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I think it's just that some people aren't patient enough with centre mids.

Lucas isn't good enough, Fletcher isn't good enough, Anderson's vastly overrated...people don't seem to catch on that midfielders usually aren't even ready to be playing as many games for such a big club in midfield at this age, and only very, very few can.

Spot on Brwny. Zidane was close to 25 when he signed for Juve and 29 close to 30 when he signed for Real. I'm not saying Ando is gonna be the next Zizou, but some people need some fecking perspective. The peak age for a CM is far higher than it is for wingers or forwards. The age spectrum increases the further back into the field you go generally. Unless you're Fabregas, but find me another player like Fabregas? You can't. He will be great one day, I'm sure of it, his natural ability is clear to see and he's far more consistent than someone like Nani and far less reliant on beating people or the physical attributes like pace that give you an advantage in youth.
The thing I like about him as a player is that, misplaced passing aside he never seems to lose the ball....Just when I think he has overdone himself and is surrounded by opposition players he still manages to hold onto the ball to distribute it(whether badly or not)

Was good when he came on aswell
Spot on Brwny. Zidane was close to 25 when he signed for Juve and 29 close to 30 when he signed for Real. I'm not saying Ando is gonna be the next Zizou, but some people need some fecking perspective. The peak age for a CM is far higher than it is for wingers or forwards. The age spectrum increases the further back into the field you go generally. Unless you're Fabregas, but find me another player like Fabregas? You can't. He will be great one day, I'm sure of it, his natural ability is clear to see and he's far more consistent than someone like Nani and far less reliant on beating people or the physical attributes like pace that give you an advantage in youth.

No need to bring him up in this thread, I have enough of this discussion in the Nani threads.
I of course agree with the remaining :)
I think it's just that some people aren't patient enough with centre mids.

Lucas isn't good enough, Fletcher isn't good enough, Anderson's vastly overrated...people don't seem to catch on that midfielders usually aren't even ready to be playing as many games for such a big club in midfield at this age, and only very, very few can.

To be fair there's a difference between not being great but showing great potential as a youngster and being downright awful. Lucas has for large parts of his Liverpool career been the latter. Anderson the former. So the reactions should be very different.

Sadly, Fletcher was very poor in his early united career. I felt he had 'something', but he wasn't as good as Anderson back then, far worse.
No need to bring him up in this thread, I have enough of this discussion in the Nani threads.
I of course agree with the remaining :)

I'm actually a Nani supporter, if such a thing still exists, I was just using him as an age comparison really. Though Ando>Nani clearly for me, it wasn't meant as a dig.
I'm actually a Nani supporter, if such a thing still exists, I was just using him as an age comparison really. Though Ando>Nani clearly for me, it wasn't meant as a dig.

Oh I see, I have misinterpreted that than... Well the rest goes for me as well.
To be fair there's a difference between not being great but showing great potential as a youngster and being downright awful. Lucas has for large parts of his Liverpool career been the latter. Anderson the former. So the reactions should be very different.

Sadly, Fletcher was very poor in his early united career. I felt he had 'something', but he wasn't as good as Anderson back then, far worse.

I didn't say they were the same, I said they had similarities.

Fletcher played at a similar level to what Lucas has done in the early part of his career, and they have a lot of similarities. I think Lucas could develop similarly.

Anderson can be on another level though, I think.
Anderson is more frustrating to watch than Nani

But he really isn't. He doesn't pivot on the ball for a minute pondering what to do with it but inevitably ending up just kicking it into the feet of the nearest opposition player.

especially when he tries his ballooned passes

A number of which he actually pulled off in the game, including an especially memorable one to Nani out far out on the left.
Spot on Brwny. Zidane was close to 25 when he signed for Juve and 29 close to 30 when he signed for Real. I'm not saying Ando is gonna be the next Zizou, but some people need some fecking perspective. The peak age for a CM is far higher than it is for wingers or forwards. The age spectrum increases the further back into the field you go generally. Unless you're Fabregas, but find me another player like Fabregas? You can't. He will be great one day, I'm sure of it, his natural ability is clear to see and he's far more consistent than someone like Nani and far less reliant on beating people or the physical attributes like pace that give you an advantage in youth.
Nail on the head mate.
A number of which he actually pulled off in the game, among which was an especially memorable one to Nani out far out on the left?


I knew someone would pick out the ONE IN TEN long range passes that actually are successful.

I can see him as an Essien type of player, but not as a passer, so please everyone stop wanking over his passing ability.
But he really isn't.

You can't say that, frustration isn't an entirely logical emotion as far as I can tell, so little things that frustrate others won't frustrate you.

Really you should just stick technique in every one of Scholesy's posts, i.e. 'Anderson's technique is more frustrating than Nani's', and that's probably not far from the truth.

Nani can come off as very classy whereas Anderson often seems a little rushed. It's not Nani's technique it's his use of it that's usually the problem, Anderson's technique is a bit more unusual - his passing and shooting looks awkward, his dribbling is more about pace and power than close control and he runs around a lot which to some people makes him look like somewhat of a headless chicken.

I think both will become great players at some point though.
Fine, I'll take that thank you very much.

So what are you complaining about exactly?

That he really isnt a great passer. I read someone said he never looses the ball too. Not true.
His short passing is fine, but his long passing is poor.

I say he can be Essien like, but then I wonder if he has the defensive qualities to succeed - He let Iniesta past him rather easily in Rome for the first goal.
You can't say that, frustration isn't an entirely logical emotion as far as I can tell, so little things that frustrate others won't frustrate you.

Really you should just stick technique in every one of Scholesy's posts, i.e. 'Anderson's technique is more frustrating than Nani's', and that's probably not far from the truth.

Nani can come off as very classy whereas Anderson often seems a little rushed. It's not Nani's technique it's his use of it that's usually the problem, Anderson's technique is a bit more unusual - his passing and shooting looks awkward, his dribbling is more about pace and power than close control and he runs around a lot which to some people makes him look like somewhat of a headless chicken.

I think both will become great players at some point though.

Brwned, very good post, exactly what my thoughts are.
He was good today - when he came on our midfield looked a bit more dynamic. However I think that when he and Scholes play together they leave our defence a bit too exposed.
He never runs into the box to try and score.

When Evra or whoever at RB has the ball, he points to where they should pass it, instead of collecting it.

His long range passing is awful.

I dont understand how we can both watch the same game of football and you to be so horribly wrong!:lol:
That he really isnt a great passer. I read someone said he never looses the ball too. Not true.
His short passing is fine, but his long passing is poor.

I say he can be Essien like, but then I wonder if he has the defensive qualities to succeed - He let Iniesta past him rather easily in Rome for the first goal.

To be fair, Iniesta would run easily past most players.

His long passing can be very good at times, even with his right foot. He doesn't have the consistency yet but he's only 21.
Agreed. It's whether or not the manager and fans will give them the time to realise their potential. In my mind we'd be fecking daft to sell them for less than their purchased price.

Well it's whether they can correct their faults quick enough to get in the team and stay there or they're happy to sit on the bench for long periods too I think, players need to take responsibility as well!
I thought Anderson played very well today.

It's gonna take him another season or two to get his short passing and movement up there with the really top CMs but the rest of his game is coming along nicely.

A couple of drilled passes to the left wing that were absolutely sublime.
Then we are thinking of two different Andersons.

His pass to Giggs vs Portsmouth last season where Giggs then just had to roll it on a plate for Rooney?

I think in his first season where he made a tackle and then hit an amazing pass to Ronaldo against Lyon.

There was a match this season where he hit a few long passes with his right foot and they reached the target, forgot what game it was though. Edit: probably Spurs.
His pass to Giggs vs Portsmouth last season where Giggs then just had to roll it on a plate for Rooney?

I think in his first season where he made a tackle and then hit an amazing pass to Ronaldo against Lyon.

There was a match this season where he hit a few long passes with his right foot and they reached the target, forgot what game it was though.

For those 3, there have probably been at least 3000 that have been overhit/blocked/ballooned/off target.
Anderson's greatest quality is his ability to take the ball under pressure and turn his man, it was something that stood out when he first joined the club and Scholes apart there is no other midfielder in our set up capable of doing the same unless we stick Giggsy in the centre.

Whenever Carrick and Fletch have the ball at their feet, put them under pressure and they will pass the ball back, it ruins the momentum of an attack. Its why Carrrick-Fletch & Anderson I believe can work as Ando can provide the forward thrust for that midfield and someone who can hold on to it.

This season we have seen United struggle v teams who are closing us down like dogs, and we don't posess the bravery on the ball nor the pace/mobilty to maintain posession and spread the play.

Anderson Strengths:
Dribbling, Through passing, turning ability.

Areas which he is inconsistent in but has shown signs he can master:

long-range passing,Passing and moving, maintaining posession. One touch through balls and flicks. Defensive cover and tackling.

Areas which it looks very unlikely he'll master: Heading, Scoring goals on a regular basis.

Looking at that^ if anything he should aim to be like Iniesta, not score as such but focus on dribbling, maintaining posession and making killer passes.
Clearly. His long range passing is often excellent. Today for example he instigated break moves from nowhere with fantastic long range passes. Did you watch that?

No, not really, alot are overhit in my opinion, I don't really see him as a natural passer. Scholsey may be a bit extreme but I can see where he's coming from with regards to Anderson.
No, not really, alot are overhit in my opinion, I don't really see him as a natural passer. Scholsey may be a bit extreme but I can see where he's coming from with regards to Anderson.

Well it's a matter of opinion but out of Scholes, Carrick, Anderson, Hargreaves Fletcher and Gibson, I'd only rely on Scholes, and maybe Fletch, now, to find the right balls more consistently than Ando. And he's still the youngest out of all of them - by a while. What do you lot want? Beckham-like Goals?
Opinions indeed, but I'm surprised by that Mockney. I think out of all of them Anderson's the one who's most likely to give the ball away, but I also think he's the most likely (inc. Scholes, I think) to play the killer ball.

It's a real asset.
thats what I meant by "right" balls....The "out of nothing" factor so to speak. If we're just going on the strict definition of "right", then someone like Hargreaves is the best passer
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