Andre Onana image 24

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2023-24 Performances

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5.6 Season Average Rating
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How do you know what I would do?

This clutching for straws and trying to find any God given angle to put blame on the goalkeeper is getting ridiculous. Onana had atrocious, if not, one of the worst CL campaigns ever, but he has been solid in the PL.

You can not blame him because he didn't dive on the shot that was executed from few meters out. Iwobi gave him the eyes. I have the same clip of Ronaldihno doing the same to Iker Casillas, where he didnt move. You dont save those, dived or not.

Whats baffling to me are posters saying:
- Well, I dont expect him to save that shot, but atleast he should've dived.

Like, what difference does it make, a goal is a goal. Oh, I know, it makes the goalkeeper look bad that he did not dive. Lets ignore the complete set of events that unfolded before the goal. Lost possession, no shape whatsoever, 2 players that were supposed to cover at least one side of the goal blew past Iwobi. But yeah, he should've dived, not because he would've saved the goal, but because it will make few posters feel better.
It shows bad fundamentals of goalkeeping. No keeper just stands there as much as he does. And that's because he gambles to one side. Even if that shot was 50 percent slower he wouldn't gave got it because he's all out commited to the other side of the goal. Forget about how everyone else fkd up. They did. But Onana fkd up as well. He looked like an idiot. Like a under 10's goalkeeper.
Do you mean that the owners are very happy with Onana because they can take more money?

I am not sure about that, we have to take into account how much money the team lost from not progressing in CL.
I didn't really mean anything in particular. Just pointing out to Bondi77 that the wage differential between them was even bigger than he said.

Also, it's worth noting that De Gea was the main person who cost us CL qualification once and knocked us out of the group stages once, so it's not like Onana is unique in doing that. That's not a defence of Onana, just that some people remember the last five years of De Gea with rose tinted glasses.
I didn't really mean anything in particular. Just pointing out to Bondi77 that the wage differential between them was even bigger than he said.

Also, it's worth noting that De Gea was the main person who cost us CL qualification once and knocked us out of the group stages once, so it's not like Onana is unique in doing that. That's not a defence of Onana, just that some people remember the last five years of De Gea with rose tinted glasses.

What does this have to do with Onana? Will you be happy to have Onana as our main goalkeeper for the next 5 years? Even if he is free?
What does this have to do with Onana? Will you be happy to have Onana as our main goalkeeper for the next 5 years? Even if he is free?
I responded to someone comparing Onana and De Gea, hence my comments on De Gea.

Onana has slowly but surely improved as the season has gone on. If that improvement continues, then yes he might end up being good enough longterm. The key word there is 'might'. I'm not confident in it, but I'm also not writing him off.
He's actually on less than a third of what De Gea was on. De Gea was on £375k a week, Onana is on somewhere between £100k to £120k.
He is getting better and has good distribution and it is his first season in the most challenging domestic league in World football and while Erik is at the helm he is going nowhere and that is it in a nutshell.
I responded to someone comparing Onana and De Gea, hence my comments on De Gea.

Onana has slowly but surely improved as the season has gone on. If that improvement continues, then yes he might end up being good enough longterm. The key word there is 'might'. I'm not confident in it, but I'm also not writing him off.

The question was: Will you be happy to have Onana as our main goalkeeper for the next 5 years?
The question was: Will you be happy to have Onana as our main goalkeeper for the next 5 years?
Which I quite clearly answered with my second line. RIght now I haven't made up my mind one way or the other, and it will depend entirely on his performances going forward. Which is also how I'm pretty sure the club will be feeling about him right now.
Onana cleverly sides steps the 'don't get beat at your near post' adage by having such poor positioning he doesn't have a near post to be beaten at.

The Onana apologists really don't have much to cling to, a couple of standard saves in games, and have to perform some amazing mental gymnastics to excuse this liability.

His good has been the bare minimum you expect from a top keeper, his norm is way below the level you expect and his worst can only be described as comedy goalkeeping.

Get us back to having a keeper you actually expect to dig you out of a hole every once in a while, not one you have to watch through your fingers every time there's a shot on goal.
Onana cleverly sides steps the 'don't get beat at your near post' adage by having such poor positioning he doesn't have a near post to be beaten at.

The Onana apologists really don't have much to cling to, a couple of standard saves in games, and have to perform some amazing mental gymnastics to excuse this liability.

His good has been the bare minimum you expect from a top keeper, his norm is way below the level you expect and his worst can only be described as comedy goalkeeping.

Get us back to having a keeper you actually expect to dig you out of a hole every once in a while, not one you have to watch through your fingers every time there's a shot on goal.

David, first you have to find a team...

... and only then you can criticize our new goalkeeper!
Onana cleverly sides steps the 'don't get beat at your near post' adage by having such poor positioning he doesn't have a near post to be beaten at.

The Onana apologists really don't have much to cling to, a couple of standard saves in games, and have to perform some amazing mental gymnastics to excuse this liability.

His good has been the bare minimum you expect from a top keeper, his norm is way below the level you expect and his worst can only be described as comedy goalkeeping.

Get us back to having a keeper you actually expect to dig you out of a hole every once in a while, not one you have to watch through your fingers every time there's a shot on goal.

Complete and utter nonsense
What are you talking about? You don't "cover a post" in that situation as a goalkeeper. You need to be in a position to at least make an attempt at a save on either side. Not just guessing. Iwobi was halfway between the pk spot and 18 on the distance, and off to the side more. If you get beat with a great shot to a corner with pace on either side so be it, but as a gk you have to at least make the shooter earn it and at least be able to dive one way or the other.

My big point is still that onana guesses way too much on shots. This isn't the first time he's just stood and watched it go in because he guessed. He needs to work on his technique, and fast, to really be a top gk

I agree if you are 8 foot tall or stretch Armstrong. I think you must think we are playing in 5 aside nets.
You are too funny.....
Complete and utter nonsense
Nah you're right. He's amazing. Love all the amazing saves he's made. I'm sure if it thought long and hard enough I could maybe think of even one save, one big performance that almost singlehandedly made the difference between points won or lost.

Or maybe not. Because he's been a joke in his short time here, a laughing stock among the football World. A living, breathing meme of a player. Great entertainment for the ABU's and neutral's no doubt but a shambles of a goalkeeper if you actually want united to be a top team again.
David, first you have to find a team...

... and only then you can criticize our new goalkeeper!
It's funny, I get it, i really need to look in to changing user names as it seems to give people the impression I wanted DDG to stay on.

I absolutely agreed it was time to move DDG on, he was costing us with too many blunders in big games. Almost like our new shiny, improved £50m goalkeeper...

Nah I just want a good, reliable keeper in nets for United and just because I don't think that is Onana doesn't mean I think it had to be DDG. Alas we were likely limited to the pool of GK's Ten Hag worked with before and that was probably a very small pool. Probably stil better options than Onana in there given he's a joke of a goalkeeper though.
People defending him need to think about the ruthlessness needed to be a team that can win things. Do you think Man City, Arsenal, Real Madrid etc would persist with a keeper who has made so many mistakes this season? Particularly one who does not have any history of winning things with us.

That first goal yesterday was indicative of why he needs to be replaced - the ball went right over his head but instead of just sticking his arms in the way, he did this weird theatrical dive which caused him to get nowhere near the ball.

I don’t feel like we have won a single game because of him this season. We win in spite of him.
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He should have dived for that second shot, no doubt about it. Whether he reaches it or not is another story.
The problem is, other shots have gone in, in similar situations, that if he did dived, should and could have reached.

Yesterdays shot in general wasn't the problem, it's that he's done it numerous times, just stands there and watches it go past, almost like he doesn't know how to dive
Nah you're right. He's amazing. Love all the amazing saves he's made. I'm sure if it thought long and hard enough I could maybe think of even one save, one big performance that almost singlehandedly made the difference between points won or lost.

Or maybe not. Because he's been a joke in his short time here, a laughing stock among the football World. A living, breathing meme of a player. Great entertainment for the ABU's and neutral's no doubt but a shambles of a goalkeeper if you actually want united to be a top team again.

The irony is you could be writing the same about your namesake at the start and equally at the end of his tenure here.
Maybe excercising a degree of patience given its not even been a full season wouldnt go amiss. I think his biggest problem for you and others is he isnt DDG.
Maybe you need some attachment therapy....and expect DDG isnt coming home.
People defending him need to think about the ruthlessness needed to be a team that can win things. Do you think Man City, Arsenal, Real Madrid etc would persist with a keeper who has made so many mistakes this season? Particularly one who does not have any history of winning things with us.

That first goal yesterday was indicative of why he needs to be replaced - the ball went right over his head but instead of just sticking his arms in the way, he did this weird theatrical dive which caused him to get nowhere near the ball.

I don’t feel like we have won a single game because of him this season. We win in spite of him.

Now the first goal.....I cant take these fans seriously. Im going to walk my dog.....
The irony is you could be writing the same about your namesake at the start and equally at the end of his tenure here.
Maybe excercising a degree of patience given its not even been a full season wouldnt go amiss. I think his biggest problem for you and others is he isnt DDG.
Maybe you need some attachment therapy....and expect DDG isnt coming home.
Holy shit this again. Yes I agree DDG needed to go because he had declined and was making too many errors that were costing us (a bit like the curent encumbrent). That being said he was still capable of the sublime even amongst the howlers. Onana unfortunately just provides the howlers and the comedy at the moment.

Listen to this, it might blow your mind; there are more than two goalkeepers in the world. Just because I think Onana is a donkey doesn't mean I think we should still have DDG. No, I think it was time to move on from DDG and I only wish we'd got a half decent keeper instead of this current clown.

Also at the start of DDG's career here he was a 19 year old waif blowing in the wind. Onana had come here at his peak with a big reputation (and an ego to match) but has been a shambles in his time. As bad if not worse than DDG in his early period as he was still capable of amazing moments even in that period. The end of his tenure he won the golden glove and in the intervening years he was many times player of the season.

I'll be amazed if Onana can reach half the legacy of DDG in his time. That being said, if the new owners and team behind them are serious the clown between the posts will be one of the first changes to be made.
Now the first goal.....I cant take these fans seriously. Im going to walk my dog.....
It’s not worth the effort. People have made their minds up and every single goal will be his fault. I just hope he stays long enough to play in a Utd team that doesn’t concede the most shots in the entire league. Luckily with his string of good performances recently he will get next season and hopefully we perform much better collectible either under Ten Hag or a new manager.
He has become more stable. But he doesn't save some shots that you don't expect a goalkeeper to save. He is very ordinary and average in terms of level.
How many times do we have to see poor gk technique for you to realize that? How many goals do we have to see with him guessing wrong and just standing there watching it go in the other side? This is not the first by any means of that with this season alone
He’s doing awfully well for someone with ‘poor gk technique’. Isn’t that a bit of an indicator you might be wrong? He’s letting all these goals in he should saving but is statistically 4th/5th best gk in the league behind Vicario, Martinez, Sarr and Kaminski (and he’s played the most games of all of them).
It shows bad fundamentals of goalkeeping. No keeper just stands there as much as he does. And that's because he gambles to one side. Even if that shot was 50 percent slower he wouldn't gave got it because he's all out commited to the other side of the goal. Forget about how everyone else fkd up. They did. But Onana fkd up as well. He looked like an idiot. Like a under 10's goalkeeper.

Because he didn't dive into a shot that 95% of people here agree that it can not be saved? Dear me.
People defending him need to think about the ruthlessness needed to be a team that can win things. Do you think Man City, Arsenal, Real Madrid etc would persist with a keeper who has made so many mistakes this season? Particularly one who does not have any history of winning things with us.

That first goal yesterday was indicative of why he needs to be replaced - the ball went right over his head but instead of just sticking his arms in the way, he did this weird theatrical dive which caused him to get nowhere near the ball.

I don’t feel like we have won a single game because of him this season. We win in spite of him.

Well, Arsenal replaced a relatively average keeper keeper in Ramsdale with an even worse one in Raya.
Because he didn't dive into a shot that 95% of people here agree that it can not be saved? Dear me.
Its not about saving the shot. Its about doing the fundamentals correctly. The next time he has a 70/30 chance of saving it, he wont because his fundamentals are wrong. The point is, he didn't know it was unsavable. He should have tried. Like when defenders throw themselves in front of shots. Sometimes its impossible to block but that does mean you shouldn't try. You don't know. So you do it and sometime it works. Keepers do this all the time. The first goal was unstoppable. He still threw his hand up. Why? Because that's the fundamentals of keeping. its instinct. Or should be. If he dived left instead of putting his hand up he would have looked an idiot even though it was unsavable.
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Holy shit this again. Yes I agree DDG needed to go because he had declined and was making too many errors that were costing us (a bit like the curent encumbrent). That being said he was still capable of the sublime even amongst the howlers. Onana unfortunately just provides the howlers and the comedy at the moment.

Listen to this, it might blow your mind; there are more than two goalkeepers in the world. Just because I think Onana is a donkey doesn't mean I think we should still have DDG. No, I think it was time to move on from DDG and I only wish we'd got a half decent keeper instead of this current clown.

Also at the start of DDG's career here he was a 19 year old waif blowing in the wind. Onana had come here at his peak with a big reputation (and an ego to match) but has been a shambles in his time. As bad if not worse than DDG in his early period as he was still capable of amazing moments even in that period. The end of his tenure he won the golden glove and in the intervening years he was many times player of the season.

I'll be amazed if Onana can reach half the legacy of DDG in his time. That being said, if the new owners and team behind them are serious the clown between the posts will be one of the first changes to be made.

My point is the level of negativity about a player that literally just walked through the door. Maybe I'm a bit old fashioned and think players deserve more than one season before calling them 'clowns', donkey etc. If you think thats the behaviour of a utd fan, not for me but each to their own.
It’s not worth the effort. People have made their minds up and every single goal will be his fault. I just hope he stays long enough to play in a Utd team that doesn’t concede the most shots in the entire league. Luckily with his string of good performances recently he will get next season and hopefully we perform much better collectible either under Ten Hag or a new manager.
I make you right.....
Was watching a dodgy stream on my phone walking out of the stadium after the ireland rugby but I thought a top class keeper saves that first one. Immediately thought of the ddg save against Everton 5 or so years ago when he was top class.

Haven't seen a reply so maybe it was just unstoppable all around.
As I see it, the Player Performance thread on every player is about overall performance during their time at OT as well as their most recent performance.

On the latter, no keeper saves either shot. Just my opinion, perhaps I’m wrong.

On the former, it’s clear as can be that we brought in an inferior keeper when we got rid of De Gea and brought in Onana. We all feel better about the weekly wage reduction, but at a price of 47m up front to 250k/week. We all knew we’d get a keeper who wasn’t as accomplished a shot stopper in the keeper, but the euphoria over Onana was that his footwork would somehow improve our outfield play, leading to higher quality chances on goal. That clearly did not happen. But here we are now and Onana has finally begun to settle in nicely and was one of our better players on the day yesterday. No, he didn’t make any stunning saves, but he dealt with everything you’d expect to him to have dealt with. That he didn’t save two unsaveable shots is not an indictment against him.
If Dave is the answer, what's he been doing all season?
Haha. I know right. Dave’s gone. Get over it. He was a liability towards the end…as Onana has been at the start. In recent weeks though he’s been good enough…with room for improvement. And at no fault for either goal yday
Now the first goal.....I cant take these fans seriously. Im going to walk my dog.....
Second goal I'm not bothered about, but that's several times this season the ball has gone over his head within reach and instead of trying to stop it he does this weird backwards dive, which makes him shorter than if he just stuck his arms up.
Second goal I'm not bothered about, but that's several times this season the ball has gone over his head within reach and instead of trying to stop it he does this weird backwards dive, which makes him shorter than if he just stuck his arms up.
All keepers do it, like they drive when its clearly going wide but this is what happens whenever there is a goal and the immediate response is 'he could have saved that'....Its getting a bit ridiculous now...
He has become more stable. But he doesn't save some shots that you don't expect a goalkeeper to save. He is very ordinary and average in terms of level.
If I were an opposition player I'd pepper him with low shots at every opportunity.
Because he didn't dive into a shot that 95% of people here agree that it can not be saved? Dear me.

But he couldn't save it as he moved to his left and opened thr space up.

Shouldn't he have covered that side and given the striker the harder option of the far post ?

That's how I see it.
But he couldn't save it as he moved to his left and opened thr space up.

Shouldn't he have covered that side and given the striker the harder option of the far post ?

That's how I see it.
If he doesn't move it's no longer the harder option and people then complain when a goal gets scored in that side.
It's absolutely mental at this point the sort of shite that people will try to pin on Onana. Watching the goal, it should be pretty obvious that Onana makes the correct call in trying to move towards his far post because he has both Dalot and Amad who should be capable of covering the near one. The fact that they both managed to completely screw that up is not on Onana.
This exactly
But he couldn't save it as he moved to his left and opened thr space up.

Shouldn't he have covered that side and given the striker the harder option of the far post ?

That's how I see it.
And I think you are wrong, there are 2 United payers who any goalkeeper woud think are covering that side
Why does he insist on hanging onto the ball for a feckin' age all the time? I get the movement in front of him is poor a lot of the time... but even when there are options he very rarely gives it without a lot of umming and ahhhing.

What makes it worse is when he collects the ball he does that thing wher he sprints forward and looks left and right, pumping his arms as if he wants to throw it (but very rarely actually does).

I can only assume he gets paid per touch.
On Fulham’s first goal, the shot was taken from point blank range and blaming Onana is just agenda. Look at Rashford on the play, not Onana, and you will be appalled.
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