Adam Johnson found guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child | Sentenced to six years

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Cheers lads.

It will be tough for him I guess. Maybe he has a chance to go to China or in the Middle East somewhere. Maybe even the States - but getting a visa to basically anywhere, with a criminal record, will be tough.

Sex with young girls is considered normal there I believe:(
This fecker groomed and sexually assaulted a 15 year old while his girlfriend was pregnant with his child. They found beastiality porn on his laptop and he was caught on camera talking about how his sentence was longer because he was a footballer - showing an obvious lack of remorse or responsibility.

How the feck does he get out after serving only half a sentence?
This fecker groomed and sexually assaulted a 15 year old while his girlfriend was pregnant with his child. They found beastiality porn on his laptop and he was caught on camera talking about how his sentence was longer because he was a footballer - showing an obvious lack of remorse or responsibility.

How the feck does he get out after serving only half a sentence?
I have no faith in our criminal justice system. We let out murderers after serving life sentences of....13/14 years. Great justice that, get to live their lives out...
Am I the only one who thinks that what Marcos Alonso did is way worse?

You're probably not no. This will get more exposure though as at the time of the incidents Johnson was a much bigger player, an England international and it happened in England. It's always going to be the bigger story really. At the time of the Alonso incident it was in Spain and he was barely even getting a look in at Bolton.

I doubt Johnson finds a club in England now at a good level (no prem or Championship teams will touch him I don't think) if he was a few years younger I reckon a team may of taken a punt on is a fickle business and if he had a good few seasons the fans of the team he went to would soon "forget" what he's done.
I think he should be allowed to play. Convicts should be allowed to work or we keep them in prison for life.
You're probably not no. This will get more exposure though as at the time of the incidents Johnson was a much bigger player, an England international and it happened in England. It's always going to be the bigger story really. At the time of the Alonso incident it was in Spain and he was barely even getting a look in at Bolton.

I doubt Johnson finds a club in England now at a good level (no prem or Championship teams will touch him I don't think) if he was a few years younger I reckon a team may of taken a punt on is a fickle business and if he had a good few seasons the fans of the team he went to would soon "forget" what he's done.

Didn't work with Graham Rix 20 years ago, I hardly think in this day and age any club is 'going to take a punt.' It's not like he's such a wonderful talent that anyone could do without
I have no faith in our criminal justice system. We let out murderers after serving life sentences of....13/14 years. Great justice that, get to live their lives out...
Exactly. This is something that has affected our family massively and when we had to rely on the justice system it only made things worse because there’s absolutely nothing you can do. So at the end of this month in fact we have to go through a whole load of shit again. Where’s the justice?
It’s not as if he’s 25, he’s 31, hasn’t played professionally in years. Even if a club in this country signed him, he’d struggle.

His only hope is going abroad, no one here would touch him, PR nightmare, truly not worth the hassle.
How the feck does he get out after serving only half a sentence?

I'll start by saying I have no sympathy for Johnson and I am not defending his actions at all. He knew what he was doing and he was deservedly punished for it.

But looking at the evidence and similar cases, it's clear that he was made an example of (and rightly so maybe!). He fingered a 15 year old that (by all accounts) looked a lot older. A psychologist at the trial concluded he was not sexually attracted to children. He is obviously an idiot and a scumbag for what he did to his girlfriend, but I wouldn't say he was an immediate danger to children. He got 6 years in prison where similar cases have got very little in terms of a custodial sentence.

Meanwhile, on 24 hours in police custody, a guy who was found with hundreds of videos and images of children as young as 3 being raped is given a suspended 12 month sentence.

Out of the two, which one is more dangerous?

I know which one I would want locked up indefinitely!
It’s not as if he’s 25, he’s 31, hasn’t played professionally in years. Even if a club in this country signed him, he’d struggle.

His only hope is going abroad, no one here would touch him, PR nightmare, truly not worth the hassle.

I suspect even policing the game would be difficult as and another villa type incident pretty much inevitable

Perhaps he could get a club abroad but again probably a lot of hassle for the club... perhaps Pattaya United is his only chance
He will probably go and play in Singapore or a similar place. Still earn decent money and out of the limelight. The fact they also have underage girls there is just a happy coincidence for him.
Didn't work with Graham Rix 20 years ago, I hardly think in this day and age any club is 'going to take a punt.' It's not like he's such a wonderful talent that anyone could do without

Rix had retired by time he got charged hadn't he?

I doubt opposition fans would forget about what he'd done. As I said I imagine if he got a career and did well then fans of the club he's at will soon choose to forget.

I agree he's not a wonderful talent, he is a good footballer though and was pretty promising when he was younger. I even stated I doubt he'd play at a good level in England anymore.
Am I the only one who thinks that what Marcos Alonso did is way worse?

Going out for a meal with 3 friends, the driver has a too many drinks that puts them over the limit. They all get in the car to go home, one of your friends does not put their seat belt on. You lose control and crash and your friend dies.

The outcome of course is worse but does it make Alonso a worse person than someone who grooms a child for sex? I don't think so personally.
How would it work if his next club has superstar youth player who is coming through? Can he even share the same dressing room as him?
I'll start by saying I have no sympathy for Johnson and I am not defending his actions at all. He knew what he was doing and he was deservedly punished for it.

But looking at the evidence and similar cases, it's clear that he was made an example of (and rightly so maybe!). He fingered a 15 year old that (by all accounts) looked a lot older. A psychologist at the trial concluded he was not sexually attracted to children. He is obviously an idiot and a scumbag for what he did to his girlfriend, but I wouldn't say he was an immediate danger to children. He got 6 years in prison where similar cases have got very little in terms of a custodial sentence.

Meanwhile, on 24 hours in police custody, a guy who was found with hundreds of videos and images of children as young as 3 being raped is given a suspended 12 month sentence.

Out of the two, which one is more dangerous?

I know which one I would want locked up indefinitely!

Yeah that's a disgrace and clearly worse. It doesn't mean Adam Johnson doesn't deserve 6 years in jail though.
Couldn't he go play in France? The age of consent is 15 so what he did wouldn't have even been a crime there? Is he allowed to leave the country to work?
He will probably go and play in Singapore or a similar place. Still earn decent money and out of the limelight. The fact they also have underage girls there is just a happy coincidence for him.
Eh? Every country in the world has underage girls. That's sort of how age works
He’s such a fool, had so much going for him. I spoke about the stigma of sexual crimes in comparison to other crimes in the GF before and I think that because of that, he’s done in the UK. Not sure how I feel about that personally, not that his crime was not deplorable, but because of this selective decision making about when a person with a spent record can resume his/her job.

He was a really talented player too, brilliant at City and had an opportunity most young boys only dream of. It’s not even that he’s what I’d consider a peadophile per se, he was just stupid and mindless. No self-control.
What disgusting club is Ched Evans at these days? Maybe they need a winger

Ched was cleared if I’m not mistaken, don’t think whatever club has hired him should be seen as ‘disgusting’ for doing so.
This fecker groomed and sexually assaulted a 15 year old while his girlfriend was pregnant with his child. They found beastiality porn on his laptop and he was caught on camera talking about how his sentence was longer because he was a footballer - showing an obvious lack of remorse or responsibility.

How the feck does he get out after serving only half a sentence?

You pretty much always serve half the sentence.
Causing death by drink driving? I'd say yes it is.

Luke McCormick killed two little lads and put their dad in a wheelchair through drink driving. He destroyed an entire family and he's back playing after serving a similar sentence to Johnson. What Johnson did was wrong and he deserved punishment but, in my mind, there is no comparison regarding the gravity of offence.

If McCormick has been welcomed back into the football family then, on that basis, so should Johnson.
Going out for a meal with 3 friends, the driver has a too many drinks that puts them over the limit. They all get in the car to go home, one of your friends does not put their seat belt on. You lose control and crash and your friend dies.

The outcome of course is worse but does it make Alonso a worse person than someone who grooms a child for sex? I don't think so personally.
You'd feel the same way if he wasn't a Chelsea player I'm sure.
Luke McCormick killed two little lads and put their dad in a wheelchair through drink driving. He destroyed an entire family and he's back playing after serving a similar sentence to Johnson. What Johnson did was wrong and he deserved punishment but, in my mind, there is no comparison regarding the gravity of offence.

If McCormick has been welcomed back into the football family then, on that basis, so should Johnson.

I think the difference is Adam Johnson is a higher profile name than Luke McCormick ever was. I'm not saying its right of course. I can't see anyone giving Johnson a chance in football in this country.
I think the difference is Adam Johnson is a higher profile name than Luke McCormick ever was. I'm not saying its right of course. I can't see anyone giving Johnson a chance in football in this country.
Is he on the Sex Offender Register. If yes that would make it awkward if he cannot be near kids.
You'd feel the same way if he wasn't a Chelsea player I'm sure.

That grooming a child for sex is worse than having three pints then driving? I think I would.

Drink driving is stupid and awful and reckless. I've kinda done it (didn't drive myself but let a pissed mate drive me, was the stupidest thing I've ever done) and I don't think I am worse than a kid fecker.
Why are we debating which is worse out of fecking kids and causing death to a person by dangerous driving? Both are abhorrent crimes and both should be guilty of having the entitlement and stature that a footballer would have stripped away from them.
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