Kelly. By bringing Ailes to heel, Trump has made himself the most powerful figure in the conservative firmament right now — more powerful than Ailes’s own boss, Rupert Murdoch.

Every day brings another op-ed or quote from a Republican functionary trying to find the bright side. Somehow Trump, in the end, will be good for the other candidates because he makes them look more presidential. Or he will fade when the calendar hits Labor Day, or will somehow self-destruct. These premature obituaries appeared after Trump mocked John McCain’s war service, after Trump supposedly did poorly in the debate, and after he literally attacked Kelly below the belt. Yet Trump’s numbers kept going up. Now William Kristol’s Weekly Standard is reduced to hawking a poll from Rasmussen Reports showing a falloff in Trump’s Republican support. That’s true desperation. Rasmussen is the notorious polling outfit that last gave Republicans false hopes in 2012, when it presaged a Romney victory by calling six of nine battleground states wrong.


Full Member
Dec 2, 2008
Bernie Sanders beats Hillary Clinton in latest New Hampshire poll

Washington (CNN) — Bernie Sanders has for the first time pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Sanders topped Clinton with 44% compared to her 37% support among likely Democratic primary voters, according to a Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll.

Sanders has been gaining momentum as he generates enthusiasm among the Democratic Party's progressive base but until now he has still trailed Clinton in every early state poll.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
Frank Rich has a bit of a different interpretation in terms of Trump´s Republicanism . . .
Liberal people like to think conservative people are stupid. That's nothing new. (Besides, I don't doubt what you're saying is true to a limited extent, just that the actual Republicans backing Trump are being drowned out by people who don't actually plan to vote but like the soundbites they've heard thus far).

We're comparing a liberal pundit here with the guy who used math to call the 2008 and 2012 elections, state-by-state, perfectly. When Nate Silver talks, most people should listen.


Nate Silver said:
Voters, especially in the early voting states, will be doing less “window shopping” and instead will be thinking about who they might cast a ballot for. The polls will change too, starting to home in on what they deem to be “likely voters.” There’s some evidence that Trump is over-performing among “low-information voters.” By November, their ranks will decrease: They’ll either have become more informed, or they’ll be screened out by pollsters because they aren’t likely to vote.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Liberal people like to think conservative people are stupid. That's nothing new. (Besides, I don't doubt what you're saying is true to a limited extent, just that the actual Republicans backing Trump are being drowned out by people who don't actually plan to vote but like the soundbites they've heard thus far).

We're comparing a liberal pundit here with the guy who used math to call the 2008 and 2012 elections, state-by-state, perfectly. When Nate Silver talks, most people should listen.


I´m not sure "stupid" would be the exact term, rather liberals see conservatives as more as assholes in the sense of the racist, sexist, bigoted, religious, jerky, selfish, money-is-god, loud mouth, angry, hypocritical, militaristic personality that is perfectly demonstrated by Señor Trump and his high poll numbers. Although yes, you also do see the mouth breather "stupid" type Fox News Republican true believers en masse.

I would say a majority of the crafty, sly "intelligent" well-to-do, decent Republicans (the "establishment") are not happy that Trump is unapologetically voicing some very unpopular core values of the modern American Republican conservative without filter and without the politically correct muzzle, and want him out of the race for obvious reasons.


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Liberal people like to think conservative people are stupid. That's nothing new. (Besides, I don't doubt what you're saying is true to a limited extent, just that the actual Republicans backing Trump are being drowned out by people who don't actually plan to vote but like the soundbites they've heard thus far).

We're comparing a liberal pundit here with the guy who used math to call the 2008 and 2012 elections, state-by-state, perfectly. When Nate Silver talks, most people should listen.

Silver is usually spot on about these things. I could definitely see a scenario where a good portion of those supporting him in the polls now would peel as time wears on and they actually learn what his policy proposals are.

Man of Leisure

Threatened by women who like sex.
Mar 14, 2014
One Big Holiday
Actually, 538's made a very compelling argument that the people who love Trump aren't Republicans - at least, they mostly won't be voting in the primaries. They're low-information voters repeating the only name they particularly recognize at this stage, but their opinions will increasingly be sieved out by pollsters in the coming months on the basis that they're not actually likely to vote. "Real" Republican voters have staggeringly high unfavourability ratings of him.

He's already dead.
Agree with this completely.

Keeps It tidy

Hates Messi
Jun 6, 2013
New York
I do not think Donald Trump is actually in it to actually win it. He is the most shameless self promoter there is. He is trying to further promote the brand of Trump again. Because the current crop of Republican candidates are either boring, un-electable or both he still has a lead in the polls. Sort of like how Herman Cain took a lead for a little while last primary(who also did not really enter to win).


Aug 14, 1999
Hollywood CA
Sanders is apparently leading Hillary in a new New Hampshire poll, which i suppose shouldn't come as a surprise given that Vermont is just next door.


Full Member
Feb 28, 2007
Nice interview with David Simon, the creator of The Wire, on racial politics in the US.

I like him. Unlike so many, his opinions are nuanced and he doesn't have a clear cut agenda skewing his view of the facts. With the vitriol and hyperbole going around these days on just about any issue, folks should lend him an ear. He was a talking head in the documentary "The House I Live In" with everything he said making complete sense to me. Michelle Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow" was very good as well on the topic, though her description of intent was a bit cartoonish for me (and David Simon takes issue with it as well).

Anyway, for my mind 2 great sources to learn from on the topics of the drug war, incarceration, and race in law enforcement.


Full Member
Dec 2, 2008
Agree. He's never afraid to tell it how he sees it. He's also very good on newspapers and journalism.


He posts his own articles here if anyone's interested.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
I´m not sure "stupid" would be the exact term, rather liberals see conservatives as more as assholes in the sense of the racist, sexist, bigoted, religious, jerky, selfish, money-is-god, loud mouth, angry, hypocritical, militaristic personality that is perfectly demonstrated by Señor Trump and his high poll numbers. Although yes, you also do see the mouth breather "stupid" type Fox News Republican true believers en masse.

I would say a majority of the crafty, sly "intelligent" well-to-do, decent Republicans (the "establishment") are not happy that Trump is unapologetically voicing some very unpopular core values of the modern American Republican conservative without filter and without the politically correct muzzle, and want him out of the race for obvious reasons.
Well, I have to disagree, if only on the basis that the 5-6 US Republicans I do know (friends/family, including a gay Asian immigrant... go figure) are transparently not assholes. They just have a different point of view. Period.

But let's say you're right, and that all Republicans are assholes. If they're all assholes, then you need to fight them. If you need to fight them, then you need to beat them, and if you need to beat them then you need to understand them. In which case it does you and your chosen Blue Team no good to listen to sanctimonious feel-good rhetoric about how stupid your opponents are, and then collectively shit yourselves when you realize you're facing someone like Kasich or Bush (whom Silver puts at 50-50 against Clinton, btw) instead of a blowhard like Trump.

I mean, I like Alan Shearer, but if he and Gary Neville were talking at the same time about the issues with my team I know who I should listen to, regardless of who I'd like or prefer to listen to.

Nobby style

Full Member
Jul 24, 2009
Tooting Colombia to Tooting Bec and back again
Read it properly. Not saying all Republicans are assholes. Calm down. In fact, I mention "well-to-do, decent" ones, i.e., the establishment. Was that so hard to read? So you can go back to feeling good about your friends and who they´re politically in step with. I´m not sure anybody is shitting themselves about Bush or Kasich. Jesus. Where did you pull that one out of? The fact that they would support another Bush after Dubya bringing near ruin to this country speaks volumes. The best thing about the "chosen" blue team, is that they are not the red team.

But you got to admit, that party attracts the worst sorts of society - bigots, racists, homophobics, greedy, anti environment, militaristic, worshipers of money, less altruistic and less empathetic types, etc. You have to wonder why. Ask all your friends. Ask your gay Asian friend why he would support a party that loathes who he is. Weird. As if he lacked soul.


Full Member
Dec 9, 2013
Read it properly. Not saying all Republicans are assholes. Calm down. In fact, I mention "well-to-do, decent" ones, i.e., the establishment. Was that so hard to read? So you can go back to feeling good about your friends and who they´re politically in step with. I´m not sure anybody is shitting themselves about Bush or Kasich. Jesus. Where did you pull that one out of? The fact that they would support another Bush after Dubya bringing near ruin to this country speaks volumes. The best thing about the "chosen" blue team, is that they are not the red team.

But you got to admit, that party attracts the worst sorts of society - bigots, racists, homophobics, greedy, anti environment, militaristic, worshipers of money, less altruistic and less empathetic types, etc. You have to wonder why. Ask all your friends. Ask your gay Asian friend why he would support a party that loathes who he is. Weird. As if he lacked soul.
Egad! Crossed wires, mate. Not calling you out - just pointing out that it's far too easy to get caught up in echo chambers.

Respectfully, if it blows your mind that someone would "support a party that loathes who he is", then I think you're proving my point. These people exist. They're not crazy, they certainly don't lack soul (he's hands down one of the most socially skilled, funniest people I've ever met) - and if you can scarcely conceive of their very existence, then your mentality could be the issue?
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