Film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

When Wonderwoman is looking at the video files, what was the scientist guy doing exactly?

Trying to save his son's life. The mother box then creates Cyborg.

I dont remember the cubes bit in the cinema movie, so im guessing thats an added scene?

Also isnt Eisenberg meant to be Luthor Jr rather than the Luthor that is Supes nemesis? Based on the way he says his father founded the company and such.

There's one in the Cyborg scene. The scene with the 3 cubes is added, yes. Also, it was the same in Smallville. Lex's father founded the company and Lex went on to become Superman's enemy.
Steppenwolf is confirmed as the main villain of the Justice League film.
Ive only seen the extended version and thought it was pretty good, not the dull action fest I was expecting.
I dont remember the cubes bit in the cinema movie, so im guessing thats an added scene?

Also isnt Eisenberg meant to be Luthor Jr rather than the Luthor that is Supes nemesis? Based on the way he says his father founded the company and such.
No he is the Lex Luthor Supes nemesis, heres hoping he is not a joker rip-off in thenext one. Regards to the cubes bit one is shown when you see the clips of the other metas and 1 cube is shown to be used on cyborg.
Yea, I was digging through that ugly bay of pirates to fight in the name of law and came upon a copy. I couldn't believe so I had to download it before reporting it to authorities.
You did the right thing and you should hold your head high knowing you have contributed in the distrobution...sorry I mean distruption of these dastardly pirated films.
No he is the Lex Luthor Supes nemesis, heres hoping he is not a joker rip-off in thenext one.

And were 100% sure of this? Or is it assumptions? Did Lex Luthor (as in Supes nemisis) also have a father named Lex Luthor? Or has it been changed for the movie?
And were 100% sure of this? Or is it assumptions? Did Lex Luthor (as in Supes nemisis) also have a father named Lex Luthor? Or has it been changed for the movie?
Fairly certain it's the Lex Luthor everyone knows but I could be wrong they may surprise us. They should of gone with Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor I know he would of been older but would of come across as more of a supervillian than just a mental patient.
Fairly certain it's the Lex Luthor everyone knows but I could be wrong they may surprise us. They should of gone with Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor I know he would of been older but would of come across as more of a supervillian than just a mental patient.
Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor is the greatest idea ever. This should've happened.
Bryan Cranston as Lex Luthor is the greatest idea ever. This should've happened.
Early rumours for the film before production had him playing Lex as he suited the part down to the ground, plus Cranston was being coy on the rumours.
Early rumours for the film before production had him playing Lex as he suited the part down to the ground, plus Cranston was being coy on the rumours.
Oh feck! That sounded awesome. They fecked it with nerdy guy. fecked it right up!!!
Oh feck! That sounded awesome. They fecked it with nerdy guy. fecked it right up!!!
Not sure what happened but they went with Eisenberg. I just hope his Lex is a little less mentally unhinged in justice league.
Yea, I was digging through that ugly bay of pirates to fight in the name of law and came upon a copy. I couldn't believe so I had to download it before reporting it to authorities.
What was the total length?
Not sure what happened but they went with Eisenberg. I just hope his Lex is a little less mentally unhinged in justice league.

Yeh, think they wanted somebody younger. I remember there were rumours it was going to be Lex Jr, and given the hints in the movie and some of the things said, it seemed to focus more on it being Lex Jr. But then he had his head shaved, so yeh. Seemed like a mish-mash of different things to try and tell one story.
Jesse Eisenberg is terrible. Easily the worst part of the movie.
The extended version is miles better than the one released in cinemas. It even makes me wonder if the theatrical version wasn't so bad on purpose...
Yea, I was digging through that ugly bay of pirates to fight in the name of law and came upon a copy. I couldn't believe so I had to download it before reporting it to authorities.
As long as your vision was clear.
Watched this over the weekend and don't get all the hate the film got, i thought it was pretty good and enjoyed it although there were some cheesy parts in it. Although i did watch the extended ultimate edition, maybe the normal version wasn't as good.
Watched this over the weekend and don't get all the hate the film got, i thought it was pretty good and enjoyed it although there were some cheesy parts in it. Although i did watch the extended ultimate edition, maybe the normal version wasn't as good.
The editing was absolutely shit in it.
Started watching the extended version, not bad so far but feck me 2 minutes after being introduced to Jesse's Lex and it's fecking awful.
Clearly absorbed aren't ya? Posting on the cafe during the movie :lol: