Adnan Januzaj image 15

Adnan Januzaj Belgium flag

2014-15 Performances

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5.0 Season Average Rating
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Don't really see how anyone could have thought he was poor last night. I thought he was good throughout. Very neat and tidy in difficult conditions and one of the few players looking to make something happen. He holds onto the ball a bit too long at times but when nobody is making runs or giving him any options I don't see how this is avoidable. Its definitely preferable to just whacking aimless balls into the box.

It really is funny. In the first half he was constantly looking to make things happen. What do people want him to do if there is no final third passing option? You saw him receive the ball with his back facing the goal and then would turn to face the goal often times dribbling to find an opening. People then say he's not taking responsibility if he passes it back despite trying to look for an opening.

In the 2nd half he was trying to make things happen, but that seemed more like he was dithering on the ball compared to the first half. He resorted to either dribbling or crossing which if it works, fans will praise. If it doesn't work, fans will say he's frustrating. Either way, from a wide position those are his two instincts. I personally preferred his 1st half and looked more mature in that position. He can easily find passes in the final third if there is one to be made. The only blemish in the first half was the lack of shooting which he obviously should have done.

edit: btw, that januzaj touch video is missing some of his touches from the 1st half.
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Rewatched the game today. Adnan was one of the positives in yesterdays game, it wasn't a barnstorming performance by any means but it was solid. He looked intelligent in possession, he tracked back well.. there was no arrogance in his play, but he seemed confident enough. That was a good base from which he can hopefully kick on from for the rest of the season.. I see him returning to the fold a little now with wilson hopefully getting less game time. Adnan is the more talented player and needs the minutes in my opinion.
Rewatched the game today. Adnan was one of the positives in yesterdays game, it wasn't a barnstorming performance by any means but it was solid. He looked intelligent in possession, he tracked back well.. there was no arrogance in his play, but he seemed confident enough. That was a good base from which he can hopefully kick on from for the rest of the season.. I see him returning to the fold a little now with wilson hopefully getting less game time. Adnan is the more talented player and needs the minutes in my opinion.

I think this is probably the perfect description. Was impressed by his aptitude.
Some claim he was selfish or took too long with his decision making. I saw a lot of patience in order to avoid possibly costly mistakes. The reason he had to be so patient was due to a lack of options to pass the ball to. We didn't have good man movement and that was really the key problem for him. In the first half he was playing it safe and van Gaal seems to have told him to be more assertive, which he tried to be in the second half but it wasn't easy given how the game was being played.
Some claim he was selfish or took too long with his decision making. I saw a lot of patience in order to avoid possibly costly mistakes. The reason he had to be so patient was due to a lack of options to pass the ball to. We didn't have good man movement and that was really the key problem for him. In the first half he was playing it safe and van Gaal seems to have told him to be more assertive, which he tried to be in the second half but it wasn't easy given how the game was being played.

I think it was just lack of confidence a little, he had a few chances to start a break/counter attack and he slowed the game down instead. Had a good game though overall.

EDIT: Also at the end of the first half, Di Maria put him in, he could have taken the shot or taken on the defender but he chose to play it safe. Minor criticisms though, I'm sure if he gets a run of games, he will become more positive in those situations.
Yes PSG have shown themselves to be interested this winter. They directly contacted Manchester United for information. Louis van Gaal announced that he (Januzaj) cannot leave this winter. Not as a permanent transfer nor as a loan. The coach considered him as an important player for squad. He is counting on everyone. It seems like a definitive decision, I don’t think that it can change.”
- Januzaj's agent
It's maybe a different context but even though Van gaal rated Alaba, he didn't used him a lot at the beginning, he even sent him on loan.
Van gaal like Ferguson rate training, so they can appreciate a player but not play him until they are 100% that they will make a difference.
I just don't understand real life. On Football Manager he becomes a world class player half way into this season whilst being tutored by Juan Mata. I just don't get why he's not consistently world class yet. I bet it's Juan Mata not tutoring him! Louis needs to pull his finger out and start holding more backroom staff meetings! White text just in case
Well, he isn't exactly helping his career if he blocks this move and still doesn't give him the game time.

Why would we want to loan him to a club that could a) potentially turn his head b) probably wouldn't play him that much anyway?

Januzaj will get his chances. But right now, there are better players ahead of him in the pecking order.
I felt he did ok and was one of our better players in the last game

he needs 3/4 games to see the best of him return
Man Utd 3:1 Leicester
Surprised no one has commented in here. Thought he looked really dangerous in the 2nd half. Was probably a bit quiet early on but grew into the match. Think he did enough to deserve another start.
Played with great maturity today, similar to the game against Cambridge. Great to see.
Surprised no one has commented in here. Thought he looked really dangerous in the 2nd half. Was probably a bit quiet early on but grew into the match. Think he did enough to deserve another start.

That's a normal Januzaj performance when you put in on a right system.Nothing to see here.Should start the next game.
Thought he was good. I don't mind him in that role and think he could grow into but I much prefer him higher and wider.

Would be great to see him get anther run during the week
I thought he played better in the first half. He looked more mature in the midfield role. I thought he showed some immaturity in his play as a winger which is normal as a 19 year old. The only thing that sucks about the lcm role is that he doesn't get to roam to the right side of the pitch where he can make great use of his left foot.
I thought he played better in the first half. He looked more mature in the midfield role. I thought he showed some immaturity in his play as a winger which is normal as a 19 year old. The only thing that sucks about the lcm role is that he doesn't get to roam to the right side of the pitch where he can make great use of his left foot.

I thought he could have cut in onto his right more often today, after the first couple of runs the fullback realized he was going on the outside.
I think I know what Louis Van Gaal has done with Januzaj this year.

Remember when Rio's book came out? He claimed that there were certain youngsters who felt as if they were entitled to a place in the first team. Januzaj came into the spotlight and his personal life was all over the local dailies and Nando's. It just seemed that the boy was getting a little ahead of himself and Giggs noticed this. This is Manchester United we're talking about. You have to earn your place in the starting eleven. I understand he was exceptional for us sometimes last year, but the way Moyes used him was verging on desperation rather than him "giving youth a chance."

Young players with talent need to be shown that they're not the sole focus of the main team. They have to look up to their seniors and have to earn the coach's trust. Moyes was feeling heavily pressured and played Januzaj because he might have been the only tricky type winger we had, yet as LVG shows putting trust in the likes of Young and Valencia can completely transform a player's output.

By giving him the number 11, Louis and Giggs showed him that he was wanted here. But by not playing him as a first name on the sheet, a message was sent that he needs to earn his place. He needs to put on some muscle and play the system well. He needs to be disciplined and believe in the manager. Louis had to recultivate the boy's need to prove the manager that he's good enough, rahter than feel entitled to play like how he was made to feel under Moyes.

This may seem all too psychological and trivial, but to bring up somebody the Manchester United way - hard work, discipline and loyalty - we need to instil ethos of the team over the individual at all costs.

Yesterday, he showed great improvement. He has clearly grown physically stronger and stuck to instructions. His decision making is still a little warped with his need to impress sometimes overtaking the goals of the team, but that is youth in all its glory. He's played two games in a row now, and I get the feeling that Januzaj has turned a corner with LVG and, we might just see him play more in the final run-in to the end of the season.
I think I know what Louis Van Gaal has done with Januzaj this year.

Remember when Rio's book came out? He claimed that there were certain youngsters who felt as if they were entitled to a place in the first team. Januzaj came into the spotlight and his personal life was all over the local dailies and Nando's. It just seemed that the boy was getting a little ahead of himself and Giggs noticed this. This is Manchester United we're talking about. You have to earn your place in the starting eleven. I understand he was exceptional for us sometimes last year, but the way Moyes used him was verging on desperation rather than him "giving youth a chance."

Young players with talent need to be shown that they're not the sole focus of the main team.
They have to look up to their seniors and have to earn the coach's trust. Moyes was feeling heavily pressured and played Januzaj because he might have been the only tricky type winger we had, yet as LVG shows putting trust in the likes of Young and Valencia can completely transform a player's output.

By giving him the number 11, Louis and Giggs showed him that he was wanted here. But by not playing him as a first name on the sheet, a message was sent that he needs to earn his place. He needs to put on some muscle and play the system well. He needs to be disciplined and believe in the manager. Louis had to recultivate the boy's need to prove the manager that he's good enough, rahter than feel entitled to play like how he was made to feel under Moyes.

This may seem all too psychological and trivial, but to bring up somebody the Manchester United way - hard work, discipline and loyalty - we need to instil ethos of the team over the individual at all costs.

Yesterday, he showed great improvement. He has clearly grown physically stronger and stuck to instructions. His decision making is still a little warped with his need to impress sometimes overtaking the goals of the team, but that is youth in all its glory. He's played two games in a row now, and I get the feeling that Januzaj has turned a corner with LVG and, we might just see him play more in the final run-in to the end of the season.

So it is Moyes' fault?
his natural position is something similar to what diMaria is currently doing for us. but with falcao, rvp, rooney & diMaria this is not easy to break in. staying more deep to help midfield in team play can gain him more play time, is better than not playing at least. using it to develop his game and wait for this time, just like what cr7 had once gone through.

am very pleased to see his current development within the team
So it is Moyes' fault?
Saying it is his fault is far too harsh. We have Moyes to thank for letting the boy show his potential and making him believe he can make it here at United. Yet, he was not protected by the manager and was treated like a senior player. That is never good for a young player unless the player has overwhelming skill like the likes of Messi and Ronaldinho at 19. Januzaj has just as much potential but he's not there yet.

When the team was failing, it was imperative for the manager to put Januzaj on the bench and shield his sense of winning and losing. Instead, he was put there in the first team in desperation. One may say that if you're good enough, age does not matter. "Look at Pogba!" They'll say. The difference is, we risk damaging the identity of the club and the structure of the 'egosystem' in the club. These things matter and managin egos is a major part of football management. At Juventus, Pogba was given his chance and he has shown phenomenal growth when he played. Januzaj played a couple of times at the start of this season and he didn't look quite right. Now he's starting to show his true worth.
His touch is just excellent for a young lad. Give him a run of games and he'll get better
I think I know what Louis Van Gaal has done with Januzaj this year.

Remember when Rio's book came out? He claimed that there were certain youngsters who felt as if they were entitled to a place in the first team. Januzaj came into the spotlight and his personal life was all over the local dailies and Nando's. It just seemed that the boy was getting a little ahead of himself and Giggs noticed this. This is Manchester United we're talking about. You have to earn your place in the starting eleven. I understand he was exceptional for us sometimes last year, but the way Moyes used him was verging on desperation rather than him "giving youth a chance."

Young players with talent need to be shown that they're not the sole focus of the main team. They have to look up to their seniors and have to earn the coach's trust. Moyes was feeling heavily pressured and played Januzaj because he might have been the only tricky type winger we had, yet as LVG shows putting trust in the likes of Young and Valencia can completely transform a player's output.

By giving him the number 11, Louis and Giggs showed him that he was wanted here. But by not playing him as a first name on the sheet, a message was sent that he needs to earn his place. He needs to put on some muscle and play the system well. He needs to be disciplined and believe in the manager. Louis had to recultivate the boy's need to prove the manager that he's good enough, rahter than feel entitled to play like how he was made to feel under Moyes.

This may seem all too psychological and trivial, but to bring up somebody the Manchester United way - hard work, discipline and loyalty - we need to instil ethos of the team over the individual at all costs.

Yesterday, he showed great improvement. He has clearly grown physically stronger and stuck to instructions. His decision making is still a little warped with his need to impress sometimes overtaking the goals of the team, but that is youth in all its glory. He's played two games in a row now, and I get the feeling that Januzaj has turned a corner with LVG and, we might just see him play more in the final run-in to the end of the season.

Good post.
Very happy with his peformqnce yesterday. He seeemed to be playing with freedom and the confidence was back. Didn't always make the right decision or beat his man but like I said, he looked comfortable again, and with his talent, if he's comfortable and confident, I have no worries at all.
Seems to have develop great upper body strength needed for PL. He was holding players off much more physical then him with ease which was quite surprising considering he was regularly brushed aside in physical battles last year.
Seems to have develop great upper body strength needed for PL. He was holding players off much more physical then him with ease which was quite surprising considering he was regularly brushed aside in physical battles last year.
Fellaini has been looking after him well. Probably pushing him harder in the gym as well
I said a few weeks ago that he was my biggest concern of this season (and maybe Rafa). Not that I thought he was going to leave or anything, but because I just think the lack of minutes he was getting would eventually stunt his development, when he has so much potential. I still think he's so important to the future of this team and I was over the moon to see him get 90 minutes yesterday. He will get better with more games, but even so he was still very good. When we have lots of sterile possession having Januzaj on the pitch is a massive help because he will take people on and commit defenders which creates space for his team mates. He gets us on the front foot and his end product will sharpen and improve. He's quite clever in the way he tries to go past people because he will be one on one with a defender and when it looks like he's slowing the game down and making it easy for the defender he manages to unbalance them and put them on the back foot which then gives him that half a yard to get past them. I love watching him again and I'm glad he had some of his confidence back and wasn't afraid to take people on. Last week he seemed so scared of losing the ball that he played it overly safe and that meant that we saw very little of what he is best at (particularly in the first half).

His hold up play was brilliant yesterday too. He was strong and determined and managed to wriggle away from tight marking quite a few times.
I think I know what Louis Van Gaal has done with Januzaj this year.

Remember when Rio's book came out? He claimed that there were certain youngsters who felt as if they were entitled to a place in the first team. Januzaj came into the spotlight and his personal life was all over the local dailies and Nando's. It just seemed that the boy was getting a little ahead of himself and Giggs noticed this. This is Manchester United we're talking about. You have to earn your place in the starting eleven. I understand he was exceptional for us sometimes last year, but the way Moyes used him was verging on desperation rather than him "giving youth a chance."

Young players with talent need to be shown that they're not the sole focus of the main team. They have to look up to their seniors and have to earn the coach's trust. Moyes was feeling heavily pressured and played Januzaj because he might have been the only tricky type winger we had, yet as LVG shows putting trust in the likes of Young and Valencia can completely transform a player's output.

By giving him the number 11, Louis and Giggs showed him that he was wanted here. But by not playing him as a first name on the sheet, a message was sent that he needs to earn his place. He needs to put on some muscle and play the system well. He needs to be disciplined and believe in the manager. Louis had to recultivate the boy's need to prove the manager that he's good enough, rahter than feel entitled to play like how he was made to feel under Moyes.

This may seem all too psychological and trivial, but to bring up somebody the Manchester United way - hard work, discipline and loyalty - we need to instil ethos of the team over the individual at all costs.

Yesterday, he showed great improvement. He has clearly grown physically stronger and stuck to instructions. His decision making is still a little warped with his need to impress sometimes overtaking the goals of the team, but that is youth in all its glory. He's played two games in a row now, and I get the feeling that Januzaj has turned a corner with LVG and, we might just see him play more in the final run-in to the end of the season.
This makes total sense, excellent post.
Saying it is his fault is far too harsh. We have Moyes to thank for letting the boy show his potential and making him believe he can make it here at United. Yet, he was not protected by the manager and was treated like a senior player. That is never good for a young player unless the player has overwhelming skill like the likes of Messi and Ronaldinho at 19. Januzaj has just as much potential but he's not there yet.

When the team was failing, it was imperative for the manager to put Januzaj on the bench and shield his sense of winning and losing. Instead, he was put there in the first team in desperation. One may say that if you're good enough, age does not matter. "Look at Pogba!" They'll say. The difference is, we risk damaging the identity of the club and the structure of the 'egosystem' in the club. These things matter and managin egos is a major part of football management. At Juventus, Pogba was given his chance and he has shown phenomenal growth when he played. Januzaj played a couple of times at the start of this season and he didn't look quite right. Now he's starting to show his true worth.

This is not just harsh but complete nonsense.

Moyes handled him exceedingly well and at one point took him out of the team while 90% of the posters were demanding him to start every game.
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