Andre Onana image 24

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2023-24 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
Clean sheets
Yellow cards
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Continuing his solid PL form.

On first viewing I thought he could have done better for their goal, but watching it back he didn't have many options and on another day it might just hit him and bounce away.
You mean like all the other attempts people claim as "saves"
I've not seen anything to rate him above a 5 in any game.
He's clearly comfortable on the ball and id expect better distribution as a result. One thing that I can't understand is when he 'calms' play down, but lets the opposition get back into shape and then just lumps it up top or towards the touch line giving our players no chance of controlling it.
That sounds like a you problem.
His Caf rating is 5.4
Which points more to it being a "You" problem.

The guy is 50 shades of useless.
Poor distribution
Poor decision making
Poor athleticism
Poor jumping
Poor handling
You see where this is going ?
The only shots he stops are those straight at him.
His Caf rating is 5.4
Which points more to it being a "You" problem.

The guy is 50 shades of useless.
Poor distribution
Poor decision making
Poor athleticism
Poor jumping
Poor handling
You see where this is going ?
The only shots he stops are those straight at him.
Ah yes, the Caf rating system, that well known beacon of objectifiable rational reasonable reviews.

A few other websites overall PL ratings for him.
Whoscored: 6.81
Sofascore: 7.17
Flashscore: 7.1
Ah yes, the Caf rating system, that well known beacon of objectifiable rational reasonable reviews.

it's an indication of what the members on here think.
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it any more wrong than the ratings for other players.
Strange how you question the actual rating, rather than the comments on his attributes, so you must agree with them.
Ah don't protest, it's too late, I'm glad we agree, hes useless.
it's an indication of what the members on here think.
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it any more wrong than the ratings for other players.
Strange how you question the actual rating, rather than the comments on his attributes, so you must agree with them.
Ah don't protest, it's too late, I'm glad we agree, hes useless.
It's not because many people don't actively vote and many vote with impulse.

You say he has poor distribution, without any actual stats to hand. You say he has poor handling or poor saves? He's in the top 3 for save % if I'm not mistaken (this is in the Premier League). He also has a respectable number of clean sheets, I think 2 off the top?

He has made some massive howlers, and that is certainly a concern. However you cannot discredit his entire skillset as a Goalkeeper from this.
it's an indication of what the members on here think.
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it any more wrong than the ratings for other players.
Strange how you question the actual rating, rather than the comments on his attributes, so you must agree with them.
Ah don't protest, it's too late, I'm glad we agree, hes useless.
To be honest pal I didn't initially read past you using the RedCafe rating system as a barometer for frankly anything as that told me all I need to know about you. As you will see from my edit, his average ratings from other websites who clearly take a far more rational approach to rating performances are considerably higher. I could add his Post Shot xG stat of +3.2 which was always a favourite of the very pro-DDG posters too to show that he clearly doesn't only stop shots that are straight at him, it is the joint fourth best in the division for what it's worth. He needs to continue improving but your post about him being useless is absolutely ridiculous.
it's an indication of what the members on here think.
Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it any more wrong than the ratings for other players.
Strange how you question the actual rating, rather than the comments on his attributes, so you must agree with them.
Ah don't protest, it's too late, I'm glad we agree, hes useless.

Imagine trying to using the caf rating system as some kind of objective truth :lol:

The scores always skew low. 5.4 is actually above average for this season. Casemiro and Martinez were both incredible last season and had an average of 6-point-something.

Nobody in their right mind would have said either of them had a 6/10 season. That's just what happens when you take a simple average of match by match ratings. It has no value at all.
There are too many fans that have made a decision on him, and no matter what happens, they wont change it, and will always look for an angle to blame him for anything and everything.
I personally thought he should have done better for their goal - think he could have claimed that ball earlier. Apart from that he was ok, decent distribution, which you expect from him.

I think he's pretty likeable, so I find it hard to slate him too much. He's a player I find it hard to decide about - I like him, he looks so calm on the ball under pressure, but he dives in slow motion and will never be a top shot stopper.
There are too many fans that have made a decision on him, and no matter what happens, they wont change it, and will always look for an angle to blame him for anything and everything.

Sad but true
There are too many fans that have made a decision on him, and no matter what happens, they wont change it, and will always look for an angle to blame him for anything and everything.
Visually even when he makes a save something looks odd. Either the ball is very close and his reaction is over explosive and he doesn’t pay attention to where he pushes the ball or his general technique is strange. It doesn’t matter until it does and goals get conceded saves he should have pushed over or further wide.

I see the benefits of him over DDG, solely his playmaking. It’s interesting that when Casemiro went off we saw Onana coming outside his box more and more involved in trying to launch the ball forward. He made a great pass to Garnacho.

But I think he’s actual goalkeeping will always be an issue. But tbh I think the same of Ederson, so as long as we defend well than his strength outweigh his weaknesses.
There are too many fans that have made a decision on him, and no matter what happens, they wont change it, and will always look for an angle to blame him for anything and everything.

Because most football fans on the internet are more concerned about being proved correct in their opinion, to further feed their ego into thinking they are the most knowledgeable football fan.
the pass to dalot was outstanding. the problem is that his distribution is not constant enough yet but he has it in his locker
the pass to dalot was outstanding. the problem is that his distribution is not constant enough yet but he has it in his locker
Agreed. I wish we saw more of that. I remember in our second game of the season vs Spurs where he did a similar pass that we almost scored from, and then we didn't see anything similar from him for months. Perhaps it's down to confidence.

I've accepted that his shot stopping won't be as good as De Gea's, but if he could offset that with top drawer distribution on a consistent basis then all is not lost.
Man Utd 1:2 Fulham
Felt he should at least dived to his right. These goals never look pretty.
He has a tendency to stand there as a goal goes in but I don't blame him for the goal. Just looks bad
It's ok he didn't jump. It's not ok he left the near post open for approximately the 25th time this season.
If you move the other direction then of course you won't be saving it. Story of the season for him.

The one good save he had vs Pereira, was because he anticpated the shot and was already shifting his feet moving towards it.
Obama can’t be blamed for either goal. Made some good saves and was confident with his passing.
He gambles a lot with his positioning. Fine when it pays off, but then he looks a bit daft when it doesn't
That'll be the ball going into the net mate. At least try and dive.
I remember a time when the phrase "the goalkeeper just stands there!" was used as a way of describing the brilliance of a goal. Now in 2024 it's used to describe pretty much every goal we concede.
I know it was a close shot on the second goal, but it's still a first post goal, which in my opinion means he has to take some responsability on it.
I usually think most of the goals we concede are of the type "sure, he might be able to get closer but saving that is almost impossible". However, on the second goal the way he moved from his first post was really bad imo. Cannot be guessing like that.
It's ok he didn't jump. It's not ok he left the near post open for approximately the 25th time this season.
If Iwobi picks the far corner and Onana doesn't guess he's going there, then it is an easy finish. If Onana does guess there and he decides to go near post he's also not saving it. Any attacker on their strong foot that close and that central is going to score if they pick out the corner unless the keeper guesses correctly. Blame Eriksen and Maguire for getting played around like cones and blame the Amad and Dalot for letting him cut in, but blaming the keeper is simply silly.
He's clearly comfortable on the ball and id expect better distribution as a result. One thing that I can't understand is when he 'calms' play down, but lets the opposition get back into shape and then just lumps it up top or towards the touch line giving our players no chance of controlling it.
I usually think most of the goals we concede are of the type "sure, he might be able to get closer but saving that is almost impossible". However, on the second goal the way he moved from his first post was really bad imo. Cannot be guessing like that.
Are you are fine with him conceeding the curler from Pereira earlier in the game? Because keepers can only cover so much of the goal. This obsession with near post goals inherently being the keeper's fault is just lazy analysis. If you wan't the keeper to guarantee no near post goals, then you must accept that they are going to give up a bunch of far post ones.
Both covering defenders went down the road and left him with a situation that is basically a penalty, and he guessed the wrong way.

Surely even the biggest "bring De Gea back" merchants would struggle to find much blame in that.
Gone under the radar and obviously with a section of fans but he’s been so much more solid recently. Anyone blaming him for the goals is abit if a tool to be honest as no keeper saves them. Overall though one of the few bright spots today.
Both covering defenders went down the road and left him with a situation that is basically a penalty, and he guessed the wrong way.

Surely even the biggest "bring De Gea back" merchants would struggle to find much blame in that.

I reckon most people are just wondering what was the point of replacing a keeper that is brilliant at saving and little else with a keeper that isn't as good at saving but better in possession, if we are going to be playing football that has us treat the ball like a hot potato and the other team peppering us with shots?
If Iwobi picks the far corner and Onana doesn't guess he's going there, then it is an easy finish. If Onana does guess there and he decides to go near post he's also not saving it. Any attacker on their strong foot that close and that central is going to score if they pick out the corner unless the keeper guesses correctly. Blame Eriksen and Maguire for getting played around like cones and blame the Amad and Dalot for letting him cut in, but blaming the keeper is simply silly.
I think it's less of a blame, but more of a 'someone world class could've done better' type of ordeal
I reckon most people are just wondering what was the point of replacing a keeper that is brilliant at saving and little else with a keeper that isn't as good at saving but better in possession, if we are going to be playing football that has us treat the ball like a hot potato and the other team peppering us with shots?

Well yeah, if your objection is the suicidal system we've been playing this season, you're getting no arguments from me.
I think it's less of a blame, but more of a 'someone world class could've done better' type of ordeal
I don't think judging keepers off of if they make a courtesy dive to make the optics better is worth much. De Gea who is one of the best shot stoppers of the past decade was stood still on a bunch of goals he knew he had no chance of saving. No keeper is saving that ball put nearly perfectly in the near corner unless they are already guessing that way.
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